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US whistleblower Edward Snowden wins Swedish human rights prize


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Some in the U.S. say he was a US government op. I have no opinion on the matter.

However, being ex military, I'm surprised he was not killed, or captured immediately as that is an option anywhere in the world, including Russia.

Now it's reported he may go to Switzerland and be as free as he was in Russia.

Very strange....

first off kudos to you for having had the courage and righteousness for serving in the military. assuming you were usa military then you know the founding fathers recognized very well that governments as can people, become corrupted and perverse. that is why the military take an oath to defend the constitution protecting it from enemies both foreign and domestic.

Edited by atyclb
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I'm an American and I can see no greater duty than to expose Corruption in the worlds most corrupt government. Thank you Eddie Snowden, we Americans are forever in your debt.. I wish others would expose all the corruption and unconstitutional things going on in America like him and Bradley Manning have done.

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as an American i side with the Swedes on this one thumbsup.gif


Snowden exposed something that the US Government (NSA) was doing illegally to the American people and without the knowledge of the American people. He did not expose secrets that actually put the country or its operatives in danger. They were spying on American's without court orders. We need more like him. Unfortunately that issue, like so many others was exposed and nothing done about it and no one punished. If the local police wiretapped my phone without a court order it was be illegal. It seems to be alright now for the government to listen to my telephone conversations and read my email. Sorry but that is not what the Constitution allows, national security or not. Sorry, but I am willing to live with some risk to keep my freedoms in tact under the Constitution. If they violate one part of it what stops them from violating other parts?

Thank you for explaining that to those who don't understand that our freedoms need defending! Great post! Obama (who said, "It will be the most transparent Government in modern history) Is nothing but a psychopathic liar constantly and consistently doing the opposite of what he campaigned for. He has now arrested more Whistleblowers than ALL other Presidents COMBINED!!

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Freedom for Mr Snowden !!!

thanks to him !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pity its not the same for the people who have been killed and are in danger because he chose to open his mouth , but that's ok then

Would Love to hear about someone who has been killed by him exposing the Truth and corruption... or how anyone could be in Danger from his exposing that the USA is unconstitutionally and illegally spying on all of it's Citizens ... Please explain.

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An earlier nsa whistleblower, william binney was subject to a smear campaign and endless official accusations to discredit him. his mistake was not to have documents to back up his claims. subsequent to snowdens revelations the dark cloud over william binney has dissipated and his credibility has magically returned. but of-course there was no conspiracy behind attacking his character and smearing his credibility. we all know conspiracies do not exist and people as well as governments do not do such things. we all know there was zero credibility behind New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison looking into the JFK murder with his "conspiracy theory" (Oliver Stone film "JFK")

all you conspiracy theorists; get a life

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Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who stole thousands of classified documents before leaving the United States recently made an unexpected and unscheduled appearance at a TED conference in Vancouver, Canada on Tuesday night. It was done so VIA satellite robot, where he emphasized that there is still a lot of reporting to be done.

What has come as a surprise to many, is the fact that the NSA and other intelligence organizations, as Snowden puts it, “a super national intelligence organization that doesn’t answer to the laws of its own countries,” has been spying on what seems to be the entire global population.

Edward Snowden : “The Biggest Revelations Are Yet To Come”


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