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Koh Tao murders: Myanmar worker confesses killing British tourists

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how did they make them confess? beating? torture? e-shock? threat of familyß

More subtle than that... a big fat baht bung (paid by the island chief) for the poor sap's poverty stricken family in Myanmar and a promise of an early release following sentencing, once all the international fuss has died down

yeah, and who guarantees that any money will be paid in the end and the scapegoat not rotting in jail forever?

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For heavens sake, you people are the saddest most miserable people I have ever come across. What meaningless, boring and sad lives you must lead. The police have got someone, they werent Thai, get used to it.

Are we sick to detect 'scapegoat' written all over this announcement? If you've followed this case since the crime happened, you may see this 'confession' is probably forced, and possibly paid for.

Andy lines mirror reporter tweet 2 hrs ago

Contact just emailed from island to express concern at "scapegoat" situation. Lets hope Thai police have DNA back up as well as confession.

Even if DNA doesn't match, cops have a fall-back position. They can say the Burmese man/men went in to a rage and killed the two young healthy Brits after seeing her having sex (consensual or not). It's an unreal scenario but reality is not what this is about. It's about framing some poor Burmese (who can't afford attorneys) in order to let the real suspects (related to village headman) slip away to safety.

Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

o no a Thai could not do this ,BULLSHIT,


I'm friends with some people still on Koh Tao, long term expats and I have just seen that that also believe the same as most in this thread - this is a really appalling attempt to frame some Burmese so the police can try and close the case. I think this is a truly shocking turn of events and independent police / experts need to see the evidence etc sad.png

On Richard Barrows twitter account someone suggests that the suspect is just being questioned, until DNA results return there is no way to 100% say the Bernese guy did it.

Let's wait for tomorrow's press conference to make sure.

By the way, a little lite hum our was all I wanted in previous posts due to such a tense case. I'm not drunk.

That's what I was hoping. I've liked your postings during this investigation.


According to latest news from PBS all three have confessed to the murders coffee1.gif

Trash newspaper. Last week they had the 'family' arrested.


Also, in today's Post, there are 2 recent photos of the scapegoat. Police claim the one in the convenience store (prior to murders) is the same Cho as the other. Yet one photo shows a young man with light skin and straight hair. The convenience store photo shows a dark-skinned man with a frizzy mini-afro. There are more holes in the recent accusations than a ton of swiss cheese.


Gangthai is completely right.....you all moan about injustice and how bad Thailand is and you won't accept when a suspect confesses to a crime...what more do the Thai Police have to do?.....pathetic farang that want to live in Thailand and criticize Thailand forever.

Can you not accept the positives of Thailand?

Beautiful country, wonderful religion, wonderful King, best food, most illustrious history, friendly people, beautiful culture, amazing Thailand......why do you only bitch about Thailand?

Can you not see the corruption and badness in any other country?

I am truly blessed to live in the best country in the world and to respect Thai law and to abide by Thai law.....I don't understand the moaning and griping.....if you don't like Thai law....go back to your country...if you love Thailand stay and be respectful of the wonderful culture and kindness of the most amazing people in the world....you can be pathetic and criticize but Thailand is Number One and always will be

Tim - Human beings are capable of both finding beauty and wonderful things/people/places/culture/art in a country and finding fault in a murder investigation. Human beings can find fault with other countries, including corruption, and ALSO see it in Thailand. It isn't an either-or prospect. And using the term "pathetic farang" doesn't make you seem friendly, or open minded, at all.

Hey Tim, are you on Krak ? Illustrious history ? that one point alone shows what you know about Thai history...... My wife's Thai, and when i explained that Buddha was an Indian, she went ballistic on me ! ( I will not write what she said for the sake of decency) Every country and people have their good and bad points, but please don't white wash history, leave that to the locals........ ( Are you Thai by any chance?) Look up the word collaboration, and the effect it had on the Burmese leader Aung San..... Illustrious history ????????? Very lucky the Yanks stopped the Brits going down to Bkk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


It is possible they are not confessing and the police are lying

Not possible. Probable. And whether they are confessing or not, the real question remains, was the confession obtained legally, and without coercion, pressure, torture, or harassment?



"Mr Miller's family said they had been particularly touched by vigils held by people on Koh Tao"

In the midst of all the Thai bashing this is a good image to keep in mind.

This act is just because of the fear that the ghosts of Hannah and David could do some retaliation to the thais.......


Gangthai is completely right.....you all moan about injustice and how bad Thailand is and you won't accept when a suspect confesses to a crime...what more do the Thai Police have to do?.....pathetic farang that want to live in Thailand and criticize Thailand forever.

Can you not accept the positives of Thailand?

Beautiful country, wonderful religion, wonderful King, best food, most illustrious history, friendly people, beautiful culture, amazing Thailand......why do you only bitch about Thailand?

Can you not see the corruption and badness in any other country?

I am truly blessed to live in the best country in the world and to respect Thai law and to abide by Thai law.....I don't understand the moaning and griping.....if you don't like Thai law....go back to your country...if you love Thailand stay and be respectful of the wonderful culture and kindness of the most amazing people in the world....you can be pathetic and criticize but Thailand is Number One and always will be

... harharhar ... looool ... holy funk, rarely read this much of steaming bullschlassach this early without even having an adequate smoke beforehand, now that's fairly tough i say ...

> ... best country, most amazing people, no. 1 in the world ...< ??!, 555, 5555555 ... gawd, that a good one, indeed, 55555555 ...

=> this is probably based on your extensive experience with / in other peoples / countries then, yes ...?!

==> just dream on you fairy & don't be too surprised when the bed is all wet when you wake up, you should be used to anyway ... loooool ... etc.


A little surprised the suspects did not get shoot while trying to escape, only one side to the story then.

don't bring them on "useful" ideas for the next time

now we have to be prepared for some "suicides"

didn't the Thai policeman say to Sean "you will hang yourself and we shall see you hanging" ?


I have followed this fairly closely, my heart goes out to the families of those two Brits, bright stars with all their lives ahead of them, tragically and needlessly cut short.

I can only hope this whole thing isn't a massive fit up for these ill educated workers.

I also hope the DNA testing is totally independent and beyond the reach of the Thai police.

It does smack of a huge cover up and a convenient ending now, Foreign workers, case now 98% closed, all comparmentalised, and all baggage neatly tucked away.

CSI Thai style, with a large helping of corruption and need to FIND a killer/s

Words fail me, I just hope 3 innocent men with all their lives ahead of them aren't being stitched up for a crime they know nothing about.

While real murderers are out there with a smug look on their faces.



"Mr Miller's family said they had been particularly touched by vigils held by people on Koh Tao"

In the midst of all the Thai bashing this is a good image to keep in mind.

This act is just because of the fear that the ghosts of Hannah and David could do some retaliation to the thais.......

How can they be sure that the ghosts will not do their retaliation until the real murderers are brought to justice ?


we all know is it a set up of the Burmese guys.....!!!!

I guess the Thai police will be splitting up the reward money that has been offered.....13,000 English pounds!

What a disgrace!!!

WHERE is the UK government in this corrupt process after the murder of UK nationals!

Bye Bye Thailand...I am completely over you my old friend. I will be spreading the word also about you.....and it ain't going to be good.

And where is YOUR evidence this is a set up as you claim?! Maybe stop watching thai soap operas on television and you will see things a little clearer.

Some folk are just unable to admit they were quite possibly wrong in their assumptions and are unable to give credit where it is due.

In this case, the RTP deserve a "well done chaps" for following through with their procedures and not giving up!

Lets see the video of the confessions then. On youtube, with a certified English translation. Or at least show the vid to the many journos covering the case.


It is hard to really believe this guy has willingly confessed. I hope it is not a forced confession.

Why is it hard to believe?.........If you had comitted a crime, were in custody waiting for DNA results, then unless you believe in miracles you'd be pretty much goosed.

Because I have been suspicious for days now that the Thai police may have substituted the semen found in the victim with semen from some guys who've never been near the island. Then nobody's, especially anyone important on the island's DNA would match.

If they have substituted DNA, they could also substitute samples they take from "perps" to make a match. Bingo.


What is the real moral to this story? Well, one of them is that we are not going to see any meaningful change, to the fabric of Thai society. Many of us were incredibly hopeful that we would see some positive changes. And I think it is quite possible that Prayuth, and his top guys have their hearts in the right places, and want to see this change take place. Many expats, and many Thais really want to see progress, and want to see this country moving forward into this century. Yes, we will see some land crimes solved, and some illegal beach vendors removed. But, in terms of dealing with the massive corruption issues, the kind of power guys like the headman of Koh Tao have, and their ability to abuse that power, and positive changes at an institutional level, and at a national level, where it really counts, many of us now doubt it will happen. This case proves, that many are still above the law, and even the Army cannot touch them. That is the devastating moral to this story. A very disappointing outcome indeed.

ironryon, on 02 Oct 2014 - 19:00, said:

DNT ??? Lol <deleted> they can't even get the basics right

Why are so many focusing on "DNT", haven't any of you, just for a second, considered it a typo..... geez.

...with a proof reader that can read.... possible once.... but twice in the same article ...... should not happen unless as usual , someone asleep at the wheel and just living up to the image of what a reporter/editor should appear to be....but not caring enough to really work at it.


ironryon, on 02 Oct 2014 - 19:00, said:

DNT ??? Lol <deleted> they can't even get the basics right

Why are so many focusing on "DNT", haven't any of you, just for a second, considered it a typo..... geez.

Yes typo. Is meant to be... TNT ...


To all of you, my friends, who are screaming for DNA tests and at the same time implying that the police are totally making this up, my question is : who would do the testing and the double-checking ? the answer, obviously, is : the police.

Now, how can you believe for one second that Thai authorities would bring outside experts into this, as it would obviously be an inconceivable admission of the crooked way things go around here and within the venerable institution known as RTP ? Nations don't do that, they don't shoot themselves in the foot. Not this nation, not any other nation. Even if someone with a true conscience (I'm sure there are quite a few) and whose authority is higher than that of the police is deeply appalled by the whole process, they will not bring in foreign experts whose conclusions might jeopardize the image of the country, both inside and outside. It's called 'national interest' or 'national security'.

So... we are strangely left to' hope' that these Burmese guys actually committed those horrible murders, because if they didn't, the world is that much scarier and dirtier all of a sudden.


Highly predictable BS,

My girlfriend was looking at the Thai reports on one of the Thai language news forums, guess what?, hundreds of replies all from Thai people that are all saying the same - complete and utter BS!!, the vast majority of them seem to think the headman and his family are at the root of this crime as well!

I feel sick!

Good to hear the Thai people have enough sense to smell utter and complete BS when confronted with it. My heart goes out to these obviously innocent Burmese guys that were framed. And to their families. Shame on the Thai police for not having the courage to arrest the true perp. And shame on the army for not doing the right thing here. With this incident alone, they conveyed to millions, that there is a lot of doubt they are willing to rock the boat, and upset the apple cart.
Yes, it is heartening to know that many Thais are seeing this press release as a load of gee kwai (bullshit). I dearly hope that, when this frame-up is shown to be forced, that all cops from top brass on down who were involved in the 3-hour 'interrogation' are stripped of their rank. Also, if/when it's proved the village headman has been so active (with money and threats) in screwing the investigation that he will be charged with 'obstruction of justice' and punished. However, I don't think there's a rule re; obstruction of justice in Thailand. I know it's not illegal here to 'harbor a criminal.' Similar to when it was found out, recently, that Thailand has no laws re; 'deadbeat dads' nor 'men hiring women to make babies for sale', Thailand needs to yank its justice system out of the 19th century and in to the 21st.

Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

I thought trolling was against forum rules ?


Gangthai is completely right.....you all moan about injustice and how bad Thailand is and you won't accept when a suspect confesses to a crime...what more do the Thai Police have to do?.....pathetic farang that want to live in Thailand and criticize Thailand forever.

Can you not accept the positives of Thailand?

Beautiful country, wonderful religion, wonderful King, best food, most illustrious history, friendly people, beautiful culture, amazing Thailand......why do you only bitch about Thailand?

Can you not see the corruption and badness in any other country?

I am truly blessed to live in the best country in the world and to respect Thai law and to abide by Thai law.....I don't understand the moaning and griping.....if you don't like Thai law....go back to your country...if you love Thailand stay and be respectful of the wonderful culture and kindness of the most amazing people in the world....you can be pathetic and criticize but Thailand is Number One and always will be

Most racist people in the world


Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

I thought trolling was against forum rules ?

The troll is no longer a member of Thai Visa.


Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

A Thai person could never rape a young girl on a train and throw her body out the window either......

Of course not. That was a Burmese guy in a "Thai nationality disguise".


A little surprised the suspects did not get shoot while trying to escape, only one side to the story then.

Now come on...... you know you cannot allow that to happen before the photo op ! ! ! ....and this one ought to be a duzy

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