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Cash advance, debit card with demagnetized strip

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I arrived back in Thailand recently only to discover the debit card from my main account has a defective or demagnetized strip. I would be a nightmare to get a replacement card anytime soon.

Does anyone know what Banks in Thailand would do a cash advance or withdrawal from my Visa debit card by keying in the numbers on the card since the strip is useless? I tried Bangkok Bank where I have an account and a few other Banks only to be pretty much treated like a criminal who is trying to BS the Banks and steal money.

I cannot make electronic transfers with the account that this card is connected to, so even sending money through Paypal or another account is useless. Any advice would be helpful as to what Banks would do a keyed transaction with a Debit card!


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To expand on my post, any retailer keying in numbers does so under the "Card Holder Not Present" criteria where the money can be clawed back if the account holder disputes he authorised the transaction.

Having an embossed card can prove the card was actually presented but they would have to use the old fashioned imprint machine, they can get the authorisation code by telephone or through the terminal to satisfy the transaction is sound but only if they can take the card imprint with embossed lettering.

Electronic Use only does work over the internet etc.. but the person processing this transaction is exposed to charge-backs.

These cards have holograms for a reason but I am afraid you probably won't find anyone pro-active enough in Thailand to help you out.

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