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Are you required to show 20,000 baht when landing @ Suvarnabhumi ?

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I come through Suvarnabhumi at least once a month for 5 to 10 days stay (30 day visa exemption) for last three years and have never been asked to show anything to immigration. They just stamp me through.

I am American with USA passport residing in Singapore.

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Never heard of such a thing and where did you even get that idea? Can you imagine if at Immigration how long the lines would be if that was actually the case. And if it was the money exchanges would be on the other side?

There have been people pulled to the side already and have been asked to show the money after some initial questioning.

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The money may asked to be shown only in cases where the persons denotes doubt already. E.g. nationality, back-to-back out/in, ED visa, scrubby personal appearance, etc. However in these situations people can be refused straight no matter the money.

People coming every once in a while or certain types of visa or looks is never asked.

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first post - been in the n/e on and off for 4years now.

there is this pale blue form you fill in for immigration while still on the plane, asks, among others, how much you earn.

could it be related to which box you tick?


No, that part is for statistical purpose only and not even mandatory to fill.

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It has to do with the recent crackdown on visa runners, and one of the issues brought up relates to having sufficient cash, and this figure of 20,000 baht has been floating around since.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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ohhh they do ask..people have been detained in the airport for hours because they could not produce the money. Countless people have been asked this "show money"

I haven't been asked in over 25 years, but there's always a first time

Can you please show some links or articles regarding your statement above please, I would be most interested to read them.


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The regulation has been on the books for years and some entry points are asking for; money, living address, exit ticket. Just read the ANDAMAN CLUB problem in this current form. Everyone should be prepared, here in the Northeast there has been problems. Good Luck!

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ohhh they do ask..people have been detained in the airport for hours because they could not produce the money. Countless people have been asked this "show money"

Countless people have been asked this "show money"


How did you arrive at this nebulous "number?"

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Just the fact that the OP is asking this question means he is trying to clarify something he already heard. Its a rule that has been there for long jut not implemented on regular basis , but on a bad day, they do ask for the money. and like someone rightly said it depends sometimes on your nationality and how you dress. Now, the 20k is even asked from individuals and not families






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I have been asked by free lancers to show them the money before entering the privacy of their person...unless they are exceptionally cute...I show them the door...instead of the money...

Is this why you have prove you have money at immigration?

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Just wondering if a Bank of Bangkok (or any other Thai Bank) bank statement /passbook would suffice .

This is probably a response to all the homeless falung on the streets now. It will not stop some with a small fortune coming in through immigration and a few weeks later having nothing but an empty wallet and bank account , and a blurred memory of a good time.

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Never been asked but I don't doubt it could happen. 20K seems to be the figure banded around that you are required to show if asked.

The question should be "why wouldn't you be able to produce 20k?"

Anyone arriving in a foreign country that doesn't have access to 20,000B probably shouldn't be coming in.

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ohhh they do ask..people have been detained in the airport for hours because they could not produce the money. Countless people have been asked this "show money"

I don't believe you! number one, a tourist coming to thailand probably does not have any baht until he converts AFTER he passes through customs and immigration!

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