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Ian Paisley: Politicians and religious leaders react to death

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Ian Paisley: Politicians and religious leaders react to death

Political and religious leaders have been reacting to the death of former Democratic Unionist Party leader and first minister Ian Paisley.

Prime Minister David Cameron said Mr Paisley, 88, had been "one of the most forceful and instantly recognisable characters in British politics".

His successor, Peter Robinson, said he was influential and Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness said he had lost a friend.

His wife, Baroness Eileen Paisley, said the family was heartbroken.

Mr Paisley, who was 88, moved from a political "never man" to Northern Ireland's first minister.

He ended up leading a power-sharing executive at Stormont - although he had supported the strike to bring one down 30 years earlier.

In her statement on Friday, Baroness Paisley said: "Although ours is the grand hope of reunion, naturally as a family, we are heartbroken.

"We loved him and he adored us and our earthly lives are forever changed."

Baroness Paisley said that his funeral would be private.

The prime minister said Mr Paisley was a controversial politician but his contribution in his later years to stability in Northern Ireland was "huge".

"In particular, his decision to take his party into government with Sinn Féin in 2007 required great courage and leadership, for which everyone in these islands should be grateful," Mr Cameron said.

"Ian Paisley will be remembered by many as the 'Big Man' of Northern Ireland politics. He will be greatly missed."

Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-29185055

-- BBC 2014-09-13

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A controversial figure indeed, and will be much missed for his uncompromising sbtance on Bible-

based Protestantism.

I always thought of him as a sad victory of style over substance - people heard the loud booming

voice but not the message it conveyed.

I will not say RIP because I suspect he considered it "Romish".

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And Martin McGuinness was a murdering IRA criminal terrorist bigot like Gerry Adams.

But, McGuinness and Paisley realized they needed to change, Both did and worked amazingly well together.

McGuinness, like Paisley, has the balls to admit that a lot of regretful things were done, which seemed right at the time.

Regardless of the circumstance which forced them to work together, they both made the best of it, and did better than anybody gave them credit. Both started being realistic and actually talking sense and not pretending or spouting the usual bigoted tripe some still do.

Some just can't change their bigoted hate though.

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An overly hateful one line post that adds nothing to the topic has been reported and has now been removed along with the quoted replies to it, apologies to those who quoted it.

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Glad he is dead, he was a trouble making bigoted bast-ard. May he rot in hell.

And Martin McGuinness was a murdering IRA criminal terrorist bigot like Gerry Adams.

But, McGuinness and Paisley realized they needed to change, Both did and worked amazingly well together.

McGuinness, like Paisley, has the balls to admit that a lot of regretful things were done, which seemed right at the time.

Regardless of the circumstance which forced them to work together, they both made the best of it, and did better than anybody gave them credit. Both started being realistic and actually talking sense and not pretending or spouting the usual bigoted tripe some still do.

Some just can't change their bigoted hate though.

Yes, but as I say, don't compare the IRA freedom fighters with the Provos. As soon as the IRA are mentioned, people start thinking about the Provos, and the blowing up of shopping centres, we have to keep things in perspective, the IRA were freedom fighters, fighting and eventually winning their fight for Irish freedom from the British.

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A controversial figure indeed, and will be much missed for his uncompromising sbtance on Bible-

based Protestantism.

I always thought of him as a sad victory of style over substance - people heard the loud booming

voice but not the message it conveyed.

I will not say RIP because I suspect he considered it "Romish".

Well he did have a thing about that scarlet woman of Rome.

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Yes, but as I say, don't compare the IRA freedom fighters with the Provos. As soon as the IRA are mentioned, people start thinking about the Provos, and the blowing up of shopping centres, we have to keep things in perspective, the IRA were freedom fighters, fighting and eventually winning their fight for Irish freedom from the British.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

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Strange isn't it that it is always (and only) Protestants that are accused of bigotry? RC's of course are always (and only RC's) described as devout.

Invented his own religion? He based everything he preached on the fundamental Reformation principle that "any doctrine not proven from Scripture is not to be considered a true Christian doctrine".

Best to keep your puerile, simplistic thoughts to yourself.

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Hate preaching has been around for some time and Paisley was very good at it, all masked by a clerical collar.

He was a fake priest who invented his own religion and then set him self up as a preacher. He was a bigot who preached hatred towards the Roman Catholics. He was no better than the Muslim extremists preaching hatred towards all infidels. The world is better off without him

I think the Jews would take you to task over that statement and both the Jews and Christians would probably say the same about the Muslims, Mormons, and every other religious tribe that there has ever been.

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Hate preaching has been around for some time and Paisley was very good at it, all masked by a clerical collar.

He was a fake priest who invented his own religion and then set him self up as a preacher. He was a bigot who preached hatred towards the Roman Catholics. He was no better than the Muslim extremists preaching hatred towards all infidels. The world is better off without him

Please take your sectairan bile elsewhere, he had no problem with Roman Catholics, like many in the world his problem was with the Church Of Rome.

Would you accuse one of Ireland finest ever woman Sinead O'connor of the same?

A woman who 20+ years ago was mocked, ridiculed and satanised, a woman who now was seen to be right in her stance.

A woman who had the courage of her convictions to stand up for what she believed in, well done Sinead, I salute you, you had the balls (no pun intended to do it) and shocked and stunned the world, especially those in the land of the free.

In my life I have never witnessed a moment like it in rock music, total silence and disbelief.

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Hate preaching has been around for some time and Paisley was very good at it, all masked by a clerical collar.

He was a fake priest who invented his own religion and then set him self up as a preacher. He was a bigot who preached hatred towards the Roman Catholics. He was no better than the Muslim extremists preaching hatred towards all infidels. The world is better off without him

Please take your sectairan bile elsewhere, he had no problem with Roman Catholics, like many in the world his problem was with the Church Of Rome.

Would you accuse one of Ireland finest ever woman Sinead O'connor of the same?

A woman who 20+ years ago was mocked, ridiculed and satanised, a woman who now was seen to be right in her stance.

A woman who had the courage of her convictions to stand up for what she believed in, well done Sinead, I salute you, you had the balls (no pun intended to do it) and shocked and stunned the world, especially those in the land of the free.

In my life I have never witnessed a moment like it in rock music, total silence and disbelief.

Dave Allen was raised a Catholic and he was none too keen on the church. According to the BBC there was 2 sides to Ian Paisley's most of us only saw one side

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No doubt the good Doctor will be sitting alongside the Lord in his heavenly domain. A well earned rest after fighting for the Lord in his earthly life.

<deleted> Sinead O Connor and the words of wisdom from the Bwanatickey am at a loss. God or Bhudda or some one safe us .

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Paisley was the devil incarnate who was responsible for countless deaths and openly encouraged his sectarian loyalist friends to plunder Catholic neighbourhoods looking for their next innocent victim. He will be burning in hell I have no doubt.

And before this post gets deleted you may want to look at the murdering scum Martin McGuiness post as I am not aware of him either being found guilty or admitting killing anyone.

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When did Paisley admit to or be found guilty of killing anyone? I must have missed that.

McGuiness and his pal Adams may not have pulled any triggers or planted any bombs themselves; but their PIRA terrorist masters are certainly responsible for far more deaths than Unionist terrorists.

They also have the power to bring a crumb of comfort to the families of the disappeared by telling them where the bodies are buried; but they refuse to do so.

At the height of the troubles I had no time for Paisley, McGuiness, Adams or any of their ilk.

But if they and others had not eventually been prepared to talk to and then work with each other, there would be no peace in Northern Ireland today.

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Glad he is dead, he was a trouble making bigoted bast-ard. May he rot in hell.

And Martin McGuinness was a murdering IRA criminal terrorist bigot like Gerry Adams.

But, McGuinness and Paisley realized they needed to change, Both did and worked amazingly well together.

McGuinness, like Paisley, has the balls to admit that a lot of regretful things were done, which seemed right at the time.

Regardless of the circumstance which forced them to work together, they both made the best of it, and did better than anybody gave them credit. Both started being realistic and actually talking sense and not pretending or spouting the usual bigoted tripe some still do.

Some just can't change their bigoted hate though.

Yes, but as I say, don't compare the IRA freedom fighters with the Provos. As soon as the IRA are mentioned, people start thinking about the Provos, and the blowing up of shopping centres, we have to keep things in perspective, the IRA were freedom fighters, fighting and eventually winning their fight for Irish freedom from the British.

Ah yes freedom.

The freedom to emigrate.

The freedom to live in an RC Church dominated state, effectively ruled from Maynooth.

The freedom to live in a state that passed condolences to the German ambassador on the death of Hitler. (Of course this was totally unconnected to the fact that Hitler was baptised RC and never excommunicated),

The freedom to live in a state that kept the lights on at night during WWII giving guidance to the Luftwaffe on their way to bomb the UK.

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Hate preaching has been around for some time and Paisley was very good at it, all masked by a clerical collar.

He was a fake priest who invented his own religion and then set him self up as a preacher. He was a bigot who preached hatred towards the Roman Catholics. He was no better than the Muslim extremists preaching hatred towards all infidels. The world is better off without him

Actually RP anybody calling thamselves a (Christian) priest is a fake priest.

The role of a priest is to perform a sacrifice. Scripture states that Christ made a once for all, perfect, finished sacrifice on Calvary, by which mens sins are forgiven. No further sacrifice is necessary.

Any Christian claiming to perform a further sacrifice of Christ is guilty of blasphemy and idolatry for starters,

The role of a Protestant Minister is to preach the truth of the gospel. Which Paisley did, It is a pity that he became inextricably part of the maze* of N.I. politics. (*No pun intended).

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Paisley was the devil incarnate who was responsible for countless deaths and openly encouraged his sectarian loyalist friends to plunder Catholic neighbourhoods looking for their next innocent victim. He will be burning in hell I have no doubt.

And before this post gets deleted you may want to look at the murdering scum Martin McGuiness post as I am not aware of him either being found guilty or admitting killing anyone.

Utter garbage.

The devil incarnate? Bit OTT even for a fenian,

If he was responsible for countless deaths please mention a few.

"Plunder catholic neighbourhoods"? According to fenian propaganda they were all so poor and oppressed there was nothing there to be plundered.

If you seriously think that McGuinness is not responsible for any deaths why was he commander of the Derry brigade of the Provisionals? His job was to arrange for the murders of people.

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Moderators this person has used hate speech by calling me a fenian. Is this forum sectarian? However I am used to the little minds of these klu klux klan type bullys. I suppose it's hard to stomach when you see these so called fenians get democratically elected and seize power. Scotland first and the six counties of the North of Ireland will be next. Here Here!!

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In other words you cannot come up with a rational, coherent response to the points I made.

And calling an elected mp, minister etc the devil incarnate is not hate speech?

You go crying "moderators look what he's done", like a little boy. You say far more about yourself than I ever could.

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And according to Wiki "Fenian was an umbrella term for the Fenian Brotherhood and Irish Republican Brotherhood". So hardly a hate term.

I resent the stupidity of the KKK slight. In a few weeks I will be drinking in Pattaya with the blackest loyalist I know.

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