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Koh Tao murder a short-term impact on tourism, says tourism council


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It many more articles like this appear in the international press I think the impact might be more severe than the TAT anticipates.


An extract...

"Over the past two years, there has never been a single violent incident" on Koh Tao, Chatpong Chatphut, the provincial governor, told local media this week.

But scratch the surface and a very different picture emerges: one of a tropical paradise – uninhabited until the 1940s and only developed as a tourist destination since the late 1980s – that has been soiled by drink, drugs and corruption and is said to be firmly in the grip of local mafias.

The power of Koh Tao's hidden underworld – a stark contrast with its spectacular natural beauty – has left many residents too terrified to speak openly about this week's shocking crime for fear of offending a handful of powerful and, many believe dangerous, island families who run the show.

"People are not talking now on the island," said one source with knowledge of its underworld. "But they know something about what has happened."

And, to make it worse, it happens everywhere.

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Koh Tao is my favourite island of KT, KS & KPN but I do think tourists should avoid it for the foreseebable future out of repect for the victims families and to send a clear message that Thailand needs to clean up its act and take visitors security seriously. As long as the hoardes keep coming nothing will change in my view. They'll let this blow over and it will same same not different.

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I would not be a bit surprised if Mrs Piyamarn Techapaibul did not care one iota about the poor people who lost their lives, it was just an inconvenience to her I feel.

You're quite right.....Thais are innured to murders, rapes and other major crimes..and especially so it foreigners are involved.....

If one of their family is killed.....a compensation payout is all that's needed..........

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Tourism in Thailand is very durable. It recovered after the tsunami, Red Shirt/airport protests, floods, coups and curfews, and it will recover again.

Having said that, the market segment that the islands appeal to has always been durable to things like Bali bombings, SARS, Bird Flu, swine flu, a multitude of coups etc... the back-packers, and bottom to middle range don't give a toss about politics and are unafraid of several things that say package tourists and the upper end are concerned about. Life threatening illnesses, and the risk of being blown up en-masse in a disco don't worry them... but something tells me this is different.

This is a very emotional issue for all (locals more-so), but especially the stereotypical young people directly assaulted. I think this is exactly the type of thing that will linger longer than they think. This may never be forgotten, and it may never be forgiven without due justice.

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Koh Tao murder a short-term impact on tourism, says tourism council

Yes but a long term impact on the families involved.

PS, True or not, you could have waited until AFTER you close the case to print such a statement.

Smacks of insensitivity to the families at the very least.

The way i read this is

"yes your daughter was raped and had her face pounded by a hoe until she died.

But tourism isn't going to be impacted in the long run, so that is that."

For some reason, the quoted statement REALLY pisses me off.

Just my 2 cents.

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Am I alone in waking up daily to the sound of Sonny & Cher?


Clever way to phrase it ... Put your boots on cuz its cold outside.... Rip to the couple of kids just looking for there little slice of paradise .... I lived on Koh Tao for 2 years ... and all I have to say is this was "No Boating accident " the local youth are uncontrollable and untouchable... and any misconduct is always shrugged off with .. he is always causing trouble .. never mind.. Thai rak Thai

Only thing different about this case is that it broke big and fast internationally, and the military is overseeing things now ... The local bib have all been removed from the island and replaced .... big shake up today .. the hammer just dropped on the island today due to the uk media calling a spade a spade .. have loads of friends coming over to the mainland till this thing settles down .... I agree if the general (PM) is serious he needs to clean out all three islands of the petiy gangsterism.. say what you want about Cuba but the locals know is not to bite the hand that feeds you .. or the state will sort you out ... other way round here it almost seems sanctiond.


Edited by SlackJawChef
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Well this is very interesting:

A SCOT has gone into hiding on a tiny island in Thailand after claiming he knows who killed tragic David Miller and Hannah Witheridge.

Ex-pat Sean McAnna, 25, who lives in Koh Tao, posted messages on his Facebook page last night claiming his life was in danger because he knew the killers.

The backpackers were bludgeoned to death on Monday. Its understood they just met hours before they were killed.

Sean, who is from Glasgow, works in the AC nightclub, where Hannah, 23, from Hemsby, Norfolk, and David, 24, from Jersey, are believed to have spent their last hours.

He posted: Thai mafia are trying to kill me. Please help me. A few minutes later he accused a local bar owner of being responsible.

Worried friends and relatives immediately launched a campaign to get him to safety.

It is understood Sean has been taken to a safe place and is waiting to get off the island.

Today a friend of his, who asked not to be named, said: Sean said he knew David Miller as the island is very small.

He said the island is run by the Thai mafia and he knew the identities of the killer.

He was frightened for his life and felt he needed help from anyone he could and social media was his best option.

His mum and sister contacted Scottish and Thai police and he is now safe.

He will be leaving as soon as he can. We dont have anymore information at the moment.


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Lost interest in this post after the first two "if you don't like it why stay/go home" comments, it's as though people cannot think of any reasonable comment, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I have yet to see anyone say everything, in Thailand, is bad. Only fools would say everything is kosher.

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I have got pretty bored with these TAT statements. But, did you notice this one said 'we intend to regulate migrant workers' as a direct response to the awful murders.

Until proven otherwise, what have the migrant workers done to produce this statement.? Unless of course...................

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Disgusting, Tourism council cant issue a statement stating how they will improve safety and list the ways they will improve safety, they can just talk about $$$$$$$$$$

I understand improving safety has been talked about by the PM but council shouldnt issue a statement that regards money and visitors until this case has been cleared ETC!

Welcome to Thailand

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Well this is very interesting:

A SCOT has gone into hiding on a tiny island in Thailand after claiming he knows who killed tragic David Miller and Hannah Witheridge.

Ex-pat Sean McAnna, 25, who lives in Koh Tao, posted messages on his Facebook page last night claiming his life was in danger because he knew the killers.

The backpackers were bludgeoned to death on Monday. Its understood they just met hours before they were killed.

Sean, who is from Glasgow, works in the AC nightclub, where Hannah, 23, from Hemsby, Norfolk, and David, 24, from Jersey, are believed to have spent their last hours.

He posted: Thai mafia are trying to kill me. Please help me. A few minutes later he accused a local bar owner of being responsible.

Worried friends and relatives immediately launched a campaign to get him to safety.

It is understood Sean has been taken to a safe place and is waiting to get off the island.

Today a friend of his, who asked not to be named, said: Sean said he knew David Miller as the island is very small.

He said the island is run by the Thai mafia and he knew the identities of the killer.

He was frightened for his life and felt he needed help from anyone he could and social media was his best option.

His mum and sister contacted Scottish and Thai police and he is now safe.

He will be leaving as soon as he can. We dont have anymore information at the moment.


And a picture just to make sure he can be identified?

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Koh Tao is my favourite island of KT, KS & KPN but I do think tourists should avoid it for the foreseebable future out of repect for the victims families and to send a clear message that Thailand needs to clean up its act and take visitors security seriously. As long as the hoardes keep coming nothing will change in my view. They'll let this blow over and it will same same not different.

Koh tao was great when there were no dive operators there....all diving was serviced from Samui; then it was a great spot and if you sailed up there you could land anywhere with no problems....now.....over dived....over snorkelled.....over priced......and the "you cannot bring your boat here, you must pay, this is private' brigade rule the place. Happy to remember it the way it was and NEVER return!

I guess that's progress!!

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What a tactless press release from TCT! The murdered young Tao visitors are not yet buried, mind you, what a timing! Was it that urgent and important to express your petty greedy hopes in public now already? Mrs Piyamarn should be ashamed of herself! Could anyone imagine a more clear statement about the Thai tourism not caring f..k about the tourists' life, health and well-being? Maybe they should 'innovate' and advertise for potential tourists not to come to visit 'the land of smiles'(?): 'Avoid the hassle and the risks, protect the environment, you can better stay home, just send your money to, truly amazing Thailand'? Wouldn't that in fact fit this greedy bunch perfectly? I hope all the British press will publish Mrs Piyamarn's communiqué, with comments... Bravo, TCT, you made Thailand lose more millions of tourists' money, I congratulate you NOT!

Edited by bangrak
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The PM last week stated on live TV that Thailand was not a safe place to travel especially if you were young and pretty if you were fat and ugly you might be safe. This news was aired around the globe just because he was forced to apologise 48/72 hours later people will not forget his warning , tourism is already down on the islands it will get worse I cannot see many booking holidays for a visit this Christmas which is the peak season a week has gone by and the killers are still out there !

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Two young people brutally murdered, and all Thai authorities are concerned about is, if the tourist$ will keep coming!!bah.gif

That really shows, how they value "us" here!!

Oddly enough, most people are able to value two things or more, simultaneously and in parallel.

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it will have zero effect

Zero effect huh? I personally know of three cases of friends back home and friends of friends who have changed their plans. One case where two friends were coming at the end of the month, one has pulled out because of this so the other has to come alone. I know of a couple who had a Christmas holiday booked here, not anymore. And another group of friends were thinking of planning a holiday here soon but now they have decided against it. Zero effect my behind

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it will have zero effect

Zero effect huh? I personally know of three cases of friends back home and friends of friends who have changed their plans. One case where two friends were coming at the end of the month, one has pulled out because of this so the other has to come alone. I know of a couple who had a Christmas holiday booked here, not anymore. And another group of friends were thinking of planning a holiday here soon but now they have decided against it. Zero effect my behind

I know they really think we are as stupid as them.

Apart from the barbaric murders of this young couple.

Who wants to visit an Island full of police.

You never know what you are going to be accused of here.

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TAT has demonstrated their lack of class and empathy once again by making this press release... The dead tourists are not even buried and the assailants are still on the loose, while the TAT has the nerve to make press releases about the low impact on tourism... Provides some insight as to what Thais think of their victims guests...

Edited by Loptr
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