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Unfortunately netflix is not availlable in Thailand but are there other ways of watching tv by internet in Thailand?

I 'm tired of paying 2800 baht a month for True and still getting crappy programs to watch.

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If you use a service that removes geo-blocking you can watch Netflix in Thailand (provided your internet connection is fast enough)

There are several options: Unotelly, unblock-us, getflix. All of them offer a free trail period so you can find one that suits you best.

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If you use a service that removes geo-blocking you can watch Netflix in Thailand (provided your internet connection is fast enough)

There are several options: Unotelly, unblock-us, getflix. All of them offer a free trail period so you can find one that suits you best.

Basically what we do via the Apple TV. Also stream via iView from Australia and BBC iplayer using those DNS geoblokers.


Yep same here also on Apple TV, air playing BBC and ITV from my ipad and watching Netflix with the app on the Apple TV.

An other option is a chromecast and android phone but make sure you are able to set static route tables on your router if you are going that way.


There are several options

Get a proxy address cost is 3.99 USD a month

Login with a friends info from your home country such xfinity

Install a slingbox in your friends house

The above solutions I have used for a long time

You are right the tv choices here are Terrible and expensive


Thanks guys. Never heard of the geoblocking before but i 'm just tired of the way we have tv now. True Platinum, very expensive and still nothing to see on tv....not to mention that stupid remotecontrol we got with it.

We only watch tv 1 or 2 hours a day and then want to see something good.

I have a very fast internetconnection as well in my homecountry so that slingbox sounds good to me.



yes I agree! Try this first ! It is free thumbsup.gif .... people might be surprised at what is available out there .... it is not worth paying for VPN services IMO.

I have used for two months now, and works very well on Firefox with 3 BB thumbsup.gif

TVplayer gives a number of channels...


Iplayer services have the advantage of being able to watch anytime.... BBC, ITV and Australian network all have them, probably others too... not found time to look! facepalm.gif

As for Netflix etc, there are solutions that have been posted else where in the forum, fairly recently wink.png


If my International connection is working smoothly I'll stream content through Popcorn Time or xbmc (soon to be renamed kodi). Otherwise I pre-download the shows. Though if I were a sports fanatic this would be intolerable and something should be done. Luckily that's not the case.

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I can recommend a service called ntv.mx.

It's a montly subscription where you can choose between premium UK , US. or other TV stations in Europe.

No proxy needed , and you dont need a very fast internet line as long as its stable.

The UK premium package gives you more than 60 channels , including Sky Sports and only costs €29.90 . Or a cheaper package without the sports channels for €14.99

Check it out here : www.ntv.mx

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4) You will not not discuss methods of bypassing blocking of websites, or circumventing any censorship of the internet or other communications by lawful authorities.


Today i found out that my neighbours have a fibre-connection for internet, now my wife also wants that. Our speed is good allready but faster is better i guess.

I didn't know that internet tv is so advanced allready, there are loads of options according to all the reply's.

In my homecountry i allready pay for the tv-channels and for the internet as well so that slingbox sounds like a good option. But then i have to go there first to install that slingbox. hmm it's not that simple as i hoped.

Anyway i m happy we have many more options now, thanks again.


If your internet not so good for streaming from overseas, try ilikeHD,

many ,many channels,server is in BKK,only 500THB,just install on

your browser,pay with True money, from 7-11,best value around

i think.

regards worgeordie


buy cheap andriod box from satellitetvthailand you will get everything you need and more they also have apk for download on there website that give you more than 200 channels and also adult tv for 3500 baht for 6 month or 6000 baht per year im testing there apk as its free for download and working 1 day free i must say you get a suprise anyone with andriod box go there website and download apk its free for 1 day


I must second the VPN solution. Because it is an answer to multiple problems.

In the specific case of Netflix it defeats geolocation, by making it appear you are where the other end of the tunnel is. You are still subject to being "located" but if the server is in the US, you get US Netflix.

More generally, it removes all the annoyances from geolocation "services" - Google doesn't come up in Thai, just because I am IN Thailand anymore. Also my bank thinks I'm still in the same state as them.

And also on the banking theme, the tunnel is encrypted, so when we are on a public Wi-Fi (or wired for that matter) network, others on the same network can not read my packets. Granted any connection like that should be httpS, but one more layer sounds good to me Especially after the heartbleed thing.


In my homecountry i allready pay for the tv-channels and for the internet as well so that slingbox sounds like a good option. But then i have to go there first to install that slingbox. hmm it's not that simple as i hoped.

Do you have a relative or friend in your homecountry who could get the Slingbox and set it up over there for you? My brother did it for me and it has worked great for several years now. After purchasing the Slingbox machine that's now hooked up to a TV in his home, it hasn't cost either of us anything more.


buy cheap andriod box from satellitetvthailand you will get everything you need and more they also have apk for download on there website that give you more than 200 channels and also adult tv for 3500 baht for 6 month or 6000 baht per year im testing there apk as its free for download and working 1 day free i must say you get a suprise anyone with andriod box go there website and download apk its free for 1 day

250 monthly if you go to Ban Moh, or you can ask your Thai partner to google for IPTV in Thai. You'll find lots of sites where you can order the Android box from, and get detail instruction on payment options.


I bought a box online from china and I get all the channels that UBC has on demand TV with every TV series from the states, new movies every day. It connects to your internet and it's great. I also get ABC, NBC and CBS from the states, star world. So many channels.


In my homecountry i allready pay for the tv-channels and for the internet as well so that slingbox sounds like a good option. But then i have to go there first to install that slingbox. hmm it's not that simple as i hoped.

Do you have a relative or friend in your homecountry who could get the Slingbox and set it up over there for you? My brother did it for me and it has worked great for several years now. After purchasing the Slingbox machine that's now hooked up to a TV in his home, it hasn't cost either of us anything more.

Can you do on demand TV though?


In my homecountry i allready pay for the tv-channels and for the internet as well so that slingbox sounds like a good option. But then i have to go there first to install that slingbox. hmm it's not that simple as i hoped.

Do you have a relative or friend in your homecountry who could get the Slingbox and set it up over there for you? My brother did it for me and it has worked great for several years now. After purchasing the Slingbox machine that's now hooked up to a TV in his home, it hasn't cost either of us anything more.

Can you do on demand TV though?

Slingbox is remote viewing, so if you have control of the remote Set Top Box, then yes.



I downloaded hola a few months ago and after a couple of weeks TOT shut down my net access. Seriously. When I uninstalled, my window on the world reopened. Wasn't bothered. I download more quality stuff from other places ph34r.png



I downloaded hola a few months ago and after a couple of weeks TOT shut down my net access. Seriously. When I uninstalled, my window on the world reopened. Wasn't bothered. I download more quality stuff from other places ph34r.png

This post doesn't technically make sense. What type of net access? Uninstalled what? What windows to are you referring? The world reopened?? Bothered by what? You downloaded, downloaded from where, hola?

I think jpeg has Hola confused with something else.


In my homecountry i allready pay for the tv-channels and for the internet as well so that slingbox sounds like a good option. But then i have to go there first to install that slingbox. hmm it's not that simple as i hoped.

Do you have a relative or friend in your homecountry who could get the Slingbox and set it up over there for you? My brother did it for me and it has worked great for several years now. After purchasing the Slingbox machine that's now hooked up to a TV in his home, it hasn't cost either of us anything more.

How do you handle the time differences when watching via the Slingbox? I have been considering it, and would like to use it at my US home with my DVR to sling shows to our home when we are in Thailand, but while my US cable company allows me to set up recordings remotely, it does not allow me to delete recorded shows remotely. This means that periodically I guess I would need a family member to come over and clear out the DVR.


i have used slingbox for several years: several times i have had to reinstall on my home tv, using time warner dvr; each time had to get the slingbox tech support to complete the install; also slingbox does not recognize my time warner remote so its a bit clunky


buy cheap andriod box from satellitetvthailand you will get everything you need and more they also have apk for download on there website that give you more than 200 channels and also adult tv for 3500 baht for 6 month or 6000 baht per year im testing there apk as its free for download and working 1 day free i must say you get a suprise anyone with andriod box go there website and download apk its free for 1 day

After previous bad experiences with satellitetvthailand I would avoid them like the plague. The Android box can be bought from Jsat in Bangkok and the Maige TV which is easier to use for anyone not familiar with XBMC can be bought from Maige-TV. The Maige box is shipped from China by DHL and only has a nominal value for Customs so no Duty needs to be paid.


Just buy a Roku and/or Apple TV in your home county (they won't ship outside of the designated area, so a friend or relative will need to ship it on to you) geo masking DNS installed in your router and you're good to go


Netflix: $7.99

Hulu Plus: $7.99

HBOGo: Free if you can find someone with a cable subscription that will let you leech

Amazon: Pay as you watch, some shows free if you have an Amazon Prime Account

itunes: Pay as you watch

PBS: All free

SkyNews: All free

There are a ton more, but these are some of the major ones


In my homecountry i allready pay for the tv-channels and for the internet as well so that slingbox sounds like a good option. But then i have to go there first to install that slingbox. hmm it's not that simple as i hoped.

Do you have a relative or friend in your homecountry who could get the Slingbox and set it up over there for you? My brother did it for me and it has worked great for several years now. After purchasing the Slingbox machine that's now hooked up to a TV in his home, it hasn't cost either of us anything more.

How do you handle the time differences when watching via the Slingbox? I have been considering it, and would like to use it at my US home with my DVR to sling shows to our home when we are in Thailand, but while my US cable company allows me to set up recordings remotely, it does not allow me to delete recorded shows remotely. This means that periodically I guess I would need a family member to come over and clear out the DVR.

My brother has U-Verse, but I don't think the cable company makes any difference. As someone else mentioned, basically, it is remote viewing of one of the TV's in his home. When I open Slingbox, there is a simulation of his remote on my screen and, as far as I can tell, I can do anything he can do. Slingbox gives me control of that TV in his home. I honestly don't think that the fact your cable company doesn't allow you to delete shows remotely is a problem. That's the beauty of Slingbox. It's as if you're watching your TV in your living room, but you're watching it on your computer from wherever.

Regarding on-demand viewing, if my brother's U-Verse contract allows him to watch on-demand shows, then I could do it too (but, to be honest, I've never tried).

You're right about the time difference. For example, if I just turn it on in the evening and flip through the channels, I'll be watching the live morning shows being broadcast at that time in the US. But both he and I can record and delete shows with no problem. So if there's going to be something showing in the middle of the day there (middle of the night here), I set it up to record it and then watch it whenever I want to.

Two recommendations I'd make to anyone planning to set up a Slingbox:

First, connect it to an "extra" TV in your friend/relative's home because if you're using Slingbox to watch a show, and your f/r turns on that particular TV set that the Slingbox is connected to in his home, and starts turning the channels, you've lost your show. You can still control it and turn the channel back to your show, but you understand what I'm saying? A hassle. And potentially super frustrating.

Secondly, find and download (for free) a Slingbox player for your computer. The Slingbox software provides a player that can be viewed via the internet, but a downloaded Slingbox player is much more user-friendly and much better for watching and recording shows on the Slingbox, in my opinion.


Just buy a Roku and/or Apple TV in your home county (they won't ship outside of the designated area, so a friend or relative will need to ship it on to you) geo masking DNS installed in your router and you're good to go

You can buy the Apple TV in Thailand as well: http://store.apple.com/th/appletv


You can XBMC to your PC/laptop http://xbmc.org/download/ FREE

then download all the add-on you want into the XBMC programs watch programs from around the world.... FREE

for me makes no difference with say BBC if using the i-player or the XBMC, but ITV is a huge difference


Just buy a Roku and/or Apple TV in your home county (they won't ship outside of the designated area, so a friend or relative will need to ship it on to you) geo masking DNS installed in your router and you're good to go

You can buy the Apple TV in Thailand as well: http://store.apple.com/th/appletv

If you buy it here, it won't have the same apps. Licensing restrictions limit what they load into regional firmware

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