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What Did You Do On The Weekend?


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Ok guys. I'm bored and thought i'd start a new thread but couldnt really think of any. So i came up with this one. So shoot me if you think its shit. Firstly this is not... I'm better than you thread. You are a saddo no mates thread(cause he stayed home). This is just what the title says. What did you do on the weekend?

Personally i went to Singapore on Thursday to Sunday to see some friends. We drank and ate so much all weekend. Also when they working me and the wife just chilled out. So no big deal. What did you do? In Thailand or wherever!

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Ok guys. I'm bored and thought i'd start a new thread but couldnt really think of any. So i came up with this one. So shoot me if you think its shit. Firstly this is not... I'm better than you thread. You are a saddo no mates thread(cause he stayed home). This is just what the title says. What did you do on the weekend?

Personally i went to Singapore on Thursday to Sunday to see some friends. We drank and ate so much all weekend. Also when they working me and the wife just chilled out. So no big deal. What did you do? In Thailand or wherever!

The high point of my weekend was getting my car washed...

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Ok guys. I'm bored and thought i'd start a new thread but couldnt really think of any. So i came up with this one. So shoot me if you think its shit. Firstly this is not... I'm better than you thread. You are a saddo no mates thread(cause he stayed home). This is just what the title says. What did you do on the weekend?

Personally i went to Singapore on Thursday to Sunday to see some friends. We drank and ate so much all weekend. Also when they working me and the wife just chilled out. So no big deal. What did you do? In Thailand or wherever!

Came back from Singapore on Friday (stupid me) I should have stayed there for the weekend, Bangkok got pretty borring lately, I'm afraid of the next weekend as I know there won't be pretty much to do either, I just bought about 12 DVDs and getting ready to watch them, maybe the time could pass easier.

Edited by alexth
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I went out on the piss. For a change.

How did i know that? :o Check the Pattaya forum. Sorry i missed that one. Ok maybe we have to hint at George to get a Bangkok pissup happening before i leave in October. :D

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Ok maybe we have to hint at George to get a Bangkok pissup happening before i leave in October. :o

We'll have to have a pissup leaving do before your trip. Only to wish you and p' Elle a great future in Oz. Not an excuse to get pissed. :D

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I worked two more of my 12 hour a day, 7 days a week here in Iraq. Re-writing our SOP- Standard Operating Procedure for our mission for the LogCapIII contract. My exciting moments came from going to the PX and turning in my laundry. The blasts were on the opposite side of the base this weekend, so I was able to have a decent night of rest. It was a real hoot!!! :o But I'm here by choice, so I'm not complaining.

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My wife and I went to Paris for the weekend to join friends for the Bastille celebrations.

My legs are killing me this morning on account of having walked so far around the sites.

Say what you like about the French but they got a hel_l of a lot of things right in Paris.

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My wife and I went to Paris for the weekend to join friends for the Bastille celebrations.

My legs are killing me this morning on account of having walked so far around the sites.

Say what you like about the French but they got a hel_l of a lot of things right in Paris.

Can't argue with you there, infact almost everywhere I've been in France is pretty good. Paris is stunning, I stayed near L'ecole Militaire near the Eiffel Tower a few years back for a romantic weekend, it doesn't get much more romantic.

As for me, got plastered in Bangkok and did the usual 'Human Pinball' down my soi using lamposts as a steering mechanism! Problem was I kept seeing three of them, aiming for the middle one seemed to work best.

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My wife and I went to Paris for the weekend to join friends for the Bastille celebrations.

My legs are killing me this morning on account of having walked so far around the sites.

Say what you like about the French but they got a hel_l of a lot of things right in Paris.

If I'd had to choose between nice places in Europe, I'd choose Czech Republic. Loads of things to see, very romantic place and still cheap. Most of the sex tourists have dissapeared along with the sex places so everything it's good.

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Wet a friend's baby's head with too much champagne in 30 degree heat. Sore head today.

Must have been a great weekend. 2 days of drinking champers. Nice! :o And its hot. Can it get any better? I thought i was doing good. Singers drinking some nice wine and some excellent food. Got any champers left? :D

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Went to the pub on friday and was waiting to be served at the bar. These 2 women where having a slanging match, when one of them threw a glass of beer over the other woman. Unfortunately for me, the other woman was quick and ducked. I got covered :o The lunatics boyfriend then got hold of her, as she was going histerical at this woman.

Doormen came in and just saw the boyfriend holding her. They got hold of him and launched him out, even though he was protesting his innocense. This left the lunatic to throw another beer of the woman (by which stage i had retreated :D ) and she got covered. The doormen returned and threw the said lunatic out.

Saturday was a quiet one in comparison. :D

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Sat; Shopping with the TGF - empty wallet again Ho Hum

Sunday; Went to a charity 'dragonboat' race (UK) that our Company entered a team in - no not me - came in the bottom half but won the fancy dress ( hawaian ) - TGF was hoarse with all the shouting so that was good :o


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Had the Harley Davidson weekend here in Hamburg, 25,000 motor bikes, Sat evg helped a beautiful woman up on to the bar where with her friend they danced to the delight of all present,

( normal Hamburg night) Sunday nice lunch down by the docks, Sun evg saw QE2 leave Hamburg, Mon 30deg back at work.........................

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Strangely enough did the same things I always do in Kan. :o

Went there on Thursday afternoon.

Friday, watched the River flow by from the morning until early afternoon :D


Then went to my normal haunt for a couple or three beers :D and food to take home (Friday).

Evening at home went, The Miss-use chirped up and told me Mum-in-law :D is on her way and wants to practice the ZZ head-butt on me. (She did that and one more went she left on Sunday) :D

All in all had a great time with all of them. :D

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. and thank you for asking "Jockstar" :D

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Building a website on the Mac.

Watching world war three start in the middle east.

Sat in shade consuming Guinness.

Eddy-Ham - Was that the Harley Davidson Super Rally?

I've had eight Hogs (Three at the same time,once)

Bar girls, Harleys...Good way to get rid of your money!

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Friday, on the piss - Typical Friday night in BKK

Saturday, Wedding in Samutrakarn - pissed again

Sunday, JJ market to buy touristy crap to give to the family in the UK when I go back on holiday this Friday :o

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