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Netanyahu declares 'victory' in Gaza


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The World Public sympathy never was, is or will be for Israel.

And just who would "The World" be?

Which Western country supports Hamas over Israel?

Never Sure, the World is too big to unswer your question in details. Besides, I am also never sure.

But I can give just a few examples.

USA: when Obama compares Israel's self defence with Nazis... when USA gives Palestinian Arabs $3 Bn in 'humanitarian aid' knowing damn well where the money are going.


......... feel free to fill the gaps here. Just leave Canada out of the list.


Thailand: when mad crowds are allowed to go rampant in front of Israeli Embassy at the time of declared Martial Law with total impunity.


BBC: proudly 'breaking the World news' but quietly 'fixing the same news' by showing only death and destruction on one side.

In fact any country, any mass media agency, any Gov't or groups of individuals refusing to see that Israel's fight for survival is also the fight for the rest of the World.

And finally every poster here on TV refusing to acknowledge and differentiate the actions of selfdefence from acts of mad fanatical futile aggression.

Good enough for you?

From The Congressional Research Service's Report “U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians”, by Jim Zanotti, September 30, 2013:

“.. the U.S. government has never provided Palestinians with military aid, although it has given Palestinians aid for policing their own people as well as for humanitarian and development needs. Such funds are only authorized once Congress has received proof that they will be used for "non-lethal assistance." Congress requested $440 million in aid for FY 2014, and $70 million of this was from the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE) account.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided the Palestinian people with some indirect economic assistance through funds distributed to U.S.-based NGOs operating in the West Bank and Gaza. According to the CRS report, "Funds are allocated in this program for projects in sectors such as humanitarian assistance, economic development, democratic reform, improving water access and other infrastructure, health care, education, and vocational training." The program is subject to a vetting process and to yearly audits.”

No doubt Hamas can and does circumvent The Palestinian Authority vetting and controls to steal funds and/or material aid for its own military use. After all. Hamas controls 50% of the Palestinian government. But it is not accurate to imply that the US is knowingly supporting Hamas.

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Hamas was "hit hard and got none of its demands,". They lost leadership, decimated their rocket supply - which Egypt will not allow them to replenish - had their tunnels destroyed and lots of weapon and ammo dumps as well. Victory on many levels.

dont forget all the land grabbed

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Too bad Gaza cannot rebuild because construction materials have been banned for years. The only thing Israel has won is that now it can be branded accurately as a Terrorist nation that is just as bad as Hamas.

As an American I am ashamed that my tax dollars are used for Israeli weapons to kill children. Many like me are pressuring our congressmen and Senators to stop the $7 million a day spent on Israel. Israel has a right to exist, but it can exist without my help. It can also exist without the Terrorism it is perpetuating on a civilian population. Cluster bombs on neighborhoods? Shame on them.

I dont blame you for being ashamed that your tax dollars go to support a war. I dont blame you but I think you should look at the mirror before you make ridiculous statement and ask your self why we in America were brainwashed supporting the war on terrorism conducted by Major Adolf Bush back in 2003, Ask your self how much billions and billions of your tax dollars went to devestations to millions of iraqis, killing tens of thousands of innocent WOMEN and CHILDREN in Iraq. And you call Israeli terrorist lol, when the worlds largest terrorist organization is right in own back yard!

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Israel-Gaza conflict: No victory for Israel despite weeks of devastation

Palestinians have won: they are still in Gaza, and Hamas is still there


Yes, but only by the grace of the merciful Israeli army that despite 2,000 dead and half of Gaza

reduced to rubbles, if it wasn't for out side pressures from EU and US Gaza would resemble

a German city during the WWII,

The leaders of Gaza, emerging from their bunkers and shit holes as victorious, yeah right,

Why not? Qatar and other countries will fork out to rebuild Gaza, and 2,000 dead, why already

we speak 2,000 babies were born, life is cheap in Gaza, very cheap. the macho Arab pride and honor

worth all those dead and even more..

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Here is the TRUTH for those that can handle it!


People like Ilan Peppe and Gidon Levy are fifth column in Israel and they're allowed and some time

encouraged to speak tier minds even though they are hurting Israel's image and are bordering

on civil unrest incitement, and yet, they are allowed to speak freely, try that in Gaza or Egypt

or any other Arab country I dare you, you will not last a day alive, and that's the different between

Israel and the so called Arab/Muslims centuries around Israel...

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Israel may have won the battle but so far as the war is concerned that remains to be seen. Seems Hamas and the North Koreans have been talking and it wasn't to do with tourism. Hamas said many months ago that together with North Korean expertise they will possess a tactical nuclear device (briefcase bomb) within five years. Now that would really bring some balance back into the fight. No more unguided rockets from Hamas just a suicide guy with a briefcase into the centre of Tel Aviv and voilà!

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Israel may have won the battle but so far as the war is concerned that remains to be seen. Seems Hamas and the North Koreans have been talking and it wasn't to do with tourism. Hamas said many months ago that together with North Korean expertise they will possess a tactical nuclear device (briefcase bomb) within five years. Now that would really bring some balance back into the fight. No more unguided rockets from Hamas just a suicide guy with a briefcase into the centre of Tel Aviv and voilà!

I agree Hamas and radical Islamists in general remain an existential threat to Israel directly and are also a threat to the entirety of western civilizations. Will the west respond in time with enough force to repel this threat? Stay tuned.

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No more unguided rockets from Hamas just a suicide guy with a briefcase into the centre of Tel Aviv and voilà!

You don't think all the Palestinians would be wiped out as well? It seems that you are studying military "strategy" the same place as the Palestinians are. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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No more unguided rockets from Hamas just a suicide guy with a briefcase into the centre of Tel Aviv and voilà!

You don't think all the Palestinians would be wiped out as well? It seems that you are studying military "strategy" the same place as the Palestinians are. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

I thought of that too but a more limited dirty bomb could indeed devastate Israel and Hamas has already proven it has no regard for the lives of its own people.

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Too bad Gaza cannot rebuild because construction materials have been banned for years. The only thing Israel has won is that now it can be branded accurately as a Terrorist nation that is just as bad as Hamas.

As an American I am ashamed that my tax dollars are used for Israeli weapons to kill children. Many like me are pressuring our congressmen and Senators to stop the $7 million a day spent on Israel. Israel has a right to exist, but it can exist without my help. It can also exist without the Terrorism it is perpetuating on a civilian population. Cluster bombs on neighborhoods? Shame on them.

Do you know how many schools and hospitals could have been built with the estimated $2billion Hamas spent on digging tunnels? It is Hamas who should be de-funded. I can't say I'm that happy with a ceasefire seeing as with Hamas still controlling Gaza there is a 100% guarantee this whole sorry episode will be repeated. It is pointless arguing who won now, that's one for future analysis. I suppose it depends on how long it takes Hamas to re-arm.

The reasons for the ceasefire are interesting, but we can only guess at them. From the Israeli side I guess a lot boils down to world opinion, antiSemitism and the desire to keep a low profile while ISIS go on the rampage, which should hopefully make the West realize what boat it's in. When hostilities do resume I suspect Israel are counting on Obama being out of office, which should greatly improve their chances of eliminating Hamas without being stabbed in the back.

For Hamas, well their leaders may not fancy their cable TV cut and their swimming pools cratered. They may well also have run low on missiles. There is also the consideration that pro-Palestine demos in the West with Islamists attending in numbers will cement the link in people's minds between Hamas and ISIS.

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You missed the point. Western countries do not support Hamas - but they are running out of patience with an Israel that constantly undermines the peace process to satisfy right-wing settlers (and win votes for more Zionist fanatics like Lieberman in the next election).

Wake up. Shooting thousands of rockets at civilians in Israel makes the "peace process" pretty much a non-starter and the Palestinians never stop. rolleyes.gif

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If Israel doesn't stop its agenda of land theft and find some leaders who are sincerely interested in a negotiated 2 state solution, then I fear we will be reading about the briefcase bombs a lot more.

Sounds more like hoping for nukes and all the surrounding countries, that would also be destroyed, be damned. bah.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Here is the TRUTH for those that can handle it!


People like Ilan Peppe and Gidon Levy are fifth column in Israel and they're allowed and some time

encouraged to speak tier minds even though they are hurting Israel's image and are bordering

on civil unrest incitement, and yet, they are allowed to speak freely, try that in Gaza or Egypt

or any other Arab country I dare you, you will not last a day alive, and that's the different between

Israel and the so called Arab/Muslims centuries around Israel...

"Encouraged to speak their minds"?

Firstly that suggests that you agree he has a point to make.

Secondly, you are wrong that he is encouraged, in fact the problems he has faced has led him to move to England.

Did you actually watch and listen to the 1.06 hours of that video? I did. And I feel vindicated.

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2,000 dead in Gaza? How many were men? Allah must be busy finding 72 doe-eyed virgins for each.

dont forget all the land grabbed

is that a joke? No territory changed hands from the recent fracas.

i suppose you watch FOX

look at the land grab over the last 50 years

what in the hell do you think their fighting over????

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2,000 dead in Gaza? How many were men? Allah must be busy finding 72 doe-eyed virgins for each.

dont forget all the land grabbed

is that a joke? No territory changed hands from the recent fracas.

i suppose you watch FOX

I am pretty sure that his point is that your reply had nothing to do with the post that you replied to. Is that what being glued to MSNBC 24 hours a day does to the thought process? laugh.png

Hamas was "hit hard and got none of its demands,". They lost leadership, decimated their rocket supply - which Egypt will not allow them to replenish - had their tunnels destroyed and lots of weapon and ammo dumps as well. Victory on many levels.

dont forget all the land grabbed

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Did you watch Nsimmons posted video? The truth is that peace was a possibility in 1948 but Israel rejected it.

Not yet - it will be my after dinner watching tonight! Thanks for recommendation.

I've saved the link in case one of the apologists makes a case for it being deleted. "Off topic" or something. PM me if that happens.

Edited by Seastallion
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