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Loved and hated, former PM Thaksin is erased from textbook


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One step closer to the abyss.

Still it's not selective - Thaksin may be being cut out of history but so is much of the army's past - kids are not taught about the military's only victories of the 20th Century, the air and ground attacks on Thais, mostly in the North and North East in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Please don't forget, or erase from your memory the Thaksin directed slaughter of muslims at Tak Bai. As long as we are talking about the army and Thaksin.

Talk about rewriting history. Thaksin personally directed the slaughter of muslims at Tak Bai? Really? Maybe worth reading the Tak Bai and Krue Se report by the National Reconciliation Commission. Their conclusion:

The committee found that Maj-General Chalermchai Wiroonphet, then commander of the Fifth Infantry Division, is responsible for both incidents.

He was not at the scene to oversee the operation to the end. Instead, he left the scene at 7.30pm without an acceptable excuse, to meet the prime minister in Narathiwat.

Maj-General Sinchai Nutsatit, the then deputy commander of the Fourth Army Region, was assigned to prepare water, food and accommodation for protesters once they arrived at the camp in Pattani.

He failed to take any action against officials who were in control of the transport of protesters when he found that some had died on the trucks.

He also did not act in any way to help protesters detained on the trucks. If he did act, he could have reduced the number of casualties.

Lt-General Pisarn was the highest authority after martial law was imposed. Although he assigned subordinates to oversee the operation, it was his responsibility to make sure they succeeded in carrying out their tasks.

When he was informed 70 protesters had died on the trucks, he failed to act.

The committee concluded the tragedy that led to 78 deaths was beyond expectations and was not intentional.

State officials carried out their work under limitations that led to flaws and mistakes, but there was no deliberate act to cause death and injury.


Unless of course you have a less partisan report that shows how Thaksin personally directed the slaughter?

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How can you educate the young about corruption without having Thaksin's name as an example of being part of the root cause of it?

Bizarre, but TiT..

If only Taksin had not invented corruption then the world would be a better place.

But i agree what you try to say. He should be in the history books to educate kids what corruption could lead to and how one person can (mis-) use a system for his own profit.

Why would the junta not want to warn kids of those dangers???

Maybe the demonisation is hard to do in more then headlines and a academic setting could lead to questionable -- questions?

What there is no question about is that Thailand did a hard right turn, so be happy or -- well there is no alternative in that kind of society.

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I suggest that all history books in Thailand get rewritten as simple fairy tales. Isn't it so that everybody likes them? They make people happy.

Now please don't tell anyone I told you so, but rumour has it that Thai history books already resemble simple fairy tales at times.rolleyes.gif

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Where is Djjamie and his cronies when we need them? Please tell us how this is even remotely not fascist and absurd. Please, let us all know so we can learn from your wisdom about rewriting history and its benefits....


This is not a fascist only action. Many former communist regimes changed history books and removed those they didn't like or who didn't fit their agenda, whilst praising their own often inadequate leaders. It's a totalitarian action regardless of which political extreme uses it.

History is a living beast, in the sense that new facts, released papers, discovered information keep emerging. Often this new information changes facts that were considered rock solid for many years.

Removing people from history books like this is myopic and counter productive. Lessons should be learnt from history and they won't be if people are denied the information.

Thaksin and Yingluck should be in the history books, as should Abhisit, Suthep and other key participants of recent events.

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I myself hate Thaksin and his political party but history should not be distorted, people need to know the truth . It was the failure and corruption of all the Politicians from all camps , the PheuThai, The Democrats, Banharn, Newin, Chavalit, etc and a failure of the education system that lead thailand to be in a shameful state of being without democracy and being ruled by a military junta and a few elites.

Just omitting the name Thaksin is not the way .

I fear of what the future holds for Thailand.

You are right to be fearful.

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This should make history lessons entertaining.

Why was there a coup in 2006?

That wasn't a coup it was a military exercise to prepare for any future coup that might be needed if someone, not mentioning any names of course, gets a bit out of hand.

Why did PAD demonstrate against Samak Sundaravej?

Because they had a deep distrust of tv cooking shows and felt they were divisive.

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And they will erase the current leaders in time when we have the next coup and rewrite thai history again. Paper is cheap.

Sent from my GT-P3110 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thaksin is the first leader to be erased from history books in Thailand. The history of all the coups in Thailand is easy to access in Thai books. So, no in answer to your post.

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This is not "moving on" in the spirit of reconciliation ..it's just plain silly and childish/child-like. Next they will be wanting to edit the textbooks to say that Thailand was not a Japanese colony during WW2

Sounds like the old Soviet Union attitude, towards those who fell foul of whoever was in power.

Thaksin is now a "Non Person."

All pretty petty!

Edited by Torrens54
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i loved this:

Schoolchildren will be trained to act as ambassadors of patriotic spirit, Mr. Winai said. He gave the hypothetical example of students reprimanding adults who fail to stand at attention during the national anthem, which is played on radio stations and on public broadcast systems at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily.

The students might go and ask, Why arent you standing straight when the national anthem is played? he said.

The junta has issued a list of 12 values for the country, including gratitude toward parents, discipline, morality and the maintaining of physical and mental strength against greed. Large banners bearing the list are being posted at schools nationwide.

Now what were those children in Germany called?

If you're suggesting that there is a fascist character to military rules anywhere ... that is not news.

Indeed not. Maybe the occasional reminder of what it can lead to does not go amiss though, especially for some of the more enthusiastic proponents of military rule.

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Thaksin exclusion 'not intentional'


BANGKOK: -- EDUCATION authorities yesterday dismissed a report that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was intentionally deleted from high-school history textbooks, claiming that international media had misquoted an official.

"I think the editor may have cut it out," the official said.

The New York Times yesterday cited Winai Rodjay, chairman of a committee on the teaching of history and civic duty, as saying that the omission of Thaksin's name was an aberration. However, he could not explain how it had happened or why.

He said he would prefer that Thaksin's name be inserted the next time the textbook is revised.

Under the new curriculum, students will learn more about the meaning and symbolism of Thailand's tricolour flag, and songs such as the King's anthem will be played in schools, the New York Times reported.

Winai said a reporter from the newspaper had talked about the issue of teaching history and high school textbooks with him days ago.

"The farang reporter asked me why there was no story of former prime minister Thaksin. Thai political history happened to end only at the government of Chuan Leekpai. I asked the editor of the book, who said it had not yet been updated," he said.

"The textbook will be updated from time to time but I reaffirm that we don't have any policy to remove the name of Khun Thaksin from history," Winai told The Nation.

Thaksin became prime minister after Chuan in 2001. He was ousted by a military coup in 2006 but remained influential in politics.

Winai told reporters in a separate interview that the textbook he had seen did not include Thaksin's name, but just mentioned the period of the political difficulties.

He could not explain why the book did not include the former PM's name.

Suthachai Yimprasert, a history lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, said that from a historical perspective, it would be wrong to remove Thaksin from history textbooks.

"Regardless of whether Thaksin is good or bad, it's the wrong thing to do," he said.

'It's been done before'

This is not the first time some historical content has been removed from official history textbooks.

Suthachai pointed to the October 6 massacre of students at Thammasat University in 1976 and the Tiananmen Square massacre in China in 1989.

"I wouldn't worry about this, because it's impossible to erase Thaksin from public memory. It will not succeed," he said. "They can do whatever they want. It's not going to matter."

Weng Tojirakarn, a former red-shirt leader, said he condemned such actions and called for the organisations responsible to revise their decision on the matter.

"This shows their disregard for truth. How are we supposed to answer if children ask who our 24th prime minister was? Who was ousted by the 2006 military coup?"

An attempt to purge Thaksin from children's memories will not succeed because of the power of social media and the Internet, he said.

"Children can go on the Internet and find out about Thaksin, so they will not succeed."

The evidence that Thai education is weakening year by year is strengthened by this kind of behaviour, he said.

"Such acts will degrade children's intellectual capability, and I am very concerned."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thaksin-exclusion-not-intentional-30243447.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-17

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This is not "moving on" in the spirit of reconciliation ..it's just plain silly and childish/child-like. Next they will be wanting to edit the textbooks to say that Thailand was not a Japanese colony during WW2

this wisdom and plain truth

only people who are AFRAID of the truth need to censor it rather than explain it

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This sounds like a play from the books of communism. The Chinese like to do this. How can you ingnore historical facts good bad or indifferent.

This is bad for Thais since they should have something to gauge from good and bad .

Let the people decide not an editor because it goes against his ways

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I myself hate Thaksin and his political party but history should not be distorted, people need to know the truth . It was the failure and corruption of all the Politicians from all camps , the PheuThai, The Democrats, Banharn, Newin, Chavalit, etc and a failure of the education system that lead thailand to be in a shameful state of being without democracy and being ruled by a military junta and a few elites.

Just omitting the name Thaksin is not the way .

I fear of what the future holds for Thailand.

First I thought maybe better to tell truth and write a chapter on his corruption stealing vile acts and that of his scum red shirt thugs but better this way for several reasons

1. Most of Thais are not educated enough to understand and some even if they understand still love him even though he is a megalomaniac would be dictator on par with Stalin, Saddam, Mugabwie and Hitler and they all had and have lots of devoted followers.

2. The libel laws here are such that even if it’s the proven truth you can be sued and loose

3. If history books showed truth (that is hes a vile monster) why give him and those silly folk opposed to military rule the chance to cry foul even though it would all be true. No better to ignore him.

So army have probably been quite clever here and sooner he is wiped away not only from history but from whole scene the sooner Thailand can mend.

Edited by metisdead
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I like this part:

"Without mentioning either sibling, the textbook does touch on the opposition to Mr. Thaksin’s rule. A subheading describes the protests that preceded his ouster as “the people’s movement against dictatorial power, corruption and embezzlement.”"

So the glorious people's movement removed a dictatorial government and replaced it with, um....

But the important thing is that people will now live happily ever after, provided they keep their mouths shut, and don't work in the tourist industry, and aren't caught up in a morality crusade, and aren't interested in an elected government.

Expected response from your savior, denial 100% All about him is wonderful cannot be faulted Thailand misses his corrupt non governing government.

The control freak will always be there as his mega billions will help him stay in the limelight he loves, but that is fading and with that he has to pay out more and more to keep biting.

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thailiketoo, on 16 Sept 2014 - 23:17, said:
jaideeguy, on 16 Sept 2014 - 23:14, said:

And they will erase the current leaders in time when we have the next coup and rewrite thai history again. Paper is cheap.

Sent from my GT-P3110 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thaksin is the first leader to be erased from history books in Thailand. The history of all the coups in Thailand is easy to access in Thai books. So, no in answer to your post.

I believe we are talking about "textbooks" you know, the ones they use at schools.

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My perception remains that Thailand was indeed really headed towards civil war.

A collection of fascists, several of whom now run the junta conspired to overthrow a democratically elected government. Since the army was intimately involved in this conspiracy (according to Suthep, they had been planning together for several years), the entire situation was in fact cooked up by the people you seem to think rescued Thailand's bacon. So I'm sorry to break the news but the army did not save Thailand from civil war--they precipitated an extremely dangerous situation and we are a very, very, very long way from escaping from it. There was a 4 year gap between the last coup and massacre so don't count your chickens just yet because I'm quite certain that the army are going to be crushing an awful lot of those eggs in the coming years.

We all appreciate your brilliant, and concise political analysis. Before you start preparing for your Russia Today presentation, can you please take a minute to offer us alternative solutions? I am not saying I am a supporter of military rule. But, years of bickering, and shutting down the capital did not seem to be working. Where were you when the brilliant minds running this country needed you? Please outline your top three solutions to this many years old dilemma.

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