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raro's Fast Food Heaven has opened!


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I had the chicken sandwich on Monday night (and chips). I'll get a couple of those next time and vacuum seal one for the next day. Really liked the chips - certainly better than I can make them.

Boldface, appreciate what you say about the dogs, but I have an almost morbid fear of them, and I know they can sense that. Even though I can keep things under control, the fewer times I have to deal with it, the better for my nerves.

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People asked for pictures......so here you go!

This is our chicken sandwich, 120 Baht:


Please note also that we are running a special on Foursquare. If you have this app, check in at our place cool.png

We're open every day from 10:30 in the morning to midnight!

That's what I had on my visit there last week. Love the special sauce! Homemade....

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I don`t think Citronella helps much against dogs, but it is good against ticks and other insects.

All those efforts are anyways futile when it's raining, so we wait for the weather to clear up a bit. The dogs have accustomed now to the new shop and hang out in the vicinity but apparently understood that there is nothing to get.

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We have something rather unusual today....

A friend of mine will sponsor all food from 9:15 to 10:00 pm tonight. This means, for whatever you order at our place during that time, he will pick up the bill. Beers are not included and some more conditions apply, such as as long as stock lasts!

We will take this opportunity to introduce lasagna and some more food items!

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I understand someone came for a Döner Kebab yesterday and left disappointed as we don't have them yet.

My apologies, but we need a bit broader customer base to start this. The Kebab is at least 5 kg, which means about 50 portions. If you cannot sell this within a day, you have a lot of kebab sandwiches the next day...and the day after...and the day after and at some point you need a rather large freezer to combat wastage...

The Döners will come, but before that please enjoy our burgers, sandwiches and sausages!

We are open from 10:30 in the morning until midnight. Every day.

Will call in after work tomorrow.

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I have a question for Raro, is the beef burger made with Thai beef or Australian beef? Thanks for you response.

my question: "is fresh hot badger milk served?" huh.png

that gets funnier every time.

oh my aching sides.

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The first customer came already and expected free food.

Please read again.....9:15 to 10:00 pm today. Thailand time. Our clock rules.

9.15 am or pm? I think you should clarify.

Is it free food for 12 hours 45 mins or just 45 mins??

Either way its a good deal...

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I fancy a hamburger while watching the All Blacks beat Argentina. Let's test Mr Raro's offering and see if it measures up to the famous greasy Greek burgers of South Maroubra. The benchmark of burgers - lots of fried onion, tomato, and pineapple, and beetroot. You're on notice, my friend. I shall be there in 15 minutes.


oh please, not on mine ! and no egg.

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What is wrong with beetroot? Are you guys intellectually challenged? Eat your burger with a knife and fork? :)

Wear a glove when eating the communal khao niew?

Got to be honest, though, I did balk the first time I encountered beetroot on a burger, but grew to love it.

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We almost got robbed yesterday.

In the afternoon, two Thais on a motorcycle came to our shop and looked around, asking for Thai food. We don't have any and the staff sent them next door. There they ordered food and while they were preparing it in the kitchen, those two guys stole two mobile phones and the content of the cash box.

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We just learned that one of our staff resigned. This means, raro's is hiring!

If you know of any aspiring burger flipper, please let us know!

Keep this message template. You will be copying and pasting it often enough. Sorry. TiT, as you well know.

Edited by Kaoboi Bebobp
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We just learned that one of our staff resigned. This means, raro's is hiring!

If you know of any aspiring burger flipper, please let us know!

If you guys prepare the proper working visa for me, I would flip the burgers.

Equal opportunity for seniors.

You probably need to provide some university degree in applied sausagegrillology to qualify......

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We almost got robbed yesterday.

In the afternoon, two Thais on a motorcycle came to our shop and looked around, asking for Thai food. We don't have any and the staff sent them next door. There they ordered food and while they were preparing it in the kitchen, those two guys stole two mobile phones and the content of the cash box.

That's horrible. Too bad there weren't any CCTVs to get the license places...if they are even valid.

Glad you lucked out.

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That's terrible for the poor Thai folks selling food to make a living. Too often counter cash is too visible and easily accessible in Thailand. It's amazing it doesn't happen more often. Then again, it probably does happen and is just not reported (not that that would achieve anything). Clearly, the robbers wanted to rip off the farang business. When revenue is reasonable, Raro, might want to invest in a CCTV system and assess your cash handling system.

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CCTV just moved up on the shopping list after yesterday's incident.

They must have realised that in our setup they couldn't score as the cash is inside a cash register with millions of buttons on it, I needed some time myself to figure out which one is the magic one to open the cash drawer. And since we're preparing the food in front of the customers, the staff has an eye on it all the time.

Apart from this, the amount we have at any given time at the shop is not really worth the effort.

I feel really sorry for our neighbours, they are a hard working Thai / Singaporean couple and very nice people. They come over almost every day for their after hours beer and our staff is a strong pillar of their somtam division.

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So sorry to hear about that - it must be distressing for your staff as it was so close and you escaped by a hair's breadth.

We had a gang of Thais come into our bar the other evening to play pool then they returned the next day for another session, (with even more people), so we called the police,as we felt very uncomfortable. The cops came and took details of all their number plates, and left a plains clothed guy at the bar to watch them.

Then an hour later the gang wanted to leave without paying their bill, ('we come back tomorrow and pay'), when a group of uniformed cops suddenly appeared and they paid up and left without a murmur.

A close call for us too...

I think CCTV is a must for retail places on the Darkside and they should be as visible as possible to deter potential robbers, trouble makers.

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Mobi, that must have been disturbing. I heard a few times from Thais that the Darkside, where I do live, is more "dangerous". I am curious though: what police force takes care of the Darkside? Anyway, must have been comforting at the same time that the police were so co-operative. In fact, it's is a surprise to hear.

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The cops are based at Nongprue station only about 10 mins drive away.

We pay the cops a very modest monthly retainer and they have been very useful when we have had trouble.

I very much doubt if the dark side is more dangerius than Pattaya but who can say for sure?

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