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Another Student Is Caned!


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What would you do as a parent if your child were caned?

Is this happening more frequently?

How long has this corporal, psychotic, punishment been going on?

Have any children fought back and if so what was the outcome?

What is the rule of law regarding caning students? Could a parent file legal action over scarring and a post traumatic mental condition.

Would you pull your child out of school and leave the country knowing you have no control over what appears to be unhinged teachers?

The mother of a 9 year old Student reported a Teacher from a Central Pattaya School to Pattaya Police after she noticed serious wounds on the buttocks of her child, reportedly caused by the Teacher who caned the child after he forgot to hand-in his homework assignment.

Khun Songsuan aged 35 accompanied her Son to the Police Station earlier this week to report the incident. The child is a Year 4 Student at the Arunothai School in Central Pattaya and is a model student, according to his Mother. He has a high GPA (Grade Point Average) and represents his school as a Cheerleader at a Provincial Level. He is currently top of his class and a Leading member of the Scouts.

Khun Songsuan picked her child up from School and had planned to go to see a Movie at Central Festival Pattaya Beach but her son complained of severe pain on his buttocks. She inspected the area and saw severe cuts and bruising consistent with the boy being struck with a cane. The boy accused his Art Teacher, Khun Wuttikorn, of caning him after he forgot to hand-in his homework.

The pair returned to the school to confront the Teacher who said he had to discipline the child as he forgot his homework and he stands by his decision to cane him.

The boy was sent to Hospital where a Doctor confirmed the injuries were consistent with being struck multiple times with a stick. This evidence will now form part of a case currently under investigation by Police who will speak with the Teacher in due course.

- See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/141993/pattaya-art-teacher-reported-to-police-after-9-year-old-is-caned/#sthash.rNnVjEUH.dpuf

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i left school in 1976 and caning was still going on, i had it many many times,

and in those days if ide of gone home and told my mother, ide of got it from her too,

2 strokes at home for every one at school

2 strokes on the teacher for every one on my kid.

Seriously, you would let a teacher beat your kid bloody with a stick for not doing homework? If a parent wants to do that it is one thing but a teacher should not be hitting a kid without a far better reason than not doing homework.

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We are now in the year 2014 and there should be no form of any corporal punishment to children. In fact it is against the law for teachers in Thailand to cane students.

And I am guessing that you are one of these people that frequently ask

" what's wrong with kids today".

Without some form of corporal punishment there cannot be certain control.

No control means discipline is impossible equals the sad state if society today

As sad as some may find that statement it is absolutely true. IMHO. facepalm.gif

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I wonder if most members who are responding to this forum in favor of caning even read the news article?

Anyone who supports canning and scarring a good student that forgot to hand in his homework assignment is an unfit parent and should be investigated and caned.

Students should be taught self defense and if there is inappropriate, corporal punishment, the students should fight back, break fingers and it would end. Have the herd forgot the meaning of self defense?

Brutal punishment and terror, for no good reason is all about control issues, displaced anger, and disfunction.

This teacher in question, in my opinion belongs in a cage.

Any society today that supports this madness, can expect the same treatment in the near future!

Perhaps there should be more baseball bats in the rear of the classroom these days for protection.

The mother of a 9 year old Student reported a Teacher from a Central Pattaya School to Pattaya Police after she noticed serious wounds on the buttocks of her child, reportedly caused by the Teacher who caned the child after he forgot to hand-in his homework assignment.

Khun Songsuan aged 35 accompanied her Son to the Police Station earlier this week to report the incident. The child is a Year 4 Student at the Arunothai School in Central Pattaya and is a model student, according to his Mother. He has a high GPA (Grade Point Average) and represents his school as a Cheerleader at a Provincial Level. He is currently top of his class and a Leading member of the Scouts.

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anyone takes a cane to my kids would end up on the floor, there is a right way and a wrong way, caning is simply to give the hitter a feeling of power over someone unable to defend themselves. If they think their sh*t dont stink then they can try doing it to someone that has the ability to hit back, they are pathetic individuals that get their jollies from beating defenceless kids, they try it out on mine then they suffer the consequences and have done so in the past.

What a fine upstanding thug citizen you must be. Forget the possibility that any kid of yours

could do anything that might warrant any kind of corporal punishment just beat the shit out of

some poor teacher that has to put up with you and others children that have been raised to

think that violence is the answer to everything. Well done mate.

Do you by any chance wear a chang wife beater, have tattoos and a big bike and come from

a large southern antipodean island. facepalm.gif

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I wonder if most members who are responding to this forum in favor of caning even read the news article?

Anyone who supports canning and scarring a good student that forgot to hand in his homework assignment is an unfit parent and should be investigated and caned.

Students should be taught self defense and if there is inappropriate, corporal punishment, the students should fight back, break fingers and it would end. Have the herd forgot the meaning of self defense?

Brutal punishment and terror, for no good reason is all about control issues, displaced anger, and disfunction.

This teacher in question, in my opinion belongs in a cage.

Any society today that supports this madness, can expect the same treatment in the near future!

Perhaps there should be more baseball bats in the rear of the classroom these days for protection.

The mother of a 9 year old Student reported a Teacher from a Central Pattaya School to Pattaya Police after she noticed serious wounds on the buttocks of her child, reportedly caused by the Teacher who caned the child after he forgot to hand-in his homework assignment.

Khun Songsuan aged 35 accompanied her Son to the Police Station earlier this week to report the incident. The child is a Year 4 Student at the Arunothai School in Central Pattaya and is a model student, according to his Mother. He has a high GPA (Grade Point Average) and represents his school as a Cheerleader at a Provincial Level. He is currently top of his class and a Leading member of the Scouts.

No one, including myself, advocates the missuse of corporal punishment but the banning of it

has done nothing to enhance the well being of todays society IMO. smile.png

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anyone takes a cane to my kids would end up on the floor, there is a right way and a wrong way, caning is simply to give the hitter a feeling of power over someone unable to defend themselves. If they think their sh*t dont stink then they can try doing it to someone that has the ability to hit back, they are pathetic individuals that get their jollies from beating defenceless kids, they try it out on mine then they suffer the consequences and have done so in the past.

What a fine upstanding thug citizen you must be. Forget the possibility that any kid of yours

could do anything that might warrant any kind of corporal punishment just beat the shit out of

some poor teacher that has to put up with you and others children that have been raised to

think that violence is the answer to everything. Well done mate.

Do you by any chance wear a chang wife beater, have tattoos and a big bike and come from

a large southern antipodean island. facepalm.gif


please dont bring tattoos into it,,lol,

ive got some,,ive got my kids dats of birth in a nice tattoo,

but i agree with the rest of what youve said,

ive never touched mine, and my daughter and son in the uk are doing fine, daughter in last year at uni going to be a secondary teacher and my son has got an aprenticship with siemans,

both done very well and im very proud of them,

the world has gone to PC , I mean prisoners can do and win the lottery, have Telivisions,, because its against the human rights not to have them,

but it wasnt human rights when they killed some one,,

the worlds gone mad,,

sorry to be off topic a little, but disaplin must start at home too, not hitting but setting boundries

and before any of the new members say he cant spell, i bloody know that,

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Corporal punishment is illegal in Thailand, period! There is a difference between a brat teenager telling the teacher to eff off and a primary not doing their homework. Very tempting to drop the teacher, but the way you do it is through the police and the courts, holding both the teacher and school responsible. It IS a criminal offence; that some turn a blind eye or reckons it does the kid good is immaterial. Just be prepared to move schools after.

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The realities that have led to 60% math and language illiteracy rate in High School graduates:

The teacher is afraid of the Principal.

The Principal is afraid of the parents.

The parents are afraid of the kids.

The kids are afraid of nothing.

'nuff said


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anyone takes a cane to my kids would end up on the floor, there is a right way and a wrong way, caning is simply to give the hitter a feeling of power over someone unable to defend themselves. If they think their sh*t dont stink then they can try doing it to someone that has the ability to hit back, they are pathetic individuals that get their jollies from beating defenceless kids, they try it out on mine then they suffer the consequences and have done so in the past.

so you beat people up on a regular basis eh?
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We are now in the year 2014 and there should be no form of any corporal punishment to children. In fact it is against the law for teachers in Thailand to cane students.

And I am guessing that you are one of these people that frequently ask

" what's wrong with kids today".

Without some form of corporal punishment there cannot be certain control.

No control means discipline is impossible equals the sad state if society today

As sad as some may find that statement it is absolutely true. IMHO. facepalm.gif

Not at all jock. I am a teacher who has taught in schools in England and now here. I have taught many disobedient and disruptive pupils over the years but would never agree with the use of corporal punishment. There is no place for it and quite rightfully it is illegal here. Hopefully, the authorities will begin to strictly enforce the law so that the days of caning in Thailand will be a thing of the past.
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we are not all going to agree with this,

ive from the age group that if a copper cought you doing a minor thing wrong would give you a clip and tell your perents and another clip ,,

at school it never did me any harm,

some are from the new age were talking is everything,

they give perverts a name, and say the perverts cant help what they do,

if i had my way ide bring back hanging tomorow for pedo,s if it was 100% they had done it, sod all this PC crap, there is no deterent nowadays for anything, children running schools,

prisoners running jails,

what next???

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I doubt if it's in the teacher's job description to beat a student.

The job and the responsibility of a teacher is to teach.

The responsibility of a parent is to Discipline.

Back in the day, if a student did something wrong in the US, he was escorted to the Principals office for a decision to be made whether to send the student back home, back to class, or suspension.

Very simple.

No need to bring a Police type state into the class room.

Edited by Kabula
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we are not all going to agree with this,

ive from the age group that if a copper cought you doing a minor thing wrong would give you a clip and tell your perents and another clip ,,

at school it never did me any harm,

some are from the new age were talking is everything,

they give perverts a name, and say the perverts cant help what they do,

if i had my way ide bring back hanging tomorow for pedo,s if it was 100% they had done it, sod all this PC crap, there is no deterent nowadays for anything, children running schools,

prisoners running jails,

what next???

In the case of the UK.

Lunatics running the Asylum.


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I doubt if it's in the teacher's job description to beat a student.

The job and the responsibility of a teacher is to teach.

The responsibility of a parent is to Discipline.

Back in the day, if a student did something wrong in the US, he was escorted to the Principals office for a decision to be made whether to send the student back home, back to class, or suspension.

Very simple.

No need to bring a Police type state into the class room.

Back in the day, we had these:


It was very simple, teachers taught and disruptive elements were sent to these places.

But along came PC, the nanny state et al, and things have been going downhill ever since.

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I doubt if it's in the teacher's job description to beat a student.

The job and the responsibility of a teacher is to teach.

The responsibility of a parent is to Discipline.

Back in the day, if a student did something wrong in the US, he was escorted to the Principals office for a decision to be made whether to send the student back home, back to class, or suspension.

Very simple.

No need to bring a Police type state into the class room.

Back in the day, we had these:


It was very simple, teachers taught and disruptive elements were sent to these places.

But along came PC, the nanny state et al, and things have been going downhill ever since.

Yeah lets hope youre kids never come home after having the crap slapped out of him or her,like that mentally challenged Thai kid a few weeks ago that came home bleeding out of his rectum after getting the crap beaten out of him by his teacher.Great parenting skills some of you have.

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I doubt if it's in the teacher's job description to beat a student.

The job and the responsibility of a teacher is to teach.

The responsibility of a parent is to Discipline.

Back in the day, if a student did something wrong in the US, he was escorted to the Principals office for a decision to be made whether to send the student back home, back to class, or suspension.

Very simple.

No need to bring a Police type state into the class room.

Back in the day, we had these:


It was very simple, teachers taught and disruptive elements were sent to these places.

But along came PC, the nanny state et al, and things have been going downhill ever since.

Yeah lets hope youre kids never come home after having the crap slapped out of him or her,like that mentally challenged Thai kid a few weeks ago that came home bleeding out of his rectum after getting the crap beaten out of him by his teacher.Great parenting skills some of you have.

If you want to bring MY kids into it. I have 2, the eldest is a doctor and the youngest is going into his final year at Uni.

So all in all, I think I was fairly successful in raising them.

Thanks for your concern about my children's welfare.

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