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Extremly Important Warning for Foreigners Coming/New To Thailand


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OP, thank you very much for your advice.

I was just about getting ready to go to Thailand, but after reading your post, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to cancel my trip.

So, is it soooooo bad there?

Are Thais so violent and kill people everyday, for not respecting their culture?

Do they usually overcharge for drinks and then beat you up?

Do they all have guns on them?

Oh, thank you OP, you have saved my life.

You can sleep, peacefully tonight knowing that you saved another farangs life.

Thais are perfectly fine. As long as you show respect, and behave yourself, no problem. It is about keeping ones nose clean. Yes, if you behave like an <deleted> over here, you might find yourself in trouble. As far as face goes, it is an excuse to be cowardly. It is the lamest aspect of culture over here. The essence of superficiality, and an excuse to not get to know ones self. It is not common to get overcharged for drinks, and if you do, you just simply point it out to them quietly, with kindness and respect. If you behave like a drunk Brit, you could find yourself in trouble. If you are civilized, no problem. And no, most Thais do not carry guns, but some do. Avoid all karaoke places, and do not hang out on local dive bars, and you will be fine. Birmingham, Manchester and Los Angeles are far more dangerous.

I don't expect you to know this place but you can add.PILL in Newport,gwent to the above.once the worst in Europe.i know I lived there for 10yrs.

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Face is a failed attempt to to mask incompetence, a back-firing con trick or jealousy/racism and should not be tolerated.

Despite the above i'm calling TROLL:)

not tolerated ? lol. what do you suggest? make it illegal?

I think he means don't be fooled by it, fall for it or accept it as an excuse.

I agree entirely - as I do about the troll post, neatly fueled with additional comments along the way.

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Where I am living at the minute in Thailand, the percentage of people carrying concealed weapons is probably higher than anywhere else in Thailand. Phitsanulok is the regional HQ for the police, forestry rangers, the Third army, Thai special forces, etc, etc, etc. A high number of them carry when they are out at night. A lot of these people party hard.

Phits is part of the main artery from Bkk to the North, anybody travelling north by train will pass through Phitsanulok, hence the number of hotels and varied accomodation that is here. There is only one bar that I could describe as Falang here, all the rest, plus the nightclubs, karaoke's and 'other' entertainment venues are Thai.

In the 15 years I have been living here, I have never heard of a foreigner being either killed or seriously injured during a night out. The ones that have been involved have brought it on themselves, but generally they have received a good slapping only.

Why is that?

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Manxcay, without disrespect or trying to cause you to lose face, I don't see anything in your OP that directs the advice you give to Thailand. In most part, it is related to drinking, getting argumentative and being surprised when people react, because they either don't agree or are sick of putting up with your diatribe.

Reality check, this happens all over the world, sometimes with far more tragic results than you will ever witness in Thailand.

It is always good to be aware, but I honestly read your post as scaremongering.

I am assuming that the OP was started after a 'close-encounter' by yourself?

+1. And the idiots who would need this advice will pay no attention to it.

And why focus exclusively on Thais? Where's the foreigner-on-foreigner crime & violence warning?

Fellow Brits’ Fight over Bargirl

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I tend to agree the line, that face = ego.

saving face (violently) may come out as the last attempt, after a thai has been repeatedly lying his tits off, many times over, to cover what he's done wrong/failed/incompetency/deceipt, or whatever the original transgression was - which has probably been forgotten anyway by the end of it...

Being aware of the warped thai thinking is important therefore, but I remind myself there has only ever been 2 times I have made a thai lose face, and both time related to traffic:

  • Ist one already mentioned about the driving on footpath thread. Good thing that when his mirror broke against my arm, he couldn't stop to get out as there were vehicle following the same line up his ass.
  • The 2nd relates to a simple crossing the road, at the 'green' pedestrian lights, and one car looked like he wan't going to stop, and very close: I had the gawl to put my hand up as in open 5 wave like a policemen would do, but then transformed it into a finger (the 'nicer' actual pointing one) aimed at the driver's windscreen. I was at this time halfway across the intersection, and his screaming, I blissfully ignored by not even looking back at him. Missus scolded me for that one too!

lucky I don't drink...

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I think the whole 'face' thing is overrated and over estimated and misunderstood.

No one likes to be made to look stupid but westerners are mature enough to accept when they are wrong and understand that its part of life...Asians and Thais in particular just don't have that same level of maturity (in the same way that Children may not)...that is pretty much it....

Tarring an entire continent of four and a half billion people with the same brush is a sure sign of maturity.


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Face principle is an illusion. There's no such thing.

The right word for this whole face thing is immatureness, (in ths case it's primitive nationalism), plus it's only one day thing.

Respect in Thailand = asset.

Edited by Matej
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If you want to drink and can't keep your mouth shut after a few sherbets - then stop at home ! Lock the gates and do not open them until tomorrow. The law of averages lends itself to you coming across folk you don't like in any area where there are lots of people, loud people and pi$$ed people. Stay at home and have a good old ruck with the missus instead .........and then "make up" in the morning. In 5 years of being together, we have only had 1 x smashed TV, 1 broken door and a set of crystal glasses smashed to bits over disagreements behind closed doors. No punch ups, no gunshot wounds and no hospital treatment required.......despite lots of drinks- at times !

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Where I am living at the minute in Thailand, the percentage of people carrying concealed weapons is probably higher than anywhere else in Thailand. Phitsanulok is the regional HQ for the police, forestry rangers, the Third army, Thai special forces, etc, etc, etc. A high number of them carry when they are out at night. A lot of these people party hard.

Phits is part of the main artery from Bkk to the North, anybody travelling north by train will pass through Phitsanulok, hence the number of hotels and varied accomodation that is here. There is only one bar that I could describe as Falang here, all the rest, plus the nightclubs, karaoke's and 'other' entertainment venues are Thai.

In the 15 years I have been living here, I have never heard of a foreigner being either killed or seriously injured during a night out. The ones that have been involved have brought it on themselves, but generally they have received a good slapping only.

Why is that?

Simple answer. Police, Army, Rangers, etc. are trained men who are disciplined. They know weapons, know how to use force, and use it when needed. Not the same as stupid, drunk kids with rich parents who bail them out every time they screw up.

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When I am not on a secret mission in any number of the world's trouble spots (ex-SAS) I like to cause trouble in Thai bars when I return, and find the best way is to mouth off about how much better things are in the west. For some reason Thais don't like this and regularly lose their temper. As my body is a weapon (trained martial artist/weapons expert) I have no trouble handling 3 + attackers so the OP's advise does not apply to me. I am honing my skills as we speak, punching a bag of broken glass. Stay out of my way. You've been warned!

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I just read that the UK raised it's terrorism threat level to level 4 - severe.

Is the 'extremely important warning' you issued on the same level as the warning the UK has issued???

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Sounds very much the same as any bar in UK, if you don't show respect to some pisshead. Just behave yourself wherever you are in the world

The same goes in america, where a good number of people carry small guns. Somehow, I don't know why, when almost every one is "packing", people tend to be very civil and polite. I've never seen a bar-fight over there. Most often the shooting happens in the parking lot outside the bar. Oh well.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Where I am living at the minute in Thailand, the percentage of people carrying concealed weapons is probably higher than anywhere else in Thailand. Phitsanulok is the regional HQ for the police, forestry rangers, the Third army, Thai special forces, etc, etc, etc. A high number of them carry when they are out at night. A lot of these people party hard.

Phits is part of the main artery from Bkk to the North, anybody travelling north by train will pass through Phitsanulok, hence the number of hotels and varied accomodation that is here. There is only one bar that I could describe as Falang here, all the rest, plus the nightclubs, karaoke's and 'other' entertainment venues are Thai.

In the 15 years I have been living here, I have never heard of a foreigner being either killed or seriously injured during a night out. The ones that have been involved have brought it on themselves, but generally they have received a good slapping only.

Why is that?

Simple answer. Police, Army, Rangers, etc. are trained men who are disciplined. They know weapons, know how to use force, and use it when needed. Not the same as stupid, drunk kids with rich parents who bail them out every time they screw up.

That is true to an extent, for sure. But these guys (& gals) party hard. Drunk and very loud at times. Not a lot of love lost between the factions, yet nothing directed at the passing through visitors.

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Where I am living at the minute in Thailand, the percentage of people carrying concealed weapons is probably higher than anywhere else in Thailand. Phitsanulok is the regional HQ for the police, forestry rangers, the Third army, Thai special forces, etc, etc, etc. A high number of them carry when they are out at night. A lot of these people party hard.

My little hamlet is on a similar artery. There is a sign just outside town which says, "Welcome to Nakhon Ratchathani". It has at least fifty bullet holes in it.

The young dudes carry guns. Somehow knowing that and having no desire to be a tough guy has helped me to never have a problem. The Chinese-Thai shopkeepers who have large amounts of wares, cash, and gold inside their homes live in fortresses. The Thai guy who has a gas station keeps a loaded pistol in his cash register. Another Thai guy who has a small shop and internet cafe keeps a loaded pistol in his desk drawer. The rest sleep with their windows and doors unlocked because the "welcome" sign says it all.

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Where I am living at the minute in Thailand, the percentage of people carrying concealed weapons is probably higher than anywhere else in Thailand. Phitsanulok is the regional HQ for the police, forestry rangers, the Third army, Thai special forces, etc, etc, etc. A high number of them carry when they are out at night. A lot of these people party hard.

Phits is part of the main artery from Bkk to the North, anybody travelling north by train will pass through Phitsanulok, hence the number of hotels and varied accomodation that is here. There is only one bar that I could describe as Falang here, all the rest, plus the nightclubs, karaoke's and 'other' entertainment venues are Thai.

In the 15 years I have been living here, I have never heard of a foreigner being either killed or seriously injured during a night out. The ones that have been involved have brought it on themselves, but generally they have received a good slapping only.

Why is that?

Take off those fact-colored glasses, man, and see the world for what it isn't.


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Most of the violence I read about comes from teens on scooters...gangs and stuff. They have no face....it is just their way. Scammers and bill collectors have thugs for violence. You would have to push your smiling neighbors pretty far for them to get off the couch and kill you. Watch out for the teenagers..grouped up... And don't argue in traffic.

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Been reading on here about foreigners coming to Thailand and ending up getting killed because they didn't know about and respect Thai culture.----manxcay


where--where --where---you te ni

I know I shouldn't respond to Trolls, but its not them that gets me going so much as the Loons (people) that live here & write in agreement.

So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.


Wow I cant believe I am getting wound up by a 15 post Troll its time for my medication ...........coffee1.gif

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So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.

This one stands out, he said ' you' to them which resulted in his immediate death due to disrespecting a Thai

Beaten to death : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/662139-norwegian-beaten-to-death-soi-7-pattaya/

There's 100's more like this :

Taxi driver hacks a guy to death with a samurai sword : http://www.richardbarrow.com/2013/07/taxi-driver-stabs-to-death-a-foreigner-in-bangkok/

Barbecued : ****Link to commercial blog edited out****

Beaten to death : http://www.isaanlawonline.com/issan-legal-blog/120-violent-death-of-a-foreign-husband-in-issan

Beaten to death (suicided) : http://www.livingthai.org/uk-man-beaten-to-death-in-phuket.html

Beaten to death : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624092/British-tourist-46-beaten-death-Thai-prison-accused-stealing-moped.html

It took seconds to find these links on the first page of google with a search of 'foreigner beaten to death in thailand'

Edited by metisdead
Edited out a commercial blog site
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So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.

This one stands out, he said '<deleted> you' to them which resulted in his immediate death due to disrespecting a Thai

Beaten to death : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/662139-norwegian-beaten-to-death-soi-7-pattaya/

There's 100's more like this :

Taxi driver hacks a guy to death with a samurai sword : http://www.richardbarrow.com/2013/07/taxi-driver-stabs-to-death-a-foreigner-in-bangkok/

Barbecued : ****Link to commercial blog edited out****

Beaten to death : http://www.isaanlawonline.com/issan-legal-blog/120-violent-death-of-a-foreign-husband-in-issan

Beaten to death (suicided) : http://www.livingthai.org/uk-man-beaten-to-death-in-phuket.html

Beaten to death : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624092/British-tourist-46-beaten-death-Thai-prison-accused-stealing-moped.html

It took seconds to find these links on the first page of google with a search of 'foreigner beaten to death in thailand'

I didn't realize that a katoey touching a blokes flute is considered a big part of Thai culture

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So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.

This one stands out, he said '<deleted> you' to them which resulted in his immediate death due to disrespecting a Thai

Beaten to death : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/662139-norwegian-beaten-to-death-soi-7-pattaya/

There's 100's more like this :

Taxi driver hacks a guy to death with a samurai sword : http://www.richardbarrow.com/2013/07/taxi-driver-stabs-to-death-a-foreigner-in-bangkok/

Barbecued : ****Link to commercial blog edited out****

Beaten to death : http://www.isaanlawonline.com/issan-legal-blog/120-violent-death-of-a-foreign-husband-in-issan

Beaten to death (suicided) : http://www.livingthai.org/uk-man-beaten-to-death-in-phuket.html

Beaten to death : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624092/British-tourist-46-beaten-death-Thai-prison-accused-stealing-moped.html

It took seconds to find these links on the first page of google with a search of 'foreigner beaten to death in thailand'

for disrespecting thai culture?

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So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.

This one stands out, he said '<deleted> you' to them which resulted in his immediate death due to disrespecting a Thai

Beaten to death : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/662139-norwegian-beaten-to-death-soi-7-pattaya/

There's 100's more like this :

Taxi driver hacks a guy to death with a samurai sword : http://www.richardbarrow.com/2013/07/taxi-driver-stabs-to-death-a-foreigner-in-bangkok/

Barbecued : ****Link to commercial blog edited out****

Beaten to death : http://www.isaanlawonline.com/issan-legal-blog/120-violent-death-of-a-foreign-husband-in-issan

Beaten to death (suicided) : http://www.livingthai.org/uk-man-beaten-to-death-in-phuket.html

Beaten to death : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624092/British-tourist-46-beaten-death-Thai-prison-accused-stealing-moped.html

It took seconds to find these links on the first page of google with a search of 'foreigner beaten to death in thailand'

for disrespecting thai culture?

Meaning .....justifiable then ?

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So want to shut me up---make me look like a complete idiot.... its easy just post a story where the farrang was beaten to death (or what ever) for not respecting Thai culture. ..... I mean there must be lots to chose from...but just one will do me.

Then your never hear from me again-----if you cant find one (& you wont) then please reciprocate & stop writing rubish.

This one stands out, he said '<deleted> you' to them which resulted in his immediate death due to disrespecting a Thai

Beaten to death : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/662139-norwegian-beaten-to-death-soi-7-pattaya/

There's 100's more like this :

Taxi driver hacks a guy to death with a samurai sword : http://www.richardbarrow.com/2013/07/taxi-driver-stabs-to-death-a-foreigner-in-bangkok/

Barbecued : ****Link to commercial blog edited out****

Beaten to death : http://www.isaanlawonline.com/issan-legal-blog/120-violent-death-of-a-foreign-husband-in-issan

Beaten to death (suicided) : http://www.livingthai.org/uk-man-beaten-to-death-in-phuket.html

Beaten to death : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624092/British-tourist-46-beaten-death-Thai-prison-accused-stealing-moped.html

It took seconds to find these links on the first page of google with a search of 'foreigner beaten to death in thailand'

for disrespecting thai culture?

Meaning .....justifiable then ?

meaning I asked uk a question

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Obnoxious people can get into trouble anywhere without too much effort.

In something like 9 years of going to or being in Thailand I have never had an incident where I have not been threatened or assaulted by a Thai citizen that I can recall - with one exception and that was a Baht bus driver who appeared to be high one something.

In that time I have had disputes over bills, food orders, motorcycle repairs and m/c hire. I have had a few too many beers on occasion. Watched football where I was the only one rooting for my team and given and been given some ribbing over matches. Been involved in 3 motoring accidents.

In all cases (except the Baht bus driver) everything was amicable, any problems where Thai language was needed was often sorted by my Thai partner, a Thai friend, if not by myself.

On the other hand, I have known a few Thai people quite happy to flex their muscle against other Thai people they feel have ripped them off or wronged them.

Respect? Should we not be respectful? It often de-escalates a possible confrontation. Start mouthing off and expect problems in return.

Drinking in places with few foreigners? Many a time I have done that. Often on my own and not another foreigner in the place. Never shown any disrespect at all by the Thai people in there. In fact many Thai people used to come to my table to try out their English or just to clink glasses. One or two to give me phone numbers.

Seems to me the OP has a one sided view of things.

A smile, a friendly hello and being generally civil gets you a long way. Certainly further than being surly ever will.

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