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DNA samples from two Myanmar workers match with those collected from British victim


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That will be another two "rich" Burmese families on the ever-growing list of Thai "donations".

You are joking aren't you?

The Burmese will not get anything other than a promise that a confession will result in a life sentence instead of death. All the dosh will have been shared among witnesses, lab assistants, CCTV doctors and most importantly, the police.

Pay money to Burmese workers? Never has such a thing happened, nor shall it.

The only consolation is that the Headmans family may now be considerably poorer.

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So does this mean that they weren't tested the first time around? When they tested so many Burmese? They didn't test three Burmese that worked in the bar where the deceased had been right before they were murdered??!!!?!! Why wasn't there a match the first time around??

coz it's a made-up story... stinks like hell

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What I read here from reactions is that no one has any faith in the Thai Police. This is one of the route problems here in Thailand and is directly linked to corruption. If you cannot have faith in your police force then you do not have faith in the system as a whole

This is one of the routes that must be pulled out and replanted or it will continue to Choke Thai society

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Apparently the word on the street from the Thai & Expat locals down on the islands, who agree that the real culprits are the local mafiaso families, and are at frustration point because they seem to wielding enough power to push the boys in brown & in green around. (and the media) That's scary!, I really hope we are all wrong, but there is a big stinky rat in there somewhere.

Yep, this is what I am hearing too. Reports of locals being too scared to come forward with information basically confirms this. It makes no logical sense why the locals would be too scared to come forward with information on a lowly Burmese bartender.

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No matter what dog'n'pony show they put on I think we all know it is BS. Push for independent confirmation collected and evaluated OUTSIDE THAILAND.


the wife said that Thai TV said the DNA was sent to Singapore for testing. i haven't heard anything about that in the English press

Hmm - well, *somebody's* dna was sent for testing - no guarantee it actually came from the myanmar workers.

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That was remarkably quick...

"DNA tests can take a long time, but if you have quality DNA, and you do ordinary marker testing, the kind nearly always done, the process usually takes five to seven days from the moment the process starts.

The process can also be "pushed," if it's urgent enough, as it sometimes is in a serious criminal or medical case, and all the DNA results usually needed for forensic evidence or medical treatment can be obtained within seventy-two hours.

The lab our local police uses almost never takes longer than seven days to return results, though one case about a year back did take twice this long because the DNA wasn't of very high quality. I don't think a test has ever come back in three days, but I know results have been obtained in four days on several occasions.

Ethnicity can't actually be determined from DNA testing, no matter what tests you run. All that can be determined is probable ethnicity, which is why on such shows as CSI, the report always comes back with the word "probable." These probabilities are often remarkably accurate, and far too often, completely wrong.

Nor can age be determined through DNA testing.

Gender can nearly always be determined, but rare circumstances can even throw this off.

Assuming the DNA sample has not degraded to a high extent, or has not been contaminated, everything a criminal investigation needs or can use will be returned with the five to seven day test, and pretty much everything a medical case can use will also be returned with a five to seven day test."

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So does this mean that they weren't tested the first time around? When they tested so many Burmese? They didn't test three Burmese that worked in the bar where the deceased had been right before they were murdered??!!!?!! Why wasn't there a match the first time around??

This! Repeat 100 times.

Is there any journalist in this country willing to ask the blatantly obvious questions or do they all just print whatever the higher ups tell them?

The FBI confirmed that the semen was from an Asian correct? To put a rest to all this (and to prove that the police are just massively incompetent rather than horribly, horribly corrupt), let the FBI visit with these three men, collect DNA samples, and tell us all if there is a match.

Until then, this appears so wrong in so many ways.

What does the FBI have to do with any of this ??? The victims were British, for goodness sake !!!!

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Think about this...

So what if they say it was Burmese. The RTP let them in and provided ZERO safety for tourists. Spin that TAT morons. Vacation anywhere else and save money and your life.

The TAT is same same Vegas, but a little different.

What happens in Thailand stays dead in Thailand.

Shame on these bad people.

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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(Video) game, set (up) and (DNA) match! tongue.png

By the way, according to the local authorities, DNA analysis proved without doubt that one of those Burmese workers was actually Jack The Ripper, that the second was involved in the assassination of JFK while the third is going to be promptly charged of the murders of Mohammad al-Ruwaili and three officials from the Saudi Embassy that went to Bangkok to investigate in the case known as the Blue Diamond Affair.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just one question:

Why would the actual killers still stay after all this time they had to flee?

If a person was there one minute and gone the next, in the middle of a murder investigation, would that not appear very suspicious especially if they had jobs?

Hide in plain sight..........wink.png

Correct, but you would expect that after the 1st round of dna collecting they would flee.

If they have half a brain that is, but people committing a crime like this do not possess a normal working brain. Otherwise they would have also hidden the murder weapons at least!

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Excellent news. Now what will it take to convince the skeptics on TV?

Excellent news. Now what will it take to convince the skeptics on TV? all over the world!!!

As you have probably had your head in the sand, the Thais don't believe it either. If you had bothered to learn to read Thai, then you would know this

Thais (and people all over the world) believe all sort of nonsense, it doesn't make it true.

The truth is not a matter of beliefs, it's about facts and evidence, and if the evidence (DNA, witnesses, other physical evidence) points at this men being responsible for the murder falling back to "lots of people believe this or that" is worthless.

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That's it, done and done. The Thai authorities will not let anybody from outside come in and interfere with the samples, maybe only if the families of the victims rally and cause a storm (considering they do not believe they have the right men). This will now be a closed case and we will never know for sure what the real deal is here because it has be a farce, a shambles, a laughing stock and have a good weekend everyone. RIP to the poor fellow Brits.

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i think what i want to know is if they were Burmese from the bar the victims were from they must have been among the 1st suspspets interrogated. had finger prints DNA ..SO

An unplanned spur of the moment rape and kill there would have been so much evidence at hand, foot prints, fingerprints on the murder weapon , clothing fibres or body hair on the victims, maybe scratches on the killer from fighting back as well as all the semen . the killers would have some blood somewhere on clothing and they would have had to have been real pro's (MI6 standard) if they could act 100% calmly and normally ithough an interrogation a day later . it would be impossible for them to evade suspicion from day one with so much evidence against them, yet the BRB were running around looking for the westerner friends of the victim and so many other seemingly unlikely dead ends leads and a few potentially realistic ones to.

Can we please get an answer to these questions so I can feel a little assured the right people are being brought to justice.

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I think we're all falling into the trap of judging the local Justice System based on our experiences 'back home'.

In US and Europe there is the system of "Innocent until proven guilty".

In most of Asia there's a system of "Guilty until your wealth and influence prove your innocence"

We just need to understand we're not in Kansas anymore and then it all makes sense.

No, it will never make sense, but one can come to a personal understanding that it will never make sense,

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Fastest DNA turnaround in history! What lab are they using? Lordy.

This was the first thing that hit me, seriously how quick was it? Can we get somebody in the know to confirm how long it takes to actually get test results in a standard lab?

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No matter what dog'n'pony show they put on I think we all know it is BS. Push for independent confirmation collected and evaluated OUTSIDE THAILAND.


Its done and dusted. Now its time for the show trial. The real murderer is still on the island and can kill again.
Because you say so?
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They have boldly made all these statements to the media. If they are so confident in their case, publicly show the DNA sample analyses to the public and have an INDEPENDENT agency verify them. This is an absolute frame up if they refuse to show indepedent results.

I most probably missed it. Do we know when their DNA was taken? I believe in the real world it takes about three days. Which I suppose makes their timing about right.

One other thing, if these lads were prime suspects why were they not DNA tested 3 weeks ago?

If it smells like a sewer, it probably is a sewer.


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Just another notch in the Thai belt. They have a perfect record. In 2 months nobody will be talking about this, just in time for high season. I'm going to start calling this the teflon country.

I have heard all the analogies, and I don't think there is anything to them. Of course there is crime in other parts of the world, but there is also justice. When you have no justice, you have nothing.

And, where in the hell are all the supposedly passionate and award winning journalists?

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No matter what dog'n'pony show they put on I think we all know it is BS. Push for independent confirmation collected and evaluated OUTSIDE THAILAND.


The DNA found on the victims was done in Singapore.

This is presuming of course that the DNA sent to Singapore, was from the workers and not from samples taken off the body in place of the DNA taken from the migrant workers so taht a positive matching result would be able to be shown. Only one way to this now and that is to let independent British Authorities collect DNA samples from the Migrant workers and send them to the UK to be cross cheked with the murderers DNA found on the body in the UK. I wonder what would have happened if the migrant workers had refused to give samples ???? Would they have been free to walk away from this too?

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