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Farangs Involved In Bad Behavior At Waterford


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Just had a quick look through the comments below the Daily News online article about this incident. What struck me is that they are almost identical to the kind of comments you find here when the shoe is on the other foot, i.e. a farang is the victim of something. Two of my favorites were "Make them eat dog shit" and the other was someone repeating the old Chinese saying of "Kill a chicken to scare the monkeys", meaning they should be dealt with severely as a lesson to other farangs.

I have a question. Why didn't the mods see fit to post this story? Seems every crime in which a foreigner is a victim is worthy of a post. Funny they should miss this one (on the front page of Thai Rath) in which farangs may have been the perpetrators...

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Just had a quick look through the comments below the Daily News online article about this incident. What struck me is that they are almost identical to the kind of comments you find here when the shoe is on the other foot, i.e. a farang is the victim of something. Two of my favorites were "Make them eat dog shit" and the other was someone repeating the old Chinese saying of "Kill a chicken to scare the monkeys", meaning they should be dealt with severely as a lesson to other farangs.

I have a question. Why didn't the mods see fit to post this story? Seems every crime in which a foreigner is a victim is worthy of a post. Funny they should miss this one (on the front page of Thai Rath) in which farangs may have been the perpetrators...

As has been said, the story did not appear in an English language newspaper, which are the sources of 99% of the news on this website. It has nothing to do with who is the victim of what.

This topic is running now and as demonstrated above anyone can say their piece, even though the story still seems a little muddled to me.

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I think you all miss the point.

This story is just another in a series of incidents that bring Thailand's increasing anti farang sentiments to the fore.

The very fact that the story was printed in 2 different thai papers, in 2 different versions, one apparently quite factual, the second somewhat contrived, points to the fact that it was planted to elicit the response it did.

Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

rather than engaging in uninformed speculation, why not take a step back and look at what you can see -- the growing impatience of the Thai middle class against farang.

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Lock them up I say, how low is it to attack a pregnant lady. Who cares if Thai jails are a hel_l hole, it not suppose to be a holiday, its suppose to be punishment, and it will make them think twice about doing it again.

Low lifes!

Donz, I agree with most of your posts, I found them sometimes funny and sometimes very intelligent, but I think you should think twice about thai jails. I've seen people there, my embassy had shown me facts and pictures...punishment is one, torture is something else

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I think you all miss the point.

This story is just another in a series of incidents that bring Thailand's increasing anti farang sentiments to the fore.

The very fact that the story was printed in 2 different thai papers, in 2 different versions, one apparently quite factual, the second somewhat contrived, points to the fact that it was planted to elicit the response it did.

Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

rather than engaging in uninformed speculation, why not take a step back and look at what you can see -- the growing impatience of the Thai middle class against farang.

what utter rubbish. when you come out from behind the sofa take a real look around.

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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

like the translations that were provided to the comments in the article we are discussing?

As for my comment being rubbish, if you deny that there anti farang sentiments in Bangkok, perhaps it is you who should takwe a good lok around

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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

Like I'd care about some monkeys wondering why do human use shampoo instead of eating eachothers louses.

Edited by alexth
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Thai Rath and Daily news are the equivalent of tabloids in the UK or Australia.

Not saying it didn't happen, but a pinch of salt is definetly needed.


Are you saying these fine publications are sometimes a little short on facts and are of the school that you do not let the truth get in the way of a good story. Surely this only happpens in the highly sophisticated cities of the world, and in comic books.

Are they owned by Murdoch? (or his Thai butler, maid or ....) :o

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I think you all miss the point.

This story is just another in a series of incidents that bring Thailand's increasing anti farang sentiments to the fore.

The very fact that the story was printed in 2 different thai papers, in 2 different versions, one apparently quite factual, the second somewhat contrived, points to the fact that it was planted to elicit the response it did.

Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

rather than engaging in uninformed speculation, why not take a step back and look at what you can see -- the growing impatience of the Thai middle class against farang.

This was not a case of a middle class Thai woman having a go at a Farang, but of an obnxious archetypal loud mouthed agressively moaning Californian, expecting to get way with murder. It was a situation that had been simmering for three days before it came to a head. The individual concerned is lucky to be a liberty thanks to the generosity of a benevolent individual. I have known farangs to rot in jail for less. Had the event taken place in her native California, she would be looking at a lengthy period of incarceration. So unless you know the facts, which none of you don't, please don't put this one down to a Thai having a go at a Farang!

Edited by marquess
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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

Like I'd care about some monkeys wondering why do human use shampoo instead of eating eachothers louses.

Straight through to the keeper there Alexth. Good try. Maybe a try-hard response for comments past?

you have to be a yank. Sarcasm was dripping from my comment.

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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

Like I'd care about some monkeys wondering why do human use shampoo instead of eating eachothers louses.

Straight through to the keeper there Alexth. Good try. Maybe a try-hard response for comments past?

you have to be a yank. Sarcasm was dripping from my comment.

If you'd check my other posts you'd see that I'm definitely not american. As for my last post, I was trying to point out that those sites are full of bashers and 4th grade thais. Anyway, I can see you're a quick one on making assumptions.

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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

Like I'd care about some monkeys wondering why do human use shampoo instead of eating eachothers louses.

Straight through to the keeper there Alexth. Good try. Maybe a try-hard response for comments past?

you have to be a yank. Sarcasm was dripping from my comment.

If you'd check my other posts you'd see that I'm definitely not american. As for my last post, I was trying to point out that those sites are full of bashers and 4th grade thais. Anyway, I can see you're a quick one on making assumptions.

Which was my point.....they are useless for an insight into thai society.

apologies, I was a bit quick off the mark. Bit paranoid today. I'll take my drugs now.

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We are still none the wiser I think.

Could you give us a lowdown of the events as related to you, Marquess?

As I understand matters the individual had a dog that, she was not supposed to have, and had allowed the beast to swim in the pool and piss in it. And had been warned off, such a practise, and due to the innately antagonistic nature of the female, she took offence. From what I understand, when she failed to pay heed, the next day the woman (the pregnant one), was taking pics of what was going on. That is when things got hot, an argument ensued, and the offending female, got two of her friends to hold the Thai woman whilst she hit her. They were all later arrested! Beyond what I have said I can say no more, as the matter could still be on going. I just wish that you would all take note, that the offender here was the Farang and not the Thai lady! Who just had the misfortune to be brutely assulted, by and indvidual who should really be in jail right now!

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"Which was my point.....they are useless for an insight into thai society.

apologies, I was a bit quick off the mark. Bit paranoid today. I'll take my drugs now."


:o No, acutally it was right on the mark. Accusing the yank-basher of being a yank - priceless.

Edited by kat
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On a more serious note: I do agree that the Thai press panders to anti-farang sentiment in their news coverage, or at least defensively Thai in the way they report details. It also sounds like it was a simmering situation, so who knows what details are missing.

However, if this did occur as it was reported by Marquess, then I have to agree that the Swedes and American woman are guilty of assault. They should be reprimanded, fined, and whatever else. But, even bruises and scratches does not warrant a jail term in the West.

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If Marquess is indeed correct,the perpetrators should indeed be locked up.3 against 1? If there is one thing I really cannot stand,it is a bully,and bullies need a taste of their own medicine.

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hmm ..... so you'd advocate locking up 4 people for bruises and scratches ... in that case you might as well lock up the whole country, because assaults are usually done in groups here.

But, I do agree that the group should be punished and reprimanded, within reasonable balance and precedence of the law.

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Kat,I am not talking about the Tower of London here with leg irons etc.I agree with your point of reasonable balance and precidence of the law,but a reprimand I do not feel is appropriate in this instance.I feel very strongly about bullying.

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No,they would most likely recieve compensation for hurt feelings if they were from abroad and the victim was British.I have very little faith in the justice of my home country.Why does Thailand need to copy worst practice?

Edited by baboon
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Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

I look forward then to the relevant links and the translations that you can provide for the greater TV community.

like the translations that were provided to the comments in the article we are discussing?

As for my comment being rubbish, if you deny that there anti farang sentiments in Bangkok, perhaps it is you who should takwe a good lok around

Anti-farang? Utter rubbish is correct.

Never felt any negativities toward me self in Bkk or anywhere in Thiland for that matter. May be its just you? It could be that you need to ask yourself "what did I do to offend these people"?.

I agree with Don Z. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Lock their asses in jail to teach them a lesson.

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I think you all miss the point.

This story is just another in a series of incidents that bring Thailand's increasing anti farang sentiments to the fore.

The very fact that the story was printed in 2 different thai papers, in 2 different versions, one apparently quite factual, the second somewhat contrived, points to the fact that it was planted to elicit the response it did.

Check out panthip.com, bangkokrecorder.com and any other of a number of sites on which Thais post to see in what high regard farang in Bangkok are held.

rather than engaging in uninformed speculation, why not take a step back and look at what you can see -- the growing impatience of the Thai middle class against farang.

This was not a case of a middle class Thai woman having a go at a Farang, but of an obnxious archetypal loud mouthed agressively moaning Californian, expecting to get way with murder. It was a situation that had been simmering for three days before it came to a head. The individual concerned is lucky to be a liberty thanks to the generosity of a benevolent individual. I have known farangs to rot in jail for less. Had the event taken place in her native California, she would be looking at a lengthy period of incarceration. So unless you know the facts, which none of you don't, please don't put this one down to a Thai having a go at a Farang!


I was in no way saying the incident was about a middle class Thai having a go at a farang, nor do i believe (without firsthand knowledge) that it was anyone but the farnags fault. She sounds like a right pain.

What I was trying to say is that in the aftermath of an incident like this it becomes apparent that all is not butterflies and puppy dogs in the land of smiles and that there is a strong anti-farang sentiment always waiting close to the surface.

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The media in ALL countries are usually anti foreign. Some of you want to just point out thai media will defend Thai people, Go to the US and there media says all sorts of things and reports one sided trying to make the US always the great one, same as in Australia. Alot of news is anti muslim and anti asian.

Im sure its the same in the UK too as we are told in Oz that your tabloids and media are the worst in the world.

Also some of you are saying just bruises and scratches?? how are they usually given?? its by bashing and assualting, so dont try and make it sound like it was just a slap on the face.

I really hope Thai justice system doesnt try to copy the west, dont know about UK or USA but ours in Oz is a joke. Letting rapists out in 5-10 years but a muslim rapists a few years back for 55 years.

The law in Thailand should be applied as it is to there locals, you should commit a crime then later say the penalty is too harsh??

They shouldnt have done it in the first place

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