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Son of Koh Tao Island Chief denies role In Britons' murder


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well what a sad case this has turned out to be , but we all knew in our hearts this would be the outcome, like some of the "sherlocks" on here the obvious tamper of pics./vids etc, (well spotted) perhaps the police ought to read these postings, there again perhaps not as nothing would get done, they know who done this horrendous crime, and all of us have got dam good ideas as to the guilty parties are, i will not post again on this very sad subject,so the coup has changed jack shit realy ??

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This 'kid' who has a great long bright future in front of him now. Papa probably has the power, money and connections who could muck around with CCTV footages, pay to get his son registered in an exam and hire a lawyer all in a long short week. Something fishy is definitely going on here and we can all smell it from here. Foreigners are slaughtered as easily as pigs in this country and Thais do not care because they are is not one of them. It is as simple as that. The police probably had an idea of who committed this crime at the very beginning of this investigation but it became complicated when big names are involved and past deeds done have to be repaid. Normally Thai police are good here judging by past and recent similar cases but for this one they are exceptionally good..........................at hiding the facts!

Most Thais care very much. They are as frustrated as everyone else at the lack of justice here.

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Also, the murders took place overnight Sunday/Monday. So how are the pictures from Saturday and Monday morning proof he was not on the island during the murders? The story about a rushed trip on a speedboat immediately after the murders is plausible and he could have been back in Bangkok by 9:15 monday morning (if that is the actual time and it wasn't doctored). He seems to be going INTO his dorm in that picture. He easily could have went to KT on Sunday morning planning to be there for a while, then gotten into trouble that night and split immediately after. The photos don't rule out that scenario IMO.

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If only a few of Thaivisa's finest had taken the time to travel to Koh Tao, instead of staying behind their keyboards, the case would have ben solved a week ago and people been on deathrow by now.

If some of TV's finest got together in real life, there'd probably be a few more murders to solve! smile.png

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Family and police are playing this very smart. Keeping the complete focus on Worat. Think about it. Why is he in the news so much if his family is that powerful? Why are all the online speculations about him permitted to continue? Two weeks from now everyone will believe he did it and stop looking at any other possibility, at which point irrefutable evidence will come to light that he couldn't have been involved. That'll shut up all the discussion on social media instantly. Some people have more direct family than 1 younger brother or 2 sons.

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Dear Police,

Please use something called DNA to clear this man from suspiscion.!.......then move on with the investigation !! If you keep stalling this case the whole of Thailand will be ridiculed......it is important that Thai authorities solve this case promptly !!

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From Chiangraitimes a week ago:

"Police questioned why Wiraphan’s son Warot, 22 quickly disappeared from the island shortly after the murders however he stated that his son was studying at a university in Bangkok and he was returning to study, not running as the police said."

This is the part where it appears the father knew his son had returned to Bangkok after the murders.

this is a crucial piece of evidence if it was reported correctly

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Words fail me. You would struggle to find a greater injustice anywhere in the world.

So glad that after 28 years here I am leaving to live in a civilized society.

RIP Hannah and David.

"civilized society."

Canada calls eh?

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From Chiangraitimes a week ago:

"Police questioned why Wiraphans son Warot, 22 quickly disappeared from the island shortly after the murders however he stated that his son was studying at a university in Bangkok and he was returning to study, not running as the police said."

This is the part where it appears the father knew his son had returned to Bangkok after the murders.

this is a crucial piece of evidence if it was reported correctly

Well it seems it was paraphrased so I guess we don't know exactly what the father said. Initial police reports were very clear that he'd left the island suddenly. Therein lies the problem though- what can we believe of the police?

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That really looks the same as the guy in the cctv picture. Same light skin, same size, same age looking, nice new haircut still brushes forward on the sides the same as the longer version as the guy in the dvd. People and police stated he was on the island or fled the island the day of the murder. Why the #@#@ hasnt he been dna tested? Surely anyone suspected should be made to provide a test. If you are innocent....provide a dna sample!

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My better half talked to some of her better informed Thai friends. Basically, Sean is the key to the whole puzzle. They don't believe he is a killer. However, Sean definitely entered a bar covered in blood that late night/morning. People also saw him carrying bloodied guitar later on. Sean can be easily traced by the Interpol.

I find it almost impossible to believe that the British authorities did not interview Sean and got the full story out of him. I wouldn't be surprised if Thais tried/try to solve this particular case via diplomatic channels by offering the substantial amount of money to aggrieved British families.

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Surely if someone was to go to this university and get a copy of todays CCTV and if the date was curved and had different colour numbering then it becomes clear whether these images were photoshopped or not.

Surely if they are photoshopped they wouldnt do such a poor job.

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There was adrug case couple ofyears back. Young boy was convicted,sent to prison. Then the brother came forward and whole family showed evidence the police prosecuted wrong one. The boy was set free and the true criminal was never prosecuted as the case had been marked closed.

I feel their are two brothers here also. The police wrongly named the brother who is in uni, and the family let them to take the heat off the real culprit. It is working like a charm. And mean while everybody gets confused and forgets about the other brother.

1 brother was at uni.

1 brother was on the islands and is hiding in bkk. Neither brother has submitted DNA as far as i know.

All a smoke screen, quite commonly used amongst criminals

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BANGKOK The son of a powerful local administrator on Koh Tao island initially sought by police has denied any involvement in the murder of two British tourists there two weeks ago.

Mr. Warot's father, Woraphan Tuvichian, who is a village headman on Koh Tao island, was also considered a person of interest by the police. After questioning, the police cleared Mr. Woraphan of a connection to the murder.

"Son of a powerful local administrator" (thought the gov't stated that there were no mafia in Koh Tao) ........"has denied any involvement........................... After questioning (and receipt of a donation to the RTP Benevolence fund) "the police cleared Mr. Woraphan of a connection to the murder."

So all of this negates the necessity of dealing with taking his DNA sample. Which would alleviate any doubt. And if he did it he is a shining example and should be the poster boy of spoiled, entitled Thai offspring.

The type that should have had their seed run down their mums leg. And never brought into this world.

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I strongly think it's possible that the original DNA samples from the raped and murdered woman have been switched out with samples from people who've never been near that Island and that no suspect will match now.

Why, when trying to protect the guilty, would they be testing against genuine DNA of the victim?

I don't doubt it to be frank. Easy to catch them out on that one though.

Not if they don't let anyone else near the investigation including suspects' DNA.

Originally they announced they sought help from the US FBI and quickly changed their minds. I think they want total control over all evidence because they quickly learned who was involved. The rest has been a sham.

As usual for Thailand; Money talks!!! bah.gif

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There was adrug case couple ofyears back. Young boy was convicted,sent to prison. Then the brother came forward and whole family showed evidence the police prosecuted wrong one. The boy was set free and the true criminal was never prosecuted as the case had been marked closed.

I feel their are two brothers here also. The police wrongly named the brother who is in uni, and the family let them to take the heat off the real culprit. It is working like a charm. And mean while everybody gets confused and forgets about the other brother.

1 brother was at uni.

1 brother was on the islands and is hiding in bkk. Neither brother has submitted DNA as far as i know.

All a smoke screen, quite commonly used amongst criminals

So one guy called Worat And the other named ?

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Wait! I get it now, DNA test in Thailand must stand for Do Not Admit Test! Police- "D did you kill these tourists?" Perpetrators- "No!", Police-" That's fine then, move along. ..........Next!.

Edited by bigjules007
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Words fail me. You would struggle to find a greater injustice anywhere in the world.

So glad that after 28 years here I am leaving to live in a civilized society.

RIP Hannah and David.

I only come here to visit my son, his wife and my grandchild. After 2-3 months all this s--t gets old. I will spend most of my year in sunny Florida,

close to Eglin Air Force Base. Hard to believe that I wished I could live here back in the 70's while stationed at Ubon RTAFB.

Back then no aids, BS. If a thai did anything to an American military person, his azz was grass!!!!! No getting away thanks to our Military Agreements!!!

Yes, the good old days, progress has done allot for Thailand??? cheesy.gif

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