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I was misquoted on Cabinet audio system, Panadda says


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Who actually opened the contract for the refurbishment and when was it signed off and by whom?

I am not 100% sure if it is, but if these rooms are at Govt house it, according to the other paper 252 million renovation project was approved by the NCPO on the 22nd July.

They sure know how to do a renovation on the quick. About 8-9 million dollars of works in around 6 weeks.

I am not sure either though I vaguely remember the refurbishment of government house has been going on for a while.

My excuse is old age and a short attention span.

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I guess this 89 new microphones priced at Bt145,000 each are equipped with:

- polygraph

- Voice frequency analyzer

- Skin surface tension meter

- Respiration rate monitor

- Pupil size change Analyser

- and a – talk bullshit indicator – red lamp display

So if nobody can lie so easy, perhaps the corruption is then less.

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How on earth can the Price be "subject to negotiation"?

Seriously: This is the one, probably only part of this story that is credible. It's the way the Thai government (and even some businesses) do business. Negotiations are actually conducted after completion of the job, done at an agreed price. There's nothing military or corrupt or democratic or pious or horrible or wonderful here.

As for the REST of this fairy tale.... I have shed a tear for poor Mom Panaddan, the way the entire press corps and broadcast media and bloggers all got him wrong. Bad luck indeed, poor man. I think he's finding it not such an enjoyable rush after all to be front man for taking the junta's flak.


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How on earth can the Price be "subject to negotiation"?

Seriously: This is the one, probably only part of this story that is credible. It's the way the Thai government (and even some businesses) do business. Negotiations are actually conducted after completion of the job, done at an agreed price. There's nothing military or corrupt or democratic or pious or horrible or wonderful here.

As for the REST of this fairy tale.... I have shed a tear for poor Mom Panaddan, the way the entire press corps and broadcast media and bloggers all got him wrong. Bad luck indeed, poor man. I think he's finding it not such an enjoyable rush after all to be front man for taking the junta's flak.

... and don't forget the flak he got for his 'rice warehouse inspection tour', poor ML Panadda indeed.

BTW interesting that the government bureaucracy seems to do the paperwork. No excuse of course, but some of this bureaucracy seems so embedded into 'doing things', that I'm surprised Gen. Prayuth didn't get rid of more of them.

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Does this man ever said something right and need not retract later? He is a real ambarassment to a polished team the General assemble.

His report on Rice Stocks ?

Yes, that report. Have you seen it - or are you just talking about his soundbite that 78% of Thailand Rice stock is inferior quality?

One would have thought if he was going to make political capital out of that he would have published the findings in all the national papers, as opposed to just mentioning it during a talk to "rice officials" on "Instilling Merits, Ethics, Unity and Conciliation", wouldn't you?

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Does this man ever said something right and need not retract later? He is a real ambarassment to a polished team the General assemble.

His report on Rice Stocks ?

Yes, that report. Have you seen it - or are you just talking about his soundbite that 78% of Thailand Rice stock is inferior quality?

One would have thought if he was going to make political capital out of that he would have published the findings in all the national papers, as opposed to just mentioning it during a talk to "rice officials" on "Instilling Merits, Ethics, Unity and Conciliation", wouldn't you?

Terribly sorry, old chap. You obviously didn't get the message that we do not live in a democracy now. The report has been given to the NLA and/or NCPO for further processing.

Now if only we still had that Thai democracy with openness, transparency and accountability as Ms. Yingluck so often promoted. If only we still had Ms. Yingluck and her Administration, I'm sure we would have (yet another) a fully detailed report on a single A4 page. Most likely also somehow conflicting with any other 'report' brought out before. Can't trust your people nowadays, one must continuously keep an eye on them to make sure they do what needs to be done. rolleyes.gif

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These mics are not just mics they are multimedia display unit which people can share videos/pictures/files/webcams and more. Like the previous poster commented, these are Bosch DCN Multimedia units. Retails for around $2300 online. As with all all government purchases in Thailand, they love to be ripped off, it makes them happy.

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