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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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Man, you've reinforced my points yet again. Yes, an elderly male westerner may not care much about being able to communicate well so long as he gets to lay next to a young hardbody. But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate. And if she doesn't think it that important, then she is simply looking for a sugar daddy.

RE: But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate

Do you think so? I think either a large minority or small majority of Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else. I think these women seek (and find) emotional fulfillment from their friends and family rather than their (farang) partners.

"Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else."

Bingo! You sir, win a prize. Yes, I'd say most Thai women interested in westerners are mostly interested in financial support. However, most Thai women do not think along those lines. Most women the world over would prefer a guy with decent prospects, BUT that is not the most important thing. Thai women are the same. But there are "some" Thai women who have money on the top of their priority list...usually due to their personal circumstance. And these are typically women seeking farangs.

RE: But there are "some" Thai women who have money on the top of their priority list...usually due to their personal circumstance. And these are typically women seeking farangs

I would say these are the women who typically end up with farangs.

There are plenty of Thai women who'd like a farang partner not simply for financial gain, but never find what they're looking for as most farangs tend to prefer, shall we say, lower class women who are looking for money.

Put another way:

1. Let's say there are 100 Thai women looking for a farang partner.

2. 50 are looking for a partner with whom they can communicate. Let's call these women "Middle Class".

3. The other 50 are looking for a partner with a wallet. Let's call these women "Lower Class".

4. Let's say 100 farangs come to Thailand in search of a woman.

5. Typically, 90 of these men will be "Lower Class"; only 10 will be "Middle Class".

NET RESULT: 50 lower class women (who are looking for financial support) will find a farang partner; only 10 middle class women (who are not looking for financial support) will find a partner.

It's from this class imbalance (on the part of farang males coming to Thailand) that your stereotype arises.

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Man, you've reinforced my points yet again. Yes, an elderly male westerner may not care much about being able to communicate well so long as he gets to lay next to a young hardbody. But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate. And if she doesn't think it that important, then she is simply looking for a sugar daddy.

RE: But most Thai females would prefer to be able to communicate her thoughts and feelings with her mate

Do you think so? I think either a large minority or small majority of Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else. I think these women seek (and find) emotional fulfillment from their friends and family rather than their (farang) partners.

"Thai women who marry westerners value financial support above and beyond all else."

Bingo! You sir, win a prize. Yes, I'd say most Thai women interested in westerners are mostly interested in financial support. However, most Thai women do not think along those lines. Most women the world over would prefer a guy with decent prospects, BUT that is not the most important thing. Thai women are the same. But there are "some" Thai women who have money on the top of their priority list...usually due to their personal circumstance. And these are typically women seeking farangs.

RE: But there are "some" Thai women who have money on the top of their priority list...usually due to their personal circumstance. And these are typically women seeking farangs

I would say these are the women who typically end up with farangs.

There are plenty of Thai women who'd like a farang partner not simply for financial gain, but never find what they're looking for as most farangs tend to prefer, shall we say, lower class women who are looking for money.

Put another way:

1. Let's say there are 100 Thai women looking for a farang partner.

2. 50 are looking for a partner with whom they can communicate. Let's call these women "Middle Class".

3. The other 50 are looking for a partner with a wallet. Let's call these women "Lower Class".

4. Let's say 100 farangs come to Thailand in search of a woman.

5. Typically, 90 of these men will be "Lower Class"; only 10 will be "Middle Class".

NET RESULT: 50 lower class women (who are looking for financial support) will find a farang partner; only 10 middle class women (who are not looking for financial support) will find a partner.

It's from this class imbalance (on the part of farang males coming to Thailand) that your stereotype arises.

well said that man, how many out of the hundred would be hairless though.. Ferang jai dam..
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Number one. Trim your body hair. Every single woman I have ever spoken with, who was honest and direct, has said there is nothing appealing about a lot of body hair on a man. Especially the pubes, chest, back and shoulders. I see a lot of guys that resemble apes. Many women tell me all that hair is unsanitary, smelly, sweaty, and nasty. So, do your part and trim it! An electric razor with trim settings is all it takes. Get busy.

When I see a man with not a single hair on his body, I immediately assume "gay".

You missed my point. With a good trimmer you can reduce the length and mass of the hair. From the appearance of a jungle ape, to a civilized man. Big difference.

And it means nothing to me if someone thinks I am gay. Usually, I consider it a compliment.

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I one of the great things in life which will make you feel a much happier person is if you don't care what people think about you!

I really couldn't give a stuff what people think about me !

Would you shave your legs viewers......?

F.J x

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The Thais are basically hairless or lightly bodied haired....I was riding with my FIL and family in Cha Am a few months back....walking up the road towards us was was a very hairy farang in shorts and no shirt.....As we approached and the man was noticed the entire family burst out laughing......It did not help that he was balloon bellied and barrel chested black haired all over - did look ape like.....Thais as a general rule do not care for hairy bodies - it's different to them and not in a good way.....

At their house they see me bare chested as there's only one bathroom - and that's what they see - a bare chest....the women love the whiteness of the skin and have remarked so.....they like to touch it - I don't think it feels different but they do ...... but then again I love the feel of my wife's Thai (and Asian) skin.....if she were hairy she wouldn't be my wife - duh.....turn about is fair play.....

Myself - I keep myself groomed and have for many years - I find it much more pleasant feeling + cooler and obviously cleaner feeling and looking + slimming....there's a sleekness about it......as I have dated only Asian women for 15-20+ years all of them liked the clean look garnering all favorable comments and resulting favorable treatment - especially with their glances and hands (it also feels better under their hands/touch).....100% (and there have been many) - their comments about hairy men came without prompt and they were all definitely not favorable.....

I happened across a photograph of myself from long ago taken as I was laying in bed on my back bare chested....At first I had to look twice as at first I thought I had a cat on my chest.....I didn't like the way it looked - and it was me..... looking at myself ......

So, I can understand how a relatviely hairless society would look upon people with massive body hair as unappealing - to put it in a polite manner.....

Have you ever noticed how in the movies the heros are basically light on body hair while the heavies/bikers/pirates are usually hairy and quite often not buff? There's a stigma attached - and it's not only Thai/Asian.....but especially understandable in a lightly haired continent.....

As for the above question about the legs - only when I had to wrap/tape my legs for sports - and a couple of times for operations that were sports/injury related.....

Short answer - in my opinion - the Thai/Asian female finds the non-hairy look much more normal/appealing, ?appreciatible?, and approachable.....

And - physical attractiveness is highly valued here....... in themselves - and those they seek/wish/are attracted to.......

Sometimes it may take more than your pretty face, charm, and charisma.....

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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

see you picked the date were you Avnt got to spend any money on her, good lad..
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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J

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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J

So.....apart from you being stingy.....you must be the perfect man for all those ladies ....

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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J
haha, I'd love to see her face when your dragging her around the park at 2 o'clock in the morning for a romantic stroll laughing at your own jokes and she's hungry and thirsty but your 200 baht a day budget won't stretch to a bag of deep fried locust for her..ferang tightarse..
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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J
haha, I'd love to see her face when your dragging her around the park at 2 o'clock in the morning for a romantic stroll laughing at your own jokes and she's hungry and thirsty but your 200 baht a day budget won't stretch to a bag of deep fried locust for her..ferang tightarse..

200 baht a day!!!??? This is Thailand I live on 100 baht a day! No for me I have no interest in a relationship I am quite happy being " a free spirit " ( and hairless.....) x

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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J
haha, I'd love to see her face when your dragging her around the park at 2 o'clock in the morning for a romantic stroll laughing at your own jokes and she's hungry and thirsty but your 200 baht a day budget won't stretch to a bag of deep fried locust for her..ferang tightarse..

200 baht a day!!!??? This is Thailand I live on 100 baht a day! No for me I have no interest in a relationship I am quite happy being " a free spirit " ( and hairless.....) x

haha, there's about ten of us over at Xmas from Liverpool, were goin to take you out with us for a night, and get you a boss shag on us, everyone needs a good blowout even you, up for it or what, can post the pics on here of your smooth legs...wrapped round a katoeys head... Scouser jai dee.x
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I think the answer is to " keep a thai lady happy " is to ...

1. Pay her money

2. Don't ever go to bars

3. Don't drink or smoke

4. Don't be tight " kineow " ( that's me stuffed...)

5. Become more romantic with more " holding hands " and visits to Parks.

6. Start shaving your legs ( and everywhere else )

7. Don't wear shorts

8. No football tops

Or you could just become a " Free Spirit " just like me viewers........wai2.gif

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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J
What is it with you having to put down every farang you see? From the Expat on a good package living in a serviced apartment, to the average guy who simply likes a beer or to eat a full English in an expat pub from time to time? What's next? Farang wasting their money on a 5b barge to cross the river, when they could swim for free and be at one with nature?

These women you mention (and their families) will be well taken care of financially with the fat hairy farang, or they wouldn't be with them. So sitting with hubby/ bf in the pub for a few rounds is a small price to pay. Not to mention I'm sure he's done his time in the village to balance the scale from time to time.

You think she'd be happier with you? I'm sure she'd sooner pick the man you described as a partner over you, who can barely provide for himself let alone a partner. She wouldn't give you the time of day once she's sussed you out.

There is nothing to be proud of putting your hand in your pocket and only feeling your leg

Edited by Grindting
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Some Thai ladies I see with there farang ( live in maid ) I feel so sorry for them when I see them forced to " to sit in a bar " all night watching football ( what a hideous thought...) Where perhaps " a stroll in the park holding hands " would be much nicer and a lot more " romantic " ... ( I guess the " bar types " wouldn't be too interested in using " Veet " - the hair removal cream for Men...?

F.J x

I see them in Macro - clearly unhappy ladies following 3 steps behind some troglodyte with a sour, irritated, brusque, unfriendly manner - clearly on display for the entire world to see as he marches to the drum of his own self importance.....as do you - I feel sorry/badly for them.....

I try not to think of what their life is really like....

Yes when you see these ladies " The facial expression tells the whole story " it is also these moments when it clearly shows that " money is not everything " (fun & laughter are very important parts to a relationship and cost absolutely nothing......) F.J
What is it with you having to put down every farang you see? From the Expat on a good package living in a serviced apartment, to the average guy who simply likes a beer or to eat a full English in an expat pub from time to time? What's next? Farang wasting their money on a 5b barge to cross the river, when they could swim for free and be at one with nature?

These women you mention (and their families) will be well taken care of financially with the fat hairy farang, or they wouldn't be with them. So sitting with hubby/ bf in the pub for a few rounds is a small price to pay. Not to mention I'm sure he's done his time in the village to balance the scale from time to time.

You think she'd be happier with you? I'm sure she'd sooner pick the man you described as a partner over you, who can barely provide for himself let alone a partner. She wouldn't give you the time of day once she's sussed you out.

There is nothing to be proud of putting your hand in your pocket and only feeling your leg

I wouldn't take my " smooth legs " too seriously viewers as I am only on here to add a little bit of " light hearted banter" as some of " our viewers " seem to take Thai Visa rather seriously.

Grindting - have you tried " Veet " - The hair cream remover for men....?

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I wouldn't take my " smooth legs " too seriously viewers as I am only on here to add a little bit of " light hearted banter" as some of " our viewers " seem to take Thai Visa rather seriously.

Grindting - have you tried " Veet " - The hair cream remover for men....?

Your comments are often not light hearted, they put down people who are simply not prepared to live on the ultra cheap.

I'm not a really hairy person but my wife would kill me if I shaved or waxed my chest. There is nothing wrong with a trim down below, and certainly the hairy ape look isn't cool, but never the less She sits within the camp that thinks men who shave/wax all their hair off are gay, not that they look gay, but that they Are gay.

Most of her friends are gay, going out with them is like going back stage of a Glee casting, and most of them due to being dancers and the like are smooth as a babies bum. They're Indonesian so would have relatively low hair numbers anyway. So upon seeing a westerner with that level of shine she'd assume you were one of the above, without any prejudice.

I'm curious what visa the thai's will grant someone who has as little income? Unless you spent all your money on the elite card which will explain a lot

Edited by Grindting
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I wouldn't take my " smooth legs " too seriously viewers as I am only on here to add a little bit of " light hearted banter" as some of " our viewers " seem to take Thai Visa rather seriously.

Grindting - have you tried " Veet " - The hair cream remover for men....?

Your comments are often not light hearted, they put down people who are simply not prepared to live on the ultra cheap.

I'm not a really hairy person but my wife would kill me if I shaved or waxed my chest. There is nothing wrong with a trim down below, and certainly the hairy ape look isn't cool, but never the less She sits within the camp that thinks men who shave/wax all their hair off are gay, not that they look gay, but that they Are gay.

Most of her friends are gay, going out with them is like going back stage of a Glee casting, and most of them due to being dancers and the like are smooth as a babies bum. They're Indonesian so would have relatively low hair numbers anyway. So upon seeing a westerner with that level of shine she'd assume you were one of the above, without any prejudice.

I'm curious what visa the thai's will grant someone who has as little income? Unless you spent all your money on the elite card which will explain a lot

Well I certainly have all the correct paperwork and Visa.(I do not have an elite card...) Yes I live on a small income but you are "assuming" that I have little money? Well maybe I do or maybe I don't but in Thailand it is always seems a good idea to play the " poor down and out farang " it keeps the " materialistic ladies " away......

Oh and just for the record I don't really shave my legs - Your wife will be delighted.....

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This post just keeps getting more bizarre - yes long pants are the answer - they will solve all your problems in life wink.png - yellow with patch quilt are best.

Silk lined wool looks nice.

Neversure ... you know ... I used to have a pair of them.

And they were Tartan Pattenered ... oh the ignominy ... facepalm.gif

Comphy though ... goof.gif

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I wouldn't take my " smooth legs " too seriously viewers as I am only on here to add a little bit of " light hearted banter" as some of " our viewers " seem to take Thai Visa rather seriously.

Grindting - have you tried " Veet " - The hair cream remover for men....?

No offense, but I don't think comedy is really your forte.

I have never before on TV seen a guy acting like a budgerigar (rather than the canary that his avatar announces). Canaries do sing sweetly of course, and used to be very useful in coal mines when they would obligingly drop dead at the merest whiff of a miner with a shaven chest.

The thing I can't understand is, why this person, Mr or Ms Canarysun, "likes" all these very eloquent critiques that Grindthing has quite correctly thrown at him. Clearly there is an element of sado-masochism here. (I'd love to see Mrs Grindthing meeting the chirping canary.)

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At their house they see me bare chested as there's only one bathroom - and that's what they see - a bare chest....the women love the whiteness of the skin and have remarked so.....they like to touch it - I don't think it feels different but they do ...... but then again I love the feel of my wife's Thai (and Asian) skin.....if she were hairy she wouldn't be my wife - duh.....turn about is fair play.....

Myself - I keep myself groomed and have for many years - I find it much more pleasant feeling + cooler and obviously cleaner feeling and looking + slimming....there's a sleekness about it......as I have dated only Asian women for 15-20+ years all of them liked the clean look garnering all favorable comments and resulting favorable treatment - especially with their glances and hands (it also feels better under their hands/touch).....100% (and there have been many) - their comments about hairy men came without prompt and they were all definitely not favorable.....

I happened across a photograph of myself from long ago taken as I was laying in bed on my back bare chested....At first I had to look twice as at first I thought I had a cat on my chest.....I didn't like the way it looked - and it was me..... looking at myself ......

You shave your chest? xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.HU9LzmAHjt.png

Edited by Cat ji
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The biggest complaint I hear upon gfs moving on is HE WAS TOO STINGY, meaning he had his head screwed on and his wallet screwed down, money money money give me that thing.

PS my gal is with me because I han sum man and she lov me velly much.

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I will still say that my Biggest Turn Off with Thai women is " APPLE CATCHERS " Underwear has never been high up on there list.Many are absolutely " clueless " when it come down to " sexy underwear " You would think that some of them would realize by now that The " G String is " in fashion and these hideous " Apple Catchers " went out with Clement Attlee.......

Gentlemen...Does your wife wear " Apple Catchers " ...... ?

Farang Jaidee wub.png

( Ladies kind respect where due... )

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