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Koh Tao Murders: Thai Authorities Deny 'Scapegoat' Allegation

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I hope you understand that there are many Thai people who are DISGUSTED by this too!!!!! There are many facebook pages belonging to Thais that show how much Thai people hate their police force for their corruptness and think they are a joke too - the prolem is - we can do nothing about them

Out of likes ! But I like your comment anyway :)


I find that the CSI LA page is making more and more desperate/absurd assertions.

For example, they now say that David's shorts aren't bloodstained because he was struck on the head, fell to the ground and was then dragged to the water. Did they consider they weren't bloodstained because he took them off to have sex with Hannah?

And the statement that the murderer must have been at least 178cm to be capable of striking David. Well if David was lying down, a dwarf could have struck him on the head with a chopstick! Even if David was standing, surely a small guy could raise the head of a hoe to 7 feet.

Methinks your assertions are wrong, and David was not hit with a hoe.

And the police forensic work at the beginning of the investigation stated that 1 of the perps was 174 cm.

Also, it's a totally unproven speculation that D. and H. were having sex.

About the fb page, they are testing a lot of theories, some maybe completely wrong, but that's the job of every serious investigator IMHO

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CSI LA states: "I have a reason to believe that Sean McAnna saw what happened and was there when David was murdered by a push knife. You can clearly see that Sean suffered the same type of stab wound as David. Please pressure Scotland Yard and Interpol to search for Sean McAnna. He is the key witness in this case."

Left photo shows Davids lower jaw. The stab wounds are clearly visible... any questions pigboxer and other doubters?

Until now I have avoided looking (at the photo's) but now it appears there can be little doubt that the weapon used on the victim was also used on Sean. This kind of weapon was not mentioned in the 'reconstruction' as it was obviously taken by it's wielder.

There have been posters discussing an after-party on the beach that night and the scenario they describe is the most plausible I have heard. I do not wish to spread rumours but there is enough local knowledge evident to convince me. Sean was a key witness and maybe assaulted himself.

This case reads like a murder novel with half the pages ripped out. Vital pages, which set the scene and introduce a motive. Some of the players are missing.

Sean is gone and I think the Brits told him to stay in the background for the time being. BTW I think Sean is a crack head by himself (to much drugs) but he knows something we all don't know.

I've read this accusation a few times now, and even though I mostly agree with what CSI LA posts, I really can't believe this one.

What reason would Sean have to just not mentioning that he was actually involved? If his escape posted on his Facebook profile was real, why didn't he tell the truth then? He said himself he expected to die in that very moment.

His wounds could come from anywhere. The picture was taken very shortly (1, 2 days?) after the murder took place. If he was cut that night, the wound would look fresher than it does in the picture. Just as somebody has pointed out earlier here in this thread, there would have been stiches for a cut wound of that size.

If you had seen the facebook page of the owner of intouch bar who is part of 'the family' you would see that half of his photos we're taken in the uk..

Maybe their reach goes much further than we realise.

If you recall as per the usual m o. The police tried to pin this on a foreigner very early on.

It served a purpose to get Sean off the island. Who s purpose ? The police. And the family.

Let him go and let him leave the country immediately. Clear his DNA in record time

They could have planted a number of things in his room too but it was easier to get him out of the country. Why ?


I find that the CSI LA page is making more and more desperate/absurd assertions.

For example, they now say that David's shorts aren't bloodstained because he was struck on the head, fell to the ground and was then dragged to the water. Did they consider they weren't bloodstained because he took them off to have sex with Hannah?

And the statement that the murderer must have been at least 178cm to be capable of striking David. Well if David was lying down, a dwarf could have struck him on the head with a chopstick! Even if David was standing, surely a small guy could raise the head of a hoe to 7 feet.

Methinks your assertions are wrong, and David was not hit with a hoe.

And the police forensic work at the beginning of the investigation stated that 1 of the perps was 174 cm.

Also, it's a totally unproven speculation that D. and H. were having sex.

About the fb page, they are testing a lot of theories, some maybe completely wrong, but that's the job of every serious investigator IMHO

I think it's easy to go to the pair having sex it casts dispersions on the people attacked.

However I think Hannah was being attacked David was indeed catching up with Sean and perhaps walking home heard the screams. There was a struggle which is when the stabbing started

I do think Sean was threatened but given an opportunity to clear out or else, and he cleared out.

If there s a struggle you are not consistently upright and you will likely end up on the ground -as all prey inevitable does


I find that the CSI LA page is making more and more desperate/absurd assertions.

For example, they now say that David's shorts aren't bloodstained because he was struck on the head, fell to the ground and was then dragged to the water. Did they consider they weren't bloodstained because he took them off to have sex with Hannah?

And the statement that the murderer must have been at least 178cm to be capable of striking David. Well if David was lying down, a dwarf could have struck him on the head with a chopstick! Even if David was standing, surely a small guy could raise the head of a hoe to 7 feet.

Methinks your assertions are wrong, and David was not hit with a hoe.

And the police forensic work at the beginning of the investigation stated that 1 of the perps was 174 cm.

Also, it's a totally unproven speculation that D. and H. were having sex.

About the fb page, they are testing a lot of theories, some maybe completely wrong, but that's the job of every serious investigator IMHO

Without the pressure from CSI LA,TV and the other media

the burmese scapegoats were burned already and

the headmaster,family and high rank authorities

would celebrate their party at the TAT office

right now.

  • Like 2
I hope you understand that there are many Thai people who are DISGUSTED by this too!!!!! There are many facebook pages belonging to Thais that show how much Thai people hate their police force for their corruptness and think they are a joke too - the prolem is - we can do nothing about them

This is why all the RTP apologists should shut up, they are the ones who are Thai Bashing by presuming that the Thais are taking there police forces word for what's happened in this shambolic display of human rights violations! There are lots of Thai people who are agreeing with us.

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it is very convienient that they have confessed because then the DNA does not have to be presented in court as evidence under thai law

also all the ''missing evidence '' and the planted phone that was handed in to the police by the girls friends and then mysteriosly is ''found '' in the boys shacks dont have to be presented in court, now they have a ''confession''

the whole epidode is a disgrace ,,,

Assuming the don't retract their confessions and plead not guilty. The police cannot do a deal on behalf of the judge and I think the judge would quite likely pass the death sentence even with the confessions, as in the railway rape/ murder case. If they really didn't do it their best chance would be to retract the confessions and hope the police case falls apart.

Not easy to retract a confession here. The judge will also be in on this to help the police and the islands keep face.

It will be difficult to have it accepted but the lawyers must plead these were signed under duress and then we all hope and pray it is accepted from there.


I find that the CSI LA page is making more and more desperate/absurd assertions.

For example, they now say that David's shorts aren't bloodstained because he was struck on the head, fell to the ground and was then dragged to the water. Did they consider they weren't bloodstained because he took them off to have sex with Hannah?

And the statement that the murderer must have been at least 178cm to be capable of striking David. Well if David was lying down, a dwarf could have struck him on the head with a chopstick! Even if David was standing, surely a small guy could raise the head of a hoe to 7 feet.

Methinks your assertions are wrong, and David was not hit with a hoe.

And the police forensic work at the beginning of the investigation stated that 1 of the perps was 174 cm.

Also, it's a totally unproven speculation that D. and H. were having sex.

About the fb page, they are testing a lot of theories, some maybe completely wrong, but that's the job of every serious investigator IMHO

Without the pressure from CSI LA,TV and the other media

the burmese scapegoats were burned already and

the headmaster,family and high rank authorities

would celebrate their party at the TAT office

right now.

Completely agree, i have nothing but praise for the folks , they are giving some hope in this s88tcreek


I just wonder where that guy Sean McAnna is right now. With all what's going on, how can he just stay completely silent? As he is surely off Koh Tao, and most likely out of Thailand, what does he have to fear now? Perhaps, now is the time to explain his wounds, and what he really knows. No?

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What is absurd to me is the fact that the RTP stated that the reason they could'nt DNA everyone they wanted too in there investigation was because of human rights legislation, yet they can do what the hell they want to do with these 2 migrant boys! The Patronage system at its finest!!!!

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What is absurd to me is the fact that the RTP stated that the reason they could'nt DNA everyone they wanted too in there investigation was because of human rights legislation, yet they can do what the hell they want to do with these 2 migrant boys! The Patronage system at its finest!!!!

Feudalism is all around,isn´t it ?


One of my concerns is that if the Burmese are allowed to meet these lawyers, are they going to be able to trust them and speak freely? If I had (potentially) been tortured, threatened, and been through what they have, I would be thinking that the police might be testing me, to see if I would come clean.


IF THEY ARE INNOCENT ? ( perhaps they are ? ) umm anyone thinking they may of been promised ( perhaps their families back in Burma have already been paid ) the reward posted by the village chieftain ?

I mean after all this is Thailand ? perhaps if innocent these two will be extradited ( yes it's possible ! ) ...back to Burma as deportees where they will do a few months in the monkey house and then cashed up simply disappear into their local society !

The most important thing to the current Thai leadership is saving face ( and the tourist dollar ) after their coup has affected tourist arrivals and its much needed financial injection .

So Thailand must be seen safe for tourists and the current leadership competent.

We all know any accidental or unnatural death in Thailand ( caused by neglect , harm or intention ) can usually be settled with surviving family members with apologies and financial compensation plus the usual fines and fees to the courts and RTP.

Its natural justice Thai style !

Pay and get outaa Jail and go past go again ! or perhaps in this case ? pay though the system and keep your sons on the monopoly board . in the game and keep on passing go !


For those wondering how these guys missed the DNA testing, when then police started their investigation they rounded up the workers registered to each business. The illegals were most likely told by the business owners to stay away.

I think the police started out looking for the criminals, but what they discovered was just too big for them to handle. Unfortunately for them this time, too many people started crying foul and hopefully the truth will be out.

The third Myanmar guy is missing, having left KT (according to a report on BP); people should be worried for his safety. He was originally claimed to have confessed but most likely backed out at the last minute. In his first confession, 'Win' described how three of them did the crime. Hours later only two were charged.

Interesting to see this page is now approaching 163,000 likes. It was also shown on the news earlier. At this rate, it will have half a million likes (mainly Thai) in a few days time. Just goes to show that they have had enough of the BS. The guy ran a poll a few days back and 96%* of responders said that they don't think the burmese fellas did it.
This shows the reach the page is currently getting at the moment - ONE MILLION people engaged in the discussions and 3.2 million reached.
I think those in power must be quite concerned right now.
* It may have been 94% (but either way).

You do realize this site has been around a lot longer than these murders and do realize this is where the BS Conspiracy about the phone came from which has since kicked off many inaccurately based conspiracy theories, right?

An attraction to a site like this with detailed morbid pictures and crazy conspiracy theories is certainly not surprising but without a doubt it shouldn't be discounted that people don;t trust the police and anger towards the rich and powerful in Thailand who many believe are above the law.

However certainly doesn't mean they got the wrong guys in this case and that a rich and powerful Thai was involved in the rape and murder ... The DNA matched the two suspects along with a great deal of other evidence a site like this is designed to put into question even if it means making things up and purposely being blind to reality.

This type of page along with other conspiracy based sites as well as most extremist sites will always attract a good number of followers ... FoxNews is a perfect example and they are not nearly as bad as this Facebook page is. Often the more over the top, the more attention.

  • Like 1

For those wondering how these guys missed the DNA testing, when then police started their investigation they rounded up the workers registered to each business. The illegals were most likely told by the business owners to stay away.

I think the police started out looking for the criminals, but what they discovered was just too big for them to handle. Unfortunately for them this time, too many people started crying foul and hopefully the truth will be out.

The third Myanmar guy is missing, having left KT (according to a report on BP); people should be worried for his safety. He was originally claimed to have confessed but most likely backed out at the last minute. In his first confession, 'Win' described how three of them did the crime. Hours later only two were charged.

There is photos off them getting tested and photographed by the police early in the investigation.

  • Like 1

For those wondering how these guys missed the DNA testing, when then police started their investigation they rounded up the workers registered to each business. The illegals were most likely told by the business owners to stay away.

I think the police started out looking for the criminals, but what they discovered was just too big for them to handle. Unfortunately for them this time, too many people started crying foul and hopefully the truth will be out.

The third Myanmar guy is missing, having left KT (according to a report on BP); people should be worried for his safety. He was originally claimed to have confessed but most likely backed out at the last minute. In his first confession, 'Win' described how three of them did the crime. Hours later only two were charged.

There is photos off them getting tested and photographed by the police early in the investigation.

Police already stated publicly and in news accounts there was a big backlog since they collected 300 samples. Collected is one thing but processing is another. Clearly as police were looking at specific suspect they were moving their tests to the top.

  • Like 1

For those wondering how these guys missed the DNA testing, when then police started their investigation they rounded up the workers registered to each business. The illegals were most likely told by the business owners to stay away.

I think the police started out looking for the criminals, but what they discovered was just too big for them to handle. Unfortunately for them this time, too many people started crying foul and hopefully the truth will be out.

The third Myanmar guy is missing, having left KT (according to a report on BP); people should be worried for his safety. He was originally claimed to have confessed but most likely backed out at the last minute. In his first confession, 'Win' described how three of them did the crime. Hours later only two were charged.

There is photos off them getting tested and photographed by the police early in the investigation.

Sure but that was the early DNA test were all participant were cleared....

only thanks to the competent arrest and the 2 hour speed DNA test later was it possible to prove the burmese did it... ( ironi may be contained)

Interesting to see this page is now approaching 163,000 likes. It was also shown on the news earlier. At this rate, it will have half a million likes (mainly Thai) in a few days time. Just goes to show that they have had enough of the BS. The guy ran a poll a few days back and 96%* of responders said that they don't think the burmese fellas did it.
This shows the reach the page is currently getting at the moment - ONE MILLION people engaged in the discussions and 3.2 million reached.
I think those in power must be quite concerned right now.
* It may have been 94% (but either way).

You do realize this site has been around a lot longer than these murders and do realize this is where the BS Conspiracy about the phone came from which has since kicked off many inaccurately based conspiracy theories, right?

An attraction to a site like this with detailed morbid pictures and crazy conspiracy theories is certainly not surprising but without a doubt it shouldn't be discounted that people don;t trust the police and anger towards the rich and powerful in Thailand who many believe are above the law.

However certainly doesn't mean they got the wrong guys in this case and that a rich and powerful Thai was involved in the rape and murder ... The DNA matched the two suspects along with a great deal of other evidence a site like this is designed to put into question even if it means making things up and purposely being blind to reality.

PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEASE stop going on about the DNA when you know full well it could have been swapped. Yes there is a chance it can/will be retested but there is a very strong possibility that the Burmese will get the death sentence + be cremated, with the family untraceable after being given enough money for them to take care of their medical costs an eat for a lifetime. RTP didn't foresee such interest and probably didn't think their force on the island was so inept as to give so much away. This is unprecedented.

Regarding the age of CSI LA... irrelevant. It has grown by 100k followers in the last 2 days and is increasing exponentially. Knowing Thais, if 96% of them think that Burmese people aren't responsible, then that means a hell of a lot.

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So if there is no scapegoat where are the missing minutes on the CCTV?

It appears (from reading csi la) that the main cctv footage which has been banded around with the guy in shorts walking back and forth was actually following someone on his way back....... Very strange that person is not in view, 2 seconds more of cctv would tell a whole different story


This nonsense is even more silly than the now debunked phone conspiracy. There are many hours of video the didn't share. What they shared is of the one man going to and away from the crime scene ... nothing more and nothing less. This was the man they wanted to identify.

  • Like 1
Interesting to see this page is now approaching 163,000 likes. It was also shown on the news earlier. At this rate, it will have half a million likes (mainly Thai) in a few days time. Just goes to show that they have had enough of the BS. The guy ran a poll a few days back and 96%* of responders said that they don't think the burmese fellas did it.
This shows the reach the page is currently getting at the moment - ONE MILLION people engaged in the discussions and 3.2 million reached.
I think those in power must be quite concerned right now.
* It may have been 94% (but either way).

You do realize this site has been around a lot longer than these murders and do realize this is where the BS Conspiracy about the phone came from which has since kicked off many inaccurately based conspiracy theories, right?

An attraction to a site like this with detailed morbid pictures and crazy conspiracy theories is certainly not surprising but without a doubt it shouldn't be discounted that people don;t trust the police and anger towards the rich and powerful in Thailand who many believe are above the law.

However certainly doesn't mean they got the wrong guys in this case and that a rich and powerful Thai was involved in the rape and murder ... The DNA matched the two suspects along with a great deal of other evidence a site like this is designed to put into question even if it means making things up and purposely being blind to reality.

PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEASE stop going on about the DNA when you know full well it could have been swapped. Yes there is a chance it can/will be retested but there is a very strong possibility that the Burmese will get the death sentence + be cremated, with the family untraceable after being given enough money for them to take care of their medical costs an eat for a lifetime. RTP didn't foresee such interest and probably didn't think their force on the island was so inept as to give so much away. This is unprecedented.

Regarding the ago of CSI LA... irrelevant. It has grown by 100k followers in the last 2 days and is increasing exponentially. Knowing Thais, if 96% of them think that Burmese people aren't responsible, then that means a hell of a lot.

Thank you for sharing the poll about the 96% of Thais as well as your also incorrect information about how long they had to compare their DNA. Seems like you are purposely trying to spread nonsense.

By the suspects aren't going anywhere soon and will have their day in court and their DNA can be swabbed again by their lawyers and compared with that originally tested from the crime scene.

Please stop discounting facts and reality simply because they don't match with what you want to believe.

Edit: By the way 22 Million Americans believe the moon landing was a hoax ... there is another conspiracy bangwagon you can jump on and support your views by how many others also believe in the conspiracy theory.



Please stop discounting facts and reality simply because they don't match with what you want to believe.

Sure as long as we all agree with your opinions the world is in order, just remember only your facts and your ( Thai) reality counts

  • Like 1
Interesting to see this page is now approaching 163,000 likes. It was also shown on the news earlier. At this rate, it will have half a million likes (mainly Thai) in a few days time. Just goes to show that they have had enough of the BS. The guy ran a poll a few days back and 96%* of responders said that they don't think the burmese fellas did it.
This shows the reach the page is currently getting at the moment - ONE MILLION people engaged in the discussions and 3.2 million reached.
I think those in power must be quite concerned right now.
* It may have been 94% (but either way).

You do realize this site has been around a lot longer than these murders and do realize this is where the BS Conspiracy about the phone came from which has since kicked off many inaccurately based conspiracy theories, right?

An attraction to a site like this with detailed morbid pictures and crazy conspiracy theories is certainly not surprising but without a doubt it shouldn't be discounted that people don;t trust the police and anger towards the rich and powerful in Thailand who many believe are above the law.

However certainly doesn't mean they got the wrong guys in this case and that a rich and powerful Thai was involved in the rape and murder ... The DNA matched the two suspects along with a great deal of other evidence a site like this is designed to put into question even if it means making things up and purposely being blind to reality.

PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEASE stop going on about the DNA when you know full well it could have been swapped. Yes there is a chance it can/will be retested but there is a very strong possibility that the Burmese will get the death sentence + be cremated, with the family untraceable after being given enough money for them to take care of their medical costs an eat for a lifetime. RTP didn't foresee such interest and probably didn't think their force on the island was so inept as to give so much away. This is unprecedented.

Regarding the ago of CSI LA... irrelevant. It has grown by 100k followers in the last 2 days and is increasing exponentially. Knowing Thais, if 96% of them think that Burmese people aren't responsible, then that means a hell of a lot.

Thank you for sharing the poll about the 96% of Thais as well as your also incorrect information about how long they had to compare their DNA. Seems like you are purposely trying to spread nonsense.

By the suspects aren't going anywhere soon and will have their day in court and their DNA can be swabbed again by their lawyers and compared with that originally tested from the crime scene.

Please stop discounting facts and reality simply because they don't match with what you want to believe.

94% or 96% (as I stated) of respondents from a poll on a page that only has Thai people commenting on. This would make me believe that the vast majority of its followers are Thai. I can't see many farlang sharing Thai language posts in their thousands.

You must be confusing me with someone else - I didn't state how long they had to compare DNA. If we're on the subject though, I'm sure you're aware that video footage was taken showing these two Burmese guys in the queue for the first round of DNA collection 2+ weeks ago? Strange how they weren't matched sooner, eh?

LOL@ me discounting facts. What facts? The word of RTP? I don't call something a fact until it has been proven to be one - especially when the group making claims is as notoriously corrupt as that in question. You obviously do though (or have an ulterior motive to do so).

Oh and for the record, I want to believe that they are the murderers... I just find it very hard with what we have seen, the last few weeks.


So if there is no scapegoat where are the missing minutes on the CCTV?

It appears (from reading csi la) that the main cctv footage which has been banded around with the guy in shorts walking back and forth was actually following someone on his way back....... Very strange that person is not in view, 2 seconds more of cctv would tell a whole different story


This nonsense is even more silly than the now debunked phone conspiracy. There are many hours of video the didn't share. What they shared is of the one man going to and away from the crime scene ... nothing more and nothing less. This was the man they wanted to identify.

Have you actually seen the allegedly edited video??????????

We are not raising the issue of hours of footage . We are raising the issue of a specific and crucial two minutes of footage in which, during playback in slow motion the side of an unidentified figure can be clearly seen walking a few metres ahead of the shirtless "running man".

I know this is going to be harder for you to debunk as it is plain as day to anyone viewing the video.

And yes, they did indeed share the video of "the man they wanted to identify" and by omittance they did not show the footage of the man they did not wish to identify. Here in lies the point which is obvious to everyone.

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I'm amazed at the amount of people on this forum who vehemently defend these suspects when the reality is they don't know if they are responsible or not..Time will tell..It will be an international followed trial..

But lets hear the evidence against them before judging either way. You might actually be defending 2 brutal killers in you hope that its the people you already have decided to pin...


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Please stop discounting facts and reality simply because they don't match with what you want to believe.

Sure as long as we all agree with your opinions the world is in order, just remember only your facts and your ( Thai) reality counts

Dear JohnThailandJohn-please take your own advice as it is wise and "please stop discounting facts and reality because they don't match what you want to believe"

You are failing to counterargue the issue of the missing footage. I'm afraid saying it's "nonsense" isn't very convincing.


I'm amazed at the amount of people on this forum who vehemently defend these suspects when the reality is they don't know if they are responsible or not..Time will tell..It will be an international followed trial..

But lets hear the evidence against them before judging either way. You might actually be defending 2 brutal killers in you hope that its the people you already have decided to pin...

I'm not defending any killers, whoever they are.

I am defending justice which entails being sure that ALL guilty parties are tried, not just the convenient ones.

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