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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

My wife was devoted to her university studies and never considered a boyfriend prior to graduation. That was the deal.

Once she completed her studies, that cleaned her parents out financially, she was then free to entertain the idea of boyfriends.

I was first on the scene, by chance.

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What a loaded question, but I'll give it a shot. It depends on the level of the woman we're talking about. If she's from a good family, is attractive, still young, educated, etc., she will require more of the same things a western woman looks for. Which is someone she can speak intelligently to (in Thai, of course), has good future prospects, decent looking (but dropdead gorgeous not necessary), educated/good family...someone who she feels "Oop uun" (bad spelling, but Thai meaning is "gives her sense of warmth").

At the other spectrum, if she's dirt poor, not attractive (by Thai standards), not educated, from a dysfunctional family, getting older, little future prospects, etc., she will take almost any guy with a pulse. Foreigners welcome!

Crikey! sounds like the pulse is not 100% necessary either! smile.png

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Women love a romantic man that shaves his " nuts & legs " it should be compulsory in Thailand.....

F.J keeping in touch with reality...

well viewers, the canary is back, was getting worried about you me auld son, thought maybe you had succumbed and gone and bought yourself a saddle for that bike you ride round on, or maybe a little Naklua hussy had finally got the better of you and made you break into a 1000 baht note for a bit of afternoon delight and got you hooked, anyway, good to see your still a advocate of the back, sack, and crack brigade, keep it smooth kid, keep it smooth...
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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Of course these are generalisations and I am sure there are many good Thai men but the majority of Thai women do not have easy access to them.

I know two very fine and well respected Thai women whose fathers had mia noi. One never married and one has me.

Thai women want a man who is well endowed and can give them really good sex on demand which culminates in the woman's orgasm.

Thai women would like a man who is financially secure enough to enhance the Thai woman's lifestyle. Not rich just enough to shop at Makro, eat out at nice restaurants and drink coffee anywhere. Thai women want a man who improves the home - paints and cleans. Thai women want a man who is good to their family and cares for their children. Thai women want a man who puts the wife first in their priorities while caring about themselves enough so as not to have all the bad habits listed in the first paragraph.

Thai women want a man who appreciates all the woman's good qualities and tells her. Thai woman want a man who is affectionate and who often expresses his love or admiration for her and her children.

Thai women want a man who will respect the culture and the practises that they have. Participate in the giving of rice, attend temple, celebrate holidays.

Most Thai women are married to Thais making 15,000 or less now tell me how most Thai men have mia noi.

Most Thai have **** not mia noi.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Of course these are generalisations and I am sure there are many good Thai men but the majority of Thai women do not have easy access to them.

I know two very fine and well respected Thai women whose fathers had mia noi. One never married and one has me.

Thai women want a man who is well endowed and can give them really good sex on demand which culminates in the woman's orgasm.

Thai women would like a man who is financially secure enough to enhance the Thai woman's lifestyle. Not rich just enough to shop at Makro, eat out at nice restaurants and drink coffee anywhere. Thai women want a man who improves the home - paints and cleans. Thai women want a man who is good to their family and cares for their children. Thai women want a man who puts the wife first in their priorities while caring about themselves enough so as not to have all the bad habits listed in the first paragraph.

Thai women want a man who appreciates all the woman's good qualities and tells her. Thai woman want a man who is affectionate and who often expresses his love or admiration for her and her children.

Thai women want a man who will respect the culture and the practises that they have. Participate in the giving of rice, attend temple, celebrate holidays.

My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

similar to what a woman who have lived life on the dancing poles of pattaya will tell you.


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I can tell you guys one thing for sure. Normal and decent everyday Thai woman ( not bar girls ) appreciates a honest man who says it like it is and does not lie to get their way or treat them like morons only because they don't understand every single word you say.

Be polite and show appreciation for the fantastic way your Thai lady looks after you.

Show her you don't look at every single other woman who passes you and show a bit of commitment.

A decent Thai lady is not interested in our money or fame at all, only in the way you respect them and their culture and of course you should not be a complete bump or looser !!

Some guys should also try and lose the macho act and show you are also just human by showing some emotion...... She will love you forever !!

Well, just sharing some of my experience for what it's worth.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Of course these are generalisations and I am sure there are many good Thai men but the majority of Thai women do not have easy access to them.

I know two very fine and well respected Thai women whose fathers had mia noi. One never married and one has me.

Thai women want a man who is well endowed and can give them really good sex on demand which culminates in the woman's orgasm.

Thai women would like a man who is financially secure enough to enhance the Thai woman's lifestyle. Not rich just enough to shop at Makro, eat out at nice restaurants and drink coffee anywhere. Thai women want a man who improves the home - paints and cleans. Thai women want a man who is good to their family and cares for their children. Thai women want a man who puts the wife first in their priorities while caring about themselves enough so as not to have all the bad habits listed in the first paragraph.

Thai women want a man who appreciates all the woman's good qualities and tells her. Thai woman want a man who is affectionate and who often expresses his love or admiration for her and her children.

Thai women want a man who will respect the culture and the practises that they have. Participate in the giving of rice, attend temple, celebrate holidays.

My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

similar to what a woman who have lived life on the dancing poles of pattaya will tell you.


Nonsense, how can you quote this yanak ? Thai woman living on dancing poles from Pattaya has no morals and will tell you anything you want to hear to make you feel important in your small and limited bar world your living in.

Maybe time foreign men try and meet up and get to know some decent Thai ladies ( which is rather difficult for a farang ) and they will tell you the same thing but mean it.

Would you be dating or marry a Western Woman if they as a fact had boyfriends on the side shagging them all the time. Maybe you would if you had no morals. BUT, decent Thai ladies do indeed have very high moral standards and is not up for grabs for Thai men as most have Mia Noi never the less their status.

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Women want a " romantic man " ("Gone with the wind " style...) They like walking in the parks & holding hands and being treated to a KFC 10 baht ice cream.( aroi mak ) they like an " old fool " ( just like me viewers..) Not someone serious ( a bit like most of our Thai Visa viewers ) can you act a fool viewers? Also gentlemen most Thai ladies do not wish to be taken to bars and forced into watching a poncy game of football (how considerate and romantic!) And Gentlemen get rid of that dreadful body hair as no lady wishes " you " to be turning up for a romantic date with " more hair than Bungle Bear " (Rainbow)

Kind respect to Bungle,George & Zippy x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most ( but not all ) Thai Ladies are only interested in " The Money " and many are brainwashed into believing that all farang are rich.(although the farang are partly blamed for this too..) I always play the " poor farang " it sorts out who actually likes you for who you are! I like to socialize with all ladies but prefer the ones with normal jobs or who work on building sites or who just live a simple life.( just like myself ) I live in Thailand on a very small budget and live a very simple life spending my time outside walking and on the beach in the sunshine or riding my bicycle.But many Thai ladies are extremely materialistic which i find to be " a big turn off " and with many they constantly talk about " money " i switch off like a light and just walk away.(politely) I haven't been in a bar in Thailand for years ( i don't drink ) but it's not my thing and these types of ladies are there for business only ( which i fully respect )

Unfortunately the only test to see if the lady really likes you is just to " not mention money and not give her any money " if she is still in touch after 6 months then she likes you!

I find many Thai lades are very serious ( some smile but not all )

I enjoy life living alone,i have enjoyed being a " free spirit " for years.I have never had a Thai Girlfriend and to be honest i am not that interested.I like sunshine,very long walks,sunbathing,riding my bicycle,travelling by train and " acting a fool " ( something i have been doing for years ) Many of them just like to stay indoors all day and watch TV and play games on there mobile phones ( living with someone like that would " drive me absolutely nuts " )

When i was in Bangkok the other day and spotted a " huge queue of ladies " waiting to go into the " Louis Vuitton " Hand bag shop it made me realize why after 50 years in this world i am " still single " .........

F.J xwub.png

Seconded. That's why pprefer to be single too. There are lots of interesting things in Thailand why bother being an Atm on 2 legs
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Most decent Thai women would not be seen dead with a westerner, They tend to keep to there own , Asian, they look down on Thai women with western men , they keep to there own big money people,

Are you saying that most Thai women are not decent unless they are rich?

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  • 5 years later...
On 9/25/2014 at 1:57 PM, Pattaya Lous said:

This is such an easy question to answer.

Man have money - Thai lady turned on

Man have no money - Thai lady turned off

Very simple

We need a thread to try and break the mould

I'm giving this thread a bump. 


In general, this is maybe true but, a 60 year old buddy of mine lost his 34 year old Thai GF to another farang. She had a good life with my buddy. She lived with him in his MooBaan. A nice house with a community pool, gym etc. He gave her ฿10,000 per month allowance. Her new boyfriend is in his 40's and is a former MMA fighter. He's jacked/ripped and covered with tats. He lives in a small studio apartment and doesn't give her any kind of allowance. But, she apparently "loves" him. (Fortunately, she has a job in a retail shop so she has some of her own money.) 


I would agree it is usually about money but in this case, it is maybe about something else.

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On 9/24/2014 at 2:36 PM, mesquite said:

You've been a TV member for over seven years and you've never heard, "It's all about money?"

Because the longer people are members here, and the more posts and likes they have the smarter they get?

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