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19-year-old Thai student bids car license number for Bt25 million


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Where is the problem? As far as I understand the money is used for charity reasons. He got his 1111 and a charity got 25mio THB.

If it went to charity, all well and good. But the newspaper in Chiang Mai that happened to be my first hit on google said the money goes to the LTO's "highway safety fund." With the numbers of deaths on Thailand's roads each year, the "highway safety fund" needs all the money it can get. I'd like to delve deeper and see what those funds are actually spent on.

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I do not know the boys reasoning (if that even entered into the decision) for the price paid for the number plate, nor if he has more sense than farang chasing women wine and song. I certainly do not share his desire for owning a piece what will probably be forgotten in a few weeks or eventually recycled, but thats what makes this old world such a fun place to be.

Many people place a value on their ''things'' by their cost and seem to like for others to know that info. Then there are those who value their ''things'' by effort involved, time and inguentity to develop, etc And finally what will others think or benifet from this item.

I doubt that this scrape of metal will be appreciated for its beauty, thought or effort in its production by more than a handful of cronies, see virtually zero benifet for public appreciation so I have about the same intrest I would have in his recall of his last wet dream.

But then I have been accused of being a grumpy old man who is quite satisfied to watch other make apparent fools of themselves, just as we all have done during the course of growing up and maturing..

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<deleted>?! A 25 million baht plate on a 500k car? He could have bought a Ferrari or something! I don't understand rich people sometimes. blink.png

Try and buy the car for 500k wink.png

I think it's great driving an old banger with a number plate very few could afford.

Must get a few envious glances from Porche, BMW and Merc drivers.

My guess is he will register the plates, take them off and put them in a safety deposit box for a few years.

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It is easy to bid 25M for a numberplate, if you have no intention of ever paying the money!

In simular auctions within the last couple of years, they had equally stupidly high winning bids. BUT the winners never showed up to collect their trophy or pay the money!

So my guess is, that the deposit to participate in the bidding is a very low amount.

So this kid maybe just wanted his time in the limelight, which he got!! Even on Thaivisa.

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And so many young Thai people can't even afford to go to university. Sick...

Sounds like you're jealous because a 19-year-old is more successful than you are. It's funny that so many farangs get so jealous when they hear of a Thai person with more money than them. Perhaps it hurts that they're not top of he pile like they thought they were.

If you're so concerned about Thais that can't go to university, why don't you do something to help. Maybe sponsor a student or set up a charity to help. No chance of that though, as your type just prefer to whinge all the time.

Sounds like you equate money with success - how, by the way can a 19 yo be a 'success' anyway?

Most fortunes are illicitly gained here, by people abusing positions of privilege and cronyism. Hardly anything worth being proud of.

The really wealthy take care not to attract attention with public displays of vulgarity. The rest are just wannabee pretenders.

As I said before this is hardly a 'Thai' problem - it is world wide.

Reaaally no 19 yr old can be a success?

Check out a lad named Jeffery Herlings just turned 20, or even Marc Marquez from 2 yrs ago,

pretty sure being a world champ makes you a success?

Do doubt this Thai lad earned the money.

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And so many young Thai people can't even afford to go to university. Sick...

Sounds like you're jealous because a 19-year-old is more successful than you are. It's funny that so many farangs get so jealous when they hear of a Thai person with more money than them. Perhaps it hurts that they're not top of he pile like they thought they were.

If you're so concerned about Thais that can't go to university, why don't you do something to help. Maybe sponsor a student or set up a charity to help. No chance of that though, as your type just prefer to whinge all the time.

Sounds like you equate money with success - how, by the way can a 19 yo be a 'success' anyway?

Most fortunes are illicitly gained here, by people abusing positions of privilege and cronyism. Hardly anything worth being proud of.

The really wealthy take care not to attract attention with public displays of vulgarity. The rest are just wannabee pretenders.

As I said before this is hardly a 'Thai' problem - it is world wide.

Reaaally no 19 yr old can be a success?

Check out a lad named Jeffery Herlings just turned 20, or even Marc Marquez from 2 yrs ago,

pretty sure being a world champ makes you a success?

Do doubt this Thai lad earned the money.

I would be the first to recognize a sporting achievement, or even business achievement as a young person - but that is not the case here:

He is a student at university. His success thus far is to be born into money. Hardly an achievement?

His actions speak volumes about his regard for Buddhism and his fellow man. He is a spoiled attention seeking prat.

And to you who can only see this as jealousy - you are either born 'rich' yourself, or 19 years old. You are obviously easily impressed by rich people, regardless of their heritage. Again - most fortunes in this country are ill-gotten; only a fool justifies obscene displays of wealth.

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It's only a vanity plate, albeit a very pricey one. I wouldn't waste my own money on one but it's no big deal. Although back in the UK I was once overtaken by an Aston Martin sporting the plate ENV 1Y. I did mutter 'prat' as he rapidly disappeared into the distance smile.png

I wouldn't admit to being overtaken by an Aston Martin sad.png

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mixed feelings on this one.

As a negative, it is a lot of money to spend on essentially nothing

As a positive I assume it goes into the government coffers and the money he spent can be used for the "greater good"

finally. whats the point in having money if you cant spend it on whatever you chose for whatever reason

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Do that in the UK and the Tax man would be knocking on your door,

wanting to know where the money came from, here no problem.

regards Worgeordie

That's complete rubbish. The taxman doesn't ask any question at all when you buy something expensive.

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mixed feelings on this one.

As a negative, it is a lot of money to spend on essentially nothing

As a positive I assume it goes into the government coffers and the money he spent can be used for the "greater good"

finally. whats the point in having money if you cant spend it on whatever you chose for whatever reason

My basic feelings also but I do think its a ridiculous amount to spend (or charge for that matter) on essentially nothing.


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