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Killers of Britons may have fled Koh Tao - Police pin hopes on DNA test results


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BTW the headman has more than one son, its clear when asked on the original interview with him he stated that ONE of my sons is at Uni in Bangkok but stated he has TWO sons... not one.......so...

Where is there ANY mention anywhere of this second son apart from then headmans own interview on camera ??? the media have only ever talked about one son but the headman when asked said he had TWO SONS and that when asked where they were he replied BOTH sons were in BKK

the son they make a big deal or has DNA tested about is the UNI student who had loads of alibis and never left BKK .. BUT... a son WAS on the Island during the time of the murders from other reports but left the Island early the next morning.............. everyone focused on just the son who is a student .... WHY ? .... WHAT ABOUT THIS OTHER SON SUPPOSEDLY ON THE ISLAND AT THE TIME NO ONE IS EVEN ASKING ABOUT ? ....

I thought it was one son and one nephew. From what i can tell by looking at Mon's fb, he has a son whose profile is the same guy on the Intouch Toovichien profile..and i don't think it's that warot guy

Intouch Toovichien likes to wear temporary tattos ... like ***k you on his knuckles . I had assumed he was one and the same as the head mans son . He's wearing his hair down in one photo , and is reminiscent of the running figure caught on camera the night of the murder IMHO.

i thought the guy running on CCTV has been confirmed as Montriwat Tuwichian, who runs the AC Bar

Oh I thought the guy running had a tattoo and Mon does not .

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BTW the headman has more than one son, its clear when asked on the original interview with him he stated that ONE of my sons is at Uni in Bangkok but stated he has TWO sons... not one.......so...

Where is there ANY mention anywhere of this second son apart from then headmans own interview on camera ??? the media have only ever talked about one son but the headman when asked said he had TWO SONS and that when asked where they were he replied BOTH sons were in BKK

the son they make a big deal or has DNA tested about is the UNI student who had loads of alibis and never left BKK .. BUT... a son WAS on the Island during the time of the murders from other reports but left the Island early the next morning.............. everyone focused on just the son who is a student .... WHY ? .... WHAT ABOUT THIS OTHER SON SUPPOSEDLY ON THE ISLAND AT THE TIME NO ONE IS EVEN ASKING ABOUT ? ....

I thought it was one son and one nephew. From what i can tell by looking at Mon's fb, he has a son whose profile is the same guy on the Intouch Toovichien profile..and i don't think it's that warot guy

Intouch Toovichien likes to wear temporary tattos ... like ***k you on his knuckles . I had assumed he was one and the same as the head mans son . He's wearing his hair down in one photo , and is reminiscent of the running figure caught on camera the night of the murder IMHO.

If you look at Mon's fb you will see (presumably), a family pic with wife, son and daughter. (I say presumably because the same woman is in his profile pic, thus his wife?) anyway, the young man is guy on the Intouch pics. He has heavy brows. That would make him the headman's nephew/ Mon's son

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" Police have pinned their hope on DNA test results from samples collected from ALMOST everybody on Koh Tao . "

Yes, almost everybody but just who have been excluded and why ?

How many people, both locals and tourists, left the Island before testing started.

And I can just imagine how much the crime scene was trampled upon... not even fenced off until much later. Even the 2 cigarette butts could have been from one of the onlookers before scene was secures (or was it?).

If there was an onlooker smoking that butt then they should have nabbed him! The cigarette butts at, or close to the murder scene, is not the significant part. The significant part about the cigarettes is that the DNA on these butts match the DNA Sperm Sample inside of the victim.

Yes, better care should have been taken to secure the crime scene. But in there de-fence the island is run by a small town sheriff who doesn't have this type of investigator experience. The real Police Investigators had to arrange transportation to get to the island and I heard they had some troubles with that. But then running some "Do not enter tape" across some ricks and posting a guard their doesn't take Sherlock Holms mentality either.

The one major thing that blows me away here is this. The bodies were discovered early in the morning. I think around 6:30am. The first thing that even I would have know when the bodies were discovered was that they were both killed late that night or early morning. Since no Ferry left by then it means the killer(s) were still on the island. That should have been enough to stop anyone from leaving the island, and if one ferry got away by then,have it met at the other end and turned back.

So now with that DNA Evidence on the cigarette butt they could have caught there killer by testing everyone. A couple a German Shepherds could easily sniff out anyone else who was hiding on this small island. This was the biggest mistake of all! Because who knows where the killers are now and how we they ever get them to come back?


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Like basically everybody here, I do suspect an involvement of some sort of the village headman's relatives. Yet something doesn't add up even in that case... imagine you are the "untouchable" on the island, strutting around with impunity... you rape and kill (or the other way round) a foreign girl (I assume it's your first) with such ferocity, kill the guy who was with her/tried to save her, and then you leave the two bodies there, on the beach, to be found in the morning and create a huge interest in the case? If it's 2am at night, nobody is around, why not at least hide the bodies better, or try to dispose of them? and most importantly, why throw the bloody hoe a few meters away and leave it there?

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Like basically everybody here, I do suspect an involvement of some sort of the village headman's relatives. Yet something doesn't add up even in that case... imagine you are the "untouchable" on the island, strutting around with impunity... you rape and kill (or the other way round) a foreign girl (I assume it's your first) with such ferocity, kill the guy who was with her/tried to save her, and then you leave the two bodies there, on the beach, to be found in the morning and create a huge interest in the case? If it's 2am at night, nobody is around, why not at least hide the bodies better, or try to dispose of them? and most importantly, why throw the bloody hoe a few meters away and leave it there?

Theyre very drunk?

Or wasnt it meant to be a case that the body of the male was washed back onto the shore, so maybe the did try to get rid of them.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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Like basically everybody here, I do suspect an involvement of some sort of the village headman's relatives. Yet something doesn't add up even in that case... imagine you are the "untouchable" on the island, strutting around with impunity... you rape and kill (or the other way round) a foreign girl (I assume it's your first) with such ferocity, kill the guy who was with her/tried to save her, and then you leave the two bodies there, on the beach, to be found in the morning and create a huge interest in the case? If it's 2am at night, nobody is around, why not at least hide the bodies better, or try to dispose of them? and most importantly, why throw the bloody hoe a few meters away and leave it there?

You wouldn't would you. You'd have the time and the resources to dispose of all the evidence. Unless you knew someone had already seen you and it was too risky to remain at the scene.

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I thought early reports talked of Asian dna inside the poor girl ? When did the condom issue come into play?

I really wish the clowns trying to solve this would stop talking rubbish to the media and make an attempt to solve this. I fear it may be too late as they have acted so unprofessionally so far. I am sure the guilty party (s) will have fled the island days ago.

I detest reading the worries they have about the effect on tourism - what is wrong with these people? I sometimes wonder about the intellect of Thais - &lt;deleted&gt;

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"The minister will spend the whole day on the island. She will also collect tourism information about the situation to find ways to revive business," a Tourism Authority of Thailand representative said.

WOW, We should all feel so blessed and honored to enjoy her presence (for face saving only) for an entire day out of here busy schedule spinning the latest estimated annual tourism arrivals.

And after her departure everything will be fixed.

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If sincere (which is a debatable), the statement that these murders were "sexually motivated" reveals a complete lack of understanding of criminal psychology. There is no way the abject brutality of these killings was motivated by a person or persons wanting to have sex. They clearly wanted to do the worst form of violence possible, including rape. But the obviously hate/anger/probably revenge-fueled violence itself is the motivation, not sexual gratification.

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Like basically everybody here, I do suspect an involvement of some sort of the village headman's relatives. Yet something doesn't add up even in that case... imagine you are the "untouchable" on the island, strutting around with impunity... you rape and kill (or the other way round) a foreign girl (I assume it's your first) with such ferocity, kill the guy who was with her/tried to save her, and then you leave the two bodies there, on the beach, to be found in the morning and create a huge interest in the case? If it's 2am at night, nobody is around, why not at least hide the bodies better, or try to dispose of them? and most importantly, why throw the bloody hoe a few meters away and leave it there?

You wouldn't would you. You'd have the time and the resources to dispose of all the evidence. Unless you knew someone had already seen you and it was too risky to remain at the scene.

Or just drunk and high on yabba and not thinking clearly.

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If sincere (which is a debatable), the statement that these murders were "sexually motivated" reveals a complete lack of understanding of criminal psychology. There is no way the abject brutality of these killings was motivated by a person or persons wanting to have sex. They clearly wanted to do the worst form of violence possible, including rape. But the obviously hate/anger/probably revenge-fueled violence itself is the motivation, not sexual gratification.

Well put, revenge for making the murderer lose face in front of a bar full of people.

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If sincere (which is a debatable), the statement that these murders were "sexually motivated" reveals a complete lack of understanding of criminal psychology. There is no way the abject brutality of these killings was motivated by a person or persons wanting to have sex. They clearly wanted to do the worst form of violence possible, including rape. But the obviously hate/anger/probably revenge-fueled violence itself is the motivation, not sexual gratification.

Totally agree. The motive stated by Thai police being "sexual" sounds to me just another one in the game of "beautiful women shouldn't wear bikinis on our beaches" (or else). Well, at least the main motive alone cannot be rape considering the brutality of the murder. Injuries on H point towards total fury, done by pack of savage types of men. Like I said before, I'm thinking that suspects backgrounds cannot be of an average man, who hasn't faced violence in his life more than on casual situations (drunken fight on a bar at most etc.).

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On a scale of 1 - 10 I think the apprehension and conviction of the murders in a transparent manner ranks 10 and the matter of the effect on Thailand's tourism ranks about 0.000001.

Unfortunately Thais have it the other way around and what can anyone do about it? Well the foreign nations could get together and stop people coming here until they sort out the corruption that is the Thai police and justice system OR .......what? I really don't know what individuals can do except spread the word. The reason for the Computer Crimes Act?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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