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Farangs Involved In Bad Behavior At Waterford


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Had to wait around while running an errand and picked up a Thai Rath dated the 19th. It had a story on the cover about four farangs, three Swedes and an American woman, who allegedly attacked a Thai woman working PR at the Waterford luxury accomodations in Prakanong. The three Swedes were in the masters program at Bangkok U, and the American was a language teacher. All in their 20s. Anyway, apprently it started when the group placed their dog in the pool and it did its business somewhere around or in there. The Thai woman who was later attacked went up to the 6th floor where this group apparently lives and gave them a reprimand. That started a feud between her and the American woman, that culminated in the American woman spitting on her and and attacking her some days later. The others somehow then got involved in attacking her as well and the Thai woman had some bruising and scratches. There was also an incident at some point in which cigarettes were dropped on people from the apartment. The Thai woman was 4 months pregnant and was hospitalized for observation for a few days.

The above is totally from memory and there could easily be some particulars I forgot or got wrong, but that was the gist of it. I don't recall seeing this posted on the forum and couldn't find it in a search. My apologies if this has already been the subject of a post.

Anybody know any more?

Edited by qualtrough
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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

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Guest endure

Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

The people who deserve to go to gaol in Thailand are the people who break Thai laws, regardless of their nationality.

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

I am not suggesting the key being thrown away,but a short sharp shock may make other idiots out there think twice before crapping on those weaker than themselves.

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

I am not suggesting the key being thrown away,but a short sharp shock may make other idiots out there think twice before crapping on those weaker than themselves.

Most of the times they are too drunk to realise <deleted> they're doing. They're a shame for us farangs, that's obvious.

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Some news reported in The Thai press. It never makes it to the Bangkok post ,Nation etc. Do they want to paint a bad picture of Farang?

I think some of the Farang contingent paint that picture just fine themselves without need of help from a third party.

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i dont think this is the full story.

from memory, there has been a lot of problems at the waterford.

i remember reading in the Post earlier this year that the owners had turned the water off and barred the residents from certain areas.

there were also claims of intimidation from the staff who worked there.

it seems the whole mess is still going on......

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The incident had been reported to the police. In Thairath, all 4 had been named but not so in Dailynews. Here's the link.

It's interesting to read comments beneath the news though.

Woul you be kind enough with a tranaslation of the article & the comments.Thank you.

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Lock them up I say, how low is it to attack a pregnant lady. Who cares if Thai jails are a hel_l hole, it not suppose to be a holiday, its suppose to be punishment, and it will make them think twice about doing it again.

Low lifes!

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donz - maybe they didnt? there are big problems at waterford and has been for months. there is a running dispute between the tenants and the owners. that should be taken into account when reading an unsubstantiated newspaper story.

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donz - maybe they didnt? there are big problems at waterford and has been for months. there is a running dispute between the tenants and the owners. that should be taken into account when reading an unsubstantiated newspaper story.

well if its all true then they should be locked up for attacking a pregnant woman

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

One of my staff went to jail for 2 years for selling drugs and 1 was there for beeing drunk when driving for a week. In both cases it was not that hel_l like you normaly belive in farangistan.

2 week jail would help these people for sure.

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

One of my staff went to jail for 2 years for selling drugs and 1 was there for beeing drunk when driving for a week. In both cases it was not that hel_l like you normaly belive in farangistan.

2 week jail would help these people for sure.

In australia you get compensation if you get bashed. Last week on the news a pedo who raped a girl for $178,000.00 compo for getting bashed in jail, unbelieveable.

Also our worst serial killer Ivan Malat got a TV and a toaster for being good? it this a jail or a holiday.

I think jails should be made scummy place that no-one ever wants to go to.

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Not enough facts to condemn anyone yet. 4 Months pregnant, I'm not versed in these things, does a woman show at 4 months? If she was 'Miss Dunkin Donuts 2006' its unlikely they would have known that she was pregnant at the time. That doesn't change the fact that they alledgedly assaulted her but it could be used in their defense if the 'You swines hit a pregnant woman' card is played.

Donz, whats with the new avatar? The whole 'ninja assasin' look is a definate change....

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really, on my computer the little kid has come back, So does it show the ninja on your comp??

I havent changed it back to the kid but the kid is showing?

Well im just saying if its true they deserved to get locked up.

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

One of my staff went to jail for 2 years for selling drugs and 1 was there for beeing drunk when driving for a week. In both cases it was not that hel_l like you normaly belive in farangistan.

2 week jail would help these people for sure.

In australia you get compensation if you get bashed. Last week on the news a pedo who raped a girl for $178,000.00 compo for getting bashed in jail, unbelieveable.

Also our worst serial killer Ivan Malat got a TV and a toaster for being good? it this a jail or a holiday.

I think jails should be made scummy place that no-one ever wants to go to.

You eed a few of those old British Convict ships, complete with rats and Brutal guards. Give them a slow Coastal "Tour of Australia for 3 months under the same conditions that prevailed nearly 300 years ago

That will sort them out :o

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

One of my staff went to jail for 2 years for selling drugs and 1 was there for beeing drunk when driving for a week. In both cases it was not that hel_l like you normaly belive in farangistan.

2 week jail would help these people for sure.

In australia you get compensation if you get bashed. Last week on the news a pedo who raped a girl for $178,000.00 compo for getting bashed in jail, unbelieveable.

Also our worst serial killer Ivan Malat got a TV and a toaster for being good? it this a jail or a holiday.

I think jails should be made scummy place that no-one ever wants to go to.

Yes and no on this one. Yes jails should be made pretty uncomfortable to encourage reform. No, people should not get bashed when in prison. If the government tells you that if you break the law you will be detained at their leisure, then they should provide facilities where your life is not in danger. Whilst I find it very hard to sympathise with the character you mentioned above Donz, (perhaps all his awarded damages should be paid to his victims family?) I do feel sorry for people who get done over when awaiting trial or held on a DUI or minor crime.

I really can't believe the conditions that some prisoners are kept in. One kid in my home town was taken on a 3 week safari in Kenya and was back at it within days. What of his victims? NoTVs, no playstations, bring back the 'Shawshank Redemption' minus the shower scenes and 'the sisters' thats what I say.

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really, on my computer the little kid has come back, So does it show the ninja on your comp??

I havent changed it back to the kid but the kid is showing?

Well im just saying if its true they deserved to get locked up.

Still the Ninja Donz, with his sinister outlook on the world! Bring back the kid thats what I say! The ninja doesn't suit your lightheartedness. Kind of like making grenades to look like fluffy bunnies.

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The link in a previous post is to a Daily News account of the story from Thai Rath that I related in the first post. It differs from the Thai Rath account by saying that all 4 foreigners were men, and that two were Swedes and two were Americans. (In the Thai Rath account one person was identified as a farang woman from the USA, and they provided what was clearly a woman's name.) It also says that there dog damaged things and shit near the pool, but nothing about the dog swimming in the pool. The article says that when the four saw the police coming they locked themselves in their room but were eventually persuaded to open it. They were taken down for questioning and released, with a possibility of charges being filed if the claim of the victim is found to be warranted.

Edited by qualtrough
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Just the fact that the two stories are so different should raise warning flags. This is not the first time the newspapers get the details wrong. If you look at the 'Canadian journalist shot...' thread, you will see that differing stories give differing nationalities and different names to the participants, and report different circumstances for the exact same event.

Take all these stories with a big pinch of salt.

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Never heard anything about it.However if what you say is correct,I hope they go to jail.Give us all a bad name,people who come here and act like they own the <deleted> place.

Have you ever been to jail in Thailand? I didn't, but I've heard about it. Now, punks like these here, we have all over Europe and US and Australia, etc...and they are not going to jail, but receive a big time fine and maybe, if the victim is kucky, a few slaps.

I'm not saying they weren't a bunch of sh1tty ######, but I think you should focus on what a thai jail is and who deserves to go there.

I just hope they had their share from the brownies, they have a special talent on convincing people that they've been "no good"

One of my staff went to jail for 2 years for selling drugs and 1 was there for beeing drunk when driving for a week. In both cases it was not that hel_l like you normaly belive in farangistan.

2 week jail would help these people for sure.

In australia you get compensation if you get bashed. Last week on the news a pedo who raped a girl for $178,000.00 compo for getting bashed in jail, unbelieveable.

Also our worst serial killer Ivan Malat got a TV and a toaster for being good? it this a jail or a holiday.

I think jails should be made scummy place that no-one ever wants to go to.

You eed a few of those old British Convict ships, complete with rats and Brutal guards. Give them a slow Coastal "Tour of Australia for 3 months under the same conditions that prevailed nearly 300 years ago

That will sort them out :o

To deport our freaks to USA and Australia was a good idea. But they multiplied themself and now they are coming back. Who would have expected that in the good old times. If our forefathers would have knew that, they would have found another solution.....

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