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Alan Henning 'killed by Islamic State'

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Beheading is not just killing. It is murder.

Just hope that one day these bastards can be caught and brought to justice.

I don't want them brought to justice, with all the pc brigade defence lawyers out in force etc.

I just want every single one blown into pieces ASAP!

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As gruesome and graphic these events appear, they are the result of neo-con war propaganda effort to manipulate the minds of the already jaded public, in order to continue with intended aim of a Balkanised mid-east.


UK cabbies wont be happy about one of their own being murdered like this....

Most UK cabbies in my town are of the same religion as the killers.

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I expect that, like the majority of British Muslims as shown by links and quotes earlier in this topic, they condemn this murder as much as you and I.


Beheading is not just killing. It is murder.

Just hope that one day these bastards can be caught and brought to justice.

I don't want them brought to justice, with all the pc brigade defence lawyers out in force etc.

I just want every single one blown into pieces ASAP!

And will you solve by this the link between controlled demolition and nano thermite ?


To murder a volunteer aid worker in this fashion suggests to me, that the west is handling these people with kid gloves.

We should probably fire bomb neighbourhoods that are harbouring ISIS.

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The problem is not all Muslim. The problem is a small group of Extremists.

Not just them.

It is time we recognized - and obliged the Muslim world to recognize - that Muslim extremism is not extreme among Muslims. Mainstream Islam itself represents an extremist rejection of intellectual honesty, gender equality, secular politics and genuine pluralism. The truth about Islam is as politically incorrect as it is terrifying: Islam is all fringe and no center. In Islam, we confront a civilization with an arrested history. It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world.


I fear that the step from liberal muslim to extremist is not particularly far. There are fundamnental Christians in the world but they aren't beheading Muslims.

I am becoming generally more and more skeptical of the idea that there is anything as moderate Muslim faith. Moderate Muslim faith can transform to extremist in a trice. Just look at these teenage girls who have run away from the UK to Syria.

I got quite angry at the radio as someone piped up "there is no common factor between these girls". To which the obvious answer was of course they were all veil wearing Muslims. Duhhhhh


The problem is not all Muslim. The problem is a small group of Extremists.

Not just them.

It is time we recognized - and obliged the Muslim world to recognize - that Muslim extremism is not extreme among Muslims. Mainstream Islam itself represents an extremist rejection of intellectual honesty, gender equality, secular politics and genuine pluralism. The truth about Islam is as politically incorrect as it is terrifying: Islam is all fringe and no center. In Islam, we confront a civilization with an arrested history. It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world.


I fear that the step from liberal muslim to extremist is not particularly far. There are fundamnental Christians in the world but they aren't beheading Muslims.

I am becoming generally more and more skeptical of the idea that there is anything as moderate Muslim faith. Moderate Muslim faith can transform to extremist in a trice. Just look at these teenage girls who have run away from the UK to Syria.

I got quite angry at the radio as someone piped up "there is no common factor between these girls". To which the obvious answer was of course they were all veil wearing Muslims. Duhhhhh

Aren't you getting now with your judgement a part of their transition to radicalism ?

Beheading is not just killing. It is murder.

Just hope that one day these bastards can be caught and brought to justice.

I don't want them brought to justice, with all the pc brigade defence lawyers out in force etc.

I just want every single one blown into pieces ASAP!

7.62 and 5.56 also make a lethal combination.


Beheading is not just killing. It is murder.

Just hope that one day these bastards can be caught and brought to justice.

I don't want them brought to justice, with all the pc brigade defence lawyers out in force etc.

I just want every single one blown into pieces ASAP!

And will you solve by this the link between controlled demolition and nano thermite ?

No I'll leave that stuff to the 9/11 conspirators and just feel happy and warm inside



I expect that, like the majority of British Muslims as shown by links and quotes earlier in this topic, they condemn this murder as much as you and I.

But will they ever condemn the Koran which is the cause of this and all other murders in the name of Allah and his so called prophet, and the violent history of Islam?, of course not. There has been, as usual, competitively little condemnation, however much you want to spin otherwise. Do let us know when the next mass demo is in the UK by Muslims opposed to ISIS, or any Islamic violence.


UK cabbies wont be happy about one of their own being murdered like this....

Most U.K Cabbies are now from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, up north of England it's Pakistanis.


The problem is not all Muslim. The problem is a small group of Extremists.

Not just them.

It is time we recognized - and obliged the Muslim world to recognize - that Muslim extremism is not extreme among Muslims. Mainstream Islam itself represents an extremist rejection of intellectual honesty, gender equality, secular politics and genuine pluralism. The truth about Islam is as politically incorrect as it is terrifying: Islam is all fringe and no center. In Islam, we confront a civilization with an arrested history. It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world.


I fear that the step from liberal muslim to extremist is not particularly far. There are fundamnental Christians in the world but they aren't beheading Muslims.

I am becoming generally more and more skeptical of the idea that there is anything as moderate Muslim faith. Moderate Muslim faith can transform to extremist in a trice. Just look at these teenage girls who have run away from the UK to Syria.

I got quite angry at the radio as someone piped up "there is no common factor between these girls". To which the obvious answer was of course they were all veil wearing Muslims. Duhhhhh

Aren't you getting now with your judgement a part of their transition to radicalism ?

Well, on the radio all the mothers were crying , please come home, we a love you. Bla bla bla.

And the person hosting the show then pointer out that the girls all lived in moderate but strict Muslim houses and wore at least veils in their daily lives. They were slightly conservative Muslims to the outside world, but their daughters are willing to go to a war zone to become wives.

So something inside them makes them wish to serve . something can be aroused in them to fight against moderates. Very scary I believe.

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I fear that the step from liberal muslim to extremist is not particularly far. There are fundamnental Christians in the world but they aren't beheading Muslims.

I am becoming generally more and more skeptical of the idea that there is anything as moderate Muslim faith. Moderate Muslim faith can transform to extremist in a trice. Just look at these teenage girls who have run away from the UK to Syria.

I got quite angry at the radio as someone piped up "there is no common factor between these girls". To which the obvious answer was of course they were all veil wearing Muslims. Duhhhhh

The commonly accepted definition of a "moderate muslim" is "an extremist who has run out of ammunition."

Do you need ammunition for a beheading ?


I worked in the UAE many times, 2 years ago a co-workers brother was pulled over and was asked for all his papers and his profession, he was an engineer for a big Syrian company. They demanded 200,000USD, after 3 weeks holding him the company paid 100,000USD to free him.

In the UAE?

I don't think so mate.

Sounds more like a scam or chinese whispers.


Crocodile tears as usual, it's just PR for the media, they don't really care about any victims of Islam. Any links from Muslims condemning the Koranic suras that motivate be headings and jihad? no I thought not, that's your real problem.


Posters have asked for links where Muslims are condemning these murders. The information has been provided. Don't change the question.

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The problem is the widespread silence/lack of condemnation from your muslim community. Until they stand up to volunteer to fight this evil or speak out against it as one body, not in pockets, then I'll focus my anger at the extremists. Until then it's a MUSLIM problem not just an extremist one!

I would love a day, just one day, where the word MUSLIM doesn't cross my path ! I'm totally sick of the whole outfit and their want want want intolerant lifestyle !

There is only one body that claims to be a representative of the 57 Islamic countries; OIC. There is no single entity that speaks on the behalf of Islam. Here's what OIC has to say about IS:


Has it occured to you that they may be lying? ..but wait...it's even sanctioned by their religion.


Blah, blah...


I recommend Googling "Abu Qatada ISIS Islamic State" and see what you come up with.

Hint: He doesn't like them. Nor does he support them.


It's not about Bush

It's not about Israel

The Israelis are just canaries in the coal mine

It's about a culture that wants to take over the world and most of the world is just rolling over and letting it happen.

Is there a single country in the world they are not ruining?

Have Muslims protested one death cause by people of their religion?

Here are the facts. Double check them if you doubt them: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

Plenty of Muslim leaders have condemned these killings,you should vary your reading and listening material.

Just looked at your link,no wonder you think like you do.

The link details daily killings. Please show me outcries and mass demonstrations like those the Muslims do for silly cartoons. If Muslims as a group would stand up all this would stop, but they do not. When one gets past political correctness and thinking a all cultures are equal, then the world will be a better place.


Muslims all over the world do stand up and condemn these killings and other atrocities by IS and similar groups; as links and quotes in many posts in this and other topics shows.

Here's some more:

British Muslims unite in fury at Isis murder of Alan Henning

Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS

French Muslim leaders denounce ISIS brutality

If Muslims say nothing you and those like you and sites like the one you linked to say that proves they agree with the terrorists; if they speak out to condemn the terrorists you and others like you and sites like the one you linked to say they are lying!

I guess that is the only way you and those like you and sites like the one you linked to can justify your hate and your prejudice to yourselves.


Muslims all over the world do stand up and condemn these killings and other atrocities by IS and similar groups; as links and quotes in many posts in this and other topics shows.

Here's some more:

British Muslims unite in fury at Isis murder of Alan Henning

Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS

French Muslim leaders denounce ISIS brutality

If Muslims say nothing you and those like you and sites like the one you linked to say that proves they agree with the terrorists; if they speak out to condemn the terrorists you and others like you and sites like the one you linked to say they are lying!

I guess that is the only way you and those like you and sites like the one you linked to can justify your hate and your prejudice to yourselves.

Even Abu Qatada hates ISIS.


Crocodile tears as usual, it's just PR for the media, they don't really care about any victims of Islam. Any links from Muslims condemning the Koranic suras that motivate be headings and jihad? no I thought not, that's your real problem.

Maybe you should read and listen to what the people in all the links provided are saying rather than posting your usual ignorant, knee jerk "they are lying" reaction.

Have a listen to the Imam in the BBC link; he quotes Mohammed directly when condemning IS (from 1:50)

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