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How wary are thais of Foreigners who can speak the language?


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If you lead people to believe you don't speak Thai- or better yet, don't make it clear that you do- then yeah, you're gonna piss some people off when they lose face because they were talking shit about you or trying to rip you off. Of course, bar girls will be less interested in you if you can speak Thai, but that's mostly because it's an indication you know how things work here and are far less likely to tip them a ridiculous amount or send them money when you go back to your country. (They also tend to make the assumption you already have a gf). But in general, I agree with almost everyone in this thread and find 99% of Thais appreciate it when I speak Thai with them.

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I've not seen any problem with me speaking Thai. Even though with my thick Chicago accent, I can get quite a few laughs as I mangle the pronunciations. But I do that with English, too.

I'd say I am an advanced beginner at the moment.

That's not your accent. They're still having a chuckle over Cutler's contract. Ha ha.

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I've been trying to think of what to write in this post since this is a topic that interests me. However, I think I've had three types of conversations in Thai in Thailand.

1. Boring conversations where I get asked dumb questions.

2. Boring conversations where I ask dumb questions.

3. Enlightening monologues about this or that from an unexpected party. As an example, a taxi driver once told me that his wife was on the way to meet a British guy at the airport.

"She's such a whore," he said. "I can't believe she does this to me every time that prick comes into town."

"But I'm to poor for her."

I even felt sorry for him.

Edited by BudRight
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I think a lot of it as many have said it depends on who you're speaking to. Shop girls are very appreciative when you can give your member number or phone number in Thai to them. Jet ski operators will not do business with you as they see you as not a good target to scam. Taxi drivers lay somewhere in between. Some like it, some don't.

With the higher educated, uni students, businessmen even school kids I leave the choice to them. Most prefer to speak English or at least try to first. I go along with it and help as much as I can.

But then there's the times when I wish I'd never let them know I speak some Thai. They just don't shut up.

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I've not seen any problem with me speaking Thai. Even though with my thick Chicago accent, I can get quite a few laughs as I mangle the pronunciations. But I do that with English, too.

I'd say I am an advanced beginner at the moment.

That's not your accent. They're still having a chuckle over Cutler's contract. Ha ha.
I hope you die in Green Bay. (Note to mods; that's Chicago humor.)
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Thais are largely indifferent to farang in every way possible. I know you guys want them to hear you speak Thai and think "Wonderful! Amazing! So happy!"... but really they do not give a shit.

They might not give a shit about you with an attitude like that but they are mostly nice, pleasant and polite to me.

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Only bad people who like to get the extra bht out of you which they cant get away with with a thai person, dont like you to speak thai. This coupled with an obnoxious arrogant plonker which one occasionally encounters.

In general all over thailand people appreciate it when one can converse in their language. If you can make them laugh by simple word jokes one can do no wrong after. I would however not put too much meaning in it from a thai perspective. I do not think they really care if you speak their language or not.

If one goes to a governmentoffice usually they ignore you but instead talk with your thai wife/gf. Happened all the time. To avoid that i just went alone. Guess the reason is that thais in general not ask critical questions and that those officials can show some authority over them.

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Thais are largely indifferent to farang in every way possible. I know you guys want them to hear you speak Thai and think "Wonderful! Amazing! So happy!"... but really they do not give a shit.

They might not give a shit about you with an attitude like that but they are mostly nice, pleasant and polite to me.

Keester how did/do you feel when foreigners in your home country speak English/the language of your home country?

Is it exciting? Endearing? Beautiful? Amazing? Twitter worthy?


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Thais are largely indifferent to farang in every way possible. I know you guys want them to hear you speak Thai and think "Wonderful! Amazing! So happy!"... but really they do not give a shit.

They might not give a shit about you with an attitude like that but they are mostly nice, pleasant and polite to me.

They are nice, pleasant and polite because that is the cultural norm for interacting with odd strangers in Thailand. Don't take it as a special endorsement.

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Yeah, I never claimed that they weren't pleasant and polite to me. I just don't understand why everyone here thinks Thais would be impressed or give a damn that you took a Thai langauge class. Why should it matter to them?

Again, how do you feel when you see an immigrant in your own country speaking English?

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Yeah, I never claimed that they weren't pleasant and polite to me. I just don't understand why everyone here thinks Thais would be impressed or give a damn that you took a Thai langauge class. Why should it matter to them?

Again, how do you feel when you see an immigrant in your own country speaking English?

If a foreigner in my country (USA) could speak English, I probably wouldn't think much about it. It's expected. But if they can't, I'd be pretty annoyed. Like, "why even come to my country if you haven't bothered to learn the language!" That sort of thing.

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Thais are largely indifferent to farang in every way possible. I know you guys want them to hear you speak Thai and think "Wonderful! Amazing! So happy!"... but really they do not give a shit.

They might not give a shit about you with an attitude like that but they are mostly nice, pleasant and polite to me.

Keester how did/do you feel when foreigners in your home country speak English/the language of your home country?

Is it exciting? Endearing? Beautiful? Amazing? Twitter worthy?


No idea, don't recall ever meeting one there. I'm from an area that would not attract many, if any foreigners and I left at age 28. But it's not how I feel it's about how you feel. I do not feel like they are treating me like shit where you do. Neither do I feel "Wonderful! Amazing! So happy!" or "exciting? Endearing? Beautiful? Amazing? Twitter worthy?" I'm much much more than 6 years old to be at all impressed like that.

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Yeah, I never claimed that they weren't pleasant and polite to me. I just don't understand why everyone here thinks Thais would be impressed or give a damn that you took a Thai langauge class. Why should it matter to them?

Is there anybody saying you did? Certainly not me. But what you did say is that they think shit of every Farang including you. Well speaking for myself I don't think they think shit of me. Many enjoy my company, treat me as part of the family etc. What they think about you is up to them. Possibly it is your attitude that makes them feel that way to you.

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Thais are largely indifferent to farang in every way possible. I know you guys want them to hear you speak Thai and think "Wonderful! Amazing! So happy!"... but really they do not give a shit.

They might not give a shit about you with an attitude like that but they are mostly nice, pleasant and polite to me.

They are nice, pleasant and polite because that is the cultural norm for interacting with odd strangers in Thailand. Don't take it as a special endorsement.

I'm not. I said mostly. There are some who I know hate my guts. Perhaps with good reason because I don't particularly like them either. But then there are those that go out of their way to be nice. Start conversations in the street. That is what I'd call the cultural norm nothing to do with 'odd strangers'. They've seen me around for the last 30 years or perhaps only for the last week. But they see me and are nice, pleasant and polite. Sometimes one Thai speaks to another Thai nearby. It could be 'you see him here every day' or 'he lives down the street'. I smile with a hello or nod then continue on my way. Where is shit coming into all that?

There is no 'them' and 'us' it's 'we'. We may have some differences but we can still get along without thinking we each think the other shit. Or even if only one thought the other shit? I don't see or hear it and to say so I find very offensive to the Thai people.

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Yeah, I never claimed that they weren't pleasant and polite to me. I just don't understand why everyone here thinks Thais would be impressed or give a damn that you took a Thai langauge class. Why should it matter to them?

Is there anybody saying you did? Certainly not me. But what you did say is that they think shit of every Farang including you. Well speaking for myself I don't think they think shit of me. Many enjoy my company, treat me as part of the family etc. What they think about you is up to them. Possibly it is your attitude that makes them feel that way to you.

you are quite terrible at reading comprehension.

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Yeah, I never claimed that they weren't pleasant and polite to me. I just don't understand why everyone here thinks Thais would be impressed or give a damn that you took a Thai langauge class. Why should it matter to them?

Is there anybody saying you did? Certainly not me. But what you did say is that they think shit of every Farang including you. Well speaking for myself I don't think they think shit of me. Many enjoy my company, treat me as part of the family etc. What they think about you is up to them. Possibly it is your attitude that makes them feel that way to you.

you are quite terrible at reading comprehension.

He is not alone in that, should give him some comfort.

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I always try to speak polite but I know some impolite words.

I am a high school teacher and sometimes hear students use impolite words

I just turn to them and reply mai supop and smile. They are shocked and say sorry teacher

I tell my students to be polite in my classroom.

My students laughed when I tried to tell them I like to ride a horse but I used the wrong tone and said I like dog shit.

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