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Keeping Dogs Off My Car

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I have a pretty new car and my largest dog, a Golden Ret. , is scratching it by sticking his claws into it, esp. the bonnet. How can I keep them off?

can I electrocute him somehow by charging the car at night, perhaps?

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I have a pretty new car and my largest dog, a Golden Ret. , is scratching it by sticking his claws into it, esp. the bonnet. How can I keep them off?

can I electrocute him somehow by charging the car at night, perhaps?

Can you get one of those covers for your car - and put towels on top of the bonnet.

You could also try whacking the dog with a rolled up newspaper when you catch it doing it.

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Perhaps a low powered BB gun would do the trick...simply shoot him in the butt every time he goes near the car. Either that or keep him chained up at night.

I hope Neeranam has a good aim, otherwise he will have lots of little BB shaped dings in the car. :o

Maybe the scratches are the lesser of two evils :D

BTW, I'd go with the cover idea, cheap and effective, or, empty the junk out of the garage, put car in garage **

** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

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** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

Or purchase of a new house with space for construction of a garage.

The cover seems the best bet - why didn'y I think of that? :o

Any idea how to get rid of the scratches - they're pretty bad.

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** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

Or purchase of a new house with space for construction of a garage.

The cover seems the best bet - why didn'y I think of that? :o

Any idea how to get rid of the scratches - they're pretty bad.

Depends how deep they are. T-Cut is a good start, made by Holts (unfortunately I've not seen it here) but there should be some sort of 'colour restorer' in the local car shop (be careful if you have metallic paint). There are also coloured wax polishes that will fill and mask deeper scratches that won't polish out.

If the scratches are through the top coat, time for a re-spray :D

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** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

Or purchase of a new house with space for construction of a garage.

The cover seems the best bet - why didn'y I think of that? :o

Any idea how to get rid of the scratches - they're pretty bad.

Depends how deep they are. T-Cut is a good start, made by Holts (unfortunately I've not seen it here) but there should be some sort of 'colour restorer' in the local car shop (be careful if you have metallic paint). There are also coloured wax polishes that will fill and mask deeper scratches that won't polish out.

If the scratches are through the top coat, time for a re-spray :D

If this is a new car, I would get it repaired properly. Labour and materials for this are so cheap in Thailand it is not worth ruining your nice new car by attempting a bodge job yourself!

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** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

Or purchase of a new house with space for construction of a garage.

The cover seems the best bet - why didn'y I think of that? :o

Any idea how to get rid of the scratches - they're pretty bad.

Depends how deep they are. T-Cut is a good start, made by Holts (unfortunately I've not seen it here) but there should be some sort of 'colour restorer' in the local car shop (be careful if you have metallic paint). There are also coloured wax polishes that will fill and mask deeper scratches that won't polish out.

If the scratches are through the top coat, time for a re-spray :D

If this is a new car, I would get it repaired properly. Labour and materials for this are so cheap in Thailand it is not worth ruining your nice new car by attempting a bodge job yourself!

I'd say 'let sleeping dogs lie'...but I hate speaking in cleeshays so I demur...

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** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

Or purchase of a new house with space for construction of a garage.

The cover seems the best bet - why didn'y I think of that? :o

Any idea how to get rid of the scratches - they're pretty bad.

Depends how deep they are. T-Cut is a good start, made by Holts (unfortunately I've not seen it here) but there should be some sort of 'colour restorer' in the local car shop (be careful if you have metallic paint). There are also coloured wax polishes that will fill and mask deeper scratches that won't polish out.

If the scratches are through the top coat, time for a re-spray :D

You can get T-Cut here.....although I've only seen it in Central (where I bought some :D). Quite expensive thought compared to back home.

If the scratches are not too deep, you can pay about 1000-1500 (depends on the place) and have the paint protected. During this process minor scratches get polished out. However as Crossy mentioned if the scratches are through the top coat then you'll need a respray.

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** Note, construction of a garage may be required.

Or purchase of a new house with space for construction of a garage.

The cover seems the best bet - why didn'y I think of that? :o

Any idea how to get rid of the scratches - they're pretty bad.

A good silicone based car polish and a bit of elbow grease. You will be amazed at what you can cut and polish out. Dont use anything more abrasive than t-shirt type material as your cloth. Most cars are given at least 10 light coats of paint so you are just removing the top 1 or 2 coats that are damaged.

Some newer cars have only 1 thick coat of paint , so you cant cut and polish. So to be safe just do a small test on an area you cant see before you start.

Edited by COBBER
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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you got a water hose near your car, does the dog like water???

Failing this do you take the dog in motor when you go out???

I ask these questions because i worked and trained dogs for 20 yrs so I may be able to help you.

Have kids been on the bonnett do they tease your dog???

send me a pm


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I have a pretty new car and my largest dog, a Golden Ret. , is scratching it by sticking his claws into it, esp. the bonnet. How can I keep them off?

can I electrocute him somehow by charging the car at night, perhaps?

Cut the dog's nail or gloved it.

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Don't know how to stop the dog from scratching your car but you can stop em pissing on your wheels by placing a white ceramic tile against the tyre when parked. Works for me :D

All I gotta do now is figure out how to stop the bloody cats from sh!tting under it. :o

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