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Why advise UK revenue when leaving UK?

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It doesn't really matter why they want you to tell them. It's the law and if you dont do it you may get caught out some day. Even if they dont currently get detailed information from the UKVI about who leaves and enters the country, and when, you can bet that one day soon they will.

As for deliberately claiming more state pension or benefits than you are entitled to, there again they will probably catch you out one day and the penalties will probably only get more and more severe.

Please refer me to the "law" as you allude to? or is it another load of waffle"currently" this ,"currently" that,as somebody all knowing tell me which date you are betting on as to "soon"

UK tax law. If you are subject to UK tax it is a crime not to report significant changes in your circumstances to HMRC.

How soon? A matter of years, I would say.

anyway as it does not effect you,is there a toucfh of jealousy there?

UK tax law does affect me as the bulk of my income arises there. However my affairs are (entirely legally) arranged in such a way that I pay no tax there and in fact I get some generous exemptions due to being non-resident. Therefore it is not only a legal requirement for me to keep HMRC up to date with my status but it is also in my interest.

Jealousy? What of? I will get my UK state pension if I'm still alive at that time, and if they are still paying it by then (neither of which I rely on).

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That's as maybe. But you are still breaking the law.

Makes me laugh, cowardly old men, quaking in their boots from fear of their own government.

Are you completely mad? I dont quake or fear any government. I have no reason to, unlike some.

Besides which I was just pointing out the difference between legality and illegality. Which of those two you prefer is entirely up to you and your choice neither affects me nor interests me.

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Now this thread could(probably will do) for another 50 years at least.

Not in the slightest interested in the dire warnings of a load of f......... I..... F....... T........ There I have said it

Got far far more important issues to contend with,really really more important issues,and I mean really important issues...like cleaning up some cat shit dumped last night

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That's as maybe. But you are still breaking the law.

Makes me laugh, cowardly old men, quaking in their boots from fear of their own government.

Not quite, you either obey the law or you don't, you're either honest or you're a criminal, there's no such things as being allowed to selectively obey only the laws that you agree with.

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Hi Guys - Many thanks for all the comments relating to my opening, and first, post on the Thai Visa Forum. Bearing in mind I currently claim no benefits from the UK it would appear I would only be breaking any law if I did not tell UK revenue authorities once I draw down state pension in 9 years time. As previously stated I do currently receive company pension paid in the UK on which I pay, and am happy to pay. UK tax so see no benefit to either myself or UK authorities of telling them of my current status.

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That's as maybe. But you are still breaking the law.

Makes me laugh, cowardly old men, quaking in their boots from fear of their own government.

Not quite, you either obey the law or you don't, you're either honest or you're a criminal, there's no such things as being allowed to selectively obey only the laws that you agree with.

555, that's even funnier!

Self Righteous and cowardly at the same time.

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Hi Guys - Many thanks for all the comments relating to my opening, and first, post on the Thai Visa Forum. Bearing in mind I currently claim no benefits from the UK it would appear I would only be breaking any law if I did not tell UK revenue authorities once I draw down state pension in 9 years time. As previously stated I do currently receive company pension paid in the UK on which I pay, and am happy to pay. UK tax so see no benefit to either myself or UK authorities of telling them of my current status.

No you would not, no laws being broken,it is an entitlement not a benefit.#

Now just a guesstimate,yes a guesstimate,I have studied this situation for a number of years and from observations of more that a hundred individuals I figure,not even ten of them are frozen. My friend here for 30 odd years all unfrozen until his death,DWP wanted 3 years of winter fuel off him when informed ,no penalties.

Up to you,but I have no fear,not one bit. Now look at it another way those percentage increases year on year are worth having,not having them would be sickening to the point of leaving Thailand

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Hi Guys - Many thanks for all the comments relating to my opening, and first, post on the Thai Visa Forum. Bearing in mind I currently claim no benefits from the UK it would appear I would only be breaking any law if I did not tell UK revenue authorities once I draw down state pension in 9 years time. As previously stated I do currently receive company pension paid in the UK on which I pay, and am happy to pay. UK tax so see no benefit to either myself or UK authorities of telling them of my current status.

No you would not, no laws being broken,it is an entitlement not a benefit.#

Now just a guesstimate,yes a guesstimate,I have studied this situation for a number of years and from observations of more that a hundred individuals I figure,not even ten of them are frozen. My friend here for 30 odd years all unfrozen until his death,DWP wanted 3 years of winter fuel off him when informed ,no penalties.

Up to you,but I have no fear,not one bit. Now look at it another way those percentage increases year on year are worth having,not having them would be sickening to the point of leaving Thailand

Just one small point to NB,

If you don't yet have your 35 years of NI payments, telling them you are out of the UK, self employed and working overseas, means you can buy more NI years at 250GBP/year.

But still no reason to say you are in Thailand, USA, France, Spain, etc. are all more to your benefit (to avoid future problems you understand).

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whistling.gif Not that this is completely relevant to what you are talking about, but let me tell you what the U.S. government does.

If you are receiving a U.S. government old age pension, Social Security as we call it, you will annually receive a form that you must fill out and return if you are overseas.

If you do not respond to that form they will begin the process of sending notifications to your mailing address that they have on file. If you still do not respond they will after a few requests ask the U.S. embassy in whatever country they have you living in on file.

If they can't locate you the Social Security will send you a notice of suspension of your pension unless you notify them by a stated date. Of course that notice is to the mailing address they have on file.

If that stated date passes and you still have not responded, they can then suspend your pension.

Note this is only for your government pension, not a private one.

I had it happen to me, but the D_ _ _heads in the Social Security failed to file my change of address form .... and therefore my new mailing address was never filed with the international pension office people. (the ones that mail the pension checks).

Took me over six months to get it re-instated, although it was THEIR error.

  • Like 2

whistling.gif Not that this is completely relevant to what you are talking about, but let me tell you what the U.S. government does.

If you are receiving a U.S. government old age pension, Social Security as we call it, you will annually receive a form that you must fill out and return if you are overseas.

If you do not respond to that form they will begin the process of sending notifications to your mailing address that they have on file. If you still do not respond they will after a few requests ask the U.S. embassy in whatever country they have you living in on file.

If they can't locate you the Social Security will send you a notice of suspension of your pension unless you notify them by a stated date. Of course that notice is to the mailing address they have on file.

If that stated date passes and you still have not responded, they can then suspend your pension.

Note this is only for your government pension, not a private one.

I had it happen to me, but the D_ _ _heads in the Social Security failed to file my change of address form .... and therefore my new mailing address was never filed with the international pension office people. (the ones that mail the pension checks).

Took me over six months to get it re-instated, although it was THEIR error.

Mail sent to my home address is scanned and emailed to me the same day.

Replies are scanned (if forms enclosed), emailed back, printed and posted from my home address next day.

It's not hard to keep your home country address current and responsive.


Deluded, I mean really!

Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.


Deluded, I mean really!

Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.

The 2M forms they get returned each day, I don't think anyone cares or checks.

Not to mention all the forms are usually available online for you to download and print yourself.

Shame you won't be reading my reply.


Deluded, I mean really!

Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.

Now I deduce,yes there is something to deduce from this. Whatever form (or spanner) is sent to a home country address from an authority/dept/whatever , being US or UK,it is received in that relevant country by AN other,with the full understanding and co-operation of the intended recipient

AN other then scans the form,sends it to the relevant individual by email,who then sends the completed form back to AN other for final copying and completion (not a spanner,of course) and of course mails it onwards


Deluded, I mean really!

Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.

Now I deduce,yes there is something to deduce from this. Whatever form (or spanner) is sent to a home country address from an authority/dept/whatever , being US or UK,it is received in that relevant country by AN other,with the full understanding and co-operation of the intended recipient

AN other then scans the form,sends it to the relevant individual by email,who then sends the completed form back to AN other for final copying and completion (not a spanner,of course) and of course mails it onwards


Here, chill out with this, it may help you relax (though doubtful):


Deluded, I mean really!

Do you seriously think that government departments do not/will not, understand the difference between an original and a copied form.

I thought you were becoming more sensible, seems not, back on to ignore status you go. Bye.

Now I deduce,yes there is something to deduce from this. Whatever form (or spanner) is sent to a home country address from an authority/dept/whatever , being US or UK,it is received in that relevant country by AN other,with the full understanding and co-operation of the intended recipient

AN other then scans the form,sends it to the relevant individual by email,who then sends the completed form back to AN other for final copying and completion (not a spanner,of course) and of course mails it onwards


Here, chill out with this, it may help you relax (though doubtful):

May look at this later. Best fight by a mile think the 60s, could be the 70s Sugar Ray and that white guy,always kept his face protected by his arm,not fist. Fascinated viewing


Now most of the above ,the doomsters, know nothing,just crap pours forth.

The OAP is an entitlement ,not a benefit, if and a big IF,they may suspect anything and believe me ,they are not interested in OAP,{ quote ]

Correct ... it is those people claiming benefits , who should err ,,

give notification that they are leaving the UK for more than 3 weeks .

The Thai economy values the monies from the UK lame and lazy brigade , on benefits .clap2.gif


Now most of the above ,the doomsters, know nothing,just crap pours forth.

The OAP is an entitlement ,not a benefit, if and a big IF,they may suspect anything and believe me ,they are not interested in OAP,they will send a letter asking if you are in or out,you can say you are out and they will ask how long? reply 2 months,but coming back. They do not know where you are in the world

Do not get involved with the bloody stupid doomsters they know nothing, ignore them British embassy could not get a head count on Brits in Thailand as no one owned up,Thai immigration knows,but will not give details,

Wow!! you do talk a lot of cobblers, may this year we arrived in UK after 18 years in Australia on our way to spain via a 4 month stop in Germany, for the 8 weeks we were in uk we did not bother getting the rates changed on our OAP, did not seem worth the hassle, when we informed Newcastle in july of our german address, Newcastle informed us that we were entitled to an extra 44pounds a week for the 8 weeks we were in uk, they had been notified of our arrival in uk by immigration, it seems this is now common practise to automatically inform the pension agencies twice a month,this is the age of the computer everyone is traceablecheesy.gif


You did state an "allowance" earlier too,unusual terminology for someone on OAP. This to my mind would suggest ESA (employment and support allowance),jobseekers allowance,even attendance allowance,could even be housing benefit allowance.

Pension credits(would that be an allowance?)

Now I agree the DWP would be far more determined in your case

#13 are we back on the residency tax again,or what?

Almost everything these days is classed as a benefit,yes even your State Pension,and most certainly Pension Credits! Look up Benefits on DWP!


Now most of the above ,the doomsters, know nothing,just crap pours forth.

The OAP is an entitlement ,not a benefit, if and a big IF,they may suspect anything and believe me ,they are not interested in OAP,they will send a letter asking if you are in or out,you can say you are out and they will ask how long? reply 2 months,but coming back. They do not know where you are in the world

Do not get involved with the bloody stupid doomsters they know nothing, ignore them British embassy could not get a head count on Brits in Thailand as no one owned up,Thai immigration knows,but will not give details,

Wow!! you do talk a lot of cobblers, may this year we arrived in UK after 18 years in Australia on our way to spain via a 4 month stop in Germany, for the 8 weeks we were in uk we did not bother getting the rates changed on our OAP, did not seem worth the hassle, when we informed Newcastle in july of our german address, Newcastle informed us that we were entitled to an extra 44pounds a week for the 8 weeks we were in uk, they had been notified of our arrival in uk by immigration, it seems this is now common practise to automatically inform the pension agencies twice a month,this is the age of the computer everyone is traceablecheesy.gif

Right good one


You did state an "allowance" earlier too,unusual terminology for someone on OAP. This to my mind would suggest ESA (employment and support allowance),jobseekers allowance,even attendance allowance,could even be housing benefit allowance.

Pension credits(would that be an allowance?)

Now I agree the DWP would be far more determined in your case

#13 are we back on the residency tax again,or what?

Almost everything these days is classed as a benefit,yes even your State Pension,and most certainly Pension Credits! Look up Benefits on DWP!

Good one no need


Wow!! you do talk a lot of cobblers, may this year we arrived in UK after 18 years in Australia on our way to spain via a 4 month stop in Germany, for the 8 weeks we were in uk we did not bother getting the rates changed on our OAP, did not seem worth the hassle, when we informed Newcastle in july of our german address, Newcastle informed us that we were entitled to an extra 44pounds a week for the 8 weeks we were in uk, they had been notified of our arrival in uk by immigration, it seems this is now common practise to automatically inform the pension agencies twice a month,this is the age of the computer everyone is traceable:cheesy:

They might have known you were in the UK for 8 weeks.

They didn't know where you had been, or where you had gone, until you told them.

People assume their government knows much about them, in reality, it's their own loose lips that give the information away.

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Now most of the above ,the doomsters, know nothing,just crap pours forth.

The OAP is an entitlement ,not a benefit, if and a big IF,they may suspect anything and believe me ,they are not interested in OAP,they will send a letter asking if you are in or out,you can say you are out and they will ask how long? reply 2 months,but coming back. They do not know where you are in the world

Do not get involved with the bloody stupid doomsters they know nothing, ignore them British embassy could not get a head count on Brits in Thailand as no one owned up,Thai immigration knows,but will not give details,

Wow!! you do talk a lot of cobblers, may this year we arrived in UK after 18 years in Australia on our way to spain via a 4 month stop in Germany, for the 8 weeks we were in uk we did not bother getting the rates changed on our OAP, did not seem worth the hassle, when we informed Newcastle in july of our german address, Newcastle informed us that we were entitled to an extra 44pounds a week for the 8 weeks we were in uk, they had been notified of our arrival in uk by immigration, it seems this is now common practise to automatically inform the pension agencies twice a month,this is the age of the computer everyone is traceablecheesy.gif

So they can trace a pensioner but not terrorists coming and going to fight for ISIS ,amazing . perhaps the pension service should take over from the secret services

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  • 6 years later...
On 10/1/2014 at 7:03 PM, gerry123 said:

i did not say it was a benefit i hoped i made it clear that they were different as to the rest or your comment you are talking out of your backside

I had a  friend who was on the social and got grassed up that he was here for months . so worried ,flew back had interview ,told load of lies to them ,result ,nothing happened.

On 10/2/2014 at 8:59 AM, loppylugs1 said:

..and I paid 44 ,bloody sickening

i paid  32  then the <deleted>  changed it  to 35

On 10/22/2020 at 7:22 PM, bert bloggs said:

I had a  friend who was on the social and got grassed up that he was here for months . so worried ,flew back had interview ,told load of lies to them ,result ,nothing happened.


On 10/22/2020 at 7:47 PM, bodga said:

i paid  32  then the <deleted>  changed it  to 35

You desperate to increase your post counts or something?

Otherwise why would you resurrect a 6 year old thread with these disparate comments......:crazy:

49 minutes ago, topt said:


You desperate to increase your post counts or something?

Otherwise why would you resurrect a 6 year old thread with these disparate comments......:crazy:

I didnt resurect it,is it that old?

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