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Overzealous enforcement of Thailand's alcohol purchase hours

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I have been told that the scanner at all 7/11s is set to not accept alcohol purchases outside the legal hours - not a matter of staff discretion at all - they are simply unable to sell it unless they took cash and rung up the amount after 5pm, and that won't happen - loss of job.

Is a little forward planning so difficult, these laws have been in place for how many years now?

Not at any of my local 7-11s. I nearly always buy around 4pm but tell them I'll not be drinking it till after 5pm.

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This law really winds me up sometimes. I have lost count of the times I have had to leave a pack of larger behind the till in a certain supermarket, because its a few minutes past 2, or its some holiday I knew nothing about. The last time this happened was last week, it was 10.45pm and I had a crate of 24 cans, and they would not let me have them. I thought it would not be a problem as it was well before 2pm and a crate counted as wholesale.

A crate is not wholesale. It's either over 10 litres or 10 litres & over. Forget the exact wording. Anyway 1 box of large beers is not enough. 2 is! Macro always make me buy more than I want just to comply with the law. Crazy.


Slightly off topic but related to timings we once attended one of Samui's larger 'Sunday Brunch' events advertising freeflow wine from 'Noon until 4pm'...

On requesting our first glass at midday we were told 'cannot, pay for glass or wait wait 1 o'clock'.

A futile debate ensued with the waiting staff as to the definition of 'Noon' in the English language only resolved when we demanded the mobile number of the English manageress.


a separated bottle shop, with it's own Tills, and Open/Close Hours, all within the supermarket confines.

Not too hard is it? eg such as done in Safeway/Woolworths/Coles etc in Oz - maybe they can send a thainess delegation to OZ to see how such a simple system works


It's Thailand's answer to stopping school kids buying alcohol when they are supposed to be at school. Of course there is no similar ban on tobacco sales for some reason.

What is grossly more aggravating is when you are half way through a meal and are told - sorry it's past 2pm and you are sitting there with your wife trying to enjoy a leisurely lunch and having consumed one drink already.

Then lots if things don't make much sense in Thailand so it's sort of par for the course really

you have been refused at a restaurant?? o . O

Yes happens often, last time to me at The Loft at Central Chidlom. Really really annoying. I mean, I am not an alcoholic (really), and I (usually) don't get drunk at lunch time. So why can't I enjoy a glass of red for a late lunch?

Usually? That means you sometimes do, disgusting. I go with my Farang friends to Pattaya, every now and again, and they never start drinking until evening. I would refuse to sit in the company of anyone under the influence of alcohol through the day, although I'm a bit more tolerant at night.


it's not an actual law, if it were Villa Market would not be selling all hours. Foodland used to but stopped. Had a similar thing the other day at max value cashier said it was five minutes to 11 and gave beer to the security man to put back on the shelf. I took it off him, she said 3 minutes, I went round and looked at the time on the till and it was 11!, idiots.

Villa has always been a safe bet for afternoon sales but when I was in there the other day they now display signs in the booze section stating booze, by law, can only be sold between 11am and 2pm and 5pm and midnight - they never used to have these signs - and all the wine girls are nowhere to be seen during that time. Thankfully they still let you buy but for how much longer I don't know.

It won't be much longer if people keep posting the places we can buy during off-hours on the internet for all to see. I'm sure some places have the BiB's paid off, but many of the smaller mom and pops probably don't.


This law really winds me up sometimes. I have lost count of the times I have had to leave a pack of larger behind the till in a certain supermarket, because its a few minutes past 2, or its some holiday I knew nothing about. The last time this happened was last week, it was 10.45pm and I had a crate of 24 cans, and they would not let me have them. I thought it would not be a problem as it was well before 2pm and a crate counted as wholesale.

A crate is not wholesale. It's either over 10 litres or 10 litres & over. Forget the exact wording. Anyway 1 box of large beers is not enough. 2 is! Macro always make me buy more than I want just to comply with the law. Crazy.

wholesalers of course of which there are many looking like warehouses will sell you one box any time, just another anomoly

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It won't be much longer if people keep posting the places we can buy during off-hours on the internet for all to see. I'm sure some places have the BiB's paid off, but many of the smaller mom and pops probably don't.

Dear god how many more times, it's not against the law so no need to be paying anyone off and nobody has ever been prosecuted for selling outside of the 'hours' it's an up to them situation

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If you buy at least 10 litres of wine between 2 and 5, then the cashier will bring over the supervisor to override the till clock and allow the purchase.

I've done this at Tesco and Big C with no problems. You just say 'PARTY' and it's O.K.


This law really winds me up sometimes. I have lost count of the times I have had to leave a pack of larger behind the till in a certain supermarket, because its a few minutes past 2, or its some holiday I knew nothing about. The last time this happened was last week, it was 10.45pm and I had a crate of 24 cans, and they would not let me have them. I thought it would not be a problem as it was well before 2pm and a crate counted as wholesale.

You need more than 10litres to be OK just buy more:)

It's Thailand's answer to stopping school kids buying alcohol when they are supposed to be at school. Of course there is no similar ban on tobacco sales for some reason.

What is grossly more aggravating is when you are half way through a meal and are told - sorry it's past 2pm and you are sitting there with your wife trying to enjoy a leisurely lunch and having consumed one drink already.

Then lots if things don't make much sense in Thailand so it's sort of par for the course really

Lots of things don't make sense in a lot of countries. When I lived in San Antonio, Texas you couldn't buy a drink

in a bar but you could go to the next county and buy whiskey by the bottle at the state-run liquor store.

So you had lots of drunk drivers -- people drinking straight whiskey out of a bottle while driving. And this law

was the result of pressure brought to bear by so-called "fundamentalist" Christian groups. Go figure.


stupid law or not it is the law. The lady at the check out could loose her job if she sells it. She may have a family to support. Be considerate she is between a rock and a hard place.

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Foreigners and booze is a Thai tradition...the cashier probably gets a big kick out of looking at the face of a foreigner who has been refused his alcohol...must be exciting for them to witness...

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stupid law or not it is the law. The lady at the check out could loose her job if she sells it. She may have a family to support. Be considerate she is between a rock and a hard place.

Rubbish if they don't lose their jobs for spending half the day on their smartphones they won't for selling beer five minutes 'early', or do you know anyone that ever has?


stupid law or not it is the law. The lady at the check out could loose her job if she sells it. She may have a family to support. Be considerate she is between a rock and a hard place.

For the love of Christ... IT'S NOT THE LAW!!

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It's Thailand's answer to stopping school kids buying alcohol when they are supposed to be at school. Of course there is no similar ban on tobacco sales for some reason.

What is grossly more aggravating is when you are half way through a meal and are told - sorry it's past 2pm and you are sitting there with your wife trying to enjoy a leisurely lunch and having consumed one drink already.

Then lots if things don't make much sense in Thailand so it's sort of par for the course really

you have been refused at a restaurant?? o . O

I've never been refused at a restaurant


It's Thailand's answer to stopping school kids buying alcohol when they are supposed to be at school. Of course there is no similar ban on tobacco sales for some reason.

What is grossly more aggravating is when you are half way through a meal and are told - sorry it's past 2pm and you are sitting there with your wife trying to enjoy a leisurely lunch and having consumed one drink already.

Then lots if things don't make much sense in Thailand so it's sort of par for the course really

Where are you eating this meal ?

7/11 - Tescos - Big C ?

All restaurants and bars sell alcohol between these times

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not totally true. A lot of restaurants in Central Plaza, Chiang Rai will not serve you alcohol between 2-5.

Fuji for sure.


I don't get it. If as many keep saying "it is not the law" why do so many places, Tesco, Bic C, Macro, 7-11 etc all have the same notice displayed about alcohol selling hours? Or it that a few TV members know better than these Thai businesses.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I couldn't believe it also when I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago. It was five minutes after 'time' alt=facepalm.gif>

Stupid law.

I agree.

So now you have to walk over to a 7-11 to buy your booze, which you can do at any time.


The most bizarre purchase I have had was at a Tesco where I wanted to buy a slab of 24 cans but not allowed unless I bought 7 more cans? Certainly made my day. Couldn't stop laughing for ages.


I don't get it. If as many keep saying "it is not the law" why do so many places, Tesco, Bic C, Macro, 7-11 etc all have the same notice displayed about alcohol selling hours? Or it that a few TV members know better than these Thai businesses.

Here, maybe the why. Some time back I was shopping in the Food Market at the Mall. They have a section inside with an Aircon room for wine sales. I knew of the law that is not a law and was buying wine for cooking and the odd glass, I.e. Plonk plus a couple of nicer bottles. In total about 12 liters. Went to checkout, which is inside the room not at the food checkout. There were three or four girls there, one suggesting

I buy whiskey who was particularly cute, the girl I mean. Anyway I digress. Having collected my purchases totaling maybe 10k including the spirits I went to the checkout. It was by that time about 2.10pm.

The conversation went like this:

"sawasdee" girls in unison

"sawasdee khrup" me


"Sorry? Cannot what?" Me

"Time no good" till girl

"5 O'clock" whiskey girl

"Ummmm. I have 12 liters here. Look. Box wine 4.5 liters x 2 = 9 liters plus two bottles of wine is another 1.5 liters, that's 10.5 litres, plus whiskey 1 litre, plus Jameson 0.7 litres, total 12.2 litres. Can buy if more than 10 litres"

"Not right!" Till girl

"Check with your calculator then" me

Some moments examining bottles trying to find the quantity and punching into calculator.

"Oooorrrrrhhhhh" amazed noise from all girls in unison. Wow that whiskey girl was really hot and a lovely smile too.

'Great' I smile back and some general chit chat but time to get back home so I motion toward the bottles indicating to pay.

'Cannot. Time'. Till girl

'What?' Me

'Time no good!'

'Errm look. Do you have a manager please because its more than 10 litres?

Concerned looks all around. Phone comes out and guy comes on the phone.

'You cannot buy because it's after 2pm' manager

'Well it was before 2 until Johnny Walkers girl accosted me'

'Oh dear, yes we have promotion staff for Johnny'

'Yes and very good .......' I check myself as the conversation is rapidly missing the point. 'Look, I have more than 10 litres so it's all OK'

'no sir cannot sell after 2pm until 5pm

'You can'


'Why are the staff even here then?'

'Can sell pipe tobacco''

'Johnny a Walker girl can't!'

'No she is for promoting Johnny Walker' he says

Conversation derailed again.

'I didn't mean ..... Nevermind. The point is why can't you sell me this? I have to go home now'



'Or you can wait'


'Can wait until 5pm'

As alluring as Johnny Walker girl is she is now examining her face in her Samsung, tilting the screen for just the right angle.

'Can I just buy now please?'

'No, sorry cannot'

'Look it's not even the law and even the law that isn't a law lets you buy between 2 and 5 if you buy more than 10 litres.'

'I don't think so'

'It is so'

'Can I have your phone number please?' Says the guy on the other end of the now rather hot mobile

If Johnny girl had asked she'd have it in a flash and I would have been in trouble!


'Will get my boss to call you when he gets back from lunch!'

I have visions of boss graving a nice lunch with the Mama and Maggi promotion girls and a nice bottle of Merlot which does not make me feel better. I give him my number.

I did not get the alcohol. The boss did call me to explain - amazingly. He said their licence did not allow wholesale sales. Apparently it costs more (cannot imagine how it would not be worth the 50 baht or so likely extra cost for that huge store but that is another thing. He also explained he knew the law was not a law but that the officials enforcing the law might not know it was not a law and might shut his wine room until it could be sorted out which would cost them money. I said it already cost them 10k today and substantially more over time since I would go elsewhere to buy. Mai pen rai was the response.


Well, you can drink in a restaurant anytime of the day. Either they didnt want to serve you or they are not in the know of thai law.

Not if you are drinking in a restaurant that is inside a Central festival or shopping centre or mall. He said he was eating at a Fuji which are generally in shopping centres and in shopping centres those rules do apply and they will cut you off at 2 p.m. The reason these places get so paranoid and the girls get a little overzealous is that it comes up on the till and hence the receipt with what you purchased (alcohol) and the time you purchased it (between 2-5). If they are audited or checked by police not only will whoever served you the alcohol lose their job and be fined the establishment will be weighing in some heavy tea money for breaking the law. Yes it is a silly law, but for the people that complain about it TIT the law was around before you got here it will be still around after you've gone. So if you must, just stock up on your favourite beverage before 2 if are in that desperate need of a drink in those 3 hours.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I couldn't believe it also when I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago. It was five minutes after 'time' alt=facepalm.gif>

Stupid law.

I agree.

So now you have to walk over to a 7-11 to buy your booze, which you can do at any time.

no you can't same rules apply at 7-11. You can go to the local "mom and pop" store however where absolutely no rules apply.


This law really winds me up sometimes. I have lost count of the times I have had to leave a pack of larger behind the till in a certain supermarket, because its a few minutes past 2, or its some holiday I knew nothing about. The last time this happened was last week, it was 10.45pm and I had a crate of 24 cans, and they would not let me have them. I thought it would not be a problem as it was well before 2pm and a crate counted as wholesale.

According to the law, alcohol cannot be sold before 11.00 am so the supermarket was quite right to refuse to sell it to you. Also, wholesale is a minimum of 10 litres, which is more than a crate of 24 cans of lager.

Stupid I know but you need to time your purchases better.


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