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Thailand: International tourist arrivals may decline 15-20 per cent


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You want to increase tourists you need to instill confidence. There are too many Thai low life's on the streets scamming, assaulting, robbing, raping and murdering tourists. I would like to see a mandatory one year jail time to any Thai who assaults a farang. The current 500 baht fine just don't build confidence that the government cares about the safety of it's tourists. Let the world know you are serious about crime and things are changing .... But do it and just don't say it !

What a stupid idea and bordering on being racist. So they should have a minimum of one-year jail for assaulting a white person, but what about assaulting other people? Are you saying that white people are better and need more protection? And what about a farang assaulting a Thai? Surely the same sentencing should apply to everyone. Also, your post is a more than a little hysterical. I suggest you stay away.
No, I think I am right on track. Farang gets stabbed in Pattaya and the guy walks after a 500 baht fine. That is just crazy. It is like the courts don't care and we are the ones who are looked at as second class. Thais get away with doing what ever they want to us and get a slap on the wrist. This don't cut it in my book. When you assault a guest in your country who don't speak the language or know the lay of the land it is worst than assaulting a local. We see the effects now .... Stay away you say.... Just the same attitude that is hurting this country.

Hes just not thinking clearly.

If you have a very lucrative industry like tourism has here it is vital that the image is protected properly. A 500bht fine for any stabbing is sending the wrong message let alone done to a tourist...similarly not solving these tourist murders just encourages more to take that risk of murdering someone too.

It is madness not to convict for the max sentence if you are concerned with the tourist industry... it sends a strong message.. its not worth touching tourists, that dosnt mean local crimes vs Thai should be worth any less but............ you certainly make it clear that crimes vs those who bring money into the country will not be tolerated...

The very worst thing you can do is trivialise an attack on any guest in the country... by showing the law will not dish out heavy penalties it only encourages more crime.. do it with tourists then not only will crimes on them rise but the tourists will stop coming too .... it ends up with more crime and less tourists.. meaning those that do come are in even more danger since the odds vs the number coming along with crimes rising just increased too.

Edited by englishoak
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You want to increase tourists you need to instill confidence. There are too many Thai low life's on the streets scamming, assaulting, robbing, raping and murdering tourists. I would like to see a mandatory one year jail time to any Thai who assaults a farang. The current 500 baht fine just don't build confidence that the government cares about the safety of it's tourists. Let the world know you are serious about crime and things are changing .... But do it and just don't say it !

What a stupid idea and bordering on being racist. So they should have a minimum of one-year jail for assaulting a white person, but what about assaulting other people? Are you saying that white people are better and need more protection? And what about a farang assaulting a Thai? Surely the same sentencing should apply to everyone. Also, your post is a more than a little hysterical. I suggest you stay away.
No, I think I am right on track. Farang gets stabbed in Pattaya and the guy walks after a 500 baht fine. That is just crazy. It is like the courts don't care and we are the ones who are looked at as second class. Thais get away with doing what ever they want to us and get a slap on the wrist. This don't cut it in my book. When you assault a guest in your country who don't speak the language or know the lay of the land it is worst than assaulting a local. We see the effects now .... Stay away you say.... Just the same attitude that is hurting this country.

Hes just not thinking clearly.

If you have a very lucrative industry like tourism has here it is vital that the image is protected properly. A 500bht fine for any stabbing is sending the wrong message let alone done to a tourist...similarly not solving these tourist murders just encourages more to take that risk of murdering someone too.

It is madness not to convict for the max sentence if you are concerned with the tourist industry... it sends a strong message.. its not worth touching tourists, that dosnt mean local crimes vs Thai should be worth any less but............ you certainly make it clear that crimes vs those who bring money into the country will not be tolerated...

The very worst thing you can do is trivialise an attack on any guest in the country... by showing the law will not dish out heavy penalties it only encourages more crime.. do it with tourists then not only will crimes on them rise but the tourists will stop coming too .... it ends up with more crime and less tourists.. meaning those that do come are in even more danger since the odds vs the number coming along with crimes rising just increased too.

That fine was too high. Fifty baht should do. The judiciary has gone overboard.

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I'm not sure that tourists care if a government is a military dictatorship or not.

And I'm not sure that the recent reports of appalling violent crimes against tourists are much of a factor either. Thailand remains in the "very low" category for violent crime. Violent crime is probably lower in Singapore, but a holiday at a maximum security facility, within a giant shopping mall, is not everyone's idea of fun.

Some months ago there was a crackdown on evil, scum of the earth long stayers, that allegedly abused the system by making back to back visa runs. Surely the vast majority, just loved the place and wanted to stay any way they could. They developed ways and means, some more legitimately than others, but on the whole, they managed to pay their own way and doubtless their cost of existence ratio to locals was probably around three to one - in other words for every one foreigner managing to live here, was directly or indirectly supporting around three locals. This is not difficult or controversial calculus.

What perhaps was not known about this group was the fact that mostly, they all belonged to a secret society. The "We Love Thailand Club" a society that would persistently propagandise the inscrutable joys and pleasures of living in Thailand. In millions of emails and in hundreds of blogs, these foreign Thai loyalists would beaver away, making their friends envious of their exotic life in salubrious Thailand.

Then one day, the powers that the be decided "enough was enough". A tourist terror campaign was launched. One day at immigration its "welcome to Thailand", the next day you are an "abuser of the system", a parasite, a criminal, and a worm. Quite literally tens of thousands of loyal aficionados of Thailand where marginalised officially and unofficially. And many thousands have left, with a very bad taste in their mouth, which naturally is less likely to sing the praises of the land of smiles. To the contrary, they now focus on its ills, its problems and its injustices of which like most countries, it has no shortage.

Meanwhile the "We Love Thailand Club" is being eclipse by the we love Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippine Clubs, which are enjoying a growing membership and influence.

And I'll bet those same people who defended and supported this immigration crackdown will be amongst the first to complain around the results of it. Rising poverty, crime, corruption and misery.

More crackdowns anyone?

Couldn't agree more +1 thumbsup.gif

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I'm not sure that tourists care if a government is a military dictatorship or not.

And I'm not sure that the recent reports of appalling violent crimes against tourists are much of a factor either. Thailand remains in the "very low" category for violent crime. Violent crime is probably lower in Singapore, but a holiday at a maximum security facility, within a giant shopping mall, is not everyone's idea of fun.

Some months ago there was a crackdown on evil, scum of the earth long stayers, that allegedly abused the system by making back to back visa runs. Surely the vast majority, just loved the place and wanted to stay any way they could. They developed ways and means, some more legitimately than othyers, but on the whole, they managed to pay their own way and doubtless their cost of existence ratio to locals was probably around three to one - in other words for every one foreigner managing to live here, was directly or indirectly supporting around three locals. This is not difficult or controversial calculus.

What perhaps was not known about this group was the fact that mostly, they all belonged to a secret society. The "We Love Thailand Club" a society that would persistently propagandise the inscrutable joys and pleasures of living in Thailand. In millions of emails and in hundreds of blogs, these foreign Thai loyalists would beaver away, making their friends envious of their exotic life in salubrious Thailand.

Then one day, the powers that the be decided "enough was enough". A tourist terror campaign was launched. One day at immigration its "welcome to Thailand", the next day you are an "abuser of the system", a parasite, a criminal, and a worm. Quite literally tens of thousands of loyal aficionados of Thailand where marginalised officially and unofficially. And many thousands have left, with a very bad taste in their mouth, which naturally is less likely to sing the praises of the land of smiles. To the contrary, they now focus on its ills, its problems and its injustices of which like most countries, it has no shortage.

Meanwhile the "We Love Thailand Club" is being eclipse by the we love Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippine Clubs, which are enjoying a growing membership and influence.

And I'll bet those same people who defended and supported this immigration crackdown will be amongst the first to complain around the results of it. Rising poverty, crime, corruption and misery.

More crackdowns anyone?

Did you get your student visa. Now you can learn Thai language and find out the word for drop out.

Why didn't anyone like my post. Reeling in pain and jealousy. Personally I thought your post as an A+ immigration has certainly been very xenophobic recently. Oh well, cheer up in less than a year all the Thais will be unemployed and the migrant workers will take their place. A bit like when the Poles came to the U.K

ASEAN one community of migrant workers working in sweat shops for peanuts.

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Another ting , What they do about deny people from Africa come and spread the Ebola virus ???

There is no ebola in Thailand. Maybe you're confusing Thailand with USA. It has spread to USA so you'd better keep well away from there. In fact, you'd better stay in your room and not have contact with anyone.

Thailand is safer than us since they have cured ebola or you haven't heard that.

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Got nothing to do with martial law, but people are getting fed up with the fake smiles, double-pricing, dangerous roads, a policeforce corrupt beyond belief and a in general quite violent society!!

Get your house in order, and people will come back!coffee1.gif

Tourists- especially ones that have never been here- don't know about those annoyances. It's martial law and unaccounted murders that keep them away.

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Another ting , What they do about deny people from Africa come and spread the Ebola virus ???

There is no ebola in Thailand. Maybe you're confusing Thailand with USA. It has spread to USA so you'd better keep well away from there. In fact, you'd better stay in your room and not have contact with anyone.

Thailand is safer than us since they have cured ebola or you haven't heard that.

This an idea to boost medical tourism. Come here we.cure your ebola.
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that will proberly make the baht stronger

There will be less demand for baht, so that should make it weaker not stronger.

And the pound is now at 52.6 baht.

Even if we see HALF of all tourists going away, well, I think we'ill never head back to the good old days of the pound being 65 or 68 baht. Bring back Thaksin, let Abhisit be in charge, give the junta a ten year mandate, it doesn't matter, we're NOT going back to the good old days !!


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Supawan Tanomkieatipume, vice president for marketing at Thai Hotels Association, said tourists in more than 40 countries were still worried about their security and safety under martial law...

...and because there are still murder/rapists on the loose with a penchant for foreigners....and because the police are blatantly complicit....and because your resort owner/bar owner might well have less than your best interests at heart....and because it would appear that Thailand's tourism front-men close ranks when it comes to protecting their own over the tourist who pays the bills.

I love Thailand and love living here....I just don't live in one of the tourist areas....

I totally agree. Thailands tourism farse of a ministry has no idea. Prices of hotels, taxi's, places to visit are going up and are no where cheap anymore. Either they start lowering costs for foreigners or they will just visit other countries. I feel Thailand has lost the appeal it once had as a place to go and relax. Now people are getting killed here and the lax ability of the police farce is in the spot-light of the world!! Thailand has entered its twilight years as a paradise destination!

Thailand is a developing nation. Cost of living is higher for everyone, Thais included.

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It does look like violence is on the rise.

Although Thailand will have some catching up to do, with most of South America, a good bit of Europe and even Australia. The association between violence and poverty is incontrovertible and its relative escalation is more or less linear to a sharp decrease in the velocity of money, i.e. less financial transactions which thus serve the needs of fewer people.

Even a perfectly reasonable person is gradually tortured through their inability to provide for their loved ones. Otherwise dormant emotions, prejudices and criminal ideas arise more easily through an agitated state. This a much greater problem for a society to reckon with than dealing with career criminals and the mentally disturbed as the goal posts are constantly shifting and patterns are more difficult to anticipate.

If the powers that be fail to ameliorate the economic decline amongst the poorest and those most vulnerable to a downturn in cash transactions and the stability of employment for the mostly unskilled in the hospitality industry, the result will be an escalation in crime. If their only solution is harsher sentences and a more brutal policing policy, the results will be an uglier society augmented by the development of a more agile, ferocious and violent type of criminal activity.

I'm hopeful that someone is paying attention and some urgency is applied to attracting more people and more business activity to these shores. It won't solve all crimes, but it will go along way to stop a spiralling escalation, which will further diminish the local economy.

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It does look like violence is on the rise.

Although Thailand will have some catching up to do, with most of South America, a good bit of Europe and even Australia. The association between violence and poverty is incontrovertible and its relative escalation is more or less linear to a sharp decrease in the velocity of money, i.e. less financial transactions which thus serve the needs of fewer people.

Even a perfectly reasonable person is gradually tortured through their inability to provide for their loved ones. Otherwise dormant emotions, prejudices and criminal ideas arise more easily through an agitated state. This a much greater problem for a society to reckon with than dealing with career criminals and the mentally disturbed as the goal posts are constantly shifting and patterns are more difficult to anticipate.

If the powers that be fail to ameliorate the economic decline amongst the poorest and those most vulnerable to a downturn in cash transactions and the stability of employment for the mostly unskilled in the hospitality industry, the result will be an escalation in crime. If their only solution is harsher sentences and a more brutal policing policy, the results will be an uglier society augmented by the development of a more agile, ferocious and violent type of criminal activity.

I'm hopeful that someone is paying attention and some urgency is applied to attracting more people and more business activity to these shores. It won't solve all crimes, but it will go along way to stop a spiralling escalation, which will further diminish the local economy.

It's more likely the wealthy will commit such crimes in Thailand because the patronage system is designed for them to evade justice. The majority have always been poor in Thailand, doesn't make them any more or less dangerous.

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Tourists not big on military dictatorships, who`d have thought!?

Interestingly hotel prices are going up rather than down despite demand going down and supply going up. A couple of years back 1000 baht got you a decent 3* hotel in Bangkok whilst 2000 baht got you a 4* or even 5* hotel such as the Rembrandt where we always stay at when in town.

Looking at prices for our next trip the Rembrandt is 5000 baht a night!? Talk about making a bad situation worse! When we were last there is June there was about a dozen other customers.

This is the proof. Lower quantity but higher quality. I expect backpackers to hold their full moon parties elsewhere.

Lower quantity does not automatically create higher quality. To the contrary, you can easily end up with lower quantity and lower quality.

During Thailand's ascent as a destination of global interest, it collectively dropped the ball and scared away investors.

Now their raiding coffee shops and harassing geeks.

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Tourists not big on military dictatorships, who`d have thought!?

Interestingly hotel prices are going up rather than down despite demand going down and supply going up. A couple of years back 1000 baht got you a decent 3* hotel in Bangkok whilst 2000 baht got you a 4* or even 5* hotel such as the Rembrandt where we always stay at when in town.

Looking at prices for our next trip the Rembrandt is 5000 baht a night!? Talk about making a bad situation worse! When we were last there is June there was about a dozen other customers.

a quick check of Rembrant web site shows prices of 2400 baht a night...not sure which dates but 5000 baht is way over the top for that hotel....unless you're talking suites rather than regular rooms....

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Tourist may be nervous because of martial law or by the crime escalation, or they might not want to deal with all the scams in Thailand. But I think the most significant reason they are not coming is the global economy, the average person has less extra money to spend traveling.

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Supawan Tanomkieatipume, vice president for marketing at Thai Hotels Association, said tourists in more than 40 countries were still worried about their security and safety under martial law...

...and because there are still murder/rapists on the loose with a penchant for foreigners....and because the police are blatantly complicit....and because your resort owner/bar owner might well have less than your best interests at heart....and because it would appear that Thailand's tourism front-men close ranks when it comes to protecting their own over the tourist who pays the bills.

I love Thailand and love living here....I just don't live in one of the tourist areas....

Please tell me which country has no murders or rapes, a better police force or has to put up with unfair criticism from farang cynics.....if you love it? accept that good and bad exist. Thailand is more good than bad...and is a wonderful country and culture.

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You want to increase tourists you need to instill confidence. There are too many Thai low life's on the streets scamming, assaulting, robbing, raping and murdering tourists. I would like to see a mandatory one year jail time to any Thai who assaults a farang. The current 500 baht fine just don't build confidence that the government cares about the safety of it's tourists. Let the world know you are serious about crime and things are changing .... But do it and just don't say it !

The attitude is now out there, that Thais are free to treat tourists as they treat each other.

They murder and rape each other and the keystone cops tragically do nothing. Now they can do exactly the same to tourists, and they are surprised as to why tourists may choose to not visit.

The whole situation in that country leaves me sick with worry. I know why my old MIL takes security so seriously especially with regard to the kids. SIL's have been demanding I keep a gun of all things for years. Perhaps it is time to talk to Uncle NeverSure.

I will never forget being on a road trip with friends to chiangmai.

They let their blonde haired blue eyed son of about 10 go to the loo alone. When I heard I was absolutely frantic, and we couldn't find him for 20 minutes.

They understood that if someone had taken him (which can happen elsewhere) the big difference would be that the child would have been targeted because he was a Farang and that the police would be no use whatsoever. You have to fend for yourself and don't expect the law to be respected or helpful.

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You want to increase tourists you need to instill confidence. There are too many Thai low life's on the streets scamming, assaulting, robbing, raping and murdering tourists. I would like to see a mandatory one year jail time to any Thai who assaults a farang. The current 500 baht fine just don't build confidence that the government cares about the safety of it's tourists. Let the world know you are serious about crime and things are changing .... But do it and just don't say it !

The attitude is now out there, that Thais are free to treat tourists as they treat each other.

They murder and rape each other and the keystone cops tragically do nothing. Now they can do exactly the same to tourists, and they are surprised as to why tourists may choose to not visit.

The whole situation in that country leaves me sick with worry. I know why my old MIL takes security so seriously especially with regard to the kids. SIL's have been demanding I keep a gun of all things for years. Perhaps it is time to talk to Uncle NeverSure.

I will never forget being on a road trip with friends to chiangmai.

They let their blonde haired blue eyed son of about 10 go to the loo alone. When I heard I was absolutely frantic, and we couldn't find him for 20 minutes.

They understood that if someone had taken him (which can happen elsewhere) the big difference would be that the child would have been targeted because he was a Farang and that the police would be no use whatsoever. You have to fend for yourself and don't expect the law to be respected or helpful.

My eldest daughter looks European, no hint of Thai, fairish hair too. It's a worry.

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they will turn to crime

Really ?? People all over the world loose their jobs or are being laid off for a period without resolving to crime.Why do many BM`s believe that those affected by job losses in the Thai tourist industry automatically will turn to crime coffee1.gif ??

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“When tourists check-in to a hotel they will be given a wristband with a serial number that matches their I.D. and shows the contact details of the resort they are staying in so that if they’re out partying late and, for example, get drunk or lost, they can be easily assisted,” Kobkarn told Reuters.

“The next step would be some sort of electronic tracking device but this has not yet been discussed in detail.”

She added that a “buddy system”, pairing tourists with a local minder at tourist destinations, was also being discussed.

Hmmm, I wonder if it may have something to do with this?

I always seem to find a local minder - Thailand has a great buddy system. Less tourists means more buddies, works for me.

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If they are forecasting/admitting to a down turn of 15-20% it is more likely to be between 45-50% down turn in Reality.

Recently they slipped with honest figures by saying it was down 40% then went back to the older less % figures.

The down turn means those who benefit from Tourists from Hotels /Shops , bars , restaurants , clubs , staff , Taxis , airlines , country people who rely on the sent money from family working..it all will represent a much higher bite into the Thai economy driven by our wallets and credit cards.

About one in three Thais will notice less money directly , or indirectly , in their hands by March .

And this will lead to more crime against westerners thus even less Tourists .

Add one or two grizzly Murders and watch the sun set on what was a promising Tourist Mecca Gone wrong.

In short it heading the way of the dinosaurs if it ignores the astroid called ""western outrage "

The way the Thais have done little to show respect and everything to treat it as a monetary consideration only, has obliterated the illusion that its a dream warm friendly smiling loving kind destination.

The perception now is you mean little more than financial gain and are loathed .

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Supawan Tanomkieatipume, vice president for marketing at Thai Hotels Association, said tourists in more than 40 countries were still worried about their security and safety under martial law...

...and because there are still murder/rapists on the loose with a penchant for foreigners....and because the police are blatantly complicit....and because your resort owner/bar owner might well have less than your best interests at heart....and because it would appear that Thailand's tourism front-men close ranks when it comes to protecting their own over the tourist who pays the bills.

I love Thailand and love living here....I just don't live in one of the tourist areas....

Please tell me which country has no murders or rapes, a better police force or has to put up with unfair criticism from farang cynics.....if you love it? accept that good and bad exist. Thailand is more good than bad...and is a wonderful country and culture.

Which country has a better police force? Eh? A fair few, I would imagine..

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Tourists not big on military dictatorships, who`d have thought!?

Interestingly hotel prices are going up rather than down despite demand going down and supply going up. A couple of years back 1000 baht got you a decent 3* hotel in Bangkok whilst 2000 baht got you a 4* or even 5* hotel such as the Rembrandt where we always stay at when in town.

Looking at prices for our next trip the Rembrandt is 5000 baht a night!? Talk about making a bad situation worse! When we were last there is June there was about a dozen other customers.

This is the proof. Lower quantity but higher quality. I expect backpackers to hold their full moon parties elsewhere.

All those super high quality top notch & polite chinese group tours. Yeah, gonna be classy.

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Another ting , What they do about deny people from Africa come and spread the Ebola virus ???

There is no ebola in Thailand. Maybe you're confusing Thailand with USA. It has spread to USA so you'd better keep well away from there. In fact, you'd better stay in your room and not have contact with anyone.

I read that a man from Texas who had just returned from West Africa had the disease, doe's this mean it has spread to the USA?

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