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Terrified Briton flees Koh Tao after 'mafia' death threat

Jonathan Fairfield

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

If you dial 006 it costs 3 baht a minute to a landline. . Hmm even on 100 Baht you could speak gor more than 30 minutes. Also he was in a shop that may sell top up, so you assume he is lying. Great, glad you aren't running this investigation.

I never knew that about the 006 I wish I had known about it before, it would have saved me a fortune .. thanks for the top tip, you learn something new every day, is that any landline though, even UK/Aus/USA??

I don't assume he was lying, I posted that in haste, I actually think he's telling the truth, do you honestly think he would put that much attention on himself, to be exposed as a liar? Seems a bit bizzarre to me if he did.. but the truth will come out, unless the BiB have already "taken care" of the persons he named DNA samples. ;)

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

If you dial 006 it costs 3 baht a minute to a landline. . Hmm even on 100 Baht you could speak gor more than 30 minutes. Also he was in a shop that may sell top up, so you assume he is lying. Great, glad you aren't running this investigation.

I never knew that about the 006 I wish I had known about it before, it would have saved me a fortune .. thanks for the top tip, you learn something new every day, is that any landline though, even UK/Aus/USA??

I don't assume he was lying, I posted that in haste, I actually think he's telling the truth, do you honestly think he would put that much attention on himself, to be exposed as a liar? Seems a bit bizzarre to me if he did.. but the truth will come out, unless the BiB have already "taken care" of the persons he named DNA samples. wink.png

I am glad he has been cleared by you now, so will give you some information. Up to 1 month ago you could call True to landline for 1 baht a min. Look how much you could have saved.

AIS 00500 is a high quality and inexpensive international call service. Rates start at only 3 Baht per minute. We provide high quality communications together with crystal clear sound quality covering over 230 destinations worldwide. 3 baht a min http://www.ais.co.th/00500/en/news/3/Easy

True What is true 006 service?

true 006 is the premium grade international direct dialing service (IDD) via 006 prefix. This service offers an unparalleled service with crystal clear signal without any delay or dropped calls due to high quality transmission technology, Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Network coverage covers 230 destinations worldwide. http://www3.truecorp.co.th/idd006/en/faqs.html
Yes UK/USA and Au,
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The photo he took in the convience store, matched with a photo at the crime scene.

So why is a local bar owner at the crime scene ? Perhaps he's also a detective in the police force, I've heard of police owning other business as well so I guess it's not beyond a possibility ?

If he's not a police officer than I have no idea what he was doing there but there should be some kind of speculation.

I do remember reading a comment somewhere last week where someone said 'the guy that did it is in the video' but I can't remember which video this was referring to or where I read it.

That was on here but there's been so many threads and such a massive amount of comments together with mod deletions I'd have no clue where to find that now. Pity because in amongst all the arguments and idle speculation there were some very solid posts from people whose personal experiences strongly supported this scenario right from the start. A newbie poster who had emails from friends working as bar staff who left due to no work visas and told him it was known who it was and that he was in the video. That video the still is lifted from was shown on the first day when this broke. At least it is getting into the public domain now via media.

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I Wouldnt ever be going back to Koh Tao, not now its clear how much Thais there care about the truth vs their pockets. ill happily tell others to avoid KT at all costs, its crap for diving as they have killed off most of the sealife years ago and thats really the only reason to be on KT its not phi phi or samui.. go somewhere else safer not so corrupt and spend the cash there.

Not just Koh Toa, the complete country is a sewer of crime.

Best thing people can do is avoid Thailand full stop, no holidays & no investment/ businesses & hit Thailand where it hurts most, their wallet ...

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

Erm..... Who said it was a 7/11?????

Also...... I would say every smartphone or mobile phone is capable of making international calls.

It was more than capable of uploading pictures and messages to a facebook account.

Also..... ever heard of skype??????

I think it is time you dragged your ass back into your cave.

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

If you dial 006 it costs 3 baht a minute to a landline. . Hmm even on 100 Baht you could speak for more than 30 minutes. Also he was in a shop that may sell top ups. So from this you assume he is lying. Good work Sherlock! Glad you aren't running this investigation.

More and more funny by the minute!!

So this guy is running for his life with the bloodthirsty Thai mafia hot on his heels. Runs to a convenience story, buys a top up, takes a pic of the mafiaguys, connects to his FB account and post the pics. During all this time the "mafia" is patiently waiting outside for the police to arrive an hour later!!whistling.gif

Biggest give-away is the claim, that they threatened to kill him by hanging?? Anyone a little familar with Thai ways, would know a threat of a knife or a gun, absolutely yes. But hanging, never ever!!

So hanging him to make it look like a suicide that he was so distraught over the death of his friend, doesn't enter into that tiny teeny weeny wee closed mind of yours then?

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I have no doubt this kid has been scared in some way. But if this was real serious, then the mafia guys would not have threatened him first. They would just have done it, if they really wanted to kill him. There is something strange to this. Why does he not just tell in detail what he claims to know? If he should get killed, then at least he has told all he knows. It really does not make sense to me.

Edited by khunpa
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So they're still trying to pin it on a foreigner.

I don't see why the new Prime Minister doesn't send the army into this lawless place and audit everyone who lives there to weed out the seemingly endemic corruption.

Martial law is still in effect isn't it ?

Who are these 5 families who are so important that even the prime minister can't touch them ?

Well observed, and it does smell a bit fishy, especially now that corruption in Thailand is a thing of the past.

Edited by Thanet
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The photo he took in the convience store, matched with a photo at the crime scene.

So why is a local bar owner at the crime scene ? Perhaps he's also a detective in the police force, I've heard of police owning other business as well so I guess it's not beyond a possibility ?

If he's not a police officer than I have no idea what he was doing there but there should be some kind of speculation.

I do remember reading a comment somewhere last week where someone said 'the guy that did it is in the video' but I can't remember which video this was referring to or where I read it.

That was on here but there's been so many threads and such a massive amount of comments together with mod deletions I'd have no clue where to find that now. Pity because in amongst all the arguments and idle speculation there were some very solid posts from people whose personal experiences strongly supported this scenario right from the start. A newbie poster who had emails from friends working as bar staff who left due to no work visas and told him it was known who it was and that he was in the video. That video the still is lifted from was shown on the first day when this broke. At least it is getting into the public domain now via media.

The low resolution video where the matching footage is here, for original perhaps some Sky HD subscriber could provide it (it's ~5 secs into the feed)?(courtesy of TOMO NEWS)

And here is the link to slightly better quality still excerpted from the video: http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.thaivisa.com/news.asiaone.com/sites/default/files/styles/full_left_image-630x411/public/original_images/Sep2014/x20140916_KohTao.jpg,qitok=g42tgwfa.pagespeed.ic._yECoJiyOI.webp (courtesy of nation)

There are a couple of images in twittersphere circulating, just search for the farang, who was allegedly threatened, by his full name.

Edited by jabis
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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

If you dial 006 it costs 3 baht a minute to a landline. . Hmm even on 100 Baht you could speak for more than 30 minutes. Also he was in a shop that may sell top ups. So from this you assume he is lying. Good work Sherlock! Glad you aren't running this investigation.

More and more funny by the minute!!

So this guy is running for his life with the bloodthirsty Thai mafia hot on his heels. Runs to a convenience story, buys a top up, takes a pic of the mafiaguys, connects to his FB account and post the pics. During all this time the "mafia" is patiently waiting outside for the police to arrive an hour later!!whistling.gif

Biggest give-away is the claim, that they threatened to kill him by hanging?? Anyone a little familar with Thai ways, would know a threat of a knife or a gun, absolutely yes. But hanging, never ever!!

Maybe he didn't need to buy a top up, only if there was no money in the persons account. But according to the report he ran there around 2.30am police arrive around 4.am I think that gives him plenty of time to even buy a top up if needed.

And yes, hanging is also not unheard of. I remember an American actor, David Carradine was found with his hands tied behind his back and supposed to have suicided by hanging himself. Many people including one of his ex wives believed he was murdered. There was another guy that hanged himself in a sitting position.Sure there are many more cases too.

Edited by aussiebrian
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Good lord, the conspiracy theorists are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, whatever happened to real journalism.

Real journalism died around 1970... Where have you been?

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Richard Barrows posts an update from the Koh Tao Community Board on Facebook stating Sean's claims are factually incorrect:


In fact when, making the accusations, he in fact pointed out the owner of In Touch on his earlier FB comments a a possible culprit (Quote "the guy on the left"). I can categorically state that the owner of In Touch is one of the most decent, honest individuals on the island.

Quite a lot of support for that post in the group.

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He is claiming he was threatened because it is a safe way off the island if he tells the media.

The threat that he alleges is too detailed for an average farang/uneducated or even averagely educated thai to be understood as fully as he describes.

If the Thai mafia guys wanted to hang him then they would have just done it. Why on earth just threaten to kill him instead of just doing it -what is the point?

I smell BS and he should be held and questioned further.

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