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Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

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On a long trip (No pun) to Jamaica

I noticed hundreds of females over 50 (at least) shagging their days away

with the local big knobs...

all provide for by the deseased husbands

Most men just want a wife that will have sex with them whenever they want, and maybe produce a few babies.

These girls usually fulfil the first criteria nicely.

Cheaper than the respectable western ladies, that produce a few babies, never have sex again, then want your house and pension.

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I think that you, the OP, has had limited experience in Thailand and with Thai women. Simply having worked in the sex-trade does not indicate "ill-repute" in a relatively poor country like Thailand where there are few options for making a living wage. I find the percentage of women who work in the "scene" who I find somewhat distasteful in nature to be about the same as those who come from "good" families. In fact, the higher up the socio-economic ladder the higher is the percentage who I personally find rather distasteful in nature while coming from a background of ill-repute.

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I think that you, the OP, has had limited experience in Thailand and with Thai women. Simply having worked in the sex-trade does not indicate "ill-repute" in a relatively poor country like Thailand where there are few options for making a living wage. I find the percentage of women who work in the "scene" who I find somewhat distasteful in nature to be about the same as those who come from "good" families. In fact, the higher up the socio-economic ladder the higher is the percentage who I personally find rather distasteful in nature while coming from a background of ill-repute.

Thank you for your report.....facepalm.gif

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What ill repute are you referring to OP?

These girls are making a way of living and most of the time they do it out of necessity for a better life for their families and kids and not because they like to go to bed with any Tom Dick and Harry.

But they are humans as you and me and it is proven that they can be much better wives and mothers than some respectable other women.

I have a lot of people that I know that have been married to these ill repute girls as you put it and have a wonderful life.

These girls are looking for an easy way out and for the better of themselves.

Most of the men I know who married such women are not with them anymore. The thing is, if they are willing to marry one of their clients, they are willing to screw him over too, usually once a house has been built.

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What ill repute are you referring to OP?

These girls are making a way of living and most of the time they do it out of necessity for a better life for their families and kids and not because they like to go to bed with any Tom Dick and Harry.

But they are humans as you and me and it is proven that they can be much better wives and mothers than some respectable other women.

I have a lot of people that I know that have been married to these ill repute girls as you put it and have a wonderful life.

These girls are looking for an easy way out and for the better of themselves.

Most of the men I know who married such women are not with them anymore. The thing is, if they are willing to marry one of their clients, they are willing to screw him over too, usually once a house has been built.

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If a twenty five year old bar girl marries a fifty five year old western guy, it is highly unlikely it is going to last, but an age gap of ten to twenty years has a much better chance.

It should not be to hard to figure out why.

Do you think a 50 year old guy who marries a 50 year old bar girl has a better chance of success?

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There is a simple answer to OP's question - its all about choice.

1. Different men want different things from their mate. One mans trash is another man's treasure. Some value education, some values sexual satiscation, some value youth etc etc. - all to varying degrees.

2. A man is limited by his options. No matter what you value in a woman, a man can only marry what is willing to marry him.

These two factors will almost certainly decide who you end up with.

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See it as it is or ignore and only fool yourself.

The truth of the matter is the profession is spread throughout the world, not only Thailand. And as most everyone is aware, prostitution is one of, or is, the oldest profession. Accepting that as a trueism, I pose this question:

Where have the hundreds of thousands of women through all the generations gone into our society? To break it down even more for you better yet, who were/ are they? Perhaps... They were/ are Aunts, Neices, Cousins and yes, oh yes, even Mothers.

So it should become clear at least to the casual observer, that speaking negative things about what these women do does not help. It creates negativity and negative feelings to others. Consider this novel approach: "Your job is only what you do. It's not who you are".

Be kind to others... You too someday could be in a situation where you need others involvement to help you. Don't be so quick with your tongue to say things that your mind conjures up. Try to work on, to better yourself thinking good thoughts and then when you speak to others you'll have something positive to contribute. Judging others is a very easy thing to do. Helping others is what you could be thinking.

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ever met a prostitute in your home country?

If you had, you'll know why guys don't marry them (not that many would consider marriage to a customer).

Thailand, an entirely different product to purchase.

House, car, credit card, normal provision for any wife, if you don't give the judge will take.

It would seem marriage with the "home country prostitute"is advantageous since theres no sick buffalos or extended family to also support.

Correct, it would be "advantageous", but the losers still want to marry a Thai prostitute. Why ?

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ouch !!

PS; hundreds of thousands surely an exaggeration, more like hundreds to thousands.

belg wrote, hundreds OR thousands, not hundreds OF thousands.

Any hooker who'd had hundreds of thousands of men would be in the workshop for a rebore and sleeve!!!

The truck washes in Vietnam come to mind--truckloads of GIs would stop at these dens of iniquity and relieve themselves. Some of the better looking girls did 20 guys a day, or more--which could mean over 7,000 customers a year. One of the over 40 year marriages I mentioned in another post on this forum was between a friend and a popular "truck wash" girl. Their marriage was one of the exceptions.

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easy way is to ask yourself : would you marry a prostitute in your own country, that had sex with hundreds or thousands of men ?

plus play to buy her from her parents ?

and buy them a house which you don't own, cars, montly fees, sick buffalo's ...

Ever met a prostitute in your home country?

If you had, you'll know why guys don't marry them (not that many would consider marriage to a customer).

Thailand, an entirely different product to purchase.

House, car, credit card, normal provision for any wife, if you don't give the judge will take.

It would seem marriage with the "home country prostitute"is advantageous since theres no sick buffalos or extended family to also support.

Correct, it would be "advantageous", but the losers still want to marry a Thai prostitute. Why ?

I am not sure they "want" to marry a prostitute, they simply marry the girl who turns them on.

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If a twenty five year old bar girl marries a fifty five year old western guy, it is highly unlikely it is going to last, but an age gap of ten to twenty years has a much better chance.

It should not be to hard to figure out why.

Do you think a 50 year old guy who marries a 50 year old bar girl has a better chance of success?

OK, pass me the 25 year old, you take the 50 year old.

I'm prepared to participate in the experiment for the sake of the forum.

We''ll see which turns out best.

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One of the things that always seems to be missed when talking about this is: Opportunity. By this I mean the opportunity to meet women at home. When I left the UK the pc aspect of the workplace meant it was virtually impossible to develop a relationship other than a professional one. So a traditional meeting place for couples has been struck off the list. Likewise the pub. With increasing prices, smoking bans and the higher cost of living people went out less making another traditional meeting ground less effective.

Then you have the men who are most likely to be 40+ and divorced. Probably too old to go clubbing. So where on earth are these people going to meet a woman who is a possible mate? Believe me I had a good job, lived in a nice part of London and would consider myself good looking and fit and I had to go to the internet to meet women. There are a lot of men who still think the internet is a bit seedy and won't use it. And if they live in a small town it is even harder.

Then they come to Thailand!!!! Bingo! It is like a mirror image of the life they were leading. Suddenly they are meeting more attractive women than they can cope with. Some are out to get their money but some are just out to get their man, and with it security and a better life. What is not to like about that?

So the girls have used their assets to survive. He who is without sin etc. I am not justifying, celebrating or condoning what they do. But I do accept it. And the situation creates a place where a western man can get an attractive Asian lady and not be lonely anymore. THAT IS A GOOD THING.

I am firmly of the opinion that when you meet someone you judge them by what they do now not what they did before. I know if I was judged in the same way i would be found wanting.

And if every farang who is married to a hiso rich thai-chinese doctor was lined up they would reach from here to the end of my nose.

As Talk Talk said, "Life's what you make it". Look back in anger or look forward in hope.

Points well made. I was looking at some pics today, when cleaning out my storage space, from Thailand in 2003. It amazed me to see how young and good-looking I was at the time. No wonder the girls were all over me! lol But I was already over 40, and in the US, although I had no trouble getting dates or getting laid, I couldn't get to first base with the women I wanted. There were two in particular I would have done anything for. The first made it very clear we were "just friends," and she had no interest in a relationship with me. She was 39, looked great for her age. Second one was married, 36 yrs old. She confessed her fondness for me, but, as much as she complained about her husband not showing her enough attention, she was not about to get a messy divorce and put her kids through that hassle. As she put it, I don't feel for him anymore what I feel for you, but he is really not a bad guy, and he is the father of my children.

These were attractive, lovely women, but hardly young. Then I get off the plane in Phuket, and I've got young beautiful ladies throwing themselves at me, proposing marriage, etc. It was a bit overwhelming. Pretty women who were 28 or 30 would give me this sad look, and tell me they know they are too old for me. I was suddenly dating girls 20-26 years old. I would think that my memory exaggerates how attractive they were. But looking at those pics today made it clear that they really were beauties.

In the US I couldn't get a date with an attractive lady much under 40. The ones I dated were 35 to 42, for the most part, but the 35 yr olds were pretty middling on looks, and the older ones were rapidly fading beauties. I even dated one, who was 49 yrs old, older than me, but an ex-Playboy bunny, and still looked good. All those women paled in comparison to the young Thai beauties.

And it wasn't only looks. The way the Thai ladies smiled, and laughed, their care-free, good-natured, fun-loving personalities were also beyond comparison to the US gals.

I'm sure I would have married one, except I was not in a position to move to LOS, and, having recently been through a tough divorce, after a lot of hard thought, decided I was not willing to risk my assets by bringing a foreign bride back to America.

Those, who are not as cautious as me, do marry Thai brides, and I wish them well. BTW, the gals I have dated and had relationships with in Thailand were both good girls and bar girls. In those early years 2002-2004, all three of the ones I got serious with, and considered marriage, were not bar girls, and had never worked in a gogo, ladybar or MP, and one of them was hi-so.

Edited by Jaybee2
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This thread is extremely revealing as to the depth of self delusion of many of the posters here.

If you want a good marriage you need to look for integrity and common ground, and then you have to be determined to stick to the contract when life gets complicated. If you find that and can do that with a bar girl, then good for you.

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I think that you, the OP, has had limited experience in Thailand and with Thai women. Simply having worked in the sex-trade does not indicate "ill-repute" in a relatively poor country like Thailand where there are few options for making a living wage. I find the percentage of women who work in the "scene" who I find somewhat distasteful in nature to be about the same as those who come from "good" families. In fact, the higher up the socio-economic ladder the higher is the percentage who I personally find rather distasteful in nature while coming from a background of ill-repute.

That is simply not true. While it may have been true at one time, now there is a minimum wage, which is, in fact, a living wage, unlike the minimum wage in the US. Furthermore, the unemployment rate in Thailand is an enviable 1% approx. As I see it, the fact of the matter is that many lower-class Americans have few options to make a living wage, but I don't see many of them resorting to prostitution. The prospects for a poor Thai making a living wage are much better than for a poor American, who is facing unemployment rates of 6% to 7%, and a minimum wage which is not even close to being a living

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I would imagine by the time they marry, their past is behind them and is of no consequence.

Nonsense, they (the losers) would not marry a prostitute from their own countries.

I disagree!!.. They probably would marry a pro in their own country if they could. As if a pro in the west is going to marry the type of guys that come here and marry bar girls. A pro back in the west would probably refuse sex with some of these guys even for money!!! Usually these guys are here for a reason, and only Thai hookers are the ones that will accept them, with the proviso he has cash & a lot of it.

So really comparing marrying pros here to back home is apples and oranges!!

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I think that you, the OP, has had limited experience in Thailand and with Thai women. Simply having worked in the sex-trade does not indicate "ill-repute" in a relatively poor country like Thailand where there are few options for making a living wage. I find the percentage of women who work in the "scene" who I find somewhat distasteful in nature to be about the same as those who come from "good" families. In fact, the higher up the socio-economic ladder the higher is the percentage who I personally find rather distasteful in nature while coming from a background of ill-repute.

That is simply not true. While it may have been true at one time, now there is a minimum wage, which is, in fact, a living wage, unlike the minimum wage in the US. Furthermore, the unemployment rate in Thailand is an enviable 1% approx. As I see it, the fact of the matter is that many lower-class Americans have few options to make a living wage, but I don't see many of them resorting to prostitution. The prospects for a poor Thai making a living wage are much better than for a poor American, who is facing unemployment rates of 6% to 7%, and a minimum wage which is not even close to being a living wage. The vast majority of young Thai women do OK working hard at regular jobs. The ones who turn to prostitution, by and large, have no desire to make a living wage, they want to make BIG money, buy houses and cars, and live a lavish lifestyle.

P.S. My computer glitched on the previous post, which I was unable to finish. This post is because I was not given the option to edit the previous post.

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I disagree!!.. They probably would marry a pro in their own country if they could. As if a pro in the west is going to marry the type of guys that come here and marry bar girls. A pro back in the west would probably refuse sex with some of these guys even for money!!! Usually these guys are here for a reason, and only Thai hookers are the ones that will accept them, with the proviso he has cash & a lot of it.

So really comparing marrying pros here to back home is apples and oranges!!

Most guys I know, never used prostitutes in the west, it's considered abnormal behaviour by most men.

On the other hand, it's entirely normal in Thailand, and most foreigners have trouble meeting any non-prostitutes.

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What ill repute are you referring to OP?

These girls are making a way of living and most of the time they do it out of necessity for a better life for their families and kids and not because they like to go to bed with any Tom Dick and Harry.

But they are humans as you and me and it is proven that they can be much better wives and mothers than some respectable other women.

I have a lot of people that I know that have been married to these ill repute girls as you put it and have a wonderful life.

These girls are looking for an easy way out and for the better of themselves.

Most of the men I know who married such women are not with them anymore. The thing is, if they are willing to marry one of their clients, they are willing to screw him over too, usually once a house has been built.

Yep, I hate to sound so old-fashioned but I just don't trust a woman who has had hundreds of dicks in her. If a woman can whore herself around like a piece of meat then it's obvious that she doesn't respect herself and if she doesn't respect herself she sure as heck can't respect you. Fact is you're nothing but another dick to her but by chance are a dick with money wrapped around it. And I laugh at the people who support these women who sell themselves and also support the reasoning behind the women's decision to whore themselves out- namely that Thailand is a poor country and that these women have no choice but to do what they're doing because they have to support dear old mom and dad, blah...blah...blah... The fact is Thailand is NOT a poor country and never has been and people don't starve here and even the poorest Thais will always have a full belly and a place to sleep. 99% of the time, these Thai hookers enter the profession because it's the best way to make good money fast and selling one's vagina has to be the easiest way to make $$$ out there so yes, laziness and the unwillingness to get out there a work hard to make their $$$ is also one of the reasons. Most of these women could get out of the profession EASY if they would take some of the $$$ they make and after a few years invest it and open a little shop somewhere selling whatever but they hardly ever do that because GASP- they might actually have to work hard for the first time in their lives like the rest of us.

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1. Different men want different things from their mate.

You clearly haven't been paying attention. Thai women are universally attractive to all men, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

Depends on the woman, eh? I personally prefer Chinese women...

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Many of them are misfits who couldn't find a woman who would have them in their own countries.

Many think they're 'saving' hookers, but that's not a basis for a long term relationship.

Some just don't care provided they can get their rocks off regularly.

The rest....I don't know about them.

And above all, they actually think its L-O-V-E!!!

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So many posters have harped on about the women selling themselves and about prostitutes having no self respect. Well here is a wake up call. We are all prostitutes.

We all sell parts of our body. The building labourer sells his hands, his back and his strength. The watchmaker sells his hands and his skill. If you have ever worked for a living you have prostituted yourself for money. The difference is the part of your body you sell and how it is used. To our prudish western sensibilities selling the use of your vagina is morally corrupt, but is it really? The reality is that it is just a commodity and if the seller can seperate that then she is no different to any other worker.

Life is a series of sales, purchases and negotiations. And, ultimately, your life partner, whatever background she comes from, will have been part of that series. The next twenty years are a lot more important than the last so look forward not back.

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One or more of the following reasons:

1. Low self-esteem, same as the prostitutes

2. Too old to find someone in their own countries

3. Too fat to find someone in their own countries

4. Not enough money to find someone in their own countries

5. Too unsightly to find someone in their own countries

6. Perversion - Huge age gap

Anyone have more?

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If a twenty five year old bar girl marries a fifty five year old western guy, it is highly unlikely it is going to last, but an age gap of ten to twenty years has a much better chance.

It should not be to hard to figure out why.

Do you think a 50 year old guy who marries a 50 year old bar girl has a better chance of success?


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Most farang men that marry thai postitutes already have herpes. It is impossible for them to get a partner in the west. Most thai postitutes already have herpes, and so the guy is so releived at the prospect of sex without a condom that he proposes instantly.

You mention only Herpes, but did not mention HIV, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or Trichomoniasis. I thought all Thai prostitutes had all those diseases.

Judging by your pic here, you seem to host quite an array of diseases yourself, Mister. And that's only the visible ones.

Yeah, and that's my butt at which you're looking.

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