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parking at condo !


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Sorry don't understand what TIT means,welll I know what it means where I come from but I dont think you mean it that way smile.png


Just to let you know, "TIT" is short for the saying "This Is Thailand".

It is used by many Farang as an expression showing surprise.

Maybe a lot like the Thai expression "Mai Pen Rai".

You might say something like this, "Oh well, I did not expect that, but then TIT"

Meaning you were surprised , by that event, but then, This is Thailand (where anything can happen).

"TIT" means This Is Thailand.

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WHen I was in a condo, people would park right in front of the entrance, blocking the two or three cars that got those closest spots first. This despite that a mere 10 meters away, there were empty parking spots. Several times, I had to move the pickups because our neighbors were not strong enough to move the pickups themselves.

About 20 meters down the line, the parking turned so the spots were perpendicular to the ones near the door. So once, when one of the perpendicular spots was open, I pushed the truck all the way down and into one of those spots.

About ten minutes later, I got a knock on the door. It was the security guard. He said I had to move that pickup back. I noticed a guy hanging out by the stairwell hiding. I laughed and went back inside, so the guard called my wife, who was out at the time. The guard had seen me move the car, then ran and got the owner. The owner wanted me to push his car back to the door where it would block the other cars. Once again, I said forget it, so the owner came out and said I should only have pushed the car a few meters if my other neighbor wanted to get out. At that, I will admit that I got into his face and told him that he should have more consideration for others and that he was selfish. He immediately backed down.

This guy had three cars, even if only two were allowed in the parking area. He had a Mercedes, a BMW, and the large pickup. All had diplomatic tags on, although he was Thai.

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Sometimes people automatically put their handbrake on without thinking about it. The same with an automatic, they leave it in P. Does not make it malicious parking. all this talk of keying a car or letting down the tyres does seem a bit over the top. If the same car is left unmovable regularly, I can see reason for action to be taken.

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could be intentional or a mistake. parking etiquette is crucial in life though. as you can see by all the keying and tire popping comments.

either way, management is to blame. security should be on top of stuff like this and sorting it out.

if someone did this at my condo, the security would have it sorted out pretty quickly, and I don't stay in an expensive condo either.

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Sad to say its just another example of the Thai mentality......think only of themselves. Amazing to me because there are also many examples of the giving thoughtful nature of Thais ...But when it comes to their cars and driving ......they seem to only think of themselves....

How do you know the car is owned by a Thai person?

Sad to say it's just another example of taking any occasion to bash. Seems you only think of yourself as having a true, caring personality.

'nuff said


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Sad to say its just another example of the Thai mentality......think only of themselves. Amazing to me because there are also many examples of the giving thoughtful nature of Thais ...But when it comes to their cars and driving ......they seem to only think of themselves....

How do you know the car is owned by a Thai person?

Sad to say it's just another example of taking any occasion to bash. Seems you only think of yourself as having a true, caring personality.

'nuff said


Seems like the apologists here live in cloud cuckoo land...I can go 5 minutes in a car and see ample evidence of Thai me first attitudes I don't even have to look for it, some is probably down to ignorance but the majority is just a don't give a shit attitude and lack of consideration and manners....

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