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Australia launches anti-terror raids


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Islam and Muslims aren't the enemy.

Some of them certainly are. The problem is figuring out which ones are supporters of radical Islam.

It's actually easy. Just wait until one of them beheads someone in your town or blows up a bus. Then you know.

Trouble is, by then it's too late for that one, and that's why many of us watch all of them.

Last week for the first time, three of them worried me. Maybe it was just me. I was in a convenience store and they walked in. Normally in the US the men dress like Westerners. But these guys had the flowing robes or whatever they are called, the turban headgear, beards and the whole look I haven't seen before except on TV and other pictures. They were also filthy as if they hadn't cleaned up in weeks.

Maybe everyone here will shout me down, but I got nervous. I slipped off to a corner of the store and waited until they had gotten what they wanted and left.

I have seen enough in the news to give me an idea that maybe I should be alert. I certainly wouldn't have reacted that way had they been Catholic priests in their robes.

So you only know Muslims or Arabs from Television and euh...pictures ?

Thanks for sharing the muslim stereotype on TV...

Edited by Thorgal
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Islam and Muslims aren't the enemy.

Some of them certainly are. The problem is figuring out which ones are supporters of radical Islam.

It's actually easy. Just wait until one of them beheads someone in your town or blows up a bus. Then you know.

Trouble is, by then it's too late for that one, and that's why many of us watch all of them.

Last week for the first time, three of them scared me. Maybe it was just me. I was in a convenience store and they walked in. Normally in the US the men dress like Westerners. But these guys had the flowing robes or whatever they are called, the turban headgear, beards and the whole look I haven't seen before except on TV and other pictures. They were also filthy as if they hadn't cleaned up in weeks.

Maybe everyone here will shout me down, but I got nervous. I slipped off to a corner of the store and waited until they had gotten what they wanted and left.

I have seen enough in the news to give me an idea that maybe I should be alert. I certainly wouldn't have reacted that way had they been Catholic priests in their robes.

I too Neversure have experienced exactly that feeling. It was in Guangzhou in the early 90's. There were three in the street. Their faces were all angles and beard. Kind of intense look in their eyes. They were all very lean, almost emaciated from memory. I remember it to this day very clearly. I think it was irrational and I try to overcome these irrational thoughts and fears.

I think the message you draw from your experience is that nothing happened. They may have been distasteful and not to your liking but you left the store alive and kicking. Probably that will be the outcome on all similar occasions in the future.

Another Hollywood charm offensive against Muslims...

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How about Frank Salter, he doesnt agree with you either.

Australian political ethologist Frank Salter, author of On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration, has argued against the principle of a multicultural society, asserting that "multi-ethnic societies are often confronted with the problem of discrimination and group conflict." According to Salter:

Cross-cultural comparisons reveal the wisdom of Australia's first prime minister Edmund Barton who believed that ethnic homogeneity must be the cornerstone of Australian nation-building. More ethnically homogeneous nations are better able to build public goods, are more democratic, less corrupt, have higher productivity and less inequality, are more trusting and care more for the disadvantaged, develop social and economic capital faster, have lower crime rates, are more resistant to external shocks, and are better global citizens, for example by giving more foreign aid. Moreover, they are less prone to civil war, the greatest source of violent death in the twentieth century.

Salter has linked multiculturalism to growing ethnic socio-economic stratification in Australia, stating:

Inequality in Australia increasingly has an ethnic face. Aborigines continue to occupy the lowest rung on the socio-economic ladder. Despite the points system for assessing immigrants, some ethnic minorities have high rates of unemployment and criminality. Many white Australians are losing out to competition from immigrants. Selective public schools show spectacular overrepresentation of Chinese and other Asian students, an imbalance that feeds through to elite universities and thence to the professions. Ethnic socioeconomic stratification is growing as the population becomes more diverse.

Salter has argued that multiculturalism forms "part of an ideological-administrative system that is helping swamp the Australian nation through ethnically diverse immigration." This, in turn, is "putting at risk the nation’s ability to produce the public goods that nations excel in producing: relative cohesion and harmony, public altruism, trust, efficient government and political stability.

You can research his articles here


Salter is an Anglophile non entity, in the formulation of policy in Australia. His writing are used by trivial political organisations who want to ban all immigration to Australia, this would be a disaster for the economic growth of Australia. He also fails to note that education is a major services industry in Australia, currently generating $15 billion p.a.

If Australians are 'losing out' to immigration in Australia (unproven) it is due to their own lack of education / development of skills. It is proven, by Oz government statistics, that generally immigrants have a higher level of education and applicable skills for the development of the Australian economy than Australians.

In essence Salter articulates ideology that is attractive to loser white supremists.

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How about Frank Salter, he doesnt agree with you either.

Australian political ethologist Frank Salter, author of On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration, has argued against the principle of a multicultural society, asserting that "multi-ethnic societies are often confronted with the problem of discrimination and group conflict." According to Salter:

Cross-cultural comparisons reveal the wisdom of Australia's first prime minister Edmund Barton who believed that ethnic homogeneity must be the cornerstone of Australian nation-building. More ethnically homogeneous nations are better able to build public goods, are more democratic, less corrupt, have higher productivity and less inequality, are more trusting and care more for the disadvantaged, develop social and economic capital faster, have lower crime rates, are more resistant to external shocks, and are better global citizens, for example by giving more foreign aid. Moreover, they are less prone to civil war, the greatest source of violent death in the twentieth century.

Salter has linked multiculturalism to growing ethnic socio-economic stratification in Australia, stating:

Inequality in Australia increasingly has an ethnic face. Aborigines continue to occupy the lowest rung on the socio-economic ladder. Despite the points system for assessing immigrants, some ethnic minorities have high rates of unemployment and criminality. Many white Australians are losing out to competition from immigrants. Selective public schools show spectacular overrepresentation of Chinese and other Asian students, an imbalance that feeds through to elite universities and thence to the professions. Ethnic socioeconomic stratification is growing as the population becomes more diverse.

Salter has argued that multiculturalism forms "part of an ideological-administrative system that is helping swamp the Australian nation through ethnically diverse immigration." This, in turn, is "putting at risk the nation’s ability to produce the public goods that nations excel in producing: relative cohesion and harmony, public altruism, trust, efficient government and political stability.

You can research his articles here


Salter is an Anglophile non entity, in the formulation of policy in Australia. His writing are used by trivial political organisations who want to ban all immigration to Australia, this would be a disaster for the economic growth of Australia. He also fails to note that education is a major services industry in Australia, currently generating $15 billion p.a.

If Australians are 'losing out' to immigration in Australia (unproven) it is due to their own lack of education / development of skills. It is proven, by Oz government statistics, that generally immigrants have a higher level of education and applicable skills for the development of the Australian economy than Australians.

In essence Salter articulates ideology that is attractive to loser white supremists.

Funny how the real agenda come up. Anti immigration and anti multiculturalism agenda.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.

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Funny how the real agenda come up. Anti immigration and anti multiculturalism agenda.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.


Let me make my position very, very clear. I am NOT anti Immigrant. I actually believe that it is necessary and the right thing to do. For people of ANY culture or Race that have the skills, training and experience to enhance a Country including Australia.

As I have said before, when Immigrants of any race or Nationality are given the opportunity, to go to a particular Country, in this case Australia. The onus should be on those Immigrants of whatever Race or Culture to integrate into that Society. Australia, quite rightly has an Allegiance ceremony as part of the right of citizenship.

That Oath of allegiance does not stop ANYONE from practicing their own religion. What it does do is make clear that Australian Civil Law is the over riding Law in Australia.

Experience in other Countries, who have a bigger Muslim population, points out quite clearly, that the Muslim population does not accept the Civil Law of the Land, and go to great lengths to try and live under their own laws. Australia has sporadic experience of this dating back to the 70's when its Muslim population was extremely small. To the present time, where things are escalating quicker, it is there for all to see.

Multiculturalism does not work, it is not working in Australia, it does not work in ANY democratic Country. It is a fallacy, peddled by Politicians to suit there own agenda. If multiculturalism worked, why would people live in their minority Ghetto's ?

It is happening in Australia, just like it it happened in the UK and elsewhere. It seems strange that the very people who rammed multiculturalism down the throats of the general public for decades ( The Government ) have now completely backtracked and have now admitted that it does not work. Do you really think it will be any different ? Across Europe many Countries that have a sizable Muslim population, ALL of those Countries have problems. They are having problems because the Muslim communities are making demands that are contrary to the Civil Law of those Countries.

As a case in point, the 2 main Muslim groups that have made their way to Australia are Sunni and Shia. They cannot live side by side anywhere in the world. They have been at war with each other for centuries. Taking the remainder of the Australian population out of the equation, these 2 minority groups blows multiculturalism out the water.

This is not a muslim bash by me. It is trying, once again to keep on topic. If it was ANY other minority group, I would be saying the same things.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.

Having previously explained my position, having done so again today. The question really should be, what does that statement say about you ?

Keep looking in the mirror, you will find the answer.

Yet again trying to keep it on topic.


Why are nice guys getting arrested in terror raids ?

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Funny how the real agenda come up. Anti immigration and anti multiculturalism agenda.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.


Let me make my position very, very clear. I am NOT anti Immigrant. I actually believe that it is necessary and the right thing to do. For people of ANY culture or Race that have the skills, training and experience to enhance a Country including Australia.

As I have said before, when Immigrants of any race or Nationality are given the opportunity, to go to a particular Country, in this case Australia. The onus should be on those Immigrants of whatever Race or Culture to integrate into that Society. Australia, quite rightly has an Allegiance ceremony as part of the right of citizenship.

That Oath of allegiance does not stop ANYONE from practicing their own religion. What it does do is make clear that Australian Civil Law is the over riding Law in Australia.

Experience in other Countries, who have a bigger Muslim population, points out quite clearly, that the Muslim population does not accept the Civil Law of the Land, and go to great lengths to try and live under their own laws. Australia has sporadic experience of this dating back to the 70's when its Muslim population was extremely small. To the present time, where things are escalating quicker, it is there for all to see.

Multiculturalism does not work, it is not working in Australia, it does not work in ANY democratic Country. It is a fallacy, peddled by Politicians to suit there own agenda. If multiculturalism worked, why would people live in their minority Ghetto's ?

It is happening in Australia, just like it it happened in the UK and elsewhere. It seems strange that the very people who rammed multiculturalism down the throats of the general public for decades ( The Government ) have now completely backtracked and have now admitted that it does not work. Do you really think it will be any different ? Across Europe many Countries that have a sizable Muslim population, ALL of those Countries have problems. They are having problems because the Muslim communities are making demands that are contrary to the Civil Law of those Countries.

As a case in point, the 2 main Muslim groups that have made their way to Australia are Sunni and Shia. They cannot live side by side anywhere in the world. They have been at war with each other for centuries. Taking the remainder of the Australian population out of the equation, these 2 minority groups blows multiculturalism out the water.

This is not a muslim bash by me. It is trying, once again to keep on topic. If it was ANY other minority group, I would be saying the same things.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.

Having previously explained my position, having done so again today. The question really should be, what does that statement say about you ?

Keep looking in the mirror, you will find the answer.

Yet again trying to keep it on topic.


Why are nice guys getting arrested in terror raids ?

Well put. I don't know why the same people keep arguing the muslim position re immigration when it has been clearly shown in many other countries that muslims do not integrate well, they do not accept the laws and customs of their host country, and have much higher unemployment than other ethnic groups. Believe me, I wouldn't integrate into muslim culture well either. I enjoy a drink, getting a leg over, pork, music, movies, reading Playboy and watching girls in bikinis frolic on the beach.

Edited by giddyup
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Well put. I don't know why the same people keep arguing the muslim position re immigration when it has been clearly shown in many other countries that muslims do not integrate well, they do not accept the laws and customs of their host country, and have much higher unemployment than other ethnic groups.

I think the answer to that is fairly simple. The truth hurts.

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Well put. I don't know why the same people keep arguing the muslim position re immigration when it has been clearly shown in many other countries that muslims do not integrate well, they do not accept the laws and customs of their host country, and have much higher unemployment than other ethnic groups.

I think the answer to that is fairly simple. The truth hurts.

I did edit my post to include the reasons why I wouldn't integrate into muslim society either.

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Funny how the real agenda come up. Anti immigration and anti multiculturalism agenda.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.


Let me make my position very, very clear. I am NOT anti Immigrant. I actually believe that it is necessary and the right thing to do. For people of ANY culture or Race that have the skills, training and experience to enhance a Country including Australia.

As I have said before, when Immigrants of any race or Nationality are given the opportunity, to go to a particular Country, in this case Australia. The onus should be on those Immigrants of whatever Race or Culture to integrate into that Society. Australia, quite rightly has an Allegiance ceremony as part of the right of citizenship.

That Oath of allegiance does not stop ANYONE from practicing their own religion. What it does do is make clear that Australian Civil Law is the over riding Law in Australia.

Experience in other Countries, who have a bigger Muslim population, points out quite clearly, that the Muslim population does not accept the Civil Law of the Land, and go to great lengths to try and live under their own laws. Australia has sporadic experience of this dating back to the 70's when its Muslim population was extremely small. To the present time, where things are escalating quicker, it is there for all to see.

Multiculturalism does not work, it is not working in Australia, it does not work in ANY democratic Country. It is a fallacy, peddled by Politicians to suit there own agenda. If multiculturalism worked, why would people live in their minority Ghetto's ?

It is happening in Australia, just like it it happened in the UK and elsewhere. It seems strange that the very people who rammed multiculturalism down the throats of the general public for decades ( The Government ) have now completely backtracked and have now admitted that it does not work. Do you really think it will be any different ? Across Europe many Countries that have a sizable Muslim population, ALL of those Countries have problems. They are having problems because the Muslim communities are making demands that are contrary to the Civil Law of those Countries.

As a case in point, the 2 main Muslim groups that have made their way to Australia are Sunni and Shia. They cannot live side by side anywhere in the world. They have been at war with each other for centuries. Taking the remainder of the Australian population out of the equation, these 2 minority groups blows multiculturalism out the water.

This is not a muslim bash by me. It is trying, once again to keep on topic. If it was ANY other minority group, I would be saying the same things.

The anti immigrant immigrant strikes again, hating multiculturalism despite living in Thailand maintaining his own language and culture from back home.

Again, those who blow hardest are the biggest hypocrites.

Having previously explained my position, having done so again today. The question really should be, what does that statement say about you ?

Keep looking in the mirror, you will find the answer.

Yet again trying to keep it on topic.


Why are nice guys getting arrested in terror raids ?

I'm not the one quoting white Australia apologists.

But again, your lack of understanding of Australia is palpable.

Multiculturalism has been around since the post war periods. We've has waves of migrants, including former axis power enemies, Vietnamese, and a host of other nations with historical passions largely set aside when they reach Australia.

It works and has done since the mid 1940s. If this isn't a track record enough for you, then I don't know what is. People move to Australia for the most part to put that stuff behind them, at the same time brining elements of their language and culture which has enriched the place, turning it from a British outpost to one of the most dynamic countries in the world, one I might add that thousands of Brits every year dream of moving to.

Hard to understand for people perhaps who can't sit side by side at the football if they don't support the same team, but we do it and we do it well.

The words immigration and multiculturalism are not dirty words in the Australian lexicon, hard as it is to understand for the misery set.

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Well put. I don't know why the same people keep arguing the muslim position re immigration when it has been clearly shown in many other countries that muslims do not integrate well, they do not accept the laws and customs of their host country, and have much higher unemployment than other ethnic groups.

I think the answer to that is fairly simple. The truth hurts.

I did edit my post to include the reasons why I wouldn't integrate into muslim society either.

yes, I saw your amendment. It might have been appropriate to add that in the vast majority of cases, you would not be allowed to integrate into a Muslim society.

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I'm not the one quoting white Australia apologists.

But again, your lack of understanding of Australia is palpable.

Multiculturalism has been around since the post war periods. We've has waves of migrants, including former axis power enemies, Vietnamese, and a host of other nations with historical passions largely set aside when they reach Australia.

It works and has done since the mid 1940s. If this isn't a track record enough for you, then I don't know what is. People move to Australia for the most part to put that stuff behind them, at the same time brining elements of their language and culture which has enriched the place, turning it from a British outpost to one of the most dynamic countries in the world, one I might add that thousands of Brits every year dream of moving to.

Hard to understand for people perhaps who can't sit side by side at the football if they don't support the same team, but we do it and we do it well.

The words immigration and multiculturalism are not dirty words in the Australian lexicon, hard as it is to understand for the misery set.

Mostly off topic as usual.

Full of assumptions as usual.

Australian white apologists because they do not have the same belief as you

Dont give me your opinion, give me evidence that multiculturalism is working in Australia.

Football, what has that go to do with anything.

Just the usual ignore, deny, deflect.

Do most normal Australians want to see this on the streets of Australia ?

The precedent has been set all over Europe. Australia will be no different unless it acts swiftly and decisively.

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Yes, Australia has had waves of immigrants over many years, Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans etc, but all of these groups shared many things with Australian culture already. A love of wine (or beer), music, dancing, freedom of speech and expression in art, movies, literature etc, going to the beach, ie, a very liberal way of thinking and behaving. Whereas muslims in general, come from very repressed societies where none of these things are permitted or accepted. In fact, polar opposites to everything Australia stands for.

It must be absolutely chaotic for the Australian Authorities having to deal with all the problems that the Greeks, Italians, Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans cause in Australia.

But then again, over 800 armed Police taking part in terror raids against the Muslim population, that as you quite rightly point out, are opposed to everything that makes Australia what it is.

Or it could be the exact opposite, perhaps the Australian Authorities, for their own selfish reason, are all racist, jackboot wearing thugs that are terrorizing the Muslim community whistling.gif

However, as samran keeps reminding us, the Aussie mentality on multiculturalism means that this could not possibly be true.

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I am amazed how eagerly liberals/lefties jump to the occasion to defend Islam and the 'other' and put their own culture/tribe/civilization down.

Methinks you just hate western civilization and you will side with ANY loonie who fights against it.

..and your most recent recruit is Islam.

which brings us to:

Liberal fallacy #27

We will use Islam as a battering ram to bring down the capitalist West...after we succeed we either convert the muslims to our secular values (LOL) or somehow we 'isolate' them

No you won't .. they will have you for breakfast and the Khaliphate commences.

You're American? The fallacy story you use, in the Australian context, would be an extreme left wing socialist. Extreme left wing socialism would not tolerate any 'other', if they obtained power. Other than fantasy world, got any examples where your story is proven to be unfolding in a democratic Western society, as it sure ain't happening in Oz.

Edited by simple1
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His point is that radical Islam won't tolerate them. They will use them and stab them in the back after the "revolution."

Radical anyone doesn't tolerate anyone. Clearly have a few radicals here doing Isis bidding for them whipping up hate and division. The only question is, are they on their payroll?

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Yes, Australia has had waves of immigrants over many years, Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans etc, but all of these groups shared many things with Australian culture already. A love of wine (or beer), music, dancing, freedom of speech and expression in art, movies, literature etc, going to the beach, ie, a very liberal way of thinking and behaving. Whereas muslims in general, come from very repressed societies where none of these things are permitted or accepted. In fact, polar opposites to everything Australia stands for.

None of the muslim supporters prepared to respond to my comments?

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His point is that radical Islam won't tolerate them. They will use them and stab them in the back after the "revolution."

OK, got it, was unclear to me who posted what as quotes not used. Even so, no idea in what Western country far left 'revolution' is a even a remote likelihood in today's world other, than in someone's fear riddled mind.

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Yes, Australia has had waves of immigrants over many years, Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans etc, but all of these groups shared many things with Australian culture already. A love of wine (or beer), music, dancing, freedom of speech and expression in art, movies, literature etc, going to the beach, ie, a very liberal way of thinking and behaving. Whereas muslims in general, come from very repressed societies where none of these things are permitted or accepted. In fact, polar opposites to everything Australia stands for.

None of the muslim supporters prepared to respond to my comments?

What's the question?

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Yes, Australia has had waves of immigrants over many years, Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans etc, but all of these groups shared many things with Australian culture already. A love of wine (or beer), music, dancing, freedom of speech and expression in art, movies, literature etc, going to the beach, ie, a very liberal way of thinking and behaving. Whereas muslims in general, come from very repressed societies where none of these things are permitted or accepted. In fact, polar opposites to everything Australia stands for.

None of the muslim supporters prepared to respond to my comments?

What's the question?

There doesn't have to be one to illicit a response. Normally a pro muslim would jump all over my comments with hob nail boots, so I can only assume that their silence means acquiescence.

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This film is worth downloading, an examination of the plight of the original Australians and how immigrants have treated them, a fine example of a 'fair go', multiculturalism and integration. Some decent toilets might be a start! At least they are not plotting to behead people though, even if they do have a better case for violence than anyone else.

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As expected a touchy (and for some embarrassing) subject with the usual, look how much we spend on these people and you don't know anything about it response, Why not tell us how much you do spend, and why it does not work? When are Australians going to accept aboriginals as equals?

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This film is worth downloading, an examination of the plight of the original Australians and how immigrants have treated them, a fine example of a 'fair go', multiculturalism and integration. Some decent toilets might be a start! At least they are not plotting to behead people though, even if they do have a better case for violence than anyone else.

Do a Google search and see how much Australia spends each year on Aboriginal housing, education, medical, welfare etc. All we can do is try and right the wrongs of the past. Or are you suggesting that all non-indigenous Australians pack their bags and find somewhere else to live? You have brought up the Aboriginal situation previously without know a damn thing about the real issues.

Indeed, jacky is employing the enemy of my enemy is my friend approach to this discussion.

But I am off having decided that I'm going to get more entertainment value from the echo chamber which will now ensue. Angry old Brits howling at the sky.

Adios folks, and despite your big time protestations (or probably because of), i know you are doing the jihadis bidding, either knowingly of not.

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As expected a touchy (and for some embarrassing) subject with the usual, look how much we spend on these people and you don't know anything about it response, Why not tell us how much you do spend, and why it does not work? When are Australians going to accept aboriginals as equals?

Nothing to be touchy about. Look it up yourself, I'm not going to be drawn into your ignorant statements or questions. You have no understanding of Aboriginal culture and the difficulty in trying to raise their levels of education etc.

Edited by giddyup
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This film is worth downloading, an examination of the plight of the original Australians and how immigrants have treated them, a fine example of a 'fair go', multiculturalism and integration. Some decent toilets might be a start! At least they are not plotting to behead people though, even if they do have a better case for violence than anyone else.

Your post is off topic, but I do wonder if you will express the same concern when you come to understand there is an increasing .trend in the Aborignal community to convert to Islam.

As giddup has mentioned there is a major effort over a number of years to address the historical wrongs and current Aborigal societal problems.

That's not good enough for some, they want to criticize what happened 100 years ago. There is a huge amount of taxpayer money poured into Aborigine welfare, not to mention the hundreds of millions the mining companies pay for rights to mine on Aboriginal land. But, as you say, off topic, and no further response from me.

Edited by giddyup
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Yes, Australia has had waves of immigrants over many years, Greeks, Italians, Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans etc, but all of these groups shared many things with Australian culture already. A love of wine (or beer), music, dancing, freedom of speech and expression in art, movies, literature etc, going to the beach, ie, a very liberal way of thinking and behaving. Whereas muslims in general, come from very repressed societies where none of these things are permitted or accepted. In fact, polar opposites to everything Australia stands for.

None of the muslim supporters prepared to respond to my comments?

What's the question?

There doesn't have to be one to illicit a response. Normally a pro muslim would jump all over my comments with hob nail boots, so I can only assume that their silence means acquiescence.

I think I've frightened them all into submission.

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they want to criticize what happened 100 years ago

@ giddyup

Certainly no intention of getting dragged into a 100 year old debate. When very few people are still alive and even less having the marbles to remember it.

I found this article, it is just over a year old. Although it is written by an american, what are your thoughts on it ?

And Muslims have been claiming that the Aborigines were Muslims all along who need to revert. The actual story is written through a predictably snide liberal lens. Of course.

Speaking to ABC Western Queensland, Rise Up Australia candidate Pam Hecht said the biggest issue facing people in the electorate of Kennedy, which Bob Katter holds by 18.3 per cent, was the conversion of Indigenous people to Islam.

“I don’t know whether people are aware, but many of the Aboriginal people in northern Australia are being targeted by Muslims and in some cases are being paid to convert to Islam,” she said, describing herself and the electorate as “farmers … just ordinary everyday people”, who “want to be free to go about our business”.

“Our concern with that is, the Muslim belief, that converting the first peoples of the land to Islam means that the land belongs to Allah, and Islam should be the only religion.

“There is an Aboriginal lady who works with the people up in northern Australia and she has spoken directly with the leader of our party, Daniel Nalliah [and told him about the practice].”

There does appear to be a number of Aborigines converting to Islam. In your opinion, does this article appear to contain the truth or is it pie in the sky ?


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they want to criticize what happened 100 years ago

@ giddyup

Certainly no intention of getting dragged into a 100 year old debate. When very few people are still alive and even less having the marbles to remember it.

I found this article, it is just over a year old. Although it is written by an american, what are your thoughts on it ?

And Muslims have been claiming that the Aborigines were Muslims all along who need to revert. The actual story is written through a predictably snide liberal lens. Of course.

Speaking to ABC Western Queensland, Rise Up Australia candidate Pam Hecht said the biggest issue facing people in the electorate of Kennedy, which Bob Katter holds by 18.3 per cent, was the conversion of Indigenous people to Islam.

“I don’t know whether people are aware, but many of the Aboriginal people in northern Australia are being targeted by Muslims and in some cases are being paid to convert to Islam,” she said, describing herself and the electorate as “farmers … just ordinary everyday people”, who “want to be free to go about our business”.

“Our concern with that is, the Muslim belief, that converting the first peoples of the land to Islam means that the land belongs to Allah, and Islam should be the only religion.

“There is an Aboriginal lady who works with the people up in northern Australia and she has spoken directly with the leader of our party, Daniel Nalliah [and told him about the practice].”

There does appear to be a number of Aborigines converting to Islam. In your opinion, does this article appear to contain the truth or is it pie in the sky ?


I can't speak on the veracity of that article, but I do know for a fact that many aborigines in Australian jails have converted to Islam, as have black inmates in American jails and prisoners in the UK. This article may provide information on the increase of Aboriginals converting to Islam.


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