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raro's Fast Food Heaven has opened!


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Interesting discussion spun off here!

Indeed, it will be very difficult to find imported beef below the 600 Baht per kg mark. I've been a bit in the market before choosing a supplier. ;-)

The imported beef also doesn't make much of a difference when it's ground, and you can get pretty decent Thai beef nowadays. Ever tried the prime beef butcher near Foodland?

As for the Currywurst, we will launch Currywurst 2.0 soon, stay tuned!

I guess we will soon know if the change has been for better or wurst.

Lots of good german beer and I bet you cannot tell the difference.

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The Oz burger 24 hour outlet at Diana and Buakhao sells a somewhat smaller sized (to RaroFFH's 160 g) Australian recipe beefburger for 130 baht. It's quite all right. Burger and fries are 180 bt. There's an imported Angus burger for 180 baht. Never tried it though. But have to say the picture of Raro's burger and fries on the first page looks better, especially the fries.

Correction edit: It's an "Australian recipe" burger not Australian beef burger. I just had a moment where I thought I ought to find their website and confirm its' imported beef. It is not, except the Angus burger. The company uses "local ingredients" in its burgers, according to the website. So I was incorrect in my earlier description.

But it is a half-decent burger - not gourmet - but a decent standard take away burger.

(I also like the kebabs from the lady opposite)

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All the big chains, McDonalds, Burger King, Carl's Jr, etc use frozen local beef. The exception is the angus burgers which are frozen precooked patties and imported (usually Australia).

In their Facebook posts, Carl's Jr. Thailand disagrees with you.

Carl's Jr. Thailand

Here are a few ways Carls Jr. is different from other burger joints:


บ่งบอกได้ว่า Carl's Jr. ต่างกับที่อื่นอย่างไร

1) Carls Jr. burgers are made only with charbroiled, 100% Australian beef.

1) เนื้อเบอร์เกอร์ของ Carl's Jr. เป็นเนื้อจากประเทศออสเตรเลีย 100%


Also, I remember when they first opened in Thailand, the chain made a point of stressing in their promo materials that they were using 100% Australian ground beef.

Then I stand corrected and am happy to do so. That has got to be expensive importing beef(frozen I imagine) and eat into profit margins. If they can do it maybe others can too! Edited by ThaiBob
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Every retail outlet will experience teething troubles when it first opens, and I think that Raro has been very transparent in telling us about the various issues and trying to respond to criticisms made in this thread,

I am sure that over the next few weeks , the quality of his food will be consistent and any perceived lapses in service will become a thing of the past.

It was interesting to read about his staff taking 20 mins to cook the French Fries, as we experienced the same problem in our bar. Do we keep the deep fat fryer on all the time in case someone orders some fries? Or do we make the customer wait 20 mins while the fryer warms up?

Without me knowing it, the girls solved the problem in typical Thai fashion. I discovered one day that they fryer had fallen into disuse and all the chips were cooked in a wok - much quicker than waiting for the fryer to heat up, and nobody complained, they tasted just fine.

Of course Raro will have to find a different solution, and I'm sure he will, once he is bombarded all day by hungry customers.

There has been much discussion on the quality of the meat and in particular the 'local v imported' beef debate.

I have no desire to enter the fray as my tastes are simple and the couple of times I have tried Raro's burgers, as far as I am concerned they more than hit the spot. I can also report that the Aussie who bought my bar, (who claims to be something of a burger expert and is going to do weekly barbecues at the bar), also tried them out and was well satisfied.

As with all food, be it croissants, burgers, steaks, pizzas, spaghetti or whatever, you will find so-called 'connoisseurs' who are quick to criticise and denigrate the particular fare being offered.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

How dare I say that I found the food 'quite tasty'... How dare I!!!

And so it is with burgers. I am quite sure that if Raro bought the finest imported ground beef in the world, he would still find that some people will not like it. In the food business - as with the bar business - you can't please everyone.

It seems to me that a vast majority of customers have found the burgers to their liking and will no doubt return again.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

Just a quick question. Can you tell us if the pub you recommended at that time is still in business, so we can determine who was right and who was wrong in his comments.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

Any idea why they all close that early? Doubt it is because they can't handle the interest.

Edited by Anthony5
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I had exactly the same experience with the chip fryer in my place. The girls recognised that the wok method was better in terms of saving time and I suspect they were more comfortable with the wok.

I also agree that you cannot please everyone - just do the best you can by consistently maintaining the standards you have set yourself.

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There is nothing wrong with some constructive criticism, if the restaurant doesn't get feedback there's no way they will know where improvements can be made. There's no point in posting "tried it, didn't like it" as that is hardly going to help. As I said in my original post, I'm happy to support a local falang owned business, but at the same time I expect value for money.

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Every retail outlet will experience teething troubles when it first opens, and I think that Raro has been very transparent in telling us about the various issues and trying to respond to criticisms made in this thread,

I am sure that over the next few weeks , the quality of his food will be consistent and any perceived lapses in service will become a thing of the past.

It was interesting to read about his staff taking 20 mins to cook the French Fries, as we experienced the same problem in our bar. Do we keep the deep fat fryer on all the time in case someone orders some fries? Or do we make the customer wait 20 mins while the fryer warms up?

Without me knowing it, the girls solved the problem in typical Thai fashion. I discovered one day that they fryer had fallen into disuse and all the chips were cooked in a wok - much quicker than waiting for the fryer to heat up, and nobody complained, they tasted just fine.

Of course Raro will have to find a different solution, and I'm sure he will, once he is bombarded all day by hungry customers.

There has been much discussion on the quality of the meat and in particular the 'local v imported' beef debate.

I have no desire to enter the fray as my tastes are simple and the couple of times I have tried Raro's burgers, as far as I am concerned they more than hit the spot. I can also report that the Aussie who bought my bar, (who claims to be something of a burger expert and is going to do weekly barbecues at the bar), also tried them out and was well satisfied.

As with all food, be it croissants, burgers, steaks, pizzas, spaghetti or whatever, you will find so-called 'connoisseurs' who are quick to criticise and denigrate the particular fare being offered.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

How dare I say that I found the food 'quite tasty'... How dare I!!!

And so it is with burgers. I am quite sure that if Raro bought the finest imported ground beef in the world, he would still find that some people will not like it. In the food business - as with the bar business - you can't please everyone.

It seems to me that a vast majority of customers have found the burgers to their liking and will no doubt return again.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

Just a quick question. Can you tell us if the pub you recommended at that time is still in business, so we can determine who was right and who was wrong in his comments.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

Any idea why they all close that early? Doubt it is because they can't handle the interest.

Yes it is still open but I have no intention whatsoever of going down that route again, and anyway, seeing as I haven't been there for a couple of years or more, my opinion on the food may no longer be relevant.

I would guess that the main reason that food establishments on the Darkside close early is because there is a general conception that there is no demand for late night eateries, and owners are not prepared to pay O/T or take on an additional night shift staff to find out. (if there is a demand). Until they try it they will never know for sure.

Apart from Raro's the only eating place I know of that opens very late is Kiss Food and Drink which always has late night customers. (They open 24/7)

If drinkers in the rest of the world get peckish after a night's drinking, why should it be any different on the Darkside?

I used to get many customers at my bar around midnight ordering food, and on occasion even as late as 2 or 3 a.m., so there is definitely a demand. One well-known bar owner frequently ordered a take -away curry and chips at 2 in the morning....

IMHO, once a few more eatery pioneers decide to stay open late, the Darkside eating culture will change and more people will be looking for late night food.

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Every retail outlet will experience teething troubles when it first opens, and I think that Raro has been very transparent in telling us about the various issues and trying to respond to criticisms made in this thread,

I am sure that over the next few weeks , the quality of his food will be consistent and any perceived lapses in service will become a thing of the past.

It was interesting to read about his staff taking 20 mins to cook the French Fries, as we experienced the same problem in our bar. Do we keep the deep fat fryer on all the time in case someone orders some fries? Or do we make the customer wait 20 mins while the fryer warms up?

Without me knowing it, the girls solved the problem in typical Thai fashion. I discovered one day that they fryer had fallen into disuse and all the chips were cooked in a wok - much quicker than waiting for the fryer to heat up, and nobody complained, they tasted just fine.

Of course Raro will have to find a different solution, and I'm sure he will, once he is bombarded all day by hungry customers.

There has been much discussion on the quality of the meat and in particular the 'local v imported' beef debate.

I have no desire to enter the fray as my tastes are simple and the couple of times I have tried Raro's burgers, as far as I am concerned they more than hit the spot. I can also report that the Aussie who bought my bar, (who claims to be something of a burger expert and is going to do weekly barbecues at the bar), also tried them out and was well satisfied.

As with all food, be it croissants, burgers, steaks, pizzas, spaghetti or whatever, you will find so-called 'connoisseurs' who are quick to criticise and denigrate the particular fare being offered.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

How dare I say that I found the food 'quite tasty'... How dare I!!!

And so it is with burgers. I am quite sure that if Raro bought the finest imported ground beef in the world, he would still find that some people will not like it. In the food business - as with the bar business - you can't please everyone.

It seems to me that a vast majority of customers have found the burgers to their liking and will no doubt return again.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

Just a quick question. Can you tell us if the pub you recommended at that time is still in business, so we can determine who was right and who was wrong in his comments.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

Any idea why they all close that early? Doubt it is because they can't handle the interest.

Yes it is still open but I have no intention whatsoever of going down that route again, and anyway, seeing as I haven't been there for a couple of years or more, my opinion on the food may no longer be relevant.

I would guess that the main reason that food establishments on the Darkside close early is because there is a general conception that there is no demand for late night eateries, and owners are not prepared to pay O/T or take on an additional night shift staff to find out. (if there is a demand). Until they try it they will never know for sure.

Apart from Raro's the only eating place I know of that opens very late is Kiss Food and Drink which always has late night customers. (They open 24/7)

If drinkers in the rest of the world get peckish after a night's drinking, why should it be any different on the Darkside?

I used to get many customers at my bar around midnight ordering food, and on occasion even as late as 2 or 3 a.m., so there is definitely a demand. One well-known bar owner frequently ordered a take -away curry and chips at 2 in the morning....

IMHO, once a few more eatery pioneers decide to stay open late, the Darkside eating culture will change and more people will be looking for late night food.

Could it be that originally all bars and eateries on the darkside opened up with the same intentions as you and Raro, and initially stayed open late, but gave up on it over time because it didn't pay off?

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Every retail outlet will experience teething troubles when it first opens, and I think that Raro has been very transparent in telling us about the various issues and trying to respond to criticisms made in this thread,

I am sure that over the next few weeks , the quality of his food will be consistent and any perceived lapses in service will become a thing of the past.

It was interesting to read about his staff taking 20 mins to cook the French Fries, as we experienced the same problem in our bar. Do we keep the deep fat fryer on all the time in case someone orders some fries? Or do we make the customer wait 20 mins while the fryer warms up?

Without me knowing it, the girls solved the problem in typical Thai fashion. I discovered one day that they fryer had fallen into disuse and all the chips were cooked in a wok - much quicker than waiting for the fryer to heat up, and nobody complained, they tasted just fine.

Of course Raro will have to find a different solution, and I'm sure he will, once he is bombarded all day by hungry customers.

There has been much discussion on the quality of the meat and in particular the 'local v imported' beef debate.

I have no desire to enter the fray as my tastes are simple and the couple of times I have tried Raro's burgers, as far as I am concerned they more than hit the spot. I can also report that the Aussie who bought my bar, (who claims to be something of a burger expert and is going to do weekly barbecues at the bar), also tried them out and was well satisfied.

As with all food, be it croissants, burgers, steaks, pizzas, spaghetti or whatever, you will find so-called 'connoisseurs' who are quick to criticise and denigrate the particular fare being offered.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

How dare I say that I found the food 'quite tasty'... How dare I!!!

And so it is with burgers. I am quite sure that if Raro bought the finest imported ground beef in the world, he would still find that some people will not like it. In the food business - as with the bar business - you can't please everyone.

It seems to me that a vast majority of customers have found the burgers to their liking and will no doubt return again.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

I well remember a few years back when I had the temerity to recommend a certain pub that sold Tex-Mex food in Jomtien, and boy did I provoke an outpouring of outrage and indignation, accusing me of knowing nothing about real Tex-Mex food and much more besides.

Just a quick question. Can you tell us if the pub you recommended at that time is still in business, so we can determine who was right and who was wrong in his comments.

I know I will as it is the only place of its kind on the Darkside, with the additional USP of being open till late. Most food places here close at 10 pm. or earlier.

Any idea why they all close that early? Doubt it is because they can't handle the interest.

Yes it is still open but I have no intention whatsoever of going down that route again, and anyway, seeing as I haven't been there for a couple of years or more, my opinion on the food may no longer be relevant.

I would guess that the main reason that food establishments on the Darkside close early is because there is a general conception that there is no demand for late night eateries, and owners are not prepared to pay O/T or take on an additional night shift staff to find out. (if there is a demand). Until they try it they will never know for sure.

Apart from Raro's the only eating place I know of that opens very late is Kiss Food and Drink which always has late night customers. (They open 24/7)

If drinkers in the rest of the world get peckish after a night's drinking, why should it be any different on the Darkside?

I used to get many customers at my bar around midnight ordering food, and on occasion even as late as 2 or 3 a.m., so there is definitely a demand. One well-known bar owner frequently ordered a take -away curry and chips at 2 in the morning....

IMHO, once a few more eatery pioneers decide to stay open late, the Darkside eating culture will change and more people will be looking for late night food.

Could it be that originally all bars and eateries on the darkside opened up with the same intentions as you and Raro, and initially stayed open late, but gave up on it over time because it didn't pay off?

I get your point about the fellow barowner who ordered a curry frequently, but 1 swallow doesn't make summer yet.

Edited by Anthony5
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i need to make a few corrections regarding my earlier comments.

Went to Big C today and the burgers are labeled KU beef, asked a Thai behind the counter what it means, and he told me Kasetsart University. It sounds like that is an important university in Thailand that have their own breed of cows. In the fridge counter they are quite experienced in showing the different kinds of beef in a confusing way, so that it looks like they are in the Aussie beef section, but actually they are not.

The frozen Aussie burgers I mentioned earlier are not available at foodland, they have local beef burgers at 60 Baht for 4, but are available at Best supermarket.

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We are very open to any sort of comments and listening. Mind you, I will not change the entire concept because of a single post, but once there is a trend, we are happy to adapt.

The Currywurst for instance is off the menu right now and back to the drawing board. Coming from Currywurst country, I have a certain pride in serving only the best and the three sausage brands we tried so far impressed only mildly. Stay tuned!

We anyways operate two shifts and it doesn't cost me any extra staying open until midnight. So far the trade after 10 pm is not exactly overwhelming but we keep going with this as I believe our opening times are just not yet well known enough. Time will tell


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......Could it be that originally all bars and eateries on the darkside opened up with the same intentions as you and Raro, and initially stayed open late, but gave up on it over time because it didn't pay off?

I get your point about the fellow barowner who ordered a curry frequently, but 1 swallow doesn't make summer yet.

I get your point about the fellow barowner who ordered a curry frequently, but 1 swallow doesn't make summer yet.

You seem to have ignored the start of my sentence which stated:

I used to get many customers at my bar around midnight ordering food, and on occasion even as late as 2 or 3 a.m., so there is definitely a demand.

Surely that is a little more than "1 swallow".....

But in response to your general assertion, all I can say is that I have lived on the Darkside for the past 10 years and have watched the growth of restaurants and bars during this period. For most of that time I was a wandering ‘Night Owl’, and I think I can assert with a high degree of certainty that your alternative hypothesis as to the reason, (they tried it and gave up) why most eating establishments close early is almost certainly NOT the case.

Only time will tell whether Raro and I are correct and that there is indeed a latent demand for late night food.

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Enough is enough with the dogs.

Customer comes on a motorcycle, the dogs run towards him and he hits the gas and drives away.

Off to the tesco and get me a bottle of listerine, pour the entire bottle out in front of the shop.

Just minutes later the dogs are sitting on the listerine as if nothing happened.

Ultrasound device next.

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You need to figure out who's feeding them. We have a bunch outside the gate to our village for sometime. Come to find out they are here because the guards feed them!

As a precautionary note, no discussions of illegal activities to get rid of these animals, please.


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i need to make a few corrections regarding my earlier comments.

Went to Big C today and the burgers are labeled KU beef, asked a Thai behind the counter what it means, and he told me Kasetsart University. It sounds like that is an important university in Thailand that have their own breed of cows. In the fridge counter they are quite experienced in showing the different kinds of beef in a confusing way, so that it looks like they are in the Aussie beef section, but actually they are not.

The frozen Aussie burgers I mentioned earlier are not available at foodland, they have local beef burgers at 60 Baht for 4, but are available at Best supermarket.

Spoke with one of the two farang butchers (heavy set Englishman(?)) today. All ground beef/minced beef is local, they do sell imported steaks and lamb. Price for local gb was 290 baht/kg.
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You need to figure out who's feeding them. We have a bunch outside the gate to our village for sometime. Come to find out they are here because the guards feed them!

As a precautionary note, no discussions of illegal activities to get rid of these animals, please.


our neighbour also was around at that time, very nice Thai lady who had her after hours beer at our place.

She also lost business because of the dogs more than often and there is indeed a place a but up the road that feeds them. She was quite happy to learn that we have the same problem (read: found an ally) and is discussing measures with the wife at the moment.

She was also thinking about calling city hall before but didn't do it because she didn't want to endanger the relationship with the neighbours.

To be continued...

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You need to figure out who's feeding them. We have a bunch outside the gate to our village for sometime. Come to find out they are here because the guards feed them!

As a precautionary note, no discussions of illegal activities to get rid of these animals, please.


our neighbour also was around at that time, very nice Thai lady who had her after hours beer at our place.

She also lost business because of the dogs more than often and there is indeed a place a but up the road that feeds them. She was quite happy to learn that we have the same problem (read: found an ally) and is discussing measures with the wife at the moment.

She was also thinking about calling city hall before but didn't do it because she didn't want to endanger the relationship with the neighbours.

To be continued...

How about getting yourself a very big dog trained to scare the others away?


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Our friends who live in Norwegian Village on Pratumnak have problems with stray dogs running around. The village manager calls the city and they send out a guy with a blow gun. He stuns the stray dogs and then takes them away.

As we all know, stray dogs are a big problem here.

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The discussion whether or not we can close early today so that the staff can enjoy their various Halloween parties has been answered by the weather gods, or let's say the divine entity that looks after clogged drain pipes.

The torrential rains flooded the flat roof and the water found its way.

We clean up the mess now and are back again tomorrow.

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Four weeks on the day that we opened and so far I am quite happy with the trade. Not yet breaking even, but this wasn't expected in the first month anyways.

Our best selling item is the beef burger and we have some regular customers who visit us every now and so often.

Not very popular - or should I say ignored - are our sausages which I cannot really understand - so let's promote them sausages! They are made by Joe Sloane in Bangkok, a Master Butcher and Chef (The Landmark Steakhouse is only one of the top notch houses on his CV) abd made from happy pigs. Here is one of his suppliers, the Daruma Eco Farm in Bang Phra: http://ecovillage.asia/

That's all very nice, but how's the taste? Best, you give it a try! cool.png


Cumberland with baguette and some salad - 80 Baht

Raro no one puts salad on a sausage sarnie....wholegrain mustard and more sausage only please....

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