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Don't make the American angry.

He might have a gun.

Very true.....and probably taught how to maintain it and use it properly.....

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What nutty society do you come from where a gun is referred to as a Penis Extender. It is an insult plain and simple, the same as Merican or Septic tank. Now ISIS is cutting the heads off people on UTUBE and American men, British men and Australian men are put in harms way again with guns killing the murderers who have done these atrocities. Your experience is quite limited it you think ISIS will go away with a kind word.

Lol! the loonies have been cutting heads and arms and legs off people in the congo and many other african countries for decades and no one gave a sh-t. now all of a sudden the big brave americans and their lackeys have decided to ride to the rescue against a group they armed in the first place! lol. what a comedy!!

The Americans are also going to Africa to fight Ebola too. You think cutting heads off of journalists and aid volunteers is a comedy? You think Australia and the UK are lackeys of America? Boy you don't read much Thai Visa do you. The Australians and Brits dislike America if this forum is any indication.

See, but you are not being fair. You are attacking my country but not mentioning yours. Is it a cowardly nation? Get off my case and I'll get off yours. If you attack my country you should at least be man enough to post your own as a example of all that is good and just in the world.

little news flash for ya pal. the leaders of these nations know damn well that they can do this without paying a price at the polls no matter what the hoi polloi think. not that they havent been brainwashed by the same typed of media bootlickers that sucker americans time after time.. youre damn right britain and australia are lackeys of america. and stephen harper is the worst of the bunch!


The Americans are also going to Africa to fight Ebola too. You think cutting heads off of journalists and aid volunteers is a comedy? You think Australia and the UK are lackeys of America? Boy you don't read much Thai Visa do you. The Australians and Brits dislike America if this forum is any indication.

See, but you are not being fair. You are attacking my country but not mentioning yours. Is it a cowardly nation? Get off my case and I'll get off yours. If you attack my country you should at least be man enough to post your own as a example of all that is good and just in the world.

little news flash for ya pal. the leaders of these nations know damn well that they can do this without paying a price at the polls no matter what the hoi polloi think. not that they havent been brainwashed by the same typed of media bootlickers that sucker americans time after time.. youre damn right britain and australia are lackeys of america. and stephen harper is the worst of the bunch!

News flash? Pssst most people think it is a good idea to fight Ebola and ISIS, News flash back at ya.

Although you are the only pro Ebola and ISIS poster I have run into.


The Americans are also going to Africa to fight Ebola too. You think cutting heads off of journalists and aid volunteers is a comedy? You think Australia and the UK are lackeys of America? Boy you don't read much Thai Visa do you. The Australians and Brits dislike America if this forum is any indication.

See, but you are not being fair. You are attacking my country but not mentioning yours. Is it a cowardly nation? Get off my case and I'll get off yours. If you attack my country you should at least be man enough to post your own as a example of all that is good and just in the world.

little news flash for ya pal. the leaders of these nations know damn well that they can do this without paying a price at the polls no matter what the hoi polloi think. not that they havent been brainwashed by the same typed of media bootlickers that sucker americans time after time.. youre damn right britain and australia are lackeys of america. and stephen harper is the worst of the bunch!

News flash? Pssst most people think it is a good idea to fight Ebola and ISIS, News flash back at ya.

Although you are the only pro Ebola and ISIS poster I have run into.

lol! most americans thought saddam was responsible for 9/11 too! you wont make much headway appealing to that bunch pal. and there is that old americanism "youre either with us or agin us" rearing its hilarious head again!! dont agree with the nonsensical methods about to be employed in the middle east and youre automatically an ISIS supporter!! lol


The Americans are also going to Africa to fight Ebola too. You think cutting heads off of journalists and aid volunteers is a comedy? You think Australia and the UK are lackeys of America? Boy you don't read much Thai Visa do you. The Australians and Brits dislike America if this forum is any indication.

See, but you are not being fair. You are attacking my country but not mentioning yours. Is it a cowardly nation? Get off my case and I'll get off yours. If you attack my country you should at least be man enough to post your own as a example of all that is good and just in the world.

little news flash for ya pal. the leaders of these nations know damn well that they can do this without paying a price at the polls no matter what the hoi polloi think. not that they havent been brainwashed by the same typed of media bootlickers that sucker americans time after time.. youre damn right britain and australia are lackeys of america. and stephen harper is the worst of the bunch!

News flash? Pssst most people think it is a good idea to fight Ebola and ISIS, News flash back at ya.

Although you are the only pro Ebola and ISIS poster I have run into.

lol! most americans thought saddam was responsible for 9/11 too! you wont make much headway appealing to that bunch pal. and there is that old americanism "youre either with us or agin us" rearing its hilarious head again!! dont agree with the nonsensical methods about to be employed in the middle east and youre automatically an ISIS supporter!! lol

So you're anti Americanism has made you pro Ebola and pro ISIS? Or maybe I'm reading you wrong. America is fighting both ISIS and Ebola. What don't you like about that?


So you're anti Americanism has made you pro Ebola and pro ISIS? Or maybe I'm reading you wrong. America is fighting both ISIS and Ebola. What don't you like about that?

Maybe?? hahahahaahah



I most assuredly would not use ThaiVisa as a news source of any repute whatsoever... being 'merican means that I have the right to chose which outlet exercising the right of free speech that I want.


So you're anti Americanism has made you pro Ebola and pro ISIS? Or maybe I'm reading you wrong. America is fighting both ISIS and Ebola. What don't you like about that?

Maybe?? hahahahaahah

I feel your pain. Nobody wants a policeman of the world until they need one. Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS? Nobody wants America to be the policeman of the world.....until they need a policeman. Be a gentleman. I'm not talking about the past. I'm writing about today.

Do you want to live under Sharia law? Do you want your family to be killed by some African disease?

Who ya gonna call?


So you're anti Americanism has made you pro Ebola and pro ISIS? Or maybe I'm reading you wrong. America is fighting both ISIS and Ebola. What don't you like about that?

Maybe?? hahahahaahah

I feel your pain. Nobody wants a policeman of the world until they need one. Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS? Nobody wants America to be the policeman of the world.....until they need a policeman. Be a gentleman. I'm not talking about the past. I'm writing about today.

Do you want to live under Sharia law? Do you want your family to be killed by some African disease?

Who ya gonna call?

lol! incredible.!!!!


So you're anti Americanism has made you pro Ebola and pro ISIS? Or maybe I'm reading you wrong. America is fighting both ISIS and Ebola. What don't you like about that?

Maybe?? hahahahaahah

I feel your pain. Nobody wants a policeman of the world until they need one. Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS? Nobody wants America to be the policeman of the world.....until they need a policeman. Be a gentleman. I'm not talking about the past. I'm writing about today.

Do you want to live under Sharia law? Do you want your family to be killed by some African disease?

Who ya gonna call?

lol! incredible.!!!!

Is that the best you can do? Trollish answer? I posed a valid question and you have not the ability to answer? It is not funny nor incredible.

Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS? Nobody wants America to be the policeman of the world.....until they need a policeman. Be a gentleman. I'm not talking about the past. I'm writing about today.

Do you want to live under Sharia law? Do you want your family to be killed by some African disease?

Who ya gonna call?


Yeah, because it's always worked out so well in the past.

Tell us again how you ridded south east asia from the evil threat of communism?

You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?


So this time it's different?

If we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.

america has never learned from the past. why would they start now?


Is that the best you can do? Trollish answer? I posed a valid question and you have not the ability to answer? It is not funny nor incredible.

Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS? Nobody wants America to be the policeman of the world.....until they need a policeman. Be a gentleman. I'm not talking about the past. I'm writing about today.

Do you want to live under Sharia law? Do you want your family to be killed by some African disease?

Who ya gonna call?

valid question? live under sharia law?? lol! it gets more hilarious by the minute! a brand new domino theory for the 21 st century!! lol


So this time it's different?

If we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.

Flame away but you did not answer my question. Nor quote the post. So I did it for you.

You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

If you have a better answer, lets hear it?


So this time it's different?

If we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.

Flame away but you did not answer my question. Nor lquote the post. So I did it for you.

You too? Lost in the past? Try the news today. Do you want to die of Ebola or have your throat slit by ISIS?

Do you want America, the worlds policeman, to sit by like Switzerland stay neutral and do nothing?

If you want to discuss the past I can take any country to task for wrongs. I'm challenging you to talk about today. Do you have another answer? Or do you want to call America to solve the world's problems once again paid for by American taxpayers once again?

If you have a better answer, lets hear it?

solve the worlds problems?? lol.what alternate universe are you living in??


Is that the best you can do? Trollish answer? I posed a valid question and you have not the ability to answer? It is not funny nor incredible.

Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS? Nobody wants America to be the policeman of the world.....until they need a policeman. Be a gentleman. I'm not talking about the past. I'm writing about today.

Do you want to live under Sharia law? Do you want your family to be killed by some African disease?

Who ya gonna call?

valid question? live under sharia law?? lol! it gets more hilarious by the minute! a brand new domino theory for the 21 st century!! lol

Can't answer can you? Simple question but your only response is flaming again.

Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS?


You are allowed to use your super powers in Thailand if you have them. Just watch the X men and anything you can do like they can is legal here!


You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


remember, these guys invented the domino theory!!

Of course. That's why Thailand has a communist government now.

Oh, wait...


You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


remember, these guys invented the domino theory!!

Of course. That's why Thailand has a communist government now.

Oh, wait...

australia too! lol


You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


You tried to turn the thread into an anti gun anti American rant. I asked a simple question.

Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS?

All you can do is flame and obfuscate. What is Amazing is you want help but don't want to admit it.

Sure Ebola will eventually come to Thailand if not stopped and sure ISIS will eventually come to Thailand if not stopped.

But they both will be stopped. ISIS will be stopped by men from America, Britain and Australia with guns blazing.


You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


remember, these guys invented the domino theory!!

Still afraid to answer the question? Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS?


You think ISIS are about to come to Bangkok and slit my throat?


You tried to turn the thread into an anti gun anti American rant. I asked a simple question.

Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS?

All you can do is flame and obfuscate. What is Amazing is you want help but don't want to admit it.

Sure Ebola will eventually come to Thailand if not stopped and sure ISIS will eventually come to Thailand if not stopped.

But they both will be stopped. ISIS will be stopped by men from America, Britain and Australia with guns blazing.

ISIS is gonna come to america!! lol



Two trolls tried to hijack the thread and turn it into an anti American anti gun rant but got stopped when asked.

"Who else is going to stop Ebola? Who else is going to stop ISIS?"

With that I'll stop feeding their anti American troll.

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