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Is Thai bar girl different to most?


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Scoteng, why did you choose a gay anime character for your username ?

Seriously just google it.

Ha ha how random. I chose scoteng because I am an Englishman living in Scotland. Will have to think of a different username for future site ha ha.

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Give you all 500/1 that she has a Thai husband min bet 50,000 baht. She's available all day to Skype until the early evening and when she gets home in the early hours. She lays on her bed so where Is the husband sleeping? Under the bed? Very unlikely.

youre 24 years old, very little experience in thailand and youre sitting here arguing with guys that have been around thailand and thais for 20 and 30 years. you asked for advice, you got advice and all you want to do is argue. you deserve everything you get.

Some people's advice has been good and I can accept what some people have said. It's people that are joking around saying idiotic things that annoys me death. This thread has become pointless now so people just stop posting. People can be brave to say a lot of things behind a computer screen. If they act like this in public they will not be liked by anyone and be decked a few times.

lol! now youre playing the tough guy as well as the know it all? if what is said on a public forum annoys you so, i would suggest you dont belong in a public forum. there is an ignore button you can use anytime you dont like what someone is saying to you but instead you revel in the back and forth banter. like I said, you dont deserve advice.

Don't care

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She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

Sadly I have seen stranger things than this ..tit and anything goes !!!!!

I am not belittling you in any way as I have been In your situation a long time ago (same age as you)

But it is not going to end up a happy story no matter what you do

Just don't get serious about her and take it as it comes

Just enjoy the life's experiences that Thailand will fling at you as you are to young for seriousness

I can't believe you are still replying after 17 pages though

There have been lots of good advice given to you already

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youre 24 years old, very little experience in thailand and youre sitting here arguing with guys that have been around thailand and thais for 20 and 30 years. you asked for advice, you got advice and all you want to do is argue. you deserve everything you get.

Some people's advice has been good and I can accept what some people have said. It's people that are joking around saying idiotic things that annoys me death. This thread has become pointless now so people just stop posting. People can be brave to say a lot of things behind a computer screen. If they act like this in public they will not be liked by anyone and be decked a few times.

You're a good sport, Scot, I'll give you that. TV members are a diverse bunch and sometimes, people can't agree on anything. But when it comes to BGs, well that's one area where there's some serious collective expertise. I'm guessing you haven't taken my advice and read the book Private Dancer. Again, you really should. Your future life story is splattered on those pages.

Something else you should understand. No matter what your "GF" is doing and with whom, she will continue to tell you exactly what you want to hear. There is no benefit telling you the truth, but much to lose. Even the most novice BG knows this. She knows that telling you the truth (re other men) will have the exact same result as you catching her in a lie, the latter being almost impossible. Even if you found out she was barfined, she could easily explain it away by saying "only go to eat, no boom boom." In your case, it's so much easier because it's clear that you really "want" (need?) to believe her. She would have to be the stupidest girl alive to tell you the full honest truth. She knows that when a guy says, "I can handle the truth," they can't. If all you have is what she's told you, well...

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She's a newbie trust me. Seen her recent pics on Facebook with her working on the coaches and like I said I noticed she started becoming friends with all the bar girls on facebook when I was over there first time. She also wasn't going out drinking with them after work or anything until after about a month of me leaving which suggests she made friends after a while. She posts pictures with her friends all the time. That 5% only applies to any random bar girl. I have seen and spent time with this girl and feel she is decent so that percentage is totally different. Like playing a hand of blackjack. Before the hand the player is almost 50% likely to win the next hand only he gets dealt 20 against the dealers 8 and his chances of winning have significantly improved.

5 different Facebook accounts, one to show each customer.

5 different phone SIM cards, one for each customer.

The phone you see, is the ratty 300bht old battered thing (I need new phone, you buy for me?).

The other iphones are hidden in her bag.

Again another sad but so true set of facts

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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scoteng, you have the spirit and positive thinking. I am (was) a very negative person and all my life my excuse was that it protects me against disappointment and loss, which in fact was true. I never got burned in a relationship, but all the negativity brought up some health issues. So, I will say go on with the positive outlook, but my concern is that you are in fact very worried about this relationship. Why would you otherwise start a thread like this? To convince a bunch of strangers that your bargirl is different? Only time will tell, but be aware that if you are wrong you will crush and burn really bad. I say this because of your initial introduction where you said that you had hell of a time after a break up with your UK girlfriend. You obviously won't see this current relationship as a joke if the relationship goes south. This is NOT a rebound. Please be aware that the odds are against you..... she may be nice and all.... and she maybe changed her ways with you (which many doubt), BUT she is still a Thai with a KID..... and you know nothing about Thai culture yet.

It really is going to get complicated.

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She drinks tequila shots. What she does is get a guy to buy her a drink and egg him on to drink it so she can get more bought for her. That is definitely true as she did that with me when I first met her in the bar. I ended up necking most of her tequila shots. She also forces herself to throw up sometimes.

Scooter...you are pretty new to the scene, but she is showing many years of experience.

From the photo, age somewhere between 26 and 32.

Assume she started working at age 20, assume 1-2 customers every day.

6 years at 500 per year (5 day working week), that's a minimum of 3,000 customers.

theres some very pretty Rainbow girls who have worked a long time and many many shifts who i do think have hit this magic 3,000 number.

It just boggles my mind how these girls after so many sessions atill remmain quite fun.................lol.

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things are worse than i thought. Meaning op is less intelligent than i thought. Who in the world wants a bargirl with a babie? Your whole life is going to be centered around thai prostitutes..............lol. Its passed on from generation to generation-a cycle that almost impossible to deviate from.

I bet all modern day hooker had moms who were servicing army men....................lol.

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things are worse than i thought. Meaning op is less intelligent than i thought. Who in the world wants a bargirl with a babie? Your whole life is going to be centered around thai prostitutes..............lol. Its passed on from generation to generation-a cycle that almost impossible to deviate from.

I bet all modern day hooker had moms who were servicing army men....................lo

ill take that bet. generation to generation? lol. love to see the results of your scientific study!

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She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

It's not just common, it's routine, quite normal in Thailand.


MJP is correct.

If you ever want to see it for yourself, sit at the Big Dog bar and watch the parade of Thai guys dropping of their wife or girlfriend at Nana Plaza or pick them up later.

Not only can the girls differentiate between "work" and "love", their husbands much prefer the money to buy whiskey and watch TV over actually having a real job.

It's quite common.

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She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

It's not just common, it's routine, quite normal in Thailand.


MJP is correct.

If you ever want to see it for yourself, sit at the Big Dog bar and watch the parade of Thai guys dropping of their wife or girlfriend at Nana Plaza or pick them up later.

Not only can the girls differentiate between "work" and "love", their husbands much prefer the money to buy whiskey and watch TV over actually having a real job.

It's quite common.

I sent the old cow out to work the game. She came back one night with 1000 baht and 50 satang. I said who gave you the 50 satang? She said they all did.

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She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

It's not just common, it's routine, quite normal in Thailand.


MJP is correct.

If you ever want to see it for yourself, sit at the Big Dog bar and watch the parade of Thai guys dropping of their wife or girlfriend at Nana Plaza or pick them up later.

Not only can the girls differentiate between "work" and "love", their husbands much prefer the money to buy whiskey and watch TV over actually having a real job.

It's quite common.

That the perfect word. DIFFERENTIATE. Why cant ALL guys do the same. I pay for bargirls but i darn know well i am a customer.

Those boys dropping the girls off i always thought were moto sai taxi- not boyfriends.................lol. Knowing your barfine has a real boyfriend kind of takes away some of the fun...................lol.

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This so amusing how people think I am a troll. I've written a life story, done loads of posts, uploaded pictures but yet I am still a troll.

Scooter, we don't get many threads of this quality, so we automatically think you must be a troll because it's so entertaining.

You are just an amalgam of all our collective experience, whether personal or observed. We have seen this so many times.

You have said it yourself, that you might be in the lucky 5%. You're a croupier, so I ask you, are those good odds? Would you bet your future on it? Thailand has girls with much better odds.

What you have described in her history and her work habits tells us she is not the innocent newbie you think she is. She is experienced and fairly hardcore in my opinion, probably having graduated from cashier, to waitress, to Go Go, to putting on shows - that don't happen in a few months.

...we just a bunch of knuckleheads on an anonymous internet forum...but if you don't learn from history, you are bound to repeat it.

She's a newbie trust me. Seen her recent pics on Facebook with her working on the coaches and like I said I noticed she started becoming friends with all the bar girls on facebook when I was over there first time. She also wasn't going out drinking with them after work or anything until after about a month of me leaving which suggests she made friends after a while. She posts pictures with her friends all the time. That 5% only applies to any random bar girl. I have seen and spent time with this girl and feel she is decent so that percentage is totally different. Like playing a hand of blackjack. Before the hand the player is almost 50% likely to win the next hand only he gets dealt 20 against the dealers 8 and his chances of winning have significantly improved.


how many corners are there on a roulette wheel?

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She's probably already married to a thai from young age and they have 2 kids. TIT.

Yeah she's married to a thai and her husband allows her to spend a couple of weeks at a time with a ferrang who is giving her no money. Likely story "TIT"

It's not just common, it's routine, quite normal in Thailand.


MJP is correct.

If you ever want to see it for yourself, sit at the Big Dog bar and watch the parade of Thai guys dropping of their wife or girlfriend at Nana Plaza or pick them up later.

Not only can the girls differentiate between "work" and "love", their husbands much prefer the money to buy whiskey and watch TV over actually having a real job.

It's quite common.

You are both correct, however if you want to see it in real life, venture out to On Nut or wherever else these girls live.

There are condos full of these girls and their husbands/boyfiends/gigs or whatever.

I know of at least one girl who rents two condos in the same complex, she lives with her husband and their kids in one room, when the farang sponsor visits she moves upstairs to another floor and carries on with the pretence.

Some of them are actually fun to be with and can be very generous with the farangs money, as for marrying them, no chance.

Another girl I knew in the same complex stayed with her husband in On Nut while her new farang husband and his son went to Pattaya to party.

You honestly couldnt make this stuff, living here is an eye opener.

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To the OP;

I used to live in San Francisco and still live just north of there, right over the GG Bridge.

I used to meet tons of wonderful women from all over the world during tourist season. We would stay in touch, write each other romantic letters, phone calls, etc..., but they would eventually fizzle out because one of us would eventually meet someone that lived locally and the long-distance romance would end.

Moral of the story - find yourself a local girl. There are thousands of them, but you have to put yourself out there. Right now, you are living a fantasy that will never materialize. Ever. Trust me. I've been thru what you're going thru at least a dozen times, although one girl did return to SF to see me, I never saw her again after that.

I'm sure there are many beautiful, wonderful women within a 50 radius of where you live. But you won't meet any of them fawning over one girl 5,000 miles away that you have a miniscule chance of ever being with, not to mention the baggage she is carrying of having a young child. Do you really want to play "Daddy" to someone else's kid?

Find yourself a honey and happiness right at home. You'll be far happier. You can always travel to the LOS on occasion for some fun in the sun, but avoid getting involved emotionally with bar girls and always wear a condom.

Take my advice as I've been there and done that many more times than you ever have and that you ever will. It never ends happily. It's just mental masturbation that makes you feel good and is a substitution for the real thing.

Go out and find some girls closer to home and be happy. Who knows, you just might meet one and you'll both fall in love and have a true "happy ending"

Good luck and please, heed my advice.

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You honestly couldnt make this stuff, living here is an eye opener.

Yep, part of the problems with NEWBs like the OP, is they can't believe it.

We've been here and lived the life and I still have trouble believing some of what goes on.

Although I'm at the stage of not believing some of the strokes the respectable middle class Thai ladies play on their wealthy Thai husbands.

More neighbour stories,

She is late 20s (no prettier than the OPs girl) living in CM with his parents and young kid. He is early 30s (and quite attractive) working in BK, comes home at weekends.

She goes out 2x a week, rolls in stinking drunk at 2am, his parents and everyone else don't say a word to him about her night time activities.

To look at her, butter wouldn't melt. TiT, land of ladies with loose knickers!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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There was a married Thai couple, lived a couple of doors down from me in the village. Nice people, late twenties. Used to come round for tea. One day they were telling me all about her Australian husband and her Thai husband was saying what a nice generous man he was blink.png and she was telling me all about him and knew his exact geographic movements down to the day.


Of course Aussie had no idea of this romantic love triangle.

The next stage seemed to be to move her over to Aus (for the divorce) so she could do some gold mining over there too (his remaining assets).

No. You really couldn't make this stuff up. I think rgs2001 will remember the phone conversation we had about it at the time. Does give us a few laughs mind.

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There was a married Thai couple, lived a couple of doors down from me in the village. Nice people, late twenties. Used to come round for tea. One day they were telling me all about her Australian husband and her Thai husband was saying what a nice generous man he was blink.png and she was telling me all about him and knew his exact geographic movements down to the day.


Of course Aussie had no idea of this romantic love triangle.

The next stage seemed to be to move her over to Aus (for the divorce) so she could do some gold mining over there too (his remaining assets).

No. You really couldn't make this stuff up. I think rgs2001 will remember the phone conversation we had about it at the time. Does give us a few laughs mind.

I would have done a "like" but felt it needed a bit more. Happy Days.
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There was a married Thai couple, lived a couple of doors down from me in the village. Nice people, late twenties. Used to come round for tea. One day they were telling me all about her Australian husband and her Thai husband was saying what a nice generous man he was blink.png and she was telling me all about him and knew his exact geographic movements down to the day.


Of course Aussie had no idea of this romantic love triangle.

The next stage seemed to be to move her over to Aus (for the divorce) so she could do some gold mining over there too (his remaining assets).

No. You really couldn't make this stuff up. I think rgs2001 will remember the phone conversation we had about it at the time. Does give us a few laughs mind.

I would have done a "like" but felt it needed a bit more. Happy Days.


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There was a married Thai couple, lived a couple of doors down from me in the village. Nice people, late twenties. Used to come round for tea. One day they were telling me all about her Australian husband and her Thai husband was saying what a nice generous man he was blink.png and she was telling me all about him and knew his exact geographic movements down to the day.


Of course Aussie had no idea of this romantic love triangle.

The next stage seemed to be to move her over to Aus (for the divorce) so she could do some gold mining over there too (his remaining assets).

No. You really couldn't make this stuff up. I think rgs2001 will remember the phone conversation we had about it at the time. Does give us a few laughs mind.

Stories like this make me very happy that I have ZERO assets back home.

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