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how to make real small videos

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problem: wive want to make a kind of slide show with movie maker on the computer and share it per line one the phone.

3 Min have 20 MB. Playing with the settings it goes down to 6 MB and poor quality.

Others send movies that are something like 960 kB and in good quality.

Also the stupid test slide shows she made on some apps on the phone are very small in size.

What do I miss?

Additional Google (and DuckDuckGo) isn't working currently here on true.....


Good quality and it's gonna be some size but even 6mb isn't bad

yes but can't share it on line

That is the problem.....the middle age women share their videos on line.....terrible to watch but they love it.


update: Even 2.9 MB is too big to share. So I think it must be uploaded somewhere and the link shared instead.


I see a lot of Facebook Thais using YouTube (or is that just them rerelinking?)

Another option is Dropbox, using the Public Folder (right-click copy public link). That's what I use for images attached here when I can't url-link.

Have you tried opining one of those 960 kB movies to see what codec, res, framerate they're using. Stealing is the best form of flattery.


I just got a piece of software yesterday that I think is the bees, AisoSoft Free Video Converter. This will help you shrink your formats to all the possible ones you could wish for....

Then I would use one of my all tie favs Machete Lite to join em all...


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