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Relationships and Thai culture. Keep it simple.


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Sipi, I do apologize. I really thought you were much older. Yes, you do look happy, but really your topic has nothing to do with your post. Thai Culture has nothing to do with anything that you have talked about.

Sorry to come across so judgmental but you did say that you were old and I do have a slight bias against men over 60 having children.

Your title doesn't really go with anything that you wrote though. You don't really give any suggestions on what you do specifically just some vague sound bite.

Are you divorced and this is your second marriage or first? I have met quite a few older guys who are on their second marriage and have it much easier because they learn to detach from things but also chose a more submissive younger wife that doesn't challenge them. Is that your secret?

We really must remember that, as confused as we are about Thai ladies and their customs; they are possibly (and normally) twice as confused about us and ours.

Brother you just hit the nail on the headclap2.gif

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I must admit, I didn't think the word "old" would make so many people lose sleep. I should have started with "I am an older man".

The post was never about me, but simplicity.

Ok enough for now.

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Hey Z. This thread is all but dead, so I will tell you briefly how it came about.

The wife, son and I are play wrestling on the lounge,; as you do after several stiff drinks (except the boy of course). I come up with this brilliant idea of getting a snap and running a brief OP about simplicity.(hence the glazed eyes and vacant look). I'm surprised the photo turned out at all.

So the moral of the story is: Don't mix alcohol and TVF.

Please await my next Topic "How to dip a lavender tea-bag"


sipi ... you made my 'Quotable Quotes Thread ... 2 entries!


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Hey Z. This thread is all but dead, so I will tell you briefly how it came about.

The wife, son and I are play wrestling on the lounge,; as you do after several stiff drinks (except the boy of course). I come up with this brilliant idea of getting a snap and running a brief OP about simplicity.(hence the glazed eyes and vacant look). I'm surprised the photo turned out at all.

So the moral of the story is: Don't mix alcohol and TVF.

Please await my next Topic "How to dip a lavender tea-bag"


sipi ... you made my 'Quotable Quotes Thread ... 2 entries!


Geez Thanks heaps David. I feel so privileged.

Mind you, I can always count on you for a "no bullsh*t" reply.

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simple is that because simple minds simple people or just could not be bothered dont sound

to exciting life to me but then again is mine any better


Can you understand this? No? Well now you know how I felt reading some of your earlier posts. Sometimes being simple isn't better. smile.png

Edited by Gecko123
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simple is that because simple minds simple people or just could not be bothered dont sound

to exciting life to me but then again is mine any better


Can you understand this? No? Well now you know how I felt reading some of your earlier posts. Sometimes being simple isn't better. smile.png

Yes I agree. Why not complicate the crap out of everything? I appreciate where you come from Gecko.

PS. My name is Phil. And that is between you and I. (and 3000 others) LOL

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I do apologize for my part in derailing the thread. Out of context I really thought you were another over 60 guy bragging about how simple life is with a 20 something submissive wife and child. We get a lot of those threads here.

I think that you might have had better responses if you posted in the family section. I also think if your title was "overcoming cultural differences in relationships", you might have had a better discussion.

There are difficulties in all relationships. Each person is filled with anxiety, fears, self doubt, ego, self entitlement. All of these hinder and create obstacles that we must overcome to make all relationships work.

Then you have gender differences in male-female relationships. There are communication styles, equality issues, and the different ideals we have from our role models about relationships.

On top of that with cultural differences you have concepts of gender roles, language barriers, aesthetic ideals, religion, societal paradigms, etc.

It is quite rare not to have any cultural differences or issues when you marry outside of your culture.

So by just saying live simply doesn't really address the core issues that many people face.

Since 50% of all marriages end in divorce, culturally mixed marriages have an even higher rate of divorce being accurate and building a discussion that allows people to help each other would have been more productive.

Sorry again for my misunderstanding and judgement.

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Keep it simple:
Be in a relationship or marriage with someone where it is based on strong foundations and compatibility.

..this is a basic step the world over, which many seem to fail at, particularly here.
I suspect most know deep down when they are going into relationships without this, but prefer to ignore because of numerous reasons.

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I do apologize for my part in derailing the thread. Out of context I really thought you were another over 60 guy bragging about how simple life is with a 20 something submissive wife and child. We get a lot of those threads here.

I think that you might have had better responses if you posted in the family section. I also think if your title was "overcoming cultural differences in relationships", you might have had a better discussion.

There are difficulties in all relationships. Each person is filled with anxiety, fears, self doubt, ego, self entitlement. All of these hinder and create obstacles that we must overcome to make all relationships work.

Then you have gender differences in male-female relationships. There are communication styles, equality issues, and the different ideals we have from our role models about relationships.

On top of that with cultural differences you have concepts of gender roles, language barriers, aesthetic ideals, religion, societal paradigms, etc.

It is quite rare not to have any cultural differences or issues when you marry outside of your culture.

So by just saying live simply doesn't really address the core issues that many people face.

Since 50% of all marriages end in divorce, culturally mixed marriages have an even higher rate of divorce being accurate and building a discussion that allows people to help each other would have been more productive.

Sorry again for my misunderstanding and judgement.

My opening post was terrible. Thanks for your contribution.

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OP, well done mate.... Like you, I have a similar set up, but sans the young kid.... I think our, the Aussie way of thinking, kinda gels well with Thais... I am not speaking for every Aussie, but I am sure it applies in many cases.... we have 4 daughters (<deleted>) aged from 28 - 13, and we never had any real problems with cross cultural stuff.... I think we are far more relaxed in our attitudes and tolerances when it comes to others, than people people from some countries....I think it helps to find a lady that has a relaxed attitude as well.... It works for me..... Bugger the nay sayers I reckon..... I am pretty confident, they have not had the experience of a real relationship with a real person.... or maybe have never tried...

You have it nailed, mate..... and more power to you.

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OP, well done mate.... Like you, I have a similar set up, but sans the young kid.... I think our, the Aussie way of thinking, kinda gels well with Thais... I am not speaking for every Aussie, but I am sure it applies in many cases.... we have 4 daughters (<deleted>) aged from 28 - 13, and we never had any real problems with cross cultural stuff.... I think we are far more relaxed in our attitudes and tolerances when it comes to others, than people people from some countries....I think it helps to find a lady that has a relaxed attitude as well.... It works for me..... Bugger the nay sayers I reckon..... I am pretty confident, they have not had the experience of a real relationship with a real person.... or maybe have never tried...

You have it nailed, mate..... and more power to you.

Actually, I have managed to completely screw this one up from the first word. It is you who has nailed it.

Thank-you so much.

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"I think our, the Aussie way of thinking, kinda gels well with Thais."

Not sure about that unless you mean the more upper scale Aussies. Most Thais I know find your average labor class Aussie to be very vulgar and crass.

I also have to call BS on never having any cultural differences. Now I can accept that you have had none that have caused major problems but that is different. I too have been married for 15 years now and we have a very good and simple life together. Her family and I are very close. Her parents and mine are quite good friends. There are always things that each of us does different. Our beliefs are similar but not always the same. Sometimes we both want the same end result but the process to get there is different.

There are always differences in how someone raises a child or one's religious beliefs. Unless of course you are both Buddhists you will not always have the same concept of what is right. This doesn't mean that you have to have huge problems but you still have cultural differences.

Respecting your partner to me is the major difference to me not where someone is from or how much you can detach.

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