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A handy tip to reduce your water bill.

Bulldozer Dawn

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I have just kicked off a new relationship with a lovely isaan lass.

Today she was cleaning my apartment.

I noticed a painful dribbling noise coming out of the bathroom.

When I investigated I found that she was filling the mop bucket, but had only opened the facet a wee bit to facility a noisey trickle.

She speaks no english so I asked in Thai why she didn't open the tap up fully and fill the bucket in a few seconds. There is very good water pressure here.

Her answer came as quite a surprise. Apparently it was her belief that if you filled a bucket like that the flow was too slow to register on the water meter.

Anyway, regardless of whether her strategy is correct or not, she gets a gold star for trying to save me 2 satang on a bucket of water. I can put it towards the 1 million baht sin sod somewhere down the track.

Edited by Bulldozer Dawn
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NOT urban myth, my MIL has done it for years with her bath, it depends on which meter you have, if you have one of the old 30year old ones, its valid. Recently she has stopped doing it because they upgraded her meter (much to her disgust).. oh well back to $4 a month bills. Me being from Oz am pretty water smart, but she thinks I am the devil when it comes to water, I put it on plants and everything!! OMG!!


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My Wife was way smarter than that, she got some blokes to drill an 80 metre deep well and now gets unlimited water for free.....................cunning minx eh?

Don't you still have to pay for the electricity to pump the water? Wonder how much that is.

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Well this morning I awoke to find the little princess had already risen. Brought the washing in, folded it and put it away...Wash my dishes from yesterday, dried them and put them away, mopped the bathroom and then swept out the whole place. There is also a big issue that I need help with. I will open another thread to discuss.

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There is also a big issue that I need help with. I will open another thread to discuss.

If it was that Rash that won't go away ... it's not really that big.

But best to open that in the Medical Forum for the best advice.


Here is the other issue:


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Well this morning I awoke to find the little princess had already risen. Brought the washing in, folded it and put it away...Wash my dishes from yesterday, dried them and put them away, mopped the bathroom and then swept out the whole place. There is also a big issue that I need help with. I will open another thread to discuss.

Easy solutions...

- either keep your appartment as dirty as possible, so your hot GF needs more time cleaning and can't rape you twice a day...

- or buy a family pack of sidegra / cialis / what ever and shag her 3 times a day, so she has no time cleaning and you safe on the water bill even more...

Or actually... grow up and get out of Kindergarten... passifier.gif

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