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Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats

Lite Beer

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It was a warning given in an interview, wasn't it?

Went back to the original post...

"could be charged with "

Yeah sure, I read that too and I never questioned the context of that article [yet].

My question has always been about the "Headlines"

No good having headlines telling one thing but in the text saying something else.

Don't worry jdinasia, my initial thoughts have already been confirmed by Bigjules007.

Just twisting headlines to get more revenue.

As I said, I didn't ask questions about the context but the headlines in itself as they

are very close to:

<quote> sharing false information could lead to conflicts or misunderstandings ....<end quote>

Just look how you replied twice to something I did not ask. wink.png

Purely by omitting that small word "MIGHT" or "COULD BE", to me the headlines imply

something complete different. So Samui Times and ThaiVisa should take note:

<quote>People who share false information could be charged with insulting officials. <end quote>.

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Possibly concerned about a big rush of police suicides on Koh Tao of course we all believe the local police 100% we never had any doubt about the magnificent investigation or the outcome and our opinions haven’t changed a jot even with this latest notice issued. scapegoats perish the thought's

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Going back to the OP, they are basically saying that anyone disagreeing with / questioning the police could find themselves charged.

In most of the readers home countries here, I am sure it is the police who need to be ultra careful about any action or comment for fear of consequence, this place is completely the opposite / backward..... Take your pick.

How does that work in a democratic society which Thailand is / was?

With all the human rights people ( and respect to them) who have raised their heads in the past days this would be more fuel for their evidence of wrong doings.

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Oh My god, I am terrified, I live in England and I don't want to give myself away, as this tough cop has threatened Me , his long arm of the law can reach this far.

Oh he will catch Me when I visit Thailand, after this debacle, it is just reaffirming that I never want to ever go back.

Just not worth it.

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Oh My god, I am terrified, I live in England and I don't want to give myself away, as this tough cop has threatened Me , his long arm of the law can reach this far.

Oh he will catch Me when I visit Thailand, after this debacle, it is just reaffirming that I never want to ever go back.

Just not worth it.

Would help if you took that avatar photo off for a start, if it is a photo of you of course.

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Oh My god, I am terrified, I live in England and I don't want to give myself away, as this tough cop has threatened Me , his long arm of the law can reach this far.

Oh he will catch Me when I visit Thailand, after this debacle, it is just reaffirming that I never want to ever go back.

Just not worth it.

TAT is going to love this. The already have a list of approximately 50k offenders who signed a petition, that is 50k extradition applications for this horrendous crime of loss of face that makes the double murder look like j walking.
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Going back to the OP, they are basically saying that anyone disagreeing with / questioning the police could find themselves charged.

In most of the readers home countries here, I am sure it is the police who need to be ultra careful about any action or comment for fear of consequence, this place is completely the opposite / backward..... Take your pick.

How does that work in a democratic society which Thailand is / was?

With all the human rights people ( and respect to them) who have raised their heads in the past days this would be more fuel for their evidence of wrong doings.

No. You can disagree all you want..

What you cannot do is defame people in Thailand.

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Oh My god, I am terrified, I live in England and I don't want to give myself away, as this tough cop has threatened Me , his long arm of the law can reach this far.

Oh he will catch Me when I visit Thailand, after this debacle, it is just reaffirming that I never want to ever go back.

Just not worth it.

Got it!!

You won't be returning to Thailand yet you are posting on a Thai forum.

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Oh My god, I am terrified, I live in England and I don't want to give myself away, as this tough cop has threatened Me , his long arm of the law can reach this far.

Oh he will catch Me when I visit Thailand, after this debacle, it is just reaffirming that I never want to ever go back.

Just not worth it.

Would help if you took that avatar photo off for a start, if it is a photo of you of course.

I do not look like My Avatar photo, that is how I used to look.

Now I look like your Avatar.

Do you recognise the incredible likeness.

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Interesting that Thai Visa doesnt have an article that the third suspect came back to the room asd found the pair sleeping, with nothing to indicate a crime occured, and no one mentiones any blood anywhere in the residence,

has Thai Visa been pressured not to run more condemning stories?

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don't be so sure,

the NY Times has also picked it up, and the forced confessions arent gonna fly,

I wouldnt be surprised if the translator lied and got paid to lie,

isn't it interesting that as soon as real Burmese came to the case, it all changed?

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Don't think there's ever been such a huge social media sh*tstorm about a murder case in Thailand before, with international media getting involved, even if this doesn't get resolved hopefully it changes something.

I sometimes feel like Thais aren't 'awake' and living here is like being drunk, everyone just floats through life uploading Facebook selfies, but lately those same people have been sharing CSI LA updates and harshly criticizing Thai police, saying they're finally 'bored of Thai ways' and so on.

The girlfriend sees me reading Thaivisa updates and asked me if there were any farang who believe the Thai police version of events, she was shocked when I said yeah maybe 5% or so.

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Those who continue to ridicule the police, try to throw spanners into the works of the said investigation and make unfounded, unproven accusations against the Thai authorities, could be considered as enemies of the State, that I have no doubts will hold serious consequences for those detected.

Contrary to popular belief there are no 100% ways of staying anonymous online and when the IP addresses of the trouble makers are detected, the police can obtain a court order and impose that their ISPs submit the online activities of those concerned.

The people that are actively involved and making derogatory comments against the police and the Thai authorities on forums and in the social media who are staying in Thailand and following those living outside the Kingdom, such as participating in petitions and making negative statements are mugs, because they are leaving themselves vulnerable.and will be left holding the bag, for example visa extensions denied or even the possibility of arrest.

The above mentioned is only common sense and whether those involved continue to carry on with this of not is at their own risk and discretion.

I very much doubt social media investigations could be carried out transparently for millions in thailand to begin with then we CSI La and on and on.

They put themselves into this situation running blow by blow descriptions of their daily investigations, ruining the reputations of Chris Ware and his brother setting them up with false accusations not to mention planting clothes in Davids suitcase. This is why they are being harangued.

If they did their job as professionals should do this would never have occurred.

Quit the scaremongering here.

If they want to charge me fine but I'll be lawyered up. Remember transparency.

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Tourists coming to Thailand need to be aware that Travel Insurance does NOT cover you in a Martial Law Country. Best to check with your Travel Insurer.

I suggest you check your claim. Most do not cover places in a state of emergency

Mine and other insurers do NOT cover countries under Martial Law. I did say check with your insurer.

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Those who continue to ridicule the police, try to throw spanners into the works of the said investigation and make unfounded, unproven accusations against the Thai authorities, could be considered as enemies of the State, that I have no doubts will hold serious consequences for those detected.

Contrary to popular belief there are no 100% ways of staying anonymous online and when the IP addresses of the trouble makers are detected, the police can obtain a court order and impose that their ISPs submit the online activities of those concerned.

The people that are actively involved and making derogatory comments against the police and the Thai authorities on forums and in the social media who are staying in Thailand and following those living outside the Kingdom, such as participating in petitions and making negative statements are mugs, because they are leaving themselves vulnerable.and will be left holding the bag, for example visa extensions denied or even the possibility of arrest.

The above mentioned is only common sense and whether those involved continue to carry on with this of not is at their own risk and discretion.

I very much doubt social media investigations could be carried out transparently for millions in thailand to begin with then we CSI La and on and on.

They put themselves into this situation running blow by blow descriptions of their daily investigations, ruining the reputations of Chris Ware and his brother setting them up with false accusations not to mention planting clothes in Davids suitcase. This is why they are being harangued.

If they did their job as professionals should do this would never have occurred.

Quit the scaremongering here.

If they want to charge me fine but I'll be lawyered up. Remember transparency.

who were the even speaking too when they made that threat?

don't they understand, they have brought this upon themselves, directly?

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I suggest another reprehensible apologist for corrupt criminals be placed on ignore lists. Deprive the trolls oxygen.

Thank you!!

Always great when a forum noob ignores people with experience..

So this RTP & junta shill equates posting on a forum as experience in what? Life? Thailand? jd I may be a 'noob' in posting here, however I do have many years experience with real life Thailand, however have not bothered signing up to TV because of people such as yourself, Thai apologists afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome, taking over threads with your shrill harping.

I finally signed up though to add my voice to the majority of righteous citizens worldwide whom are speaking out against these despicable crimes on koh Tao. And may I add the police cover up in itself is just as despicable, or more, of a crime than the original crime(s) they are attempting to cover up.

And for people such as yourself to ignore the glaring contradictions and impossibilities in the police & junta's handling of this shows breathtaking stupidity or evil intent.

Go away jd and keep on building your worldy experience on internet forums. You are thoroughly contemptuous.

Wow... "the majority of righteous citizens worldwide "

That is an amazing claim!! One not supported by any facts!

44k esigs on change . com

. That is a majority in your mind??

BTW.. The greatest and worst thing about the internet is you can claim anything. I have actually met with members of TVF. And live here

You haven't met me. My instinct tells me there's something dark there. Devil advocate.

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Going back to the OP, they are basically saying that anyone disagreeing with / questioning the police could find themselves charged.

In most of the readers home countries here, I am sure it is the police who need to be ultra careful about any action or comment for fear of consequence, this place is completely the opposite / backward..... Take your pick.

How does that work in a democratic society which Thailand is / was?

With all the human rights people ( and respect to them) who have raised their heads in the past days this would be more fuel for their evidence of wrong doings.

No. You can disagree all you want..

What you cannot do is defame people in Thailand.

So what you are saying is that you support the suppression of freedom of speech?

Especially when people are making 'informed' opinions based on what is in front of them?

If you want to live in a censored police state that is rife with corruption without the ability 'or right' to even comment on it, then please leave this country and move to North Korea. Don't try and convince me this is a perfect state for Thailand. You don't have the right to demand that of the Thai people.

BTW.... Thai people who almost certainly don't agree with you..... especially on this topic.

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Going back to the OP, they are basically saying that anyone disagreeing with / questioning the police could find themselves charged.

In most of the readers home countries here, I am sure it is the police who need to be ultra careful about any action or comment for fear of consequence, this place is completely the opposite / backward..... Take your pick.

How does that work in a democratic society which Thailand is / was?

With all the human rights people ( and respect to them) who have raised their heads in the past days this would be more fuel for their evidence of wrong doings.

No. You can disagree all you want..

What you cannot do is defame people in Thailand.

So what you are saying is that you support the suppression of freedom of speech?

Especially when people are making 'informed' opinions based on what is in front of them?

If you want to live in a censored police state that is rife with corruption without the ability 'or right' to even comment on it, then please leave this country and move to North Korea. Don't try and convince me this is a perfect state for Thailand. You don't have the right to demand that of the Thai people.

BTW.... Thai people who almost certainly don't agree with you..... especially on this topic.


You managed an entire post without getting anything at all correct.

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I suggest another reprehensible apologist for corrupt criminals be placed on ignore lists. Deprive the trolls oxygen.

Thank you!!

Always great when a forum noob ignores people with experience..

So this RTP & junta shill equates posting on a forum as experience in what? Life? Thailand? jd I may be a 'noob' in posting here, however I do have many years experience with real life Thailand, however have not bothered signing up to TV because of people such as yourself, Thai apologists afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome, taking over threads with your shrill harping.

I finally signed up though to add my voice to the majority of righteous citizens worldwide whom are speaking out against these despicable crimes on koh Tao. And may I add the police cover up in itself is just as despicable, or more, of a crime than the original crime(s) they are attempting to cover up.

And for people such as yourself to ignore the glaring contradictions and impossibilities in the police & junta's handling of this shows breathtaking stupidity or evil intent.

Go away jd and keep on building your worldy experience on internet forums. You are thoroughly contemptuous.

Wow... "the majority of righteous citizens worldwide "

That is an amazing claim!! One not supported by any facts!

44k esigs on change . com

. That is a majority in your mind??

BTW.. The greatest and worst thing about the internet is you can claim anything. I have actually met with members of TVF. And live here

You haven't met me. My instinct tells me there's something dark there. Devil advocate.

You would need to be in Thailand for me to meet you.

Your instinct (magical thinking) does not interest me.

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