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Can my cheating Thai wife get her boyfriend a visa ?

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She is a British citizen, speaking to immigration would be a waste of their time and yours. She has as much right to live in the UK, regardless of her marital status, as any other British citizen.

As a British citizen she also has as much right as any other British citizen to sponsor a visa applicant.

There is no reason why she cannot sponsor him for a visit visa, even before you divorce.

But, like any other visa applicant, he would have to satisfy the criteria for the visa applied for.

For a settlement visa they would need to show that he was one of the following:

  • her spouse,
  • her unmarried partner, i.e. they had lived together in a relationship akin to marriage outside the UK for at least 2 years, or
  • her fiancé, i.e. they will marry within 6 months of his arrival in the UK.

In addition, he will have to meet all the other requirements outlined in UK settlement visa basics and she would have to meet the financial requirement; i.e. she must have an income of at least £18,600 p.a. or together they must have cash savings of at least £62,500 or a combimation of these.

Franky Bear, her getting pregnant by this man would not change any of the above.

With regard to the divorce, child custody, division of assets etc; speak to a solicitor.


Not an expert but there was an article in the UK press yesterday about minimum income to support spouses.I think it went to the supreme court who made a decision,not liked by human rights people.The Home Office is trying to close the loopholes,look at youtube Panorama about the marriage,educaion,immigration scams run by non ethnic UK citizens.It is an eye opener.

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If your separating, why be a hateful person and stop it...

Also why should she not sleep around? Your separating aren't you. What if you are the one sleeping around and she isnt... Fairs fair dude... get over it!

Your nuts man... stop being such a whiner and let her get on with her life and you get on with yours!

Edited by thhMan
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As a British citizen with a child, she can report you to the police for threatening behaviour, and have you out of your house in less than two weeks.

No evidence required at all.

Britain does no fault divorce, which means the woman can do whatever she wants and still be given the house and custody of the kid, for the good of the kid.

Penty of my UK pals been done over like this. Sorry, I started my post in the wrong place. I was married for twelve years to my UK wife, there was no adultery that I was aware of, but she was a drunk, I was a good provider, there were no children, she did not work for most of our marriage, only the odd part time job. I ended the marriage, she went to a lawyer claiming 50% of everything, I said no chance, as she contributed very little to the marriage, the house was sold.

The end result was settled out of court, I got to keep everything, the car, what was in the bank, all the furniture etc etc. All she got was a very small fraction of the house sale, no more than 5%.

I don't know if that would have been the case in England as there is some differences between English and Scottish law.

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I don't know UK Immigration but I do Canada and I am sure they are near the same.

In Canada she would not be able to sponsor him as she is only able to sponsor Family Class, which means only her close family. She would however be able to sponsor her Husband, and now Common Law Husband who she has had a live in relationship for at least one year. But in her case I don't see how this is possible since she is still married to you. She would have to produce Divorce Papers first, which she cannot do,

But al rules are broken if she is a liar, as they really don't know if she is single or married, and I don't think they check too much. But then to get to the UK she probably got sponsored by you, and that record they should have.

As to losing your shit this way, be prepared as you will through your divorce, as this is what is going to happen to you. I have been divorce twice and what I can tell you honestly is that a divorce is the only acceptable way in which a woman is legally allowed to steal from you. And she will. As Johnny Carson once said, Marriage is the way in which you will buy a house and a car for a woman you hate. .

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Before starting any separation process or involving lawyers etc., I would start by selling everything I could and hide the cash made from that. Then I would create more debt in both your names, so that the only thing you would share when divorced is debt.

If you want to get even with a cold-hearted Thai-woman, then the best way is to hit her where it hurts the most... MONEY!

So start selling and hide the cash for you and your daughter later and then enjoy the look on your ex-wifes face, when she finds out there is nothing but debt left.

Who cares if she can get her boyfriend a visa. You now have to care only about yourself and your daughter.

Edited by khunpa
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Before starting any separation process or involving lawyers etc., I would start by selling everything I could and hide the cash made from that. Then I would create more debt in both your names, so that the only thing you would share when divorced is debt.

khunpa, so you've got fraud and concealing assets. Any more crimes that you would like to add to the sentence?

Seriously, do people here think Lawyers are stupid? If you post on a web forum asking how to get back at your wife and the forum is littered with stupidity like, take out loans in your wife's name and sell joint assets and hide the money. You think they won't find out about it? They have this things call subpoenas (or summons) which allows courts to order the disclosure of email records and your web browsing history.

Edited by Time Traveller
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She is a British citizen, speaking to immigration would be a waste of their time and yours. She has as much right to live in the UK, regardless of her marital status, as any other British citizen.

Unless the OP has compelling evidence of her involvement in terrorism - which would be extremely unlikely. (Strictly, she has less right to remain British than most.)

Why do you say "Strictly, she has less right to remain British than most"?

She is, whether we and the OP like it or not, a British Citizen, so, again whether we like it or not, she has just as much right as you or I to remain British.

Yes and also I wouldn't be spending to much money on Solicitors. Not wanting to say to much, without knowing the whole story. But if my past experiences are anything to go by you are likely to be in for more nasty shocks.

I wish you the best on this one.


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Why do you say "Strictly, she has less right to remain British than most"?

She is, whether we and the OP like it or not, a British Citizen, so, again whether we like it or not, she has just as much right as you or I to remain British.

Except in the unlikely event that the OP's wife has renounced her Thai citizenship, she may be deprived of British nationality if so doing would be conducive to the public good (Immigration and Nationality Act 2006).

I also suspect that even if she had managed to rid herself of Thai nationality, she could still be deprived of British Nationality if the Secretary of State is satisfied that the deprivation is conducive to the public good because, while having that citizenship status, she had conducted herself in a manner which is seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom, any of the Islands, or any British overseas territory (Immigration Act 2014). The resumption requirement has yet to be tested in law.

If the OP's wife's action were her original plan ('the long game'), then she obtained her original settlement visa by misrepresentation and therefore her British nationality by fraud, so she could be deprived of British nationality on that basis. In practice, this won't happen.

I could not lose my British nationality under any of these clauses - the only way I can currently lose British nationality is by renouncing it.

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What cash? There is no cash. Only cash that ever was is the cash she took back to Thailand in that fake Gucci bag.

Family Court in the UK (instructions to Judge/Magistrate)

If you own a house, she is entitled to your house 100% outright on divorce (contents not usually awarded, you get to argue about them).

If you still have a loan outstanding on the house, she gets it 100%, with you still making the repayments (how fair is that?).

Doesn't matter whose name the house is in, 13 years + kid (under age 13) gets her the entire property.

So if it's in your name, you sell it secretly, and hide the cash you get from the sale.

Any pension entitlement you earned in the last 13 years (including NI payments), she is entitled to 50%.

Not to mention 10% of your salary until the kid is 19 years old (or leaves further education).


After 13 years of marriage, there is no way she will be deprived of UK citizenship.

It's never happened, no point discussing it.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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As I've said before, Thai women play the long game, they can wait years to get what they want. Get a good lawyer.

Go with the flow ,cool down, why get all uptight just because she has another man ,

piece off a sliced loaf , good luck.

TIT wai2.gif

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Before starting any separation process or involving lawyers etc., I would start by selling everything I could and hide the cash made from that. Then I would create more debt in both your names, so that the only thing you would share when divorced is debt.

khunpa, so you've got fraud and concealing assets. Any more crimes that you would like to add to the sentence?

Seriously, do people here think Lawyers are stupid? If you post on a web forum asking how to get back at your wife and the forum is littered with stupidity like, take out loans in your wife's name and sell joint assets and hide the money. You think they won't find out about it? They have this things call subpoenas (or summons) which allows courts to order the disclosure of email records and your web browsing history.

I think you will find the UK courts have no interest in recovering hidden cash.

If you can get it into notes (under the bed), or a foreign account (don't leave a paper trail, and not in Europe), it's gone and forgotten.

There is no penalty from UK family court for hiding assets, as long as you don't commit perjury while doing it.

So essentially, sell everything, take the money and hide it, then don't respond to any family court summons.

If you don't reply, you have broken no criminal laws. The worst they can do is give her maximum 50% of your pension (which she will get anyway), and award her all other discoverable assets (hopefully by that time none).

To add insult to injury, if you are working, you have to pay all your legal fees, and hers as well (can you believe that?).


I'm a former divorce lawyer (USA), but with experience in UK cases (USA/Brit marriage and divorce).

(And I know every dirty trick in the book, to extract all the husband's money and assets, used them all)


You can also get out of child maintenance payments, if you give up your current employment NOW.

(And don't work in the UK again).

Your pension money (or future savings) cannot be used in child maintenance awards, only currently earned income.


Uk is one of the worst countries in the world for divorce settlements, but at least they don't chase you for criminal charges if you're a 'bit naughty'.


@Time Traveller, I'm certainly not stupid, but I don't work for nothing, and once the assets are gone, she can't pay me, so my advice would be, "cut your losses". Once his money has 'disappeared', she can't afford me, and the case goes away.

UK divorce law (family court) is much easier than in the USA, in the USA every state has it's own laws, UK is completely clear cut to lawyers (essentially if she has a kid, man loses everything), but carefully hidden form the general public (men obiously) until it's too late.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Plenty of misguided ideas on the financial / house side of things.

Simple thing to do is get a good solicitor immediately and discuss what the legal options are.

She is a British citizen and as such is entitled under law to her share.

A good solicitor (not a lawyer - we do not have those in England) can always guide someone of the best options available. IF you ask the right questions ;)

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She is a British citizen, speaking to immigration would be a waste of their time and yours. She has as much right to live in the UK, regardless of her marital status, as any other British citizen.

As a British citizen she also has as much right as any other British citizen to sponsor a visa applicant.

There is no reason why she cannot sponsor him for a visit visa, even before you divorce.

But, like any other visa applicant, he would have to satisfy the criteria for the visa applied for.

For a settlement visa they would need to show that he was one of the following:

  • her spouse,
  • her unmarried partner, i.e. they had lived together in a relationship akin to marriage outside the UK for at least 2 years, or
  • her fiancé, i.e. they will marry within 6 months of his arrival in the UK.

In addition, he will have to meet all the other requirements outlined in UK settlement visa basics and she would have to meet the financial requirement; i.e. she must have an income of at least £18,600 p.a. or together they must have cash savings of at least £62,500 or a combimation of these.

Franky Bear, her getting pregnant by this man would not change any of the above.

With regard to the divorce, child custody, division of assets etc; speak to a solicitor.


Not an expert but there was an article in the UK press yesterday about minimum income to support spouses.I think it went to the supreme court who made a decision,not liked by human rights people.The Home Office is trying to close the loopholes,look at youtube Panorama about the marriage,educaion,immigration scams run by non ethnic UK citizens.It is an eye opener.

Which part of 'She is a British citizen' do you find difficult to understand?

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I don't know UK Immigration but I do Canada and I am sure they are near the same.

In Canada she would not be able to sponsor him as she is only able to sponsor Family Class, which means only her close family. She would however be able to sponsor her Husband, and now Common Law Husband who she has had a live in relationship for at least one year.

There's no such legal entity as a 'common law husband' in England.

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Before starting any separation process or involving lawyers etc., I would start by selling everything I could and hide the cash made from that. Then I would create more debt in both your names, so that the only thing you would share when divorced is debt.

khunpa, so you've got fraud and concealing assets. Any more crimes that you would like to add to the sentence?

Seriously, do people here think Lawyers are stupid? If you post on a web forum asking how to get back at your wife and the forum is littered with stupidity like, take out loans in your wife's name and sell joint assets and hide the money. You think they won't find out about it? They have this things call subpoenas (or summons) which allows courts to order the disclosure of email records and your web browsing history.

As long as you are married, it is not a crime to sell your things. And what you do with the cash, is up to you. Spending your own money is not a crime!

No, Lawyers are not stupid, but then again they can not put people to jail for using their own money. However, husbands who let their wife cheat them and run with everything are stupid...

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Go to Thailand find him and have a serious hard fisted chat with him in the hardest language for him to understand or get a couple girls to seduce him take photos and present them to your wife. There are many ways to leave her with zero. Start that ball rolling way ahead of her. Sell out move.

geeze,dude...the bloke got married in Thailand I'm sure he don't want to be buried there to!....redneck advice!

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Before starting any separation process or involving lawyers etc., I would start by selling everything I could and hide the cash made from that. Then I would create more debt in both your names, so that the only thing you would share when divorced is debt.

khunpa, so you've got fraud and concealing assets. Any more crimes that you would like to add to the sentence?

Seriously, do people here think Lawyers are stupid? If you post on a web forum asking how to get back at your wife and the forum is littered with stupidity like, take out loans in your wife's name and sell joint assets and hide the money. You think they won't find out about it? They have this things call subpoenas (or summons) which allows courts to order the disclosure of email records and your web browsing history.

As long as you are married, it is not a crime to sell your things. And what you do with the cash, is up to you. Spending your own money is not a crime!

No, Lawyers are not stupid, but then again they can not put people to jail for using their own money. However, husbands who let their wife cheat them and run with everything are stupid...

. But it is a crime to not declare assets that you've hidden to avoid divorce settlements. What you said is meaningless and at worst dangerous advice. Selling all assets and hiding the cash does not help the OP in the event of a divorce. For him to do so and not declare it put him at risk of criminal charges, even years later.

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. But it is a crime to not declare assets that you've hidden to avoid divorce settlements. What you said is meaningless and at worst dangerous advice. Selling all assets and hiding the cash does not help the OP in the event of a divorce. For him to do so and not declare it put him at risk of criminal charges, even years later.

As I explained in a previous post,

Failing to make a declaration is not a crime.

Making an incorrect declaration is a crime (perjury, but in family court unlikely to be punished).

No risk at all, years later.

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I think you will find the UK courts have no interest in recovering hidden cash.

If you can get it into notes (under the bed), or a foreign account (don't leave a paper trail, and not in Europe), it's gone and forgotten.

There is no penalty from UK family court for hiding assets, as long as you don't commit perjury while doing it.

So essentially, sell everything, take the money and hide it, then don't respond to any family court summons.

If you don't reply, you have broken no criminal laws. The worst they can do is give her maximum 50% of your pension (which she will get anyway), and award her all other discoverable assets (hopefully by that time none).

To add insult to injury, if you are working, you have to pay all your legal fees, and hers as well (can you believe that?).


I'm a former divorce lawyer (USA), but with experience in UK cases (USA/Brit marriage and divorce).

(And I know every dirty trick in the book, to extract all the husband's money and assets, used them all)


You can also get out of child maintenance payments, if you give up your current employment NOW.

(And don't work in the UK again).

Your pension money (or future savings) cannot be used in child maintenance awards, only currently earned income.


Uk is one of the worst countries in the world for divorce settlements, but at least they don't chase you for criminal charges if you're a 'bit naughty'.


@Time Traveller, I'm certainly not stupid, but I don't work for nothing, and once the assets are gone, she can't pay me, so my advice would be, "cut your losses". Once his money has 'disappeared', she can't afford me, and the case goes away.

UK divorce law (family court) is much easier than in the USA, in the USA every state has it's own laws, UK is completely clear cut to lawyers (essentially if she has a kid, man loses everything), but carefully hidden form the general public (men obiously) until it's too late.

So according to your professional advice. Married with a jointly owned 1 milion pound bank account. The husband can get a check made out to cash and hide the cash. Then in divorce court can legally say he has no assets?

And wife has no claim against him?

Edited by Time Traveller
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Sorry to hear this mate, whish you and your daughter all the luck in the next coming difficult time.

I would first freeze all bankaccounts which are in shared name to prevent her from gaining as much as possible from you.

You would know so and about how much money she has in her own accounts, does she work etc? Try to buy yourself some time by cutting of the finances (your finances in a legal way of course).

Change the locks from your house, I don't know about her mental state but with all the scaring recent stories of late, consider a different school for your daughter?

This could all be done today and tomorrow, see a solicitor/lawyer as others recommended and get try to keep your own life together.

Again, good luck.

If your wife is living at the house you can not just chuck her out that would be unlawful...

If she leaves voluntarily then OK, but changing the locks a big no-no, it is considered illegal eviction.

Can your husband, wife or civil partner evict you?

You will have rights to stay if you are the legal owner of your home or if you are a tenant.

Even if you are not an owner or a tenant you will have rights to stay if you have been asked to leave by your husband, wife, or civil partner.

In these situations only a court could order you to leave your home. The court would be unlikely to order this unless you have been violent to your partner.

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