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Free master class : Build your audience and profit


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Thursday, September 25, 7pm will be given a free master class at Anchor Coworking Space in Jomtien.

Synopsis :

Many business are using social media to try to build an audience, however many seem to struggle with how to turn that audience into customers. This short lecture will give you the tool’s you need to analyse your audience, deep dive into your communications and develop your audience into one that buys! Questions & Answers at the end of the lecture.

I recommend you to assist this master class if you are a business owner or if you are curious about how companies use social média to sell you their products.

The lecture will be given in English and as mentioned in the title this is FREE, no entrance fee, nothing to sell you at the end. This event is organized by Anchor Coworking Space, the social space for freelancers, start-ups and small companies.

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