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Germany: Former Nazi guard charged over 300,000 Auschwitz murders

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It was real bad what happens there in the past. But so much more genocide happens before and after. Does any one hunt the people involved? No! So after this long time no one can proof what happens and who did something. Stop wasting the money for the trials and hunting. Take more care of current issues.


For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

Bit close to home? Don't worry no one is looking for your granddad yet


It was real bad what happens there in the past. But so much more genocide happens before and after. Does any one hunt the people involved? No! So after this long time no one can proof what happens and who did something. Stop wasting the money for the trials and hunting. Take more care of current issues.

Actually the German government has hard evidence, witness statements, and I think I read even live witnesses about the actions of the accused. I do get the controversy about this kind of conviction. He certainly doesn't sound like a first level Nazi war criminal. But I would suggest keep an open mind and see what is revealed in his trial. Don't take his statements verbatim. He would be trying to paint himself favorably, now wouldn't he?

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Israeli archaeologist Yoram Haimi reported today on Ynet(Hebrew) that his international team has now identified the location of a real Gas Chambers in Sobibor concentration camp.


Another blow to the holocaust deniers.

Well the holocaust deniers will tell these weren't Gas Chambers, these were different rooms. So it won't help.

On the other side the holocaust is in Europe a big industry already, so I wouldn't trust these people as well.

It will need another 200 years till it can be discussed peaceful


This 92 year old , who once worked as a bean counter, has not as yet spilt the beans of where this money ended up, in Banks, at his trail it would be interesting to know who financed this war, and made a profit off the backs of people like this old man.

One thing I am sure of, is that he would not have taken tea money for himself to send to his village.


For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

There is no time limit for the atrocities that were committed during WW2 by the Nazi party. It's a shame they didn't find out sooner, but at the same time, he had to live with his actions all these years.

Either you have no concept of history and or you were never touched by what happened then.

Keep teaching, never forget, every child should know, or history has a way of repeating itself.

wish they go after war crimes committed by the japanese in china, korea and the rest of asia, as vigorously as they do nazi ones.

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When they have finished with the baggage handlers they will go after the train drivers, station masters, and track maintenance workers.

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This guy needs to go to trial assuming of course he is charged with a provable crime. Hanging out in the baggage room obviously is not a crime but we have to maintain some faith in the workings of the criminal justice system. If our world is ever to come to a peaceful understanding of what happened in the camps during WW2. He is simply 93 year old cannon fodder..

It is amazing to me how so few actually are aware that there have been serious changes to the original record. For example, Simon Wiesenthall announced in the American Press in 1993 that there were no gassings in Germany during the war. This is big news and many were convicted of war crimes based on a previous belief that camps like Dachau actually had gas chambers and conducted mass gasing. Didn't happen in Germany and anyone who is willing to conduct simple research would know that.

Sorry about the below image size. I couldn't get it smaller. I did try several times.


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And his defense would be, "like I had a choice." And he was probably right.

He had choices and the fact that you and like minded people don't believe he had choices are in the way of getting to the bottom of the issue.

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This guy needs to go to trial assuming of course he is charged with a provable crime. Hanging out in the baggage room obviously is not a crime but we have to maintain some faith in the workings of the criminal justice system. If our world is ever to come to a peaceful understanding of what happened in the camps during WW2. He is simply 93 year old cannon fodder..

It is amazing to me how so few actually are aware that there have been serious changes to the original record. For example, Simon Wiesenthall announced in the American Press in 1993 that there were no gassings in Germany during the war. This is big news and many were convicted of war crimes based on a previous belief that camps like Dachau actually had gas chambers and conducted mass gasing. Didn't happen in Germany and anyone who is willing to conduct simple research would know that.

When was it claimed that some death camps for mass extermination by gassing, of Jews, were located in the German homeland?

There were some camps in Germany / Austria that were death by labour extermination camps such as Mauthausen


This guy needs to go to trial assuming of course he is charged with a provable crime. Hanging out in the baggage room obviously is not a crime but we have to maintain some faith in the workings of the criminal justice system. If our world is ever to come to a peaceful understanding of what happened in the camps during WW2. He is simply 93 year old cannon fodder..

It is amazing to me how so few actually are aware that there have been serious changes to the original record. For example, Simon Wiesenthall announced in the American Press in 1993 that there were no gassings in Germany during the war. This is big news and many were convicted of war crimes based on a previous belief that camps like Dachau actually had gas chambers and conducted mass gasing. Didn't happen in Germany and anyone who is willing to conduct simple research would know that.

When was it claimed that some death camps for mass extermination by gassing, of Jews, were located in the German homeland?

There were some camps in Germany / Austria that were death by labour extermination camps such as Mauthausen

Dachau had a gas chamber on display in its museum. It wasn't a gas chamber and pretty much every "expert" on both sides of the situation are in agreement. to include Simon Wiesenthal. This agreement came to pass some 50 years after the war.

The Americans who arrived at Buchenwald in April 1945 found hundreds of sick inmates and many unburied corpses in the camp. Horrific photos of these gruesome scenes were immediately circulated throughout the world and have been widely reproduced ever since, giving the impression that Buchenwald was a diabolical mass killing center.


It is amazing to me how so few actually are aware that there have been serious changes to the original record. For example, Simon Wiesenthall announced in the American Press in 1993 that there were no gassings in Germany during the war. This is big news and many were convicted of war crimes based on a previous belief that camps like Dachau actually had gas chambers and conducted mass gasing. Didn't happen in Germany and anyone who is willing to conduct simple research would know that.

Are you trying to imply that the holocaust did not happen?

Why don't you bother to mention that there was PLENTY of of gassings in camps Nazi-occupied Poland - where it was easier to hide it - such as Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Kulmhof/Chelmno, Maidanek/Majdanek, and Auschwitz-Birkenau. About three million people, almost exclusively Jews, were gassed to death in those camps.

The vast majority of murdered Jews came from subjugated territory to the east and south. Why would the Nazis go to the extra trouble shipping them back into Germany?

There WAS also gassing in Germany, but on a much smaller scale.

The purposeful selectivity of the information that you present amounts to lying by omission and innuendo and is very similar to what you - and your ilk - do when it comes to atrocities committed by radical Islam.


It is amazing to me how so few actually are aware that there have been serious changes to the original record. For example, Simon Wiesenthall announced in the American Press in 1993 that there were no gassings in Germany during the war. This is big news and many were convicted of war crimes based on a previous belief that camps like Dachau actually had gas chambers and conducted mass gasing. Didn't happen in Germany and anyone who is willing to conduct simple research would know that.

Are you trying to imply that the holocaust did not happen?

Why don't you bother to mention that there was PLENTY of of gassings in camps Nazi-occupied Poland - where it was easier to hide it - such as Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Kulmhof/Chelmno, Maidanek/Majdanek, and Auschwitz-Birkenau. About three million people, almost exclusively Jews, were gassed to death in those camps.

The vast majority of murdered Jews came from subjugated territory to the east and south. Why would the Nazis go to the extra trouble shipping them back into Germany?

There WAS also gassing in Germany, but on a much smaller scale.

The purposeful selectivity of the information that you present amounts to lying by omission and innuendo and is very similar to what you - and your ilk - do when it comes to atrocities committed by radical Islam.

Nobody is trying to say the Holocaust did not happen but I am saying that it is in everybody's interest to insure that the record is factual and is kept current as the facts change with new evidence; that has obviously happened. I am merely pointing out that Simon Wiesenthal changed the official record in 1993. That is a significant change that allows as how this 93 year old nobody will allow for more information to appear before the courts. I don't expect anything to change and don't really care.

I posted early that the facts in this case did not add up. I was willing to leave at that.

I posted later that an Israeli archeologist found that there were gasings at Sobidor. He also found that it was only Sobidor for which he found this to be true. I could go on a many page rant at any point but do not find that as useful. Let the trial happen. I am sure the outcome will be as you wish it to be.

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It is not really new information. in 1975, Wiesenthal said that there were no extermination camps in what is now Germany. They were mostly in Nazi-occupied Poland.
Respectable historians have been saying this for the past 45 years, starting with the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History in 1950. Historians, and others like Wiesenthal, have attempted regularly over the years to dispel several myths about the Holocaust, but Holocaust deniers have tried to distort this into some kind of admission that the Holocaust was much more limited than has been maintained and that the truth is finally coming out. That is nonsense.
By the way, if the former Nazi guard has been telling the truth about not being directly involved in any violence and changing his thinking afterwards, I hope that he is given mercy.

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What a load of tripe! Let us try and not make this into a somehow 'romantic melodrama'. Your kines; "Not in Command", "Lived in his dreams", and the worst one of all... "was just following orders"? Besides you very poor English, you have shown yourself to be completely ignorant with regards to those who have numbers tattooed on their arms, who after having large families found themselves in '45 all alone. I would love to know from where you are from and how old you for maybe that would explain your arrogance!

First I'm 48 years old, lost 3 family members under the war, still has family members from that time,my father in laws lost he's brothers, but he has forgiven them. I think it's time to forgive. It's 70 years ago

About my English skill f$$$ you, I'm proud I'm able to write, speak, read more than one language

But I will forgive your arrogance

iamariva1957 ....... "Besides you very poor English" The pot calling the kettle black?

No just a simple typo and poor proof reading skills on my part. Not the complete misuse of English words or the correct sentence structure, not to mention spelling, and by the way... you missed one just as I did; "Your kines" The word was supposed to have been "lines".

But spelling and the use of the English language aside, the point of the posting was simply to illustrate that age should have nothing to do with one being arrested for Acts Against Humanity and the horrors that came about within the concentration camps between '39 & '45 as well as the belief that just because it happened some "70 years ago" those points alone should be reason enough to dismiss the search for and the prosecution of those that perpetrated those crimes.


It is not really new information. in 1975, Wiesenthal said that there were no extermination camps in what is now Germany. They were mostly in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Respectable historians have been saying this for the past 45 years, starting with the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History in 1950. Historians, and others like Wiesenthal, have attempted regularly over the years to dispel several myths about the Holocaust, but Holocaust deniers have tried to distort this into some kind of admission that the Holocaust was much more limited than has been maintained and that the truth is finally coming out. That is nonsense.

By the way, if the former Nazi guard has been telling the truth about not being directly involved in any violence and changing his thinking afterwards, I hope that he is given mercy.

there have been many changes to the count. After the Soviet wall came down, it was learned that no more than 1.5 million were gassed at Auswhitz . They had to change the plaque which had been on the gate from 4 million. I think that a 2.5 million adjustment is significant. No adjustment was made to the 6 million. Hoess confessed to killing up to 3.5 million but it was later learned he never had access to that many and there is no way that could have happened. Who knows his reasons for admitting to a crime that he could not have committed? The first reference to no Germany gassing first came to light in 1967 by German historians and public officials.

These changes matter. Evidence was presented at Nurnberg in 1946 that used Buchenwald, Dachau, Bergen Belson, as part of the Nazi mass execution that Many now have admitted did not happen. It was made public from many sources but the dead were already dead. The US army machine gunned over 400 guards when they liberated Dachau. That would normally be considered a war crime and especially so when we learn that Dachau was not a killing center.

It is difficult to round all of these up to 6,000,000 and manage these changes. There shouldn't be a need to but now some countries actually have laws where the 6 million cannot be challeged.

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I spent my childhood thro' the blitz and relatives were imprisoned and killed

Forgive ? Forget ?..not me.

I served NS (7th Armoured Brigade) in Germany, near the place of surrender (Luneburg).Bergen Belsen was close by, not a bird not an insect. We wrecked as much of Germany as we could (Centurions and Conquerors), to make up what we had missed out on.

Discussing what to do with surrendered Gerrnan Officers a Russian General suggested they shoot 50,000, his American associate thought he wasn't serious, they had not lost 20 million.

I often reflect on our fate if WE had lost the war. Enslavement, genetic culling to say the least.

There was a list of people the Nazis had a special interest in for immediate capture.


With typical British irony many were disappointed not to be included.

Never Ever forgive,

I was also in 7th armoured Brigade Solau. Good to meet you.

Last year I took my Thai Wife to visit Belsen camp. ( new memorial building ) she only lasted 10 mins They must never give up the search,and bring to justice,

no matter how old and frail they may be.

Many Many Germans that lived in the area Celle Eversen Muden Bergen Winsen Fallingbostel etc etc ALL new what was going on My Ex inlaws( Germans)

told me the railway between Celle and Begen was always called the death railway.


It is difficult to round all of these up to 6,000,000 and manage these changes. There shouldn't be a need to but now some countries actually have laws where the 6 million cannot be challeged.

That is because it is a fact that some try to manipulate, distort or distract from. Jews were targeted and systematically murdered in the largest genocide of the 20th century. Of the nine million Jews who had resided in Europe before the Holocaust, approximately two-thirds were killed. Statistics indicate that the total was over 5,860,000. Six million is the round figure accepted by most authorities.


Read "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman Finklestein whose parents were both in Auschwitz. This is more Zionist propaganda to justify war crimes that are being committed TODAY !

Finkelstein describes himself as "an old-fashioned communist" and others describe him as a holocaust denier. No one takes him seriously outside of the lunatic fringe.

Finklestein talks about both his parents being Auschwitz Holocaust survivors, and how he lost all his uncles and aunts in the Holocaust. I think the ones calling him a Holocaust denier are the lunatics.


I've read a number of your posts. It does not come as a surprise to me that you are a fan of Norman Finklestein. He is an open supporter of radical Islam as well as a hater of Israel. His work is often quoted by neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups;


I've read a number of your posts. It does not come as a surprise to me that you are a fan of Norman Finklestein.

The subject of Norman Finklestein is a complex one. I don't think he is generally labelled a holocaust denier. The usual charge is self hating Jew. That might be harsh but he is openly anti-Zionist.


Israeli archaeologist Yoram Haimi reported today on Ynet(Hebrew) that his international team has now identified the location of a real Gas Chambers in Sobibor concentration camp.


Another blow to the holocaust deniers.

Well the holocaust deniers will tell these weren't Gas Chambers, these were different rooms. So it won't help.

On the other side the holocaust is in Europe a big industry already, so I wouldn't trust these people as well.

It will need another 200 years till it can be discussed peaceful

have you seen the photos? its a line of bricks in the dirt. They claim, that this line of bricks COULD be the gas chambers, as any line of bricks could be !


I've read a number of your posts. It does not come as a surprise to me that you are a fan of Norman Finklestein.

The subject of Norman Finklestein is a complex one. I don't think he is generally labelled a holocaust denier. The usual charge is self hating Jew. That might be harsh but he is openly anti-Zionist.

Yes, he is anti-Zionist , as is most of the civilised world !

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I've read a number of your posts. It does not come as a surprise to me that you are a fan of Norman Finklestein.

The subject of Norman Finklestein is a complex one. I don't think he is generally labelled a holocaust denier. The usual charge is self hating Jew. That might be harsh but he is openly anti-Zionist.

Yes, he is anti-Zionist , as is most of the civilised world !

As is much of the anti-semitic world, actually. Zionism simply means political self determination for the Jewish people. Why would anyone be against that for ANY people? If a person is specifically against that for Jews, they clearly have a problem with ... JEWS. Yes a minority of Jews feel that way too. Most Jews are not friendly towards such Jews (similar to how American gays often diss gay republicans). One of those Jews is named Norman Finklestein,

Imagine if someone told you they were against political self determination for THAI people? People wouldn't even think they were haters ... they would think they were more or less insane. But bizarrely -- opposing political self determination for JEWS is more than OK in polite circles and even trendy and de riguer among Euro so called progressives.

Another example when Bush invaded Iraq correctly stirring up a lot of global anti-Americanism. People hated the policy. People hated Bush. Only insane people and terrorists took their anti-Americanism to the point of actively working for the USA to NOT EXIST. Yet that is what anti-Zionism is ... a movement working towards Israel NOT EXISTING.

To be clear, because I'm guessing you're not, criticizing specific Israeli government policies is not the same thing as anti-Zionism. Anti-Zionism generally means ideological alliance with groups dedicated to end the one nation state of the Jewish people (in a world with over 50 for Muslims but interestingly the "anti-Zionists" don't seem to have problem with that). Nobody has ever said Israel is perfect. No country is perfect. But it's another level to say it should not exist. What is anti-Zionism if not that?

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