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lets have a happy topic. Who all still loves living in Thailand?

Franky Bear

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I am older ...67 now. My life savings went to building a house and store near her family home in Isaan! I was also a kind and giving person to her family. 9,000,000 baht went in 3 years, leaving me penniles

Like many of my ex-pat friends, I am looking at relocating to another, more welcoming country like Malaysia, the Philippines, Viet Nam or Indonesia!

Been with the Mrs 8 years. She has her Mum and that's it. Not once in all that time have a fallen into the trap you did.

In my opinion, its not -always- so bad as -Thunderbirds20- story, but its also not always so HAPPY, as

-Frany Bear- writes in his own experience.

As often the truth is in the middle, not so bad, but also not so good. tongue.png

Having now children in Thailand it would be already a problem to leave, on the other hand,

there is still no real alternative in living quality in South East Asia.

If you want it similar than in TH. rolleyes.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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Well, I have never been in the Thai-adoration society, but I like Thailand and the people just fine. Despite some of the drastic events and changes mentioned in the OP, my day-to-day life is still pretty good. If I were to spot an opportunity elsewhere, would I take it? Possibly. Having lived in a bunch of other very different countries, I have a short list of places that would suit me just fine (along with my wife and kids).

Overall, I would say Thailand is a nice place to live, although I would go back to NE Asia, South America (certain places), Europe or NA with the right opportunity. Can always come back here later.

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I have read many of the posts here and want to through my 2 cents worth into this topic, for what it is worth, I did live in Thailand, and I Loved, Liked ,admired the people, and the country. I left for personal reasons , but plan on returning soon for good.I too have lived i many countries dreaming that the grass is always greener, Lets face it , Its not! I am currently back stateside, and its a mess, People talk about governments, yet they are not involved, all governments are corrupt, anyway you look at it . If you think they are not , then you are living down the rabbit hole with Alice.No place is perfect, Hence facts are facts, I lived in New York, The twin towers went down, I lived in Venezuela, Chavez ruined the country, I lived in Philippines dealt with corrupt officials, I lived in Thailand Tsunami in Phuket and Thaksin stole money,Marshall law was then instituted,I livedin Cambodia, Vietnam, Costa Rica,all have problems nice places but were not for me, each person is different, and whats not appealing to me may be appealing to the next person. If you only see the negative,you think negative, if your positive you look on the brighter side, anyway you look at places you live, and make the most out of you are bound to enjoythem. Are you a politician in these countries, I think not, they are the ones pocketing the the cash as are the local police, not all mind you, but many! Does this happen in the USA, Australia, Canada, E.U and England, absolutely! It is just more refined so you do not see it as raw as you do in third world countries. Today America is headed back to be a Third world country, I believe this. do I love living here, NO, but I am here for personal reasons, like I said before, I hope to return to Thailand one day soon, when Visa restrictions are no longer a burden, when Marshall law is no longer and curfews a thing of the past, and then I will return to the land of smiles and be all smiles myself.

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Been here 16 years and have been scammed is so many ways. Many friends lost everything due to the cunning Thai's, and have retuned to their home country broke.

One thing they are good at is getting the money out of you, and then when you are broke they say, adios amigos.

If I had to do it over again I would chose Malaysia. My days here are numbered.

What about the friends stupidity, does that not come into it? How many of the friends you are talking about, are overweight, tattooed, facial haired, have, or should I say had, plenty of money and actually believed it when they were called "hansome man"?

I have tattoos and facial hair, i don't sit in bars all day waiting for some old brass to call me "hansome man" so whats your point? Your post is stupid and makes you sound like a complete bigot. Contrary to your beliefs not every one with tattoos are alcoholics loitering around bars waiting to get ripped off mate, yawn!!!!

Yeah, but perhaps Possum does, and that's how she knows so much about it.

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Does not matter where you live in the world there will be aspects of the country that you love and or like a whole lot and there will be aspects of the country you do not like and or hate about the country.

Everyone develops a sort of love / hate relationship where ever they are residing.

Here in Thailand, when you get talking with other foreigners about many aspects of living in Thailand you begin to hear people talking and or complaining about the same or similar sort of things they do not like about the country.

The list is fairly long ...but that list also applies to many other counties that you could live in.

The list of items that they like about living in Thailand is fairly long also and many of them are somewhat unique to Thailand and keep a person amused and interested in staying on while trying not to scrutinize everything too much

If you come and go as a tourist then what you like and what you do not like would be different in some ways as compared to a person that has been here for a long time, living and working and or conducting business.

If you are doing business here in Thailand then that can be a frustrating affair all too often while yourself or anyone would form a somewhat different opinion and attitude about Thailand and the Thais.

A mindset that even a long term tourist or long term "non business" resident would not have on their mind as part of the additional aspects of living in Thailand that can add to your list of dislikes and frustrations.

I try not to think too much about the negative aspects of living here, rather living here is fine by me and I am not being too picky or too critical of my chosen environment so I am more or less content to stay here until.....until ...until...I don't know...just until.

Edited by gemguy
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My biggest pet peeve is that not only do you have to take care of your Thai wife and kids, but you have to support her parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers and so on.

All I'am is a ATM, and when the money stops the arguments begin.

That's the problem with your viewpoint, no you don't have to support the world!

But because you for some reason thought you had, it has now become a deep hole with slippery sides......................wink.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I don't normally reply to posts on Thai visa because, in general, it's populated by negatively focused sanctimonious people who are living unhappy lives.

However, this is a positive post which gave me an opportunity to share, perhaps in order to balance out some of the usual negativity found here on a daily basis.

I'm happy wherever I feel happy - that's the bottom line barometer by which I actually live my life. That's right, I don't mean lip service; this is real for me.

I moved to Thailand in 1987. I lived in Bangkok on and off for one year. The first thing I did was study Thai language in school in Bangkok.

I lived in Phuket for 7 years. Many of the whining expats of those days advised me to be very wary of Thais, coz you'll get ripped off they told me...

So I was very wary of the Thais and got ripped off by expats in Phuket, and lost all of my money, lol.

Samui felt really good to me, so I moved to here in 1995 and have lived here ever since. I don't have many issues outside of government departments.

But is that really any different from Western countries? Give an insecure idiot some so-called power and s/he plays God...

If you have difficulty in Thailand perhaps it's because you didn't bother to learn Thai. After all, you will have difficulty in any country if you can't speak the local language, will you not?

You know you would because in any culture involving people, communication is the name of the game...

Yes, I still love Thailand because it feels good to me, and... I like the way the culture is heart centered and not head centered like Western countries.

Many Westerners are so full of themselves and use their own country/culture as a measure by which to compare and judge Thailand (or any country).

But the truth is that each country is different and cannot be compared, each has different things to offer and different ways of doing/being...

Yes, I still love it here because it feels great! And if there comes a time when I love it more elsewhere because it feels better, then I'll be living there, SURE! 8-)

"... I like the way the culture is heart centered and not head centered like Western countries.

Many Westerners are so full of themselves and use their own country/culture as a measure by which to compare and judge Thailand (or any country).

But the truth is that each country is different and cannot be compared, each has different things to offer and different ways of doing/being..."

Nail, head, hit, hammer, the works...................thumbsup.gif

Great observation hEaDy.

Edited by chrisinth
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Thailand is very special place to live.

If it was any other country, people would have many of the same appreciations and grievance. That is just the way it is, worldwide.

It is first choice destination for many the world over. Get along with life and you will have very special experiences.

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Yep, love, love, love it here. In my fifth full year here after visiting nine times previously. It cracks me up when I se all these people complaining endlessly about just about everything. It gets me to wondering why are they here or are they actually really living here.

Then there are those who pick on the cops every opportunity they get, then in the next breath advising people to go to the police. Sometimes you would think Thailand was the only place where the police are on the take or where scams are going on or murders happen and go unsolved. Get real please.

Me I have a great Thai wife, Thai friends, I feel safe when I walk around my town, love the food, I smile at people and they smile back.

People complain about immigration, they must be joking, one of the easiest places in the world. Me working in a school no degree, have had problems but they have always been polite and helpful and yes I'm still here legally. Maybe its because i am polite, calm and listen to their advice. Anyone who has a Thai wife and wants to take them to Britain or Australia would know the real meaning of rude and unhelpful immigration officials.

The only complaint I really have is the noise from those stupid boom boom speakers in cars and Kaeoke blaring out at 2am in the morning. This is what happens in Thailand so I am free to pack my bags if i dont like it.

Yep love it really love it here

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Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country. The Thais that smile at you do so because you give them money, you make them uncomfortable or they think you are a white buffalo. They have no interest in you, where you come from or your culture. In fact they have no interest in anything other than their repetitive food. The question is, why are you so happy? The expat, semi expat or refugee population in Thailand is predominantly male and middle aged. Query what makes them happy. I understand why you love Thailand after spending 28 days in an oil rig, but having visited 100 countries I would expect that there would be at least 50 in the list that have more interesting things to offer than Thailand. I worked there for 3 years. I am happy to be away.

The majority of us are probably happy that you left, to be miserable somewhere else. With such a jaundiced view obviously Thailand is not the place for you and it doesn't sound as though you got around much either in those 3 years.

From most posts on this thread it is no exaggeration to say you're probably in a minority of one and most of us are very happy here with our Thai families and where we live, a small city in Isaan in my case. I've also lived in and been to a number of countries and can't remember one that I would prefer to live in. Not everything is great, that's true of every country and there are things I miss too, however, that's a small price to pay for most other things.

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Love Thailand? I am happy with my life in Thailand. Of course some days are happier than others. Yes, Thailand has warts but so too do other places. Came from the US in 2003. Over my eleven years in Thailand I have built a good life here. But I did it by taking off the rose colored glasses of the tourist, the bleary distorted glasses of the bar fly and putting on the clear lenses of the expat. After my first three months I bought a MB to be able to avoid the taxis, after a year in Patong Beach and surviving the tsunami by a few meters I moved to a quiet residential area of Chalong to avoid the tourist rip offs. I learned to buy stuff in real stores to avoid the swindles. I bought a car to protect me from the Thai drivers who were always trying to kill me on my MB. I use a dash cam in my car to document the crazy drivers around me. Just in case. I don't hang in the bars. I don't complain and whine about the Thai 'culture on the TV forum. My girl was 51 when we met and we are good together. No young girls with no brain and big tits for me. I moved into a security controlled gated community. Middle to upper class Thais and expat families. No barking dogs and people roaming the streets to see how easy it would be to rip me off. I get along well with my neighbors. Have a few Thai friends who can sort me out if I have a problem. I do the same for them when they need to know about western culture. I made a considered decision to get along and to fit in as much as a farang can do so in Thailand. Yes Thailand isn't perfect but nowhere is. Am I concerned about some things here? Yes. but I don't waste my time on things I can't influence. I do spend time on things I think I can have a positive influence on. Yah, I have built a good life in Thailand and I am 'happee, so happee, la da da dee'.

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Like the OP, I've been here 9 - 10 years though I am here full time. Neither of the 2 coups that have occurred since I moved here have had any major affect on me though the curfew did slightly curtail the activities on my birthday.

Like every country, Thailand has its faults but I'd still rather be here than back in the UK.


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I am sorry ,but if there are issues in other parts of the world ,Americans just have to stick there big heads in and can't mind there own business ,china is the number one country in the world, and deserve that right, they go about things truly ,they don't big talk and try to rule the world,the Americans are creating there destiny ,does Russia give a dam,

excuse me China what? Oh yeah like laying claim to all of china seas and islands in it Like not allowing Hong Kong free and open elections ,like not letting news of the world in freely or there access to the worldwide web controlling all they see or hear. Yes US sticks it's head into places Maybe it shouldn't be but when any country needs help US offers and sends it. Not asking for anything in return. Like when idiots like ISIS do there stupid stuff US is first to stand up to them and take the fight to them. Who pays for that? Americans That's who not only with money but with lives.

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Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country.

I would say that Thailand is growing wealthy country that is deceptive pictured as a 3rd world nation.

the only people who think Thailand is a "third world" nation don't know what "third world" means or don't know Thailand. By any definition it isn't.

thailand is a wealthy "developing" country......and it will soon be regarded as "developed".

The position of developed for Thailand is still a long way of both physically and psychologically.

Tarred roads and a grown up mature attitude are still decades away. On the adolescent scale, Thailand is barely, if at all, a teenager.

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I know the bashers are a relatively small but vocal group, but I can't imagine being that relentlessly bitter and unhappy about everything while blaming all the unhappiness on the country they purposely chose to visit or in which they decided to take up residence. If I felt that miserable so much of the time, I'd pick up and move on to wherever I thought the pastures are greener. Why spend all one's time whining ... although I expect some of the whiners have done the same most of their lives wherever they were.

Amen, brother, Amen.

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the antisocial way of the Thai people

I would say the social intelligence and outgoing approachability of Thai people is one of the highest of any people on the planet.

Could not disagree with you more.

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The only things that are highlights for me are 1. my kids 2. the food and 3. the people, who are always kind and nice to me.

And that's not enough to make you happy? I pretty much agree with your statement, but would describe myself as very content.

Maybe it's time to count your blessings.

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the antisocial way of the Thai people

I would say the social intelligence and outgoing approachability of Thai people is one of the highest of any people on the planet.

Could not disagree with you more.

if it comes to knowing anything about the world they live in you can count many many Thais out of that equation..

I was once asked "is Songkran like this in your country?"

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My biggest pet peeve is that not only do you have to take care of your Thai wife and kids, but you have to support her parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers and so on.

All I'am is a ATM, and when the money stops the arguments begin.

This isn't Thai culture.

This is a version of Thai culture that some person or persons who do not have your best interests in mind want you to believe is Thai culture.

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Well, I have never been in the Thai-adoration society...

Actually, the Thai Adoration Society merged with the Thai Apologist Society in 2012.

We are now known simply as the 'I Love Thailand' Club.

We have no membership fees, we never have meetings, and we are not on Facebook.

To become a member all you have to do is say 'I Love Thailand' to someone at least once a year. smile.png

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Been here 16 years and have been scammed is so many ways. Many friends lost everything due to the cunning Thai's, and have retuned to their home country broke.

One thing they are good at is getting the money out of you, and then when you are broke they say, adios amigos.

If I had to do it over again I would chose Malaysia. My days here are numbered.

The only people who have cheated me in Thailand were farangs.

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If you are content with good food, warm weather and low cost of living, Thailand is great.

Doing business there not so much due to that whole dark side thing. The dark side thing gets in the way of good business, business that should reside in Thailand but is still in China. The current regime has made doing business that much tougher for both Thais and outsiders. The Thai people are capable of doing great things and should not be hampered.

I am doing business 100% legally, and my company is doing fine. I am employing several Thai people.

Sure there is a dark side in every country. There is no need to get involved with it, though. Sure, it will take longer and you won't get rich quick - it is hard work to stay on the straight and narrow.

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wilcopops, on 30 Sept 2014 - 10:07, said:
PaulHamon, on 30 Sept 2014 - 10:04, said:
Braddockrd, on 30 Sept 2014 - 09:56, said:

Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country.

I would say that Thailand is growing wealthy country that is deceptive pictured as a 3rd world nation.

the only people who think Thailand is a "third world" nation don't know what "third world" means or don't know Thailand. By any definition it isn't.

thailand is a wealthy "developing" country......and it will soon be regarded as "developed".

Yeah, just look around and see how "wealthy" it is....NOT.

The classification of first - second - third world does not exist any more.

Thailand is officially a middle-income country, and still a developing country. There are certain criteria for this classification, it is not just a feeling.

Never mind what you see when you "look around".

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Very true ,when you first come to Thailand ,get over the fact Thais make you feel so important,like it's all about me type thing, the attention you not get elsewhere ,they want farang money ,it's tourism that's keeping Thailand afloat,

Tourism accounts for some 7% of the GDP. Foreigners aren't as important here as their self-importance sometimes leads them to believe.

The foreigners we are talking about in this thread are not tourists. I don't know how important they (we) are for the Thai economy, though.

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Thought the question was..are you still happy......? so the answers can vary.

Many people live here for various reasons other than love for the country or people.

If someone feels it is complaining to point out facts, and it give them the right to say bugger off to all who state other things 'oh its so wonderfull' , i guess they have integrated well.

not being able to handle critique is a beautifull thing all the Thais i know have...

ah well ingnorance is bliss.

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Very true ,when you first come to Thailand ,get over the fact Thais make you feel so important,like it's all about me type thing, the attention you not get elsewhere ,they want farang money ,it's tourism that's keeping Thailand afloat,

Tourism accounts for some 7% of the GDP. Foreigners aren't as important here as their self-importance sometimes leads them to believe.

The foreigners we are talking about in this thread are not tourists. I don't know how important they (we) are for the Thai economy, though.

The ones referred in the post I was replying to are.

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