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Help Needed Urgently For My Son


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Troll, must be or he is just too embarassed by his post to reply.

I think he is just too embarrassed to reply to us. I've seen him online reading the topic when I have come back to read newest posts.

Maybe the answer for Mrs. Bishop to eat the bananas, and go back to breastfeeding until he is 18.

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I fully understand Bishops problem. Food and drinks taste do very from city to city. So If anybody is coming back from Ireland any time soon, could they please bring back me a keg of Guinness as its so much nicer there. Its unlikely that I will pay them but they will be rewarded in the knowledge that I would be very grateful.

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I have to get people to bring regualr shipments of toasted cheese and vegemite sandwhiches from Australia for my son.

I was in Carrefoure yesterday and bought a 50kilo bag of organic rice and 35 kilo of dried bananas and a blender. I have made up 80 kilos, spilt some, of rice and banana cereal for Bishop. Send me a ticket to Singapore and some cash for extra baggage and I will deliver it personally.

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From analyzing his use of English he is not a native speaker. He is most likely an upper class Singapore male but not Chinese and trying to impress his wife with his worldly possessions. As with most males from Singapore he is content with laws against chewing gum but is upset that his young son can’t get the flavor of cereal he wants. An odd bunch of people and one of the reasons I live in Thailand. Can you imagine a Thai kid eating cereal at 18 months? By then he can already out crawl bugs and is picking off the wings himself.

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An odd bunch of people and one of the reasons I live in Thailand. Can you imagine a Thai kid eating cereal at 18 months? By then he can already out crawl bugs and is picking off the wings himself.

that had me laughing for a good long while.......

too bad i dont have pics of my babies eating watermelon:: in the baby house we would strip them to their huggies or they go combat, and give them squashed watermelon to eat, and white cheese (like yougurt but thicker)... when finished, we stick 'em in the bath tub or hsoe them down (in summer) and the psychologists love it... good for developing sensory receptions, smallmotor large motor etc... and great kodak opportunites...

poor spoon fed babies.........they'll probably be awful in bed........

oh well......


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An odd bunch of people and one of the reasons I live in Thailand. Can you imagine a Thai kid eating cereal at 18 months? By then he can already out crawl bugs and is picking off the wings himself.

that had me laughing for a good long while.......

too bad i dont have pics of my babies eating watermelon:: in the baby house we would strip them to their huggies or they go combat, and give them squashed watermelon to eat, and white cheese (like yougurt but thicker)... when finished, we stick 'em in the bath tub or hsoe them down (in summer) and the psychologists love it... good for developing sensory receptions, smallmotor large motor etc... and great kodak opportunites...

poor spoon fed babies.........they'll probably be awful in bed........

oh well......


You did so well until the last sentence . . . which just makes you look ridiculous.

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sorry........ i meant in the future.... its a translation of the tail end of what people here always say when they see overly sterile/spoon feeding/super clean mothers of babies... what the child will be ike in the future.... never mind, some punch lines dont translate well......

never mind looking rediculous either... im on the internet what do i care what u think i am like...


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poor spoon fed babies.........they'll probably be awful in bed........

oh well......


You did so well until the last sentence . . . which just makes you look ridiculous.

I thought it was funny!

Hopefully the OP will have read enough by now to convince him to try some other foods.

One thing I'm always insistant on is that my son always sits down to eat as I vowed if I ever had kids there would be no way I would be letting a maid/nanny chase him down the road holding the spoon! He was eating mashed up bananas at 6 months, like Bina said, by 9 months was eating a lot of what we were eating (cut up small) mixed with mushy baby stuff and by 12 months hardly ate anything different than us. At 21 months he feeds himself and can use a fork and spoon pretty profeciently and has been able to do so for quite a few months. Luckily he's a good eater, though so I've had no problems with this. If the OP is still having trouble with his son and it's not just because of the parents giving in and giving him what he wants, then perhaps he should be taking the toddler to the doctor for further assessment to see why he can't (won't ?) eat other foods.

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Hopefully the OP will have read enough by now to convince him to try some other foods.
More likely, the troll (OP) is holding his belly, laughing at being fed so opulently.

Why is it that threads initiated by trolls are among those that generate the highest number of posts?



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:o Done very nicely :D:D

Mr. Bishop, I don't see you receiving any positive help on this issue but please allow me give you some positive advice. I am no Dr. Spock but I am a father (three times over) and everyone of my children has grown to be bright and healthy without ever knowing about Gerber Rice with Banana. At 18 months old, your son will be walking well (isn't he) and feeding himself fairly comfortably and with some degree of accuracy (doesn't he?) or is he still being spoon fed all the time? Do yourself, and your son, a big big favour and introduce him to alternatives now...and make him eat them. How you do it is up to you.

Just a couple of final questions. How far would you travel to satisfy you son's taste for this food and should this stuff be no longer available in Thailand, or anywhere else, what would you do then? Come up with a solution and apply it.

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