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American TV in Thailand (GATS)

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NOTE: This is an international trade question based on GATS and not a question on how to do something.

I would like to watch American TV in Thailand over the internet. When I try, I get the message the service is not available In Thailand. When I look at the trade agreements between Thailand and the USA (Schedule of Specific commitments) for TV and Radio service, mode 1 is "none".

According to this, shouldn't I be able to view American TV in Thailand? Is this a violation of the GATS agreement?

I appreciate every ones opinion on this.

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Get an IP Blocker program run it and you can watch whatever you want

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Like I mentioned in my opening post, this is an international trade question and not a "how to do something" question. However, thank you for your reply.

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Its not so much a government as private agreement Richard10365---they are selling their programs into different countries. as suggested a proxy will take you around that try Expat shield..they have an I.P. for the UK and for the USA --they do a 30 day free try out ---- http://www.my-expat-network.com/uk/?gclid=CIS-7JXnwsACFVIqjgodW0UAgg

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I appreciate your comments guys but this is about trade in service by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO is an international organization dealing with trade rules and agreements to trade by negotiations.

The U.S. agreed, via an international trade agreement, to allow TV and Radio service to consumers abroad in Thailand.

I'm hoping for the opinions of other international trade experts to see if this is a GATS violation or not.

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There is no limitation on whether US suppliers are allowed to supply to foreign markets. That doesn't mean they have an obligation to.

I do agree but if you open the service to one country, should you open it to another in accordance with GATS Article II - Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment?Paragraph 1 says, "With respect to any measure covered by this Agreement, each Member shall accord immediately and unconditionally to services and service suppliers of any other Member treatment no less favourable than that it accords to like services and service suppliers of any other country." ??

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There is no limitation on whether US suppliers are allowed to supply to foreign markets. That doesn't mean they have an obligation to.

Exactly. The US government has no restrictions on what can be watched in Thailand. All restrictions are by the copyright owners. There is certainly no violation of any international agreement.


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There is no limitation on whether US suppliers are allowed to supply to foreign markets. That doesn't mean they have an obligation to.

Exactly. The US government has no restrictions on what can be watched in Thailand. All restrictions are by the copyright owners. There is certainly no violation of any international agreement.


This is correct. OP I am confused why would you care so much about the agreements? Not judging you, just wondering why you are questioning this so much.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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As soon as a Thai television station opens up in the US, I am sure that a US station will "sue" for reciprocity under the GAT treaty but until then sorry but it isn't going to happen

There are lots of Thai TV stations in the US, exactly in the same way there are US TV stations in Thailand - by satellite and repeater.

It isn't going to happen ever because there is no issue of GATT, no involvement of GATT. There is no such thing as reciprocity here. International copyright is the only issue.


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