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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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Thai people are no different when it comes to physical attractions and choosing relationship partners. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one person`s meat, is another person`s poison.

Most Thai women contrary to the popular beliefs of many Thai visa members, are turned on by guys who are sincere, not seeking girlfriends with benefits, loyal to one partner and able to give security and stability.

Those who prefer Thai women of ill repute, from the underclasses of Thai society or those young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters is another scenario and fall into a different category not pertaining to this thread.

I am afraid some people will misunderstand "stability and security" part. I believe that Thai women are looking for someone who has aims in life and can support a family. Howeverdoes not mean he has to be a millionaiere. Right?

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

"Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman."

... or at least a woman too blinded by drink and dim lighting to fully appreciate why the "suitor" had to travel half way 'round the world.

Even after all these years I find it amazing that so many TV posters are so ready to rush forward to tacitly admit that some woman (women?) working in a bar could "trick" them into parting with their money and the only thing remotely attractive about the "hansum man" was the (supposed) size of his wallet. I guess they're being brutally honest or they're still amazingly naive.

Edited by Suradit69
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Take care of her and her family and love her.

I do not mean support her family. If she requires anything more than supporting her and her children, she is looking for a free ride.

My out laws support themselves even though we both have tried to get them to stop working.

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Hair face men.....they do not like hair face man..........Nah-grlee-it


Sometimes I sport a beard, sometimes I do not.

When I do have a beard, it is not uncommon for women and children to ask me if they can touch it!

The seem to like it.

My Thai wife prefers the beard.

She says " with no beard, you look like George Bush, and he is bad man!"

Smart wife!

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@ OP, Honestly its the same as anywhere in the world. There is nothing that should single out Thai women wanting something that a woman anywhere doesn't seek in a man. I hear it all the time from single woman here in the US, Just want a nice man who is caring, a sense of humor, nice, clean cut, employed, honest, sincere etc. I cant see it being anything different for a gal in Thailand. My Thai wife when we first started dating stated similar. Just wanted to share a life with a nice responsible man . Nothing really more than that.

As for the one comment about its a disgrace for a Thai woman to be with a foreigner is utter nonsense. The world is now a pretty small place and inter cultural/race marriages are so common through out the world.

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

You have, my friend, for lack of better words, won the lotteries here, if what you have described here is

true, than you're one in a thousand...

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