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blod clot or varicose vein in my leg, now very painful

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On my right lower leg , calf area, I started getting varicose vein some time ago , but without any pain .

The last 2 days I did a lot of work sitting down and that may have caused something happening to my leg, now after sitting only for minutes I cant walk on my right leg without great pain. There is a red area on my calf which I just cant touch at all without feeling pain. However if I try to force myself to walk and do some excercise the pain gradually goes away but it is still numb and painful to touch .

Could it be a blood clot ? That makes me worry a bit. Will it get better if I start walking as much as possible, and if it is a blood clot can it be cured by itself or do I need a surgery ?

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Why the heck are you posting this on some dumb forum? Go see a doctor for crying out loud!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

+100. A blood clot can let go and lodge in your heart and kill you. For god's sake get to a doctor.


From prior experience of having a blood clot in my leg which moved to my lung I suggest you get to a hospital ASAP.

Ask for a D-Dimer blood test if that shows up suspicious the next step is an x-ray which may not actually show it (maybe ultrasound will be used 1st, but it wasn't in my case), next step is a CT scan.

You should be given an injection of low molecular weight Heparin, this helps prevent the clot fragmenting and moving to the heart or lungs which may kill you. If it is a clot you will start taking warfarin/Coumadin whilst still having the injections for a few days and your blood will need monitoring daily until your INR levels are with range

DO NOT massage it and DO NOT do exercise.

Just get to the hospital it's easily treatable if you act now.


Thank you , I was afraid of that .

Will get to Pattaya hospital tomorrow to find out if its a blood clot or not, So I should not excercise or walk on my right leg? It feels better after a while.


Please do what Sheryl suggests and get to the doctor as soon as humanly possible. A pulmonary embolism can strike at any moment. My children lost their father to one that came from a blood clot in his leg.

Limit exercise, do nothing that would encourage a clot to potentially dislodge, and go and have a doctor see it asap. It may be nothing, and you may be cleared to exercise or given medication for some other condition, but far, far, better safe than sorry with something this potentially serious.


I have the same advice - get to a hospital - if it is a clot, it can dislodge and travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) which can be fatal if not treated. In my case never had any leg pain, but suddenly experienced extreme shortness of breath when walking only a short distance. My doctor suspected a pulmonary embolism and ordered blood test and CT scan which confirmed it. He ordered me into the hospital immediately thereafter. Three days in hospital being treated with heparin by IV. They also did an ultrasound of the legs to see if there were any more clots - fortunately there were none. After release, continued to take wafarin in tablet form (anticoagulant) for a few months.


Hospital ASAP -

It's possible / likely that this is a DVT... Which, if it migrates the clot can cause massive complications.

I had a DVT which migrated into my lungs (Pulmonary Embolism) a few years ago.... I was very lucky not to have been killed.


Thank you , I was afraid of that .

Will get to Pattaya hospital tomorrow to find out if its a blood clot or not, So I should not excercise or walk on my right leg? It feels better after a while.

Go Now !!!!... this could be very serious and is potentially life threatening...


Sounds like what a mate of mine had in Chiang Mai,,,,,,,,,





I am not a doctor nor health "professional".

A number of years back I was admitted to a local (Canada) hospital due to pains/cramps in my leg with some swelling. They were concerned about thrombosis so kept me overnight and put me thru some tests which showed I was fine. The doctor quizzed me about lifestyle practices. When he found out I was spending many hours a day standing on a concrete floor (running my printing press) he told me to get a floor mat and not stand directly on concrete. I did, and was fine after that.

A year ago I attended a naturopath in Chiang Mai (not a Thai, western lady) for some interesting discussions. When I took my sandles off she yelled at me to leave them on, and went on to explain that bare feet on cold tiles sucks the energy out of the body, and to always wear socks/shoes/sandles on any concrete or tile floors. Wood floors and natural earth are healthy for the body but not stone tiles or concrete. I normally go barefeet at home on stone tiles, sometimes get leg pains, switched to wearing slippers or flip-flops and legs always feel great.

Just came across this

Standing or walking on concrete flooring for long periods of time can cause sore feet, swollen legs, varicose veins and back pain. If you spend a lot of time standing or walking on concrete flooring, your best option is to change the flooring to a softer surface, such as carpet or cork. If you can't change the type of floors that are causing you discomfort, there are ways to make standing and walking on concrete flooring more comfortable. http://www.livestrong.com/article/351733-tips-on-standing-walking-on-concrete-flooring/



Thank you , I was afraid of that .

Will get to Pattaya hospital tomorrow to find out if its a blood clot or not, So I should not excercise or walk on my right leg? It feels better after a while.

No, not tomorrow, today. It could be life threatening, just go.


No worries dovtors here are ok they might suggest to remove your leg but if your an american and a vet great news hop on a flight to guam veteran hospital there.


Thank you , I was afraid of that .

Will get to Pattaya hospital tomorrow to find out if its a blood clot or not, So I should not excercise or walk on my right leg? It feels better after a while.

Are they closed today or perhaps you have something more important to do?



I am not a doctor nor health "professional".

A number of years back I was admitted to a local (Canada) hospital due to pains/cramps in my leg with some swelling. They were concerned about thrombosis so kept me overnight and put me thru some tests which showed I was fine. The doctor quizzed me about lifestyle practices. When he found out I was spending many hours a day standing on a concrete floor (running my printing press) he told me to get a floor mat and not stand directly on concrete. I did, and was fine after that.

A year ago I attended a naturopath in Chiang Mai (not a Thai, western lady) for some interesting discussions. When I took my sandles off she yelled at me to leave them on, and went on to explain that bare feet on cold tiles sucks the energy out of the body, and to always wear socks/shoes/sandles on any concrete or tile floors. Wood floors and natural earth are healthy for the body but not stone tiles or concrete. I normally go barefeet at home on stone tiles, sometimes get leg pains, switched to wearing slippers or flip-flops and legs always feel great.

Just came across this

Standing or walking on concrete flooring for long periods of time can cause sore feet, swollen legs, varicose veins and back pain. If you spend a lot of time standing or walking on concrete flooring, your best option is to change the flooring to a softer surface, such as carpet or cork. If you can't change the type of floors that are causing you discomfort, there are ways to make standing and walking on concrete flooring more comfortable. http://www.livestrong.com/article/351733-tips-on-standing-walking-on-concrete-flooring/


I have my doubts about that.....I read that heated floor is bad for the veins. And I can imagine that very cold floor might be unhealthy. But in warm Thailand with similar warm or just a few degree less cold ceramic or concrete doesn't sound dangerous to me. In Thailand many people walk bare food and I don't know of many problems.

But for sure it is a problem to stay still for many hours every day, as the blood has it more difficult to flow back. I could imagine that you stay really still on concrete but some floor mat causes the small muscles that keep the balance more active?

(I recall these balls for sitting instead of chairs, you work your back muscles all the time to balance and keep a more healthy back...maybe the same with the floor).


I have had a leg blood clout , you need immediate attention , mine was treated and months later went to my lungs . They put you on the IV right away then pills . Treatable if done right away .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Minimize your level of activity and get to a hospital ASAP.

Thank you for all the warnings and I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital this morning. I was sent to general surgery dep. and after a talk with the friendly doctor he sent me straight to uItrasound where they did ultrasound on , not only of the affected area but my entire right leg .

What they found was a blood clot , not in my deep vain but superficial vain, so this is good news indeed. Had it been in the deep vain I would be in trouble after what I read here and elsewhere. So far so good. I was prescribed Daflon 500 mg and a special gel Reparil. And pain killers. Will meet the doctor again in a week so he is optimistic the pain and swollen leg will be back to almost normal soon.

I've learned my lesson, never sit for many hours without stretching the legs and stand up and walk as much as possible so the blood circulation works.


hopefully you are reading this from your hospital bed you knucklehead!blink.png

I can call you a knuckle head because I didnt go to the hospital until i blacked out.

The 3 days of pain did phase me. Not being able to walk didnt phase me.

SO I upped my cardio to a 15K hike instead of the normal 5.

Rounding the top of a hill i recall everyting going white

Next thing i reacall is sitting at the side or the road and 20 minutes had elapsed.

When i got to the hospital, they took minimal information, carted me to xray and then untrasound

and took the rest of the information while i was waiting.

They kept me in the surgical wing while they applied treatment (drugs)

10 days and 20 lbs lighter (didnt feel much like eating, i just slept) I was released.

So yes, if you havent left to the hospital, do so now, knuckle head!blink.png

(yes it takes one to know one!)tongue.png


Minimize your level of activity and get to a hospital ASAP.

Thank you for all the warnings and I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital this morning. I was sent to general surgery dep. and after a talk with the friendly doctor he sent me straight to uItrasound where they did ultrasound on , not only of the affected area but my entire right leg .

What they found was a blood clot , not in my deep vain but superficial vain, so this is good news indeed. Had it been in the deep vain I would be in trouble after what I read here and elsewhere. So far so good. I was prescribed Daflon 500 mg and a special gel Reparil. And pain killers. Will meet the doctor again in a week so he is optimistic the pain and swollen leg will be back to almost normal soon.

I've learned my lesson, never sit for many hours without stretching the legs and stand up and walk as much as possible so the blood circulation works.

I am also using Daflon 500mg often and their has never been 2 days in the past 5 years where I don't have that pain.

You can learn how to live with it..


Hi costas ,Let us know the cost ??? I had TWO nights in Petcharit hospital Pechaburi for a kidney stone,I was met by a"greeter" who got me a big discount of 2.837.90Bht which meant my bill of 54,308.00Bht total became only51.47.00Bht,When i escaped I was phoned 3 or 4 times to return and my GF tried to persuade to go back,that causes me to think she was getting a back hand.So don't become ill in the land of bwiles.



This is not something that will cure itself and no amount of walking or suffering forcing yourself to walk will cure it.

Be a man and go to GOOD doctor immediately. Do not listen to anyone else. That is the only leg you are gonna have on that side ! sad.png


Minimize your level of activity and get to a hospital ASAP.

Thank you for all the warnings and I went to Bangkok Pattaya hospital this morning. I was sent to general surgery dep. and after a talk with the friendly doctor he sent me straight to uItrasound where they did ultrasound on , not only of the affected area but my entire right leg .

What they found was a blood clot , not in my deep vain but superficial vain, so this is good news indeed. Had it been in the deep vain I would be in trouble after what I read here and elsewhere. So far so good. I was prescribed Daflon 500 mg and a special gel Reparil. And pain killers. Will meet the doctor again in a week so he is optimistic the pain and swollen leg will be back to almost normal soon.

I've learned my lesson, never sit for many hours without stretching the legs and stand up and walk as much as possible so the blood circulation works.

That is good news. Glad you went to the hospital.

Be warned that this frequently recurs in people with varicose veins. Wearing compression stockings, as well as avoiding sitting or standing still for long periods, can help prevent this but it may also prove necessary to treat the varicosity.

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