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Koh Tao Murders: Thai Authorities Deny 'Scapegoat' Allegation

Lite Beer

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The UK Daily has been blacked out for raising points the Thai authority cannot contradict in regards to the Koh Tao murders. Welcome to North Korea.

The Daily Mail you mean ?......its been blacked out for a while now from Thailand, way before KT, it was to do with another story they run about a certain part of the Thai "establishment" which cant be discussed on TV wink.png

you may not have know this and just assumed this was to do with KT, or of course your purposely adding this the conspiracy case for some reason to try an prove some point.

Understand I do believe these suspects have been stitched up, but please don't present "facts" which are not true, knowingly or unknowingly... the DM website was been blocked in Thailand for a very different reason.

Actually I am looking on the DM website right now, because I can get it, and there doesn't appear to be anything new as regards updates on this case other than what has been posted days ago...the tops stories are the in the UK are the murder of Alice Gross and on international is Ebola..wink.png

Edited by Soutpeel
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Why haven't any lawyers come forward and offered there services to these guys. Come on people im sure there is someone out there following these ridiculous events who will want to do the right thing and defend these poor blokes.

Sadly, because the lawyers are probably just as corrupt... and I am talking from personal experience. No way would they do anything to damage their relationship with police.

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The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.

I find it hard to believe that the word sad is even in their vocabulary. Bear in mind that these scum RTP have no qualms about carrying on their mafia like activies with impunity such as extortion on the grand scale that they have for years. The RTP have no feelings at all.

And nothing to speak of their following of Buddhism. Always have been and always will be the worlds laughing stock.

He may be able to sell this to Thai people.................but not the rest of the world.

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In the west we learn in school to question everything. This keeps most things in order and the masses happy. Thais learn to shut up and follow. Which system is best ???

Since these are westerners, Thailand should respect our wishes and answer the questions. Independent DNA testing will answer the question.

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In the west we learn in school to question everything. This keeps most things in order and the masses happy. Thais learn to shut up and follow. Which system is best ???

Since these are westerners, Thailand should respect our wishes and answer the questions. Independent DNA testing will answer the question.

.....in all this time the 'evidence' must have been contaminated 100 times over...intentionally or otherwise......so of what use would it be....

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And of course the two 'suspects' fully understand the legal aspects of the interrogation process, the ramifications of confessing therefore no need to seek legal representation, etc. Very very doubtful. Disgusting to say the least.

Anybody familiar with MKUltra?

Edited by arrowsdawdle
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Why don't the authorities hold a press conference floored by a forensic expert and explain the DNA matches? Focusing on percentage of match.

Instead of these off the cuff remarks which do nothing for any credibility of this case.

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'According to police, the Burmese workers confessed to sexually assaulting Witheridge and murdering her and Miller on 15 September. Police also insist that their confession is backed by DNA tests and CCTV footage in the area.'

All of which evidence will never now see the light of day - why should it ? They have a confession , yeah right !

​The moon is made of green cheese and Santa Claus is real too - maybe a ghost made them do it.....

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Just get England to confirm the DNA tests with their own system...Easy confirmation to stuff...thumbsup.gif

Judging by the british embassadors recent statement i wouldn't trust that being done correctly either. who knows how much he could be paid for playing along...

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Make available the missing cctv footage and then people will have to agree! If they have nothing to hide invite the U.k in to do an investigation and go over the evidence, this will appease everyone and show that they really do have the correct people in custody!

It would also be good to make footage of the police interview public to see what interrogation methods were used.

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I feel "sad" for the police. At first, everyone is attacking them for "bungling" the investigation. Then, when they get a result, they are put down again by people saying they got scapegoats. I know one of the culprits looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth but the big question is, Are you 100% sure that these 2 are innocent? If not, then stop shooting off your mouth.

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The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said."

Sad, may be, but not ashamed for what they have done.

I guess all families involved will be a little more than sad if it is revealed that the suspects are framed.

Yes we must not make the police sad.... Oh my lord give us an <deleted> break please. I am absolutely lost for words.. Oh to be the poor relatives of the deceased.. Unimaginable...

"The police will be sad"

What about the parents of the two victims, I guess they are "sad" too

Just like the relatives of the two young scapegoats, who came to Thailand to make a living, and ends as sacrifice-lambs!

Honestly the picture in the OP makes me ashamed to live here!!

You are all sadly missing General/Prime Minister Prayuth's prime social edict. Happiness is MANDATORY for all Thai people.
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None of the men wanted lawyers? They decided to deal with it themselves and confess on their own? Do they really expect anyone to believe this? They have been arrested and are potentially fighting for their lives and they waved the right to legal representation of any kind!

I hope the rights activists get access to the men with the lawyers they have hired.

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whether these two guys are guilty or not there is no doubt in my mind that they are not the only people involved

on the CSI site David has many small stab wound possibly done using a fist knife,certainly not done by a hoe


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The UK Daily has been blacked out for raising points the Thai authority cannot contradict in regards to the Koh Tao murders. Welcome to North Korea.

The Daily Mail you mean ?......its been blacked out for a while now from Thailand, way before KT, it was to do with another story they run about a certain part of the Thai "establishment" which cant be discussed on TV wink.png

you may not have know this and just assumed this was to do with KT, or of course your purposely adding this the conspiracy case for some reason to try an prove some point.

Understand I do believe these suspects have been stitched up, but please don't present "facts" which are not true, knowingly or unknowingly... the DM website was been blocked in Thailand for a very different reason.

Actually I am looking on the DM website right now, because I can get it, and there doesn't appear to be anything new as regards updates on this case other than what has been posted days ago...the tops stories are the in the UK are the murder of Alice Gross and on international is Ebola..wink.png

The Telegraph does have a report of the "reconstruction". "The suspects appeared to be taking stage directions from the police". The video with the story shows very clearly just how farcical it was, complete with tourists taking video of the whole thing.

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The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.

I wonder if that could be construed at a threat? Possibly, at all?



Wai, and lean the head, look guilty, or more hot water on your goolies!

I don't think you are far from the truth. Even if they did it, their genitals must be a shocking state by now.

in the video clip the cop in the blue shirt prodded the Burmese in the white shirt hard and told him to wai.

That picture makes my flesh creep.

This particular picture has what can only be described as SHEER UNADULTERATED DECEPTION. of the worst kind, blatantly on display for all the world to see.

I pray this will be splashed ALL over the media when these 2 kids are released and adorned all over the western Tourism Travel Brochures .....

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