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Koh Tao murders: Myanmar worker confesses killing British tourists


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Also the person who claims these couple couldn't be having sex because they were never seen being together - can you please explain this photo why are they sitting at the same table? jsut because they didn't seem to be together in the CCTV doesnt mean they can't be together else where.


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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

What nationality was the guy who raped the 13 year old girl and then threw her out of the train window?

Or are there other reasons you choose to be blind to the possibility that a Thai person could commit such a cold hearted crime?

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It's possible that the confessed killer really did the deed. However, the waters have been so muddied, the evidence so contaminated and the credibility, such as it ever was, of the RTP so sullied, that we'll probably never be sure. And that is likely the outcome desired by the powers that be. Obfuscate, obfuscate until nobody knows black from white, right from wrong, good from evil. That is the Thai way.

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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

..but a Thai can rape a young girl, kill her and throw her from a train?

You have zero credibility here.

Best you leave.

Of offer a female Dutch tourist a ride, then take her to a Cassava field and rape her...

The first act of contrition is taking responsibility for your actions... Something Thais know nothing about...

And a Thai man in Karon raped a Russian woman a few nights ago. Rape and violence is seriously common in Thailand. More often Thai on Thai but enough tourists raped in the last 6 months to make ganthai's remarks as ridiculous as they are obviously untrue.

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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

Because the honest and hardworking RTP have been known to beat confessions out of suspects in the past.

Because of the chaotic shambles of an investigation and contradictory police statements to date

I hope they have got ONE of the guilty perps. Unfortunately whatever they announce now is suspect and confessions are often withdrawn in court.

If these Burmese were working at AC Bar, how come their DNA was not tested on first day?

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If any of you really cared about those two poor kids you wouldn't still be in Thailand. Like me you would leave in protest, remember your money keeps the wheels oiled and those responsible for this atrocity in a job. No doubt you'll be just as outraged when the next murder happens and no doubt all you'll ever do is talk about how bad things have become and yet do nothing but sit on a bar stool and complain. Ultimately your money provides the fuel; why not show the families your true feelings of disgust and leave - frankly depriving the Thais of your money is the least you can do and if enough of you did it then it would show those poor families just how angry you are that they lost their children.

You can thank your lucky stars it wasn't your child but it could be next time. It really is time to pack your bags and find another country that doesn't treat every foreigner like a piece of meat to be used, abused, murdered or simply scammed.

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Also the person who claims these couple couldn't be having sex because they were never seen being together - can you please explain this photo why are they sitting at the same table? jsut because they didn't seem to be together in the CCTV doesnt mean they can't be together else where.


Hannah's friend Emma said Hannah and David left the bar together between 3 & 4 am.

Hannah's friend Lucy said David was 'smitten' with Hannah

David told his friend Chris that he was going out to get cigarettes but he ended up going to meet Emma and Hannah.

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I though DNA testing showed that the two British people didn't have sex with each other. So how could this guy have seen what police say din't happen. Something doesn't add up.

Something doesnt add up? I think you forgot an s making something into plural .. Many many things in this case doesn't add up... except the predictable way this is being covered up / framed on non-thais.

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So much cynicism here. There are loads of unsolved murder cases in all of your home countries and I don't see any threads complaining about the UK "Keystone cops".

Natalie Holloway (sp?) the US student who was murdered many years ago and the police there and in the Netherlands don't have a clue.

The police in Koh Tao are investigating a crime, they went down the wrong path a couple times but they kept investigating and now they have someone in custody who confessed.

What kind of deal are they going to make to an innocent person who confesses to rape and multiple murder who will be executed if found guilty. How could they coerce someone to confess, what could they threat to do that's worse than a firing squad ? Unless the accused is a serial confessor to crimes he didn't commit, I'd tend to believe his confession.

Wait for the "DNT" (sic) tests and other forensic work to cone in before you posit your own complicated conspiracy theories, unless you don't mind being told "I told you so" by the other people here.

Lets take a few things into account here shall we.

1. The crime scene was a shambles, any murder crime scene should be handled with great care and cornered off because you only get one shot at obtaining evidence.

2. The police let (at the time) key suspects go without taking DNA and who had injuries

3. The police accused a fellow Brit to the victims of being the murderer because he was, in their opinion a homosexual.

4. The authorities literally said 'a Thai could not have committed this crime' early on in the investigation

5. The general had that famous comment that he said and which he had to apologize for, the one about wearing bikinis will get you raped and killed.

6. It took the police more than a week before they started to DNA sample Koh Tao

I am probably forgetting many more points but this is not a decent murder investigation, it is not even a half assed one, it is a shambles and a cover up full of corruption.

One of the most pertinent points is that the island survives purely on tourism. 3/4 families run the island. Burmese are treated like scum and 2nd rate citizens. Does anybody in their right mind believe that on a tiny island that survives from tourism and is run by 3/4 families, that they would let this drag on if it was Burmese. The island has had 3 weeks of devastating press & LOSING money, the most important thing to any Thai.

Plus, the post mortem said David put up a fight. Could a Burmese man or two (with wounds) not turn up for work for a week or so & not be noted by the local families! I'm pretty sure if the lackies didn't turn up for work there would be a knock on their shacks & they would have been thrown to the police!! They can't just do a runner to Bangkok and pay for various alibis and lawyers

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I just don't think a 21 year old could carry out such a brutal attack. I dont believe for a second Hannah and David were doing anything. His dna was not found on her. Also this attack seemed to have been planned, as the hoe must have been taken to the beach. But mostly what about the guy who is wearing Davids shorts.

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Police chief Somyos rushes to Samui following suspect's confession

BANGKOK: -- Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyos Pumphanmuang is leaving Bangkok for Koh Tao at 5 pm Thursday after a Myanmar worker "confessed" he killed two British tourists on the island.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Police-chief-Somyos-rushes-to-Samui-following-susp-30244631.html

Why has Nation Multimedia put quotation marks around the word CONFESS?

Are they trying to suggest something?

UK news channels are reporting it as a man 'apparently' confessed to the murders

Seems many people are not really convinced about this...

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I though DNA testing showed that the two British people didn't have sex with each other. So how could this guy have seen what police say din't happen. Something doesn't add up.

Have you ever had sex? Sexual interaction doesn't always include intercourse, also it doesn't necessary means that they were penetrating.

Now correct me if I'm wrong- but I believe sperm may not even be presence yet even at the start of intercourse, let's say of the man hasn't yet produce lubricant or and secretion. That would make sperm staining very unlikely.

Presence of sperm should confirm that they are having 'sex', but the absence of it doesn't neccesarily mean that they aren't. They could be having oral, foreplay, getting naked etc.

I want the police to catch the real murder as much as all of you do, and I can see why you think that these Burmese guys could be a scape goat- but many opinions on here are extremely prejudice towards the Thais and have biased your opinion.

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So much cynicism here. There are loads of unsolved murder cases in all of your home countries and I don't see any threads complaining about the UK "Keystone cops".

Natalie Holloway (sp?) the US student who was murdered many years ago and the police there and in the Netherlands don't have a clue.

The police in Koh Tao are investigating a crime, they went down the wrong path a couple times but they kept investigating and now they have someone in custody who confessed.

What kind of deal are they going to make to an innocent person who confesses to rape and multiple murder who will be executed if found guilty. How could they coerce someone to confess, what could they threat to do that's worse than a firing squad ? Unless the accused is a serial confessor to crimes he didn't commit, I'd tend to believe his confession.

Wait for the "DNT" (sic) tests and other forensic work to cone in before you posit your own complicated conspiracy theories, unless you don't mind being told "I told you so" by the other people here.

The ironic thing is all the arm chair detectives falling over themselves weaving theory after theory on mere scraps of second or third hand information, rumors and other baseless theories from other people disbelieving, complaining about the way the investigation has been carried.

Which has been a clusterf##k, but people living in glass houses shouldn't cast stones and all that.

Heaven's forbid people would wait for evidence before arriving to conclusions. Confirming the identity of the killers is as simple as having a third party run the DNA tests independently, and will, in all probability, be done in due time.

But no, already 10 pages of people deciding it's all a stitch up, if it would be up to these people they would have already lynched the first persons that looked suspicious and be done with it.

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B o y c o t t --- K o. T a o

Hannah Witheridge and David Miller deserve real justice. We shall never forget this unjust, corrupt case and we all know who did this. Until Mon and Worat are behind bars we shall forever boycott your gangster run island.

Agree, sounds like I need to join Trip Advisor and we all let the travellers know Saree beach is not a place to head if you want to keep your head..

I've heard of Police doing randon drug tests on the mainland in Phuket...

Any one know how long would Ya Ba stay in the system?

Could we have some drug tests on all down there in Koh Tao,

especially the cop who was photographed with Mon by sean, his eyes, wow...looked to be flying..

So come on Junta, if you're serious please clean this place up.....

Ya ba is the reason this happened...people quickly become lunatics on that crap!!!!

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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

Considering the drama in the investigation so far, I'm not 100% convinced, and probably never will be. Even with DNA test-results I would be sceptical because it would be easy to pamper the results at this point.

I have no faith in the investigation after they stated "a thai person would never do such thing." They lost all credibility after that.

And that of course is exactly what you went on to say here today, because great minds think a like.....It's a ridiculous statement. Grow up.

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So much cynicism here. There are loads of unsolved murder cases in all of your home countries and I don't see any threads complaining about the UK "Keystone cops".

Natalie Holloway (sp?) the US student who was murdered many years ago and the police there and in the Netherlands don't have a clue.

The police in Koh Tao are investigating a crime, they went down the wrong path a couple times but they kept investigating and now they have someone in custody who confessed.

What kind of deal are they going to make to an innocent person who confesses to rape and multiple murder who will be executed if found guilty. How could they coerce someone to confess, what could they threat to do that's worse than a firing squad ? Unless the accused is a serial confessor to crimes he didn't commit, I'd tend to believe his confession.

Wait for the "DNT" (sic) tests and other forensic work to cone in before you posit your own complicated conspiracy theories, unless you don't mind being told "I told you so" by the other people here.

The ironic thing is all the arm chair detectives falling over themselves weaving theory after theory on mere scraps of second or third hand information, rumors and other baseless theories from other people disbelieving, complaining about the way the investigation has been carried.

Which has been a clusterf##k, but people living in glass houses shouldn't cast stones and all that.

Heaven's forbid people would wait for evidence before arriving to conclusions. Confirming the identity of the killers is as simple as having a third party run the DNA tests independently, and will, in all probability, be done in due time.

But no, already 10 pages of people deciding it's all a stitch up, if it would be up to these people they would have already lynched the first persons that looked suspicious and be done with it.

http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060 <-- maybe you missed this

it's common sense to think that this was a framing...

Edited by hobz
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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

Never heard of an innocent person confessing to a crime after being tortured, water borded, severly beaten promised money for their loved ones if confess?

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Maw saw Win ?

This must be a get up. How can a police force of a civilized sovereign country come up with such an unplauseable story and expect the world to believe it. Thailand. U are a disgrace to the global community.

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

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